/* Copyright (c) 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2013, 2016, 2017 Nicira, Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include #include "uuid.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "aes128.h" #include "entropy.h" #include "ovs-thread.h" #include "sha1.h" #include "timeval.h" #include "util.h" static struct aes128 key; static uint64_t counter[2]; BUILD_ASSERT_DECL(sizeof counter == 16); static void do_init(void); /* * Initialize the UUID module. Aborts the program with an error message if * initialization fails (which should never happen on a properly configured * machine.) * * Currently initialization is only needed by uuid_generate(). uuid_generate() * will automatically call uuid_init() itself, so it's only necessary to call * this function explicitly if you want to abort the program earlier than the * first UUID generation in case of failure. */ void uuid_init(void) { static pthread_once_t once = PTHREAD_ONCE_INIT; pthread_once(&once, do_init); } /* Generates a new random UUID in 'uuid'. * * We go to some trouble to ensure as best we can that the generated UUID has * these properties: * * - Uniqueness. The random number generator is seeded using both the * system clock and the system random number generator, plus a few * other identifiers, which is about as good as we can get in any kind * of simple way. * * - Unpredictability. In some situations it could be bad for an * adversary to be able to guess the next UUID to be generated with some * probability of success. This property may or may not be important * for our purposes, but it is better if we can get it. * * To ensure both of these, we start by taking our seed data and passing it * through SHA-1. We use the result as an AES-128 key. We also generate a * random 16-byte value[*] which we then use as the counter for CTR mode. To * generate a UUID in a manner compliant with the above goals, we merely * increment the counter and encrypt it. * * [*] It is not actually important that the initial value of the counter be * random. AES-128 in counter mode is secure either way. */ void uuid_generate(struct uuid *uuid) { static struct ovs_mutex mutex = OVS_MUTEX_INITIALIZER; uint64_t copy[2]; uuid_init(); /* Copy out the counter's current value, then increment it. */ ovs_mutex_lock(&mutex); copy[0] = counter[0]; copy[1] = counter[1]; if (++counter[1] == 0) { counter[0]++; } ovs_mutex_unlock(&mutex); /* AES output is exactly 16 bytes, so we encrypt directly into 'uuid'. */ aes128_encrypt(&key, copy, uuid); uuid_set_bits_v4(uuid); } void uuid_set_bits_v4(struct uuid *uuid) { /* Set bits to indicate a random UUID. See RFC 4122 section 4.4. */ uuid->parts[2] &= ~0xc0000000; uuid->parts[2] |= 0x80000000; uuid->parts[1] &= ~0x0000f000; uuid->parts[1] |= 0x00004000; } /* Sets 'uuid' to all-zero-bits. */ void uuid_zero(struct uuid *uuid) { *uuid = UUID_ZERO; } /* Returns true if 'uuid' is all zero, otherwise false. */ bool uuid_is_zero(const struct uuid *uuid) { return (!uuid->parts[0] && !uuid->parts[1] && !uuid->parts[2] && !uuid->parts[3]); } /* Compares 'a' and 'b'. Returns a negative value if 'a < b', zero if 'a == * b', or positive if 'a > b'. The ordering is lexicographical order of the * conventional way of writing out UUIDs as strings. */ int uuid_compare_3way(const struct uuid *a, const struct uuid *b) { if (a->parts[0] != b->parts[0]) { return a->parts[0] > b->parts[0] ? 1 : -1; } else if (a->parts[1] != b->parts[1]) { return a->parts[1] > b->parts[1] ? 1 : -1; } else if (a->parts[2] != b->parts[2]) { return a->parts[2] > b->parts[2] ? 1 : -1; } else if (a->parts[3] != b->parts[3]) { return a->parts[3] > b->parts[3] ? 1 : -1; } else { return 0; } } /* Attempts to convert string 's' into a UUID in 'uuid'. Returns true if * successful, which will be the case only if 's' has the exact format * specified by RFC 4122. Returns false on failure. On failure, 'uuid' will * be set to all-zero-bits. */ bool uuid_from_string(struct uuid *uuid, const char *s) { if (!uuid_from_string_prefix(uuid, s)) { return false; } else if (s[UUID_LEN] != '\0') { uuid_zero(uuid); return false; } else { return true; } } /* Same as uuid_from_string() but s[UUID_LEN] is not required to be a null byte * to succeed; that is, 's' need only begin with UUID syntax, not consist * entirely of it. */ bool uuid_from_string_prefix(struct uuid *uuid, const char *s) { /* 0 1 2 3 */ /* 012345678901234567890123456789012345 */ /* ------------------------------------ */ /* 00000000-1111-1111-2222-222233333333 */ bool ok; uuid->parts[0] = hexits_value(s, 8, &ok); if (!ok || s[8] != '-') { goto error; } uuid->parts[1] = hexits_value(s + 9, 4, &ok) << 16; if (!ok || s[13] != '-') { goto error; } uuid->parts[1] += hexits_value(s + 14, 4, &ok); if (!ok || s[18] != '-') { goto error; } uuid->parts[2] = hexits_value(s + 19, 4, &ok) << 16; if (!ok || s[23] != '-') { goto error; } uuid->parts[2] += hexits_value(s + 24, 4, &ok); if (!ok) { goto error; } uuid->parts[3] = hexits_value(s + 28, 8, &ok); if (!ok) { goto error; } return true; error: uuid_zero(uuid); return false; } /* If 's' is a string representation of a UUID, or the beginning of one, * returns strlen(s), otherwise 0. * * For example: * * "123" yields 3 * "xyzzy" yields 0 * "123xyzzy" yields 0 * "e66250bb-9531-491b-b9c3-5385cabb0080" yields 36 * "e66250bb-9531-491b-b9c3-5385cabb0080xyzzy" yields 0 */ int uuid_is_partial_string(const char *s) { static const char tmpl[UUID_LEN] = "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx"; size_t i; for (i = 0; i < UUID_LEN; i++) { if (s[i] == '\0') { return i; } else if (tmpl[i] == 'x' ? hexit_value(s[i]) < 0 : s[i] != '-') { return 0; } } if (s[i] != '\0') { return 0; } return i; } /* Compares 'match' to the string representation of 'uuid'. If 'match' equals * or is a prefix of this string representation, returns strlen(match); * otherwise, returns 0. */ int uuid_is_partial_match(const struct uuid *uuid, const char *match) { char uuid_s[UUID_LEN + 1]; snprintf(uuid_s, sizeof uuid_s, UUID_FMT, UUID_ARGS(uuid)); size_t match_len = strlen(match); return !strncmp(uuid_s, match, match_len) ? match_len : 0; } static void sha1_update_int(struct sha1_ctx *sha1_ctx, uintmax_t x) { sha1_update(sha1_ctx, &x, sizeof x); } static void do_init(void) { uint8_t sha1[SHA1_DIGEST_SIZE]; struct sha1_ctx sha1_ctx; uint8_t random_seed[16]; struct timeval now; /* Get seed data. */ get_entropy_or_die(random_seed, sizeof random_seed); xgettimeofday(&now); /* Convert seed into key. */ sha1_init(&sha1_ctx); sha1_update(&sha1_ctx, random_seed, sizeof random_seed); sha1_update(&sha1_ctx, &now, sizeof now); sha1_update_int(&sha1_ctx, getpid()); #ifndef _WIN32 sha1_update_int(&sha1_ctx, getppid()); sha1_update_int(&sha1_ctx, getuid()); sha1_update_int(&sha1_ctx, getgid()); #endif sha1_final(&sha1_ctx, sha1); /* Generate key. */ BUILD_ASSERT(sizeof sha1 >= 16); aes128_schedule(&key, sha1); /* Generate initial counter. */ get_entropy_or_die(counter, sizeof counter); }