/* * Copyright (c) 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2016 Nicira, Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include #include "unixctl.h" #include #include #include "coverage.h" #include "dirs.h" #include "openvswitch/dynamic-string.h" #include "openvswitch/json.h" #include "jsonrpc.h" #include "openvswitch/list.h" #include "poll-loop.h" #include "openvswitch/shash.h" #include "stream.h" #include "stream-provider.h" #include "svec.h" #include "openvswitch/vlog.h" VLOG_DEFINE_THIS_MODULE(unixctl); COVERAGE_DEFINE(unixctl_received); COVERAGE_DEFINE(unixctl_replied); struct unixctl_command { const char *usage; int min_args, max_args; unixctl_cb_func *cb; void *aux; }; struct unixctl_conn { struct ovs_list node; struct jsonrpc *rpc; /* Only one request can be in progress at a time. While the request is * being processed, 'request_id' is populated, otherwise it is null. */ struct json *request_id; /* ID of the currently active request. */ }; /* Server for control connection. */ struct unixctl_server { struct pstream *listener; struct ovs_list conns; }; static struct vlog_rate_limit rl = VLOG_RATE_LIMIT_INIT(5, 5); static struct shash commands = SHASH_INITIALIZER(&commands); static void unixctl_list_commands(struct unixctl_conn *conn, int argc OVS_UNUSED, const char *argv[] OVS_UNUSED, void *aux OVS_UNUSED) { struct ds ds = DS_EMPTY_INITIALIZER; const struct shash_node **nodes = shash_sort(&commands); size_t i; ds_put_cstr(&ds, "The available commands are:\n"); for (i = 0; i < shash_count(&commands); i++) { const struct shash_node *node = nodes[i]; const struct unixctl_command *command = node->data; ds_put_format(&ds, " %-23s %s\n", node->name, command->usage); } free(nodes); unixctl_command_reply(conn, ds_cstr(&ds)); ds_destroy(&ds); } static void unixctl_version(struct unixctl_conn *conn, int argc OVS_UNUSED, const char *argv[] OVS_UNUSED, void *aux OVS_UNUSED) { unixctl_command_reply(conn, ovs_get_program_version()); } /* Registers a unixctl command with the given 'name'. 'usage' describes the * arguments to the command; it is used only for presentation to the user in * "list-commands" output. * * 'cb' is called when the command is received. It is passed an array * containing the command name and arguments, plus a copy of 'aux'. Normally * 'cb' should reply by calling unixctl_command_reply() or * unixctl_command_reply_error() before it returns, but if the command cannot * be handled immediately then it can defer the reply until later. A given * connection can only process a single request at a time, so a reply must be * made eventually to avoid blocking that connection. */ void unixctl_command_register(const char *name, const char *usage, int min_args, int max_args, unixctl_cb_func *cb, void *aux) { struct unixctl_command *command; struct unixctl_command *lookup = shash_find_data(&commands, name); ovs_assert(!lookup || lookup->cb == cb); if (lookup) { return; } command = xmalloc(sizeof *command); command->usage = usage; command->min_args = min_args; command->max_args = max_args; command->cb = cb; command->aux = aux; shash_add(&commands, name, command); } static void unixctl_command_reply__(struct unixctl_conn *conn, bool success, const char *body) { struct json *body_json; struct jsonrpc_msg *reply; COVERAGE_INC(unixctl_replied); ovs_assert(conn->request_id); if (!body) { body = ""; } if (body[0] && body[strlen(body) - 1] != '\n') { body_json = json_string_create_nocopy(xasprintf("%s\n", body)); } else { body_json = json_string_create(body); } if (success) { reply = jsonrpc_create_reply(body_json, conn->request_id); } else { reply = jsonrpc_create_error(body_json, conn->request_id); } if (VLOG_IS_DBG_ENABLED()) { char *id = json_to_string(conn->request_id, 0); VLOG_DBG("replying with %s, id=%s: \"%s\"", success ? "success" : "error", id, body); free(id); } /* If jsonrpc_send() returns an error, the run loop will take care of the * problem eventually. */ jsonrpc_send(conn->rpc, reply); json_destroy(conn->request_id); conn->request_id = NULL; } /* Replies to the active unixctl connection 'conn'. 'result' is sent to the * client indicating the command was processed successfully. Only one call to * unixctl_command_reply() or unixctl_command_reply_error() may be made per * request. */ void unixctl_command_reply(struct unixctl_conn *conn, const char *result) { unixctl_command_reply__(conn, true, result); } /* Replies to the active unixctl connection 'conn'. 'error' is sent to the * client indicating an error occurred processing the command. Only one call to * unixctl_command_reply() or unixctl_command_reply_error() may be made per * request. */ void unixctl_command_reply_error(struct unixctl_conn *conn, const char *error) { unixctl_command_reply__(conn, false, error); } /* Creates a unixctl server listening on 'path', which for POSIX may be: * * - NULL, in which case /..ctl is used. * * - A name that does not start with '/', in which case it is put in * . * * - An absolute path (starting with '/') that gives the exact name of * the Unix domain socket to listen on. * * For Windows, a local named pipe is used. A file is created in 'path' * which may be: * * - NULL, in which case /.ctl is used. * * - An absolute path that gives the name of the file. * * For both POSIX and Windows, if the path is "none", the function will * return successfully but no socket will actually be created. * * A program that (optionally) daemonizes itself should call this function * *after* daemonization, so that the socket name contains the pid of the * daemon instead of the pid of the program that exited. (Otherwise, * "ovs-appctl --target=" will fail.) * * Returns 0 if successful, otherwise a positive errno value. If successful, * sets '*serverp' to the new unixctl_server (or to NULL if 'path' was "none"), * otherwise to NULL. */ int unixctl_server_create(const char *path, struct unixctl_server **serverp) { struct unixctl_server *server; struct pstream *listener; char *punix_path; int error; *serverp = NULL; if (path && !strcmp(path, "none")) { return 0; } if (path) { char *abs_path; #ifndef _WIN32 abs_path = abs_file_name(ovs_rundir(), path); #else abs_path = xstrdup(path); #endif punix_path = xasprintf("punix:%s", abs_path); free(abs_path); } else { #ifndef _WIN32 punix_path = xasprintf("punix:%s/%s.%ld.ctl", ovs_rundir(), program_name, (long int) getpid()); #else punix_path = xasprintf("punix:%s/%s.ctl", ovs_rundir(), program_name); #endif } error = pstream_open(punix_path, &listener, 0); if (error) { ovs_error(error, "could not initialize control socket %s", punix_path); goto exit; } unixctl_command_register("list-commands", "", 0, 0, unixctl_list_commands, NULL); unixctl_command_register("version", "", 0, 0, unixctl_version, NULL); server = xmalloc(sizeof *server); server->listener = listener; ovs_list_init(&server->conns); *serverp = server; exit: free(punix_path); return error; } static void process_command(struct unixctl_conn *conn, struct jsonrpc_msg *request) { char *error = NULL; struct unixctl_command *command; struct json_array *params; COVERAGE_INC(unixctl_received); conn->request_id = json_clone(request->id); if (VLOG_IS_DBG_ENABLED()) { char *params_s = json_to_string(request->params, 0); char *id_s = json_to_string(request->id, 0); VLOG_DBG("received request %s%s, id=%s", request->method, params_s, id_s); free(params_s); free(id_s); } params = json_array(request->params); command = shash_find_data(&commands, request->method); if (!command) { error = xasprintf("\"%s\" is not a valid command (use " "\"list-commands\" to see a list of valid commands)", request->method); } else if (params->n < command->min_args) { error = xasprintf("\"%s\" command requires at least %d arguments", request->method, command->min_args); } else if (params->n > command->max_args) { error = xasprintf("\"%s\" command takes at most %d arguments", request->method, command->max_args); } else { struct svec argv = SVEC_EMPTY_INITIALIZER; int i; svec_add(&argv, request->method); for (i = 0; i < params->n; i++) { if (params->elems[i]->type != JSON_STRING) { error = xasprintf("\"%s\" command has non-string argument", request->method); break; } svec_add(&argv, json_string(params->elems[i])); } svec_terminate(&argv); if (!error) { command->cb(conn, argv.n, (const char **) argv.names, command->aux); } svec_destroy(&argv); } if (error) { unixctl_command_reply_error(conn, error); free(error); } } static int run_connection(struct unixctl_conn *conn) { int error, i; jsonrpc_run(conn->rpc); error = jsonrpc_get_status(conn->rpc); if (error || jsonrpc_get_backlog(conn->rpc)) { return error; } for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) { struct jsonrpc_msg *msg; if (error || conn->request_id) { break; } jsonrpc_recv(conn->rpc, &msg); if (msg) { if (msg->type == JSONRPC_REQUEST) { process_command(conn, msg); } else { VLOG_WARN_RL(&rl, "%s: received unexpected %s message", jsonrpc_get_name(conn->rpc), jsonrpc_msg_type_to_string(msg->type)); error = EINVAL; } jsonrpc_msg_destroy(msg); } error = error ? error : jsonrpc_get_status(conn->rpc); } return error; } static void kill_connection(struct unixctl_conn *conn) { ovs_list_remove(&conn->node); jsonrpc_close(conn->rpc); json_destroy(conn->request_id); free(conn); } void unixctl_server_run(struct unixctl_server *server) { if (!server) { return; } for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { struct stream *stream; int error; error = pstream_accept(server->listener, &stream); if (!error) { struct unixctl_conn *conn = xzalloc(sizeof *conn); ovs_list_push_back(&server->conns, &conn->node); conn->rpc = jsonrpc_open(stream); } else if (error == EAGAIN) { break; } else { VLOG_WARN_RL(&rl, "%s: accept failed: %s", pstream_get_name(server->listener), ovs_strerror(error)); } } struct unixctl_conn *conn, *next; LIST_FOR_EACH_SAFE (conn, next, node, &server->conns) { int error = run_connection(conn); if (error && error != EAGAIN) { kill_connection(conn); } } } void unixctl_server_wait(struct unixctl_server *server) { struct unixctl_conn *conn; if (!server) { return; } pstream_wait(server->listener); LIST_FOR_EACH (conn, node, &server->conns) { jsonrpc_wait(conn->rpc); if (!jsonrpc_get_backlog(conn->rpc)) { jsonrpc_recv_wait(conn->rpc); } } } /* Destroys 'server' and stops listening for connections. */ void unixctl_server_destroy(struct unixctl_server *server) { if (server) { struct unixctl_conn *conn, *next; LIST_FOR_EACH_SAFE (conn, next, node, &server->conns) { kill_connection(conn); } pstream_close(server->listener); free(server); } } /* On POSIX based systems, connects to a unixctl server socket. 'path' should * be the name of a unixctl server socket. If it does not start with '/', it * will be prefixed with the rundir (e.g. /usr/local/var/run/openvswitch). * * On Windows, connects to a local named pipe. A file which resides in * 'path' is used to mimic the behavior of a Unix domain socket. * 'path' should be an absolute path of the file. * * Returns 0 if successful, otherwise a positive errno value. If successful, * sets '*client' to the new jsonrpc, otherwise to NULL. */ int unixctl_client_create(const char *path, struct jsonrpc **client) { char *abs_path, *unix_path; struct stream *stream; int error; #ifdef _WIN32 abs_path = xstrdup(path); #else abs_path = abs_file_name(ovs_rundir(), path); #endif unix_path = xasprintf("unix:%s", abs_path); *client = NULL; error = stream_open_block(stream_open(unix_path, &stream, DSCP_DEFAULT), &stream); free(unix_path); free(abs_path); if (error) { VLOG_WARN("failed to connect to %s", path); return error; } *client = jsonrpc_open(stream); return 0; } /* Executes 'command' on the server with an argument vector 'argv' containing * 'argc' elements. If successfully communicated with the server, returns 0 * and sets '*result', or '*err' (not both) to the result or error the server * returned. Otherwise, sets '*result' and '*err' to NULL and returns a * positive errno value. The caller is responsible for freeing '*result' or * '*err' if not NULL. */ int unixctl_client_transact(struct jsonrpc *client, const char *command, int argc, char *argv[], char **result, char **err) { struct jsonrpc_msg *request, *reply; struct json **json_args, *params; int error, i; *result = NULL; *err = NULL; json_args = xmalloc(argc * sizeof *json_args); for (i = 0; i < argc; i++) { json_args[i] = json_string_create(argv[i]); } params = json_array_create(json_args, argc); request = jsonrpc_create_request(command, params, NULL); error = jsonrpc_transact_block(client, request, &reply); if (error) { VLOG_WARN("error communicating with %s: %s", jsonrpc_get_name(client), ovs_retval_to_string(error)); return error; } if (reply->error) { if (reply->error->type == JSON_STRING) { *err = xstrdup(json_string(reply->error)); } else { VLOG_WARN("%s: unexpected error type in JSON RPC reply: %s", jsonrpc_get_name(client), json_type_to_string(reply->error->type)); error = EINVAL; } } else if (reply->result) { if (reply->result->type == JSON_STRING) { *result = xstrdup(json_string(reply->result)); } else { VLOG_WARN("%s: unexpected result type in JSON rpc reply: %s", jsonrpc_get_name(client), json_type_to_string(reply->result->type)); error = EINVAL; } } jsonrpc_msg_destroy(reply); return error; }