.\" -*- nroff -*- .de IQ . br . ns . IP "\\$1" .. .\" -*- nroff -*- .TH ovsdb\-client 1 "@VERSION@" "Open vSwitch" "Open vSwitch Manual" .\" This program's name: .ds PN ovsdb\-client . .SH NAME ovsdb\-client \- command-line interface to \fBovsdb-server\fR(1) . .SH SYNOPSIS .IP "Server-Level Commands:" \fBovsdb\-client\fR [\fIoptions\fR] \fBlist\-dbs\fR [\fIserver\fR] .IP "Database Schema Commands:" \fBovsdb\-client\fR [\fIoptions\fR] \fBget\-schema\fR [\fIserver\fR] [\fIdatabase\fR] .br \fBovsdb\-client\fR [\fIoptions\fR] \fBlist\-tables\fR [\fIserver\fR] [\fIdatabase\fR] .br \fBovsdb\-client\fR [\fIoptions\fR] \fBlist\-columns\fR [\fIserver\fR] [\fIdatabase\fR] [\fItable\fR] .IP "Database Version Management Commands:" .br \fBovsdb\-client\fR [\fIoptions\fR] \fBget\-schema\-version\fR [\fIserver\fR] [\fIdatabase\fR] .IP "Data Management Commands:" \fBovsdb\-client\fR [\fIoptions\fR] \fBtransact\fR [\fIserver\fR] \fItransaction\fR .br \fBovsdb\-client\fR [\fIoptions\fR] \fBquery\fR [\fIserver\fR] \fItransaction\fR .br \fBovsdb\-client\fR [\fIoptions\fR] \fBdump\fR [\fIserver\fR] [\fIdatabase\fR] [\fItable\fR [\fIcolumn\fR...]] .br \fBovsdb\-client\fR [\fIoptions\fR] \fBbackup\fR [\fIserver\fR] [\fIdatabase\fR] \fB> \fIsnapshot\fR .br \fBovsdb\-client\fR [\fIoptions\fR] [\fB\-\-force\fR] \fBrestore\fR [\fIserver\fR] [\fIdatabase\fR] \fB< \fIsnapshot\fR .br \fBovsdb\-client\fR [\fIoptions\fR] \fBmonitor\fR [\fIserver\fR] [\fIdatabase\fR] \fItable\fR [\fIcolumn\fR[\fB,\fIcolumn\fR]...]... .br \fBovsdb\-client\fR [\fIoptions\fR] \fBmonitor\fR [\fIserver\fR] [\fIdatabase\fR] \fBALL\fR .br \fBovsdb\-client\fR [\fIoptions\fR] \fBmonitor\-cond\fR [\fIserver\fR] [\fIdatabase\fR] \fIconditions \fItable\fR [\fIcolumn\fR[\fB,\fIcolumn\fR]...]... .IP "Testing Commands:" \fBovsdb\-client\fR [\fIoptions\fR] \fBlock\fR [\fIserver\fR] \fIlock\fR .br \fBovsdb\-client\fR [\fIoptions\fR] \fBsteal\fR [\fIserver\fR] \fIlock\fR .br \fBovsdb\-client\fR [\fIoptions\fR] \fBunlock\fR [\fIserver\fR] \fIlock\fR .br .IP "Other Commands:" \fBovsdb\-client help\fR .IP "Output formatting options:" [\fB\-\-format=\fIformat\fR] [\fB\-\-data=\fIformat\fR] [\fB\-\-no-headings\fR] [\fB\-\-pretty\fR] [\fB\-\-bare\fR] [\fB\-\-timestamp\fR] .so lib/daemon-syn.man .so lib/vlog-syn.man .so lib/ssl-syn.man .so lib/ssl-bootstrap-syn.man .so lib/ssl-connect-syn.man .so lib/common-syn.man . .SH DESCRIPTION The \fBovsdb\-client\fR program is a command-line client for interacting with a running \fBovsdb\-server\fR process. Each command connects to the specified OVSDB \fIserver\fR, which may be an OVSDB active or passive connection method, as described in \fBovsdb\fR(7). The default server is \fBunix:@RUNDIR@/db.sock\fR and the default \fIdatabase\fR is \fBOpen_vSwitch\fR. .PP For an introduction to OVSDB and its implementation in Open vSwitch, see \fBovsdb\fR(7). .PP The following sections describe the commands that \fBovsdb\-client\fR supports. .SS "Server-Level Commands" Most \fBovsdb\-client\fR commands work with an individual database, but these commands apply to an entire database server. . .IP "\fBlist\-dbs\fR [\fIserver\fR]" Connects to \fIserver\fR, retrieves the list of known databases, and prints them one per line. These database names are the ones that other commands may use for \fIdatabase\fR. . .SS "Database Schema Commands" .PP These commands obtain the schema from a database and print it or part of it. . .IP "\fBget\-schema\fR [\fIserver\fR] [\fIdatabase\fR]" Connects to \fIserver\fR, retrieves the schema for \fIdatabase\fR, and prints it in JSON format. . .IP "\fBlist\-tables\fR [\fIserver\fR] [\fIdatabase\fR]" Connects to \fIserver\fR, retrieves the schema for \fIdatabase\fR, and prints a table listing the name of each table within the database. . .IP "\fBlist\-columns\fR [\fIserver\fR] [\fIdatabase\fR] \fItable\fR" Connects to \fIserver\fR, retrieves the schema for \fIdatabase\fR, and prints a table listing the name and type of each column. If \fItable\fR is specified, only columns in that table are listed; otherwise, the tables include columns in all tables. . .SS "Database Version Management Commands" .so ovsdb/ovsdb-schemas.man .PP These commands work with different versions of OVSDB schemas and databases. . .IP "\fBget\-schema\-version\fR [\fIserver\fR] [\fIdatabase\fR]" Connects to \fIserver\fR, retrieves the schema for \fIdatabase\fR, and prints its version number on stdout. If \fIdatabase\fR was created before schema versioning was introduced, then it will not have a version number and this command will print a blank line. . .IP "\fBget\-schema\-cksum\fR [\fIserver\fR] [\fIdatabase\fR]" Connects to \fIserver\fR, retrieves the schema for \fIdatabase\fR, and prints its checksum on stdout. If \fIdatabase\fR does not include a checksum, prints a blank line. . .SS "Data Management Commands" .PP These commands read or modify the data in a database. . .IP "\fBtransact\fR [\fIserver\fR] \fItransaction\fR" Connects to \fIserver\fR, sends it the specified \fItransaction\fR, which must be a JSON array appropriate for use as the \fBparams\fR to a JSON-RPC \fBtransact\fR request, and prints the received reply on stdout. . .IP "\fBquery\fR [\fIserver\fR] \fItransaction\fR" This commands acts like a read-only version of \fBtransact\fR. It connects to \fIserver\fR, sends it the specified \fItransaction\fR, which must be a JSON array appropriate for use as the \fBparams\fR to a JSON-RPC \fBtransact\fR request, and prints the received reply on stdout. To ensure that the transaction does not modify the database, this command appends an \fBabort\fR operation to the set of operations included in \fItransaction\fR before sending it to the database, and then removes the \fBabort\fR result from the reply (if it is present). . .IP "\fBdump\fR [\fIserver\fR] [\fIdatabase\fR] [\fItable\fR [\fIcolumn\fR...]]" Connects to \fIserver\fR, retrieves all of the data in \fIdatabase\fR, and prints it on stdout as a series of tables. If \fItable\fR is specified, only that table is retrieved. If at least one \fIcolumn\fR is specified, only those columns are retrieved. . .IP "\fBbackup\fR [\fIserver\fR] [\fIdatabase\fR] \fB> \fIsnapshot\fR" Connects to \fIserver\fR, retrieves a snapshot of the schema and data in \fIdatabase\fR, and prints it on stdout in the format used for OVSDB database files. This is an appropriate way to back up any remote database. The database snapshot that it outputs is suitable to be served up directly by \fBovsdb\-server\fR or used as the input to \fBovsdb\-client restore\fR. .IP Another way to back up a is to copy its database file, e.g. with \fBcp\fR. This is safe even if the database is in use. .IP The output does not include ephemeral columns, which by design do not survive across restarts of \fBovsdb\-server\fR. . .IP "[\fB\-\-force\fR] \fBrestore\fR [\fIserver\fR] [\fIdatabase\fR] \fB< \fIsnapshot\fR" Reads \fIsnapshot\fR, which must be a OVSDB standalone or active-backup database (possibly but not necessarily created by \fBovsdb\-client backup). Then, connects to \fIserver\fR, verifies that \fIdatabase\fR and \fIsnapshot\fR have the same schema, then deletes all of the data in \fIdatabase\fR and replaces it by \fIsnapshot\fR. The replacement happens atomically, in a single transaction. .IP UUIDs for rows in the restored database will differ from those in \fIsnapshot\fR, because the OVSDB protocol does not allow clients to specify row UUIDs. Another way to restore a database, which does also restore row UUIDs, is to stop the server or servers, replace the database file by the snapshot, then restart the database. Either way, ephemeral columns are not restored, since by design they do not survive across restarts of \fBovsdb\-server\fR. .IP Normally \fBrestore\fR exits with a failure if \fBsnapshot\fR and the server's database have different schemas. In such a case, it is a good idea to convert the database to the new schema before restoring, e.g. with \fBovsdb\-client convert\fR. Use \fB\-\-force\fR to proceed regardless of schema differences even though the restore might fail with an error or succeed with surprising results. . .IP "\fBmonitor\fR [\fIserver\fR] [\fIdatabase\fR] \fItable\fR [\fIcolumn\fR[\fB,\fIcolumn\fR]...]..." .IQ "\fBmonitor\-cond\fR [\fIserver\fR] [\fIdatabase\fR] \fIconditions\fR \fItable\fR [\fIcolumn\fR[\fB,\fIcolumn\fR]...]..." Connects to \fIserver\fR and monitors the contents of rows that match conditions in \fItable\fR in \fIdatabase\fR. By default, the initial contents of \fItable\fR are printed, followed by each change as it occurs. If conditions empty, all rows will be monitored. If at least one \fIcolumn\fR is specified, only those columns are monitored. The following \fIcolumn\fR names have special meanings: .RS .IP "\fB!initial\fR" Do not print the initial contents of the specified columns. .IP "\fB!insert\fR" Do not print newly inserted rows. .IP "\fB!delete\fR" Do not print deleted rows. .IP "\fB!modify\fR" Do not print modifications to existing rows. .RE .IP Multiple [\fIcolumn\fR[\fB,\fIcolumn\fR]...] groups may be specified as separate arguments, e.g. to apply different reporting parameters to each group. Whether multiple groups or only a single group is specified, any given column may only be mentioned once on the command line. .IP \fBconditions\fR is a JSON array of as defined in RFC 7047 5.1 with the following change: A condition can be either a 3-element JSON array as deescribed in the RFC or a boolean value.. .IP If \fB\-\-detach\fR is used with \fBmonitor\fR or \fBmonitor\-cond\fR, then \fBovsdb\-client\fR detaches after it has successfully received and printed the initial contents of \fItable\fR. .IP The \fBmonitor\fR command uses RFC 7047 "monitor" method to open a monitor session with the server. The \fBmonitor\-cond\fR command uses RFC 7047 extension "monitor_cond" method. See \fBovsdb\-server\fR(1) for details. .IP "\fBmonitor\fI \fR[\fIserver\fR] \fR[\fIdatabase\fR] \fBALL\fR" Connects to \fIserver\fR and monitors the contents of all tables in \fIdatabase\fR. Prints initial values and all kinds of changes to all columns in the database. The \fB\-\-detach\fR option causes \fBovsdb\-client\fR to detach after it successfully receives and prints the initial database contents. .IP The \fBmonitor\fR command uses RFC 7047 "monitor" method to open a monitor session with the server. . .SS "Testing commands" These commands are mostly of interest for testing the correctness of the OVSDB server. . .IP "\fBlock\fR [\fIserver\fR] \fIlock\fR" .IQ "\fBsteal\fR [\fIserver\fR] \fIlock\fR" .IQ "\fBunlock\fR [\fIserver\fR] \fIlock\fR" Connects to \fIserver\fR and issues corresponding RFC 7047 lock operations on \fIlock\fR. Prints json reply or subsequent update messages. The \fB\-\-detach\fR option causes \fBovsdb\-client\fR to detach after it successfully receives and prints the initial reply. .IP When running with the \fB\-\-detach\fR option, \fBlock\fR, \fBsteal\fR, \fBunlock\fR and \fBexit\fR commands can be issued by using \fBovs-appctl\fR. \fBexit\fR command causes the \fBovsdb\-client\fR to close its \fBovsdb\-server\fR connection before exit. The \fBlock\fR, \fBsteal\fR and \fBunlock\fR commands can be used to issue additional lock operations over the same \fBovsdb\-server\fR connection. All above commands take a single \fIlock\fR argument, which does not have to be the same as the \fIlock\fR that \fBovsdb\-client\fR started with. . .SH OPTIONS .SS "Output Formatting Options" Much of the output from \fBovsdb\-client\fR is in the form of tables. The following options controlling output formatting: . .ds TD (default) .so lib/table.man . .IP "\fB\-\-timestamp\fR" For the \fBmonitor\fR and \fBmonitor\-cond\fR commands, add a timestamp to each table update. Most output formats add the timestamp on a line of its own just above the table. The JSON output format puts the timestamp in a member of the top-level JSON object named \fBtime\fR. . .IP "\fB\-t\fR" .IQ "\fB\-\-timeout=\fIsecs\fR" Limits \fBovsdb\-client\fR runtime to approximately \fIsecs\fR seconds. If the timeout expires, \fBovsdb\-client\fR will exit with a \fBSIGALRM\fR signal. . .SS "Daemon Options" The daemon options apply only to the \fBmonitor\fR and \fBmonitor\-cond\fR commands. With any other command, they have no effect. .ds DD .so lib/daemon.man .SS "Logging Options" .so lib/vlog.man .SS "Public Key Infrastructure Options" .so lib/ssl.man .so lib/ssl-bootstrap.man .SS "SSL Connection Options" .so lib/ssl-connect.man .SS "Other Options" .so lib/common.man .SH "SEE ALSO" . \fBovsdb\fR(7), \fBovsdb\-server\fR(1), \fBovsdb\-client\fR(1).