.SS "OFPROTO COMMANDS" These commands manage the core OpenFlow switch implementation (called \fBofproto\fR). . .IP "\fBofproto/list\fR" Lists the names of the running ofproto instances. These are the names that may be used on \fBofproto/trace\fR. . .IP "\fBofproto/trace\fR [\fIoptions\fR] [\fIdpname\fR] \fIodp_flow\fR [\fIpacket\fR] .IQ "\fBofproto/trace\fR [\fIoptions\fR] \fIbridge\fR \fIbr_flow\fR [\fIpacket\fR]] .IQ "\fBofproto/trace\-packet\-out\fR [\fIoptions\fR] [\fIdpname\fR] \fIodp_flow\fR [\fIpacket\fR] \fIactions\fR" .IQ "\fBofproto/trace\-packet\-out\fR [\fIoptions\fR \fIbridge\fR \fIbr_flow\fR [\fIpacket\fR] \fIactions\fR" Traces the path of an imaginary packet through \fIswitch\fR and reports the path that it took. The initial treatment of the packet varies based on the command: . .RS .IP \(bu \fBofproto/trace\fR looks the packet up in the OpenFlow flow table, as if the packet had arrived on an OpenFlow port. . .IP \(bu \fBofproto/trace\-packet\-out\fR applies the specified OpenFlow \fIactions\fR, as if the packet, flow, and actions had been specified in an OpenFlow ``packet-out'' request. .RE . .IP The packet's headers (e.g. source and destination) and metadata (e.g. input port), together called its ``flow,'' are usually all that matter for the purpose of tracing a packet. You can specify the flow in the following ways: . .RS .IP "\fIdpname\fR \fIodp_flow\fR" \fIodp_flow\fR is a flow in the form printed by \fBovs\-dpctl\fR(8)'s \fBdump\-flows\fR command. If all of your bridges have the same type, which is the common case, then you can omit \fIdpname\fR, but if you have bridges of different types (say, both \fBovs-netdev\fR and \fBovs-system\fR), then you need to specify a \fIdpname\fR to disambiguate. . .IP "\fIbridge\fR \fIbr_flow\fR" \fIbr_flow\fR is a flow in the form similar to that accepted by \fBovs\-ofctl\fR(8)'s \fBadd\-flow\fR command. (This is not an OpenFlow flow: besides other differences, it never contains wildcards.) \fIbridge\fR names of the bridge through which \fIbr_flow\fR should be traced. .RE . .IP .RS These commands support the following options: .IP \fB\-\-generate\fR Generate a packet from the flow (see below for more information). . .IP "\fB\-\-l7 \fIpayload\fR" .IQ "\fB\-\-l7\-len \fIlength\fR" Accepted only with \fB\-\-generate\fR (see below for more information). . .IP \fB\-\-consistent\fR Accepted by \fBofproto\-trace\-packet\-out\fR only. With this option, the command rejects \fIactions\fR that are inconsistent with the specified packet. (An example of an inconsistency is attempting to strip the VLAN tag from a packet that does not have a VLAN tag.) Open vSwitch ignores most forms of inconsistency in OpenFlow 1.0 and rejects inconsistencies in later versions of OpenFlow. The option is necessary because the command does not ordinarily imply a particular OpenFlow version. One exception is that, when \fIactions\fR includes an action that only OpenFlow 1.1 and later supports (such as \fBpush_vlan\fR), \fB\-\-consistent\fR is automatically enabled. . .IP "\fB\-\-ct-next\fR \fIflags\fR" When the traced flow triggers conntrack actions, \fBofproto/trace\fR will automatically trace the forked packet processing pipeline with user specified ct_state. This option sets the ct_state flags that the conntrack module will report. The \fIflags\fR must be a comma- or space-separated list of the following connection tracking flags: . .RS .IP \(bu \fBtrk\fR: Include to indicate connection tracking has taken place. . .IP \(bu \fBnew\fR: Include to indicate a new flow. . .IP \(bu \fBest\fR: Include to indicate an established flow. . .IP \(bu \fBrel\fR: Include to indicate a related flow. . .IP \(bu \fBrpl\fR: Include to indicate a reply flow. . .IP \(bu \fBinv\fR: Include to indicate a connection entry in a bad state. . .IP \(bu \fBdnat\fR: Include to indicate a packet whose destination IP address has been changed. . .IP \(bu \fBsnat\fR: Include to indicate a packet whose source IP address has been changed. . .RE . .IP When \fB\-\-ct-next\fR is unspecified, or when there are fewer \fB\-\-ct-next\fR options than ct \fIactions\fR, the \fIflags\fR default to \fBtrk,new\fR. . .RE . .IP Most commonly, one specifies only a flow, using one of the forms above, but sometimes one might need to specify an actual packet instead of just a flow: . .RS .IP "Side effects." Some actions have side effects. For example, the \fBnormal\fR action can update the MAC learning table, and the \fBlearn\fR action can change OpenFlow tables. The trace commands only perform side effects when a packet is specified. If you want side effects to take place, then you must supply a packet. . .IP (Output actions are obviously side effects too, but the trace commands never execute them, even when one specifies a packet.) . .IP "Incomplete information." Most of the time, Open vSwitch can figure out everything about the path of a packet using just the flow, but in some special circumstances it needs to look at parts of the packet that are not included in the flow. When this is the case, and you do not supply a packet, then a trace command will tell you it needs a packet. .RE . .IP If you wish to include a packet as part of a trace operation, there are two ways to do it: . .RS .IP \fB\-\-generate\fR This option, added to one of the ways to specify a flow already described, causes Open vSwitch to internally generate a packet with the flow described and then to use that packet. If your goal is to execute side effects, then \fB\-\-generate\fR is the easiest way to do it, but \fB\-\-generate\fR is not a good way to fill in incomplete information, because it generates packets based on only the flow information, which means that the packets really do not have any more information than the flow. .IP By default, for protocols that allow arbitrary L7 payloads, the generated packet has 64 bytes of payload. Use \fB\-\-l7\-len\fR to change the payload length, or \fB\-\-l7\fR to specify the exact contents of the payload. . .IP \fIpacket\fR This form supplies an explicit \fIpacket\fR as a sequence of hex digits. An Ethernet frame is at least 14 bytes long, so there must be at least 28 hex digits. Obviously, it is inconvenient to type in the hex digits by hand, so the \fBovs\-pcap\fR(1) and \fBovs\-tcpundump\fR(1) utilities provide easier ways. .IP With this form, packet headers are extracted directly from \fIpacket\fR, so the \fIodp_flow\fR or \fIbr_flow\fR should specify only metadata. The metadata can be: .RS .IP \fIskb_priority\fR Packet QoS priority. .IP \fIpkt_mark\fR Mark of the packet. .IP \fIct_state\fR Connection state of the packet. .IP \fIct_zone\fR Connection tracking zone for packet. .IP \fIct_mark\fR Connection mark of the packet. .IP \fIct_label\fR Connection label of the packet. .IP \fItun_id\fR The tunnel ID on which the packet arrived. .IP \fIin_port\fR The port on which the packet arrived. .RE .RE . .IP The in_port value is kernel datapath port number for the first format and OpenFlow port number for the second format. The numbering of these two types of port usually differs and there is no relationship. . . .IP "Usage examples:" .RS 4 .PP \fBTrace an unicast ICMP echo request on ingress port 1 to destination MAC 00:00:5E:00:53:01\fR .RS 4 .nf ofproto/trace br in_port=1,icmp,icmp_type=8,\\ dl_dst=00:00:5E:00:53:01 .RE .fi .PP \fBTrace an unicast ICMP echo reply on ingress port 1 to destination MAC 00:00:5E:00:53:01\fR .RS 4 .nf ofproto/trace br in_port=1,icmp,icmp_type=0,\\ dl_dst=00:00:5E:00:53:01 .fi .RE .PP \fBTrace an ARP request on ingress port 1\fR .RS 4 .nf ofproto/trace br in_port=1,arp,arp_op=1 .fi .RE .PP \fBTrace an ARP reply on ingress port 1\fR .RS 4 .nf ofproto/trace br in_port=1,arp,arp_op=2 .fi .RE .RE