/* * Copyright (c) 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016 Nicira, Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "command-line.h" #include "column.h" #include "compiler.h" #include "daemon.h" #include "dirs.h" #include "openvswitch/dynamic-string.h" #include "fatal-signal.h" #include "openvswitch/json.h" #include "jsonrpc.h" #include "lib/table.h" #include "ovsdb.h" #include "ovsdb-data.h" #include "ovsdb-error.h" #include "poll-loop.h" #include "sort.h" #include "svec.h" #include "stream.h" #include "stream-ssl.h" #include "table.h" #include "monitor.h" #include "condition.h" #include "timeval.h" #include "unixctl.h" #include "util.h" #include "openvswitch/vlog.h" VLOG_DEFINE_THIS_MODULE(ovsdb_client); enum args_needed { NEED_NONE, /* No JSON-RPC connection or database name needed. */ NEED_RPC, /* JSON-RPC connection needed. */ NEED_DATABASE /* JSON-RPC connection and database name needed. */ }; struct ovsdb_client_command { const char *name; enum args_needed need; int min_args; int max_args; void (*handler)(struct jsonrpc *rpc, const char *database, int argc, char *argv[]); }; /* --timestamp: Print a timestamp before each update on "monitor" command? */ static bool timestamp; /* Format for table output. */ static struct table_style table_style = TABLE_STYLE_DEFAULT; static const struct ovsdb_client_command *get_all_commands(void); OVS_NO_RETURN static void usage(void); static void parse_options(int argc, char *argv[]); static struct jsonrpc *open_jsonrpc(const char *server); static void fetch_dbs(struct jsonrpc *, struct svec *dbs); int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { const struct ovsdb_client_command *command; char *database; struct jsonrpc *rpc; ovs_cmdl_proctitle_init(argc, argv); set_program_name(argv[0]); service_start(&argc, &argv); parse_options(argc, argv); fatal_ignore_sigpipe(); daemon_become_new_user(false); if (optind >= argc) { ovs_fatal(0, "missing command name; use --help for help"); } for (command = get_all_commands(); ; command++) { if (!command->name) { VLOG_FATAL("unknown command '%s'; use --help for help", argv[optind]); } else if (!strcmp(command->name, argv[optind])) { break; } } optind++; if (command->need != NEED_NONE) { if (argc - optind > command->min_args && (isalpha((unsigned char) argv[optind][0]) && strchr(argv[optind], ':'))) { rpc = open_jsonrpc(argv[optind++]); } else { char *sock = xasprintf("unix:%s/db.sock", ovs_rundir()); rpc = open_jsonrpc(sock); free(sock); } } else { rpc = NULL; } if (command->need == NEED_DATABASE) { struct svec dbs; svec_init(&dbs); fetch_dbs(rpc, &dbs); if (argc - optind > command->min_args && svec_contains(&dbs, argv[optind])) { database = xstrdup(argv[optind++]); } else if (dbs.n == 1) { database = xstrdup(dbs.names[0]); } else if (svec_contains(&dbs, "Open_vSwitch")) { database = xstrdup("Open_vSwitch"); } else { jsonrpc_close(rpc); ovs_fatal(0, "no default database for `%s' command, please " "specify a database name", command->name); } svec_destroy(&dbs); } else { database = NULL; } if (argc - optind < command->min_args || argc - optind > command->max_args) { free(database); VLOG_FATAL("invalid syntax for '%s' (use --help for help)", command->name); } command->handler(rpc, database, argc - optind, argv + optind); free(database); jsonrpc_close(rpc); if (ferror(stdout)) { VLOG_FATAL("write to stdout failed"); } if (ferror(stderr)) { VLOG_FATAL("write to stderr failed"); } return 0; } static void parse_options(int argc, char *argv[]) { enum { OPT_BOOTSTRAP_CA_CERT = UCHAR_MAX + 1, OPT_TIMESTAMP, VLOG_OPTION_ENUMS, DAEMON_OPTION_ENUMS, TABLE_OPTION_ENUMS, SSL_OPTION_ENUMS, }; static const struct option long_options[] = { {"help", no_argument, NULL, 'h'}, {"version", no_argument, NULL, 'V'}, {"timestamp", no_argument, NULL, OPT_TIMESTAMP}, VLOG_LONG_OPTIONS, DAEMON_LONG_OPTIONS, #ifdef HAVE_OPENSSL {"bootstrap-ca-cert", required_argument, NULL, OPT_BOOTSTRAP_CA_CERT}, STREAM_SSL_LONG_OPTIONS, #endif TABLE_LONG_OPTIONS, {NULL, 0, NULL, 0}, }; char *short_options = ovs_cmdl_long_options_to_short_options(long_options); table_style.format = TF_TABLE; for (;;) { int c; c = getopt_long(argc, argv, short_options, long_options, NULL); if (c == -1) { break; } switch (c) { case 'h': usage(); case 'V': ovs_print_version(0, 0); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); VLOG_OPTION_HANDLERS DAEMON_OPTION_HANDLERS TABLE_OPTION_HANDLERS(&table_style) STREAM_SSL_OPTION_HANDLERS case OPT_BOOTSTRAP_CA_CERT: stream_ssl_set_ca_cert_file(optarg, true); break; case OPT_TIMESTAMP: timestamp = true; break; case '?': exit(EXIT_FAILURE); case 0: /* getopt_long() already set the value for us. */ break; default: abort(); } } free(short_options); } static void usage(void) { printf("%s: Open vSwitch database JSON-RPC client\n" "usage: %s [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARG...]\n" "\nValid commands are:\n" "\n list-dbs [SERVER]\n" " list databases available on SERVER\n" "\n get-schema [SERVER] [DATABASE]\n" " retrieve schema for DATABASE from SERVER\n" "\n get-schema-version [SERVER] [DATABASE]\n" " retrieve schema for DATABASE from SERVER and report only its\n" " version number on stdout\n" "\n list-tables [SERVER] [DATABASE]\n" " list tables for DATABASE on SERVER\n" "\n list-columns [SERVER] [DATABASE] [TABLE]\n" " list columns in TABLE (or all tables) in DATABASE on SERVER\n" "\n transact [SERVER] TRANSACTION\n" " run TRANSACTION (a JSON array of operations) on SERVER\n" " and print the results as JSON on stdout\n" "\n monitor [SERVER] [DATABASE] TABLE [COLUMN,...]...\n" " monitor contents of COLUMNs in TABLE in DATABASE on SERVER.\n" " COLUMNs may include !initial, !insert, !delete, !modify\n" " to avoid seeing the specified kinds of changes.\n" "\n monitor-cond [SERVER] [DATABASE] CONDITION TABLE [COLUMN,...]...\n" " monitor contents that match CONDITION of COLUMNs in TABLE in\n" " DATABASE on SERVER.\n" " COLUMNs may include !initial, !insert, !delete, !modify\n" " to avoid seeing the specified kinds of changes.\n" "\n monitor [SERVER] [DATABASE] ALL\n" " monitor all changes to all columns in all tables\n" " in DATBASE on SERVER.\n" "\n dump [SERVER] [DATABASE]\n" " dump contents of DATABASE on SERVER to stdout\n" "\n lock [SERVER] LOCK\n" " create or wait for LOCK in SERVER\n" "\n steal [SERVER] LOCK\n" " steal LOCK from SERVER\n" "\n unlock [SERVER] LOCK\n" " unlock LOCK from SERVER\n" "\nThe default SERVER is unix:%s/db.sock.\n" "The default DATABASE is Open_vSwitch.\n", program_name, program_name, ovs_rundir()); stream_usage("SERVER", true, true, true); printf("\nOutput formatting options:\n" " -f, --format=FORMAT set output formatting to FORMAT\n" " (\"table\", \"html\", \"csv\", " "or \"json\")\n" " --no-headings omit table heading row\n" " --pretty pretty-print JSON in output\n" " --timestamp timestamp \"monitor\" output"); daemon_usage(); vlog_usage(); printf("\nOther options:\n" " -h, --help display this help message\n" " -V, --version display version information\n"); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } static void check_txn(int error, struct jsonrpc_msg **reply_) { struct jsonrpc_msg *reply = *reply_; if (error) { ovs_fatal(error, "transaction failed"); } if (reply->error) { ovs_fatal(error, "transaction returned error: %s", json_to_string(reply->error, table_style.json_flags)); } } static struct json * parse_json(const char *s) { struct json *json = json_from_string(s); if (json->type == JSON_STRING) { ovs_fatal(0, "\"%s\": %s", s, json->u.string); } return json; } static struct jsonrpc * open_jsonrpc(const char *server) { struct stream *stream; int error; error = stream_open_block(jsonrpc_stream_open(server, &stream, DSCP_DEFAULT), &stream); if (error == EAFNOSUPPORT) { struct pstream *pstream; error = jsonrpc_pstream_open(server, &pstream, DSCP_DEFAULT); if (error) { ovs_fatal(error, "failed to connect or listen to \"%s\"", server); } VLOG_INFO("%s: waiting for connection...", server); error = pstream_accept_block(pstream, &stream); if (error) { ovs_fatal(error, "failed to accept connection on \"%s\"", server); } pstream_close(pstream); } else if (error) { ovs_fatal(error, "failed to connect to \"%s\"", server); } return jsonrpc_open(stream); } static void print_json(struct json *json) { char *string = json_to_string(json, table_style.json_flags); fputs(string, stdout); free(string); } static void print_and_free_json(struct json *json) { print_json(json); json_destroy(json); } static void check_ovsdb_error(struct ovsdb_error *error) { if (error) { ovs_fatal(0, "%s", ovsdb_error_to_string(error)); } } static struct ovsdb_schema * fetch_schema(struct jsonrpc *rpc, const char *database) { struct jsonrpc_msg *request, *reply; struct ovsdb_schema *schema; request = jsonrpc_create_request("get_schema", json_array_create_1( json_string_create(database)), NULL); check_txn(jsonrpc_transact_block(rpc, request, &reply), &reply); check_ovsdb_error(ovsdb_schema_from_json(reply->result, &schema)); jsonrpc_msg_destroy(reply); return schema; } static void fetch_dbs(struct jsonrpc *rpc, struct svec *dbs) { struct jsonrpc_msg *request, *reply; size_t i; request = jsonrpc_create_request("list_dbs", json_array_create_empty(), NULL); check_txn(jsonrpc_transact_block(rpc, request, &reply), &reply); if (reply->result->type != JSON_ARRAY) { ovs_fatal(0, "list_dbs response is not array"); } for (i = 0; i < reply->result->u.array.n; i++) { const struct json *name = reply->result->u.array.elems[i]; if (name->type != JSON_STRING) { ovs_fatal(0, "list_dbs response %"PRIuSIZE" is not string", i); } svec_add(dbs, name->u.string); } jsonrpc_msg_destroy(reply); svec_sort(dbs); } static void do_list_dbs(struct jsonrpc *rpc, const char *database OVS_UNUSED, int argc OVS_UNUSED, char *argv[] OVS_UNUSED) { const char *db_name; struct svec dbs; size_t i; svec_init(&dbs); fetch_dbs(rpc, &dbs); SVEC_FOR_EACH (i, db_name, &dbs) { puts(db_name); } svec_destroy(&dbs); } static void do_get_schema(struct jsonrpc *rpc, const char *database, int argc OVS_UNUSED, char *argv[] OVS_UNUSED) { struct ovsdb_schema *schema = fetch_schema(rpc, database); print_and_free_json(ovsdb_schema_to_json(schema)); ovsdb_schema_destroy(schema); } static void do_get_schema_version(struct jsonrpc *rpc, const char *database, int argc OVS_UNUSED, char *argv[] OVS_UNUSED) { struct ovsdb_schema *schema = fetch_schema(rpc, database); puts(schema->version); ovsdb_schema_destroy(schema); } static void do_list_tables(struct jsonrpc *rpc, const char *database, int argc OVS_UNUSED, char *argv[] OVS_UNUSED) { struct ovsdb_schema *schema; struct shash_node *node; struct table t; schema = fetch_schema(rpc, database); table_init(&t); table_add_column(&t, "Table"); SHASH_FOR_EACH (node, &schema->tables) { struct ovsdb_table_schema *ts = node->data; table_add_row(&t); table_add_cell(&t)->text = xstrdup(ts->name); } ovsdb_schema_destroy(schema); table_print(&t, &table_style); table_destroy(&t); } static void do_list_columns(struct jsonrpc *rpc, const char *database, int argc OVS_UNUSED, char *argv[]) { const char *table_name = argv[0]; struct ovsdb_schema *schema; struct shash_node *table_node; struct table t; schema = fetch_schema(rpc, database); table_init(&t); if (!table_name) { table_add_column(&t, "Table"); } table_add_column(&t, "Column"); table_add_column(&t, "Type"); SHASH_FOR_EACH (table_node, &schema->tables) { struct ovsdb_table_schema *ts = table_node->data; if (!table_name || !strcmp(table_name, ts->name)) { struct shash_node *column_node; SHASH_FOR_EACH (column_node, &ts->columns) { const struct ovsdb_column *column = column_node->data; table_add_row(&t); if (!table_name) { table_add_cell(&t)->text = xstrdup(ts->name); } table_add_cell(&t)->text = xstrdup(column->name); table_add_cell(&t)->json = ovsdb_type_to_json(&column->type); } } } ovsdb_schema_destroy(schema); table_print(&t, &table_style); table_destroy(&t); } static void do_transact(struct jsonrpc *rpc, const char *database OVS_UNUSED, int argc OVS_UNUSED, char *argv[]) { struct jsonrpc_msg *request, *reply; struct json *transaction; transaction = parse_json(argv[0]); request = jsonrpc_create_request("transact", transaction, NULL); check_txn(jsonrpc_transact_block(rpc, request, &reply), &reply); print_json(reply->result); putchar('\n'); jsonrpc_msg_destroy(reply); } /* "monitor" command. */ struct monitored_table { struct ovsdb_table_schema *table; struct ovsdb_column_set columns; }; static void monitor_print_row(struct json *row, const char *type, const char *uuid, const struct ovsdb_column_set *columns, struct table *t) { size_t i; if (!row) { ovs_error(0, "missing %s row", type); return; } else if (row->type != JSON_OBJECT) { ovs_error(0, " is not object"); return; } table_add_row(t); table_add_cell(t)->text = xstrdup(uuid); table_add_cell(t)->text = xstrdup(type); for (i = 0; i < columns->n_columns; i++) { const struct ovsdb_column *column = columns->columns[i]; struct json *value = shash_find_data(json_object(row), column->name); struct cell *cell = table_add_cell(t); if (value) { cell->json = json_clone(value); cell->type = &column->type; } } } static void monitor_print_table(struct json *table_update, const struct monitored_table *mt, char *caption, bool initial) { const struct ovsdb_table_schema *table = mt->table; const struct ovsdb_column_set *columns = &mt->columns; struct shash_node *node; struct table t; size_t i; if (table_update->type != JSON_OBJECT) { ovs_error(0, " for table %s is not object", table->name); return; } table_init(&t); table_set_timestamp(&t, timestamp); table_set_caption(&t, caption); table_add_column(&t, "row"); table_add_column(&t, "action"); for (i = 0; i < columns->n_columns; i++) { table_add_column(&t, "%s", columns->columns[i]->name); } SHASH_FOR_EACH (node, json_object(table_update)) { struct json *row_update = node->data; struct json *old, *new; if (row_update->type != JSON_OBJECT) { ovs_error(0, " is not object"); continue; } old = shash_find_data(json_object(row_update), "old"); new = shash_find_data(json_object(row_update), "new"); if (initial) { monitor_print_row(new, "initial", node->name, columns, &t); } else if (!old) { monitor_print_row(new, "insert", node->name, columns, &t); } else if (!new) { monitor_print_row(old, "delete", node->name, columns, &t); } else { monitor_print_row(old, "old", node->name, columns, &t); monitor_print_row(new, "new", "", columns, &t); } } table_print(&t, &table_style); table_destroy(&t); } static void monitor_print(struct json *table_updates, const struct monitored_table *mts, size_t n_mts, bool initial) { size_t i; if (table_updates->type != JSON_OBJECT) { ovs_error(0, " is not object"); return; } for (i = 0; i < n_mts; i++) { const struct monitored_table *mt = &mts[i]; struct json *table_update = shash_find_data(json_object(table_updates), mt->table->name); if (table_update) { monitor_print_table(table_update, mt, n_mts > 1 ? xstrdup(mt->table->name) : NULL, initial); } } } static void monitor2_print_row(struct json *row, const char *type, const char *uuid, const struct ovsdb_column_set *columns, struct table *t) { if (!strcmp(type, "delete")) { if (row->type != JSON_NULL) { ovs_error(0, "delete method does not expect "); return; } table_add_row(t); table_add_cell(t)->text = xstrdup(uuid); table_add_cell(t)->text = xstrdup(type); } else { if (!row || row->type != JSON_OBJECT) { ovs_error(0, " is not object"); return; } monitor_print_row(row, type, uuid, columns, t); } } static void monitor2_print_table(struct json *table_update2, const struct monitored_table *mt, char *caption) { const struct ovsdb_table_schema *table = mt->table; const struct ovsdb_column_set *columns = &mt->columns; struct shash_node *node; struct table t; if (table_update2->type != JSON_OBJECT) { ovs_error(0, " for table %s is not object", table->name); return; } table_init(&t); table_set_timestamp(&t, timestamp); table_set_caption(&t, caption); table_add_column(&t, "row"); table_add_column(&t, "action"); for (size_t i = 0; i < columns->n_columns; i++) { table_add_column(&t, "%s", columns->columns[i]->name); } SHASH_FOR_EACH (node, json_object(table_update2)) { struct json *row_update2 = node->data; const char *operation; struct json *row; const char *ops[] = {"delete", "initial", "modify", "insert"}; if (row_update2->type != JSON_OBJECT) { ovs_error(0, " is not object"); continue; } /* row_update2 contains one of objects indexed by ops[] */ for (int i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(ops); i++) { operation = ops[i]; row = shash_find_data(json_object(row_update2), operation); if (row) { monitor2_print_row(row, operation, node->name, columns, &t); break; } } } table_print(&t, &table_style); table_destroy(&t); } static void monitor2_print(struct json *table_updates2, const struct monitored_table *mts, size_t n_mts) { size_t i; if (table_updates2->type != JSON_OBJECT) { ovs_error(0, " is not object"); return; } for (i = 0; i < n_mts; i++) { const struct monitored_table *mt = &mts[i]; struct json *table_update = shash_find_data( json_object(table_updates2), mt->table->name); if (table_update) { monitor2_print_table(table_update, mt, n_mts > 1 ? xstrdup(mt->table->name) : NULL); } } } static void add_column(const char *server, const struct ovsdb_column *column, struct ovsdb_column_set *columns, struct json *columns_json) { if (ovsdb_column_set_contains(columns, column->index)) { ovs_fatal(0, "%s: column \"%s\" mentioned multiple times", server, column->name); } ovsdb_column_set_add(columns, column); json_array_add(columns_json, json_string_create(column->name)); } static struct json * parse_monitor_columns(char *arg, const char *server, const char *database, const struct ovsdb_table_schema *table, struct ovsdb_column_set *columns) { bool initial, insert, delete, modify; struct json *mr, *columns_json; char *save_ptr = NULL; char *token; mr = json_object_create(); columns_json = json_array_create_empty(); json_object_put(mr, "columns", columns_json); initial = insert = delete = modify = true; for (token = strtok_r(arg, ",", &save_ptr); token != NULL; token = strtok_r(NULL, ",", &save_ptr)) { if (!strcmp(token, "!initial")) { initial = false; } else if (!strcmp(token, "!insert")) { insert = false; } else if (!strcmp(token, "!delete")) { delete = false; } else if (!strcmp(token, "!modify")) { modify = false; } else { const struct ovsdb_column *column; column = ovsdb_table_schema_get_column(table, token); if (!column) { ovs_fatal(0, "%s: table \"%s\" in %s does not have a " "column named \"%s\"", server, table->name, database, token); } add_column(server, column, columns, columns_json); } } if (columns_json->u.array.n == 0) { const struct shash_node **nodes; size_t i, n; n = shash_count(&table->columns); nodes = shash_sort(&table->columns); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { const struct ovsdb_column *column = nodes[i]->data; if (column->index != OVSDB_COL_UUID && column->index != OVSDB_COL_VERSION) { add_column(server, column, columns, columns_json); } } free(nodes); add_column(server, ovsdb_table_schema_get_column(table, "_version"), columns, columns_json); } if (!initial || !insert || !delete || !modify) { struct json *select = json_object_create(); json_object_put(select, "initial", json_boolean_create(initial)); json_object_put(select, "insert", json_boolean_create(insert)); json_object_put(select, "delete", json_boolean_create(delete)); json_object_put(select, "modify", json_boolean_create(modify)); json_object_put(mr, "select", select); } return mr; } static void ovsdb_client_exit(struct unixctl_conn *conn, int argc OVS_UNUSED, const char *argv[] OVS_UNUSED, void *exiting_) { bool *exiting = exiting_; *exiting = true; unixctl_command_reply(conn, NULL); } static void ovsdb_client_block(struct unixctl_conn *conn, int argc OVS_UNUSED, const char *argv[] OVS_UNUSED, void *blocked_) { bool *blocked = blocked_; if (!*blocked) { *blocked = true; unixctl_command_reply(conn, NULL); } else { unixctl_command_reply(conn, "already blocking"); } } static void ovsdb_client_unblock(struct unixctl_conn *conn, int argc OVS_UNUSED, const char *argv[] OVS_UNUSED, void *blocked_) { bool *blocked = blocked_; if (*blocked) { *blocked = false; unixctl_command_reply(conn, NULL); } else { unixctl_command_reply(conn, "already unblocked"); } } static void ovsdb_client_cond_change(struct unixctl_conn *conn, int argc OVS_UNUSED, const char *argv[], void *rpc_) { struct jsonrpc *rpc = rpc_; struct json *monitor_cond_update_requests = json_object_create(); struct json *monitor_cond_update_request = json_object_create(); struct json *params; struct jsonrpc_msg *request; json_object_put(monitor_cond_update_request, "where", json_from_string(argv[2])); json_object_put(monitor_cond_update_requests, argv[1], json_array_create_1(monitor_cond_update_request)); params = json_array_create_3(json_null_create(),json_null_create(), monitor_cond_update_requests); request = jsonrpc_create_request("monitor_cond_change", params, NULL); jsonrpc_send(rpc, request); VLOG_DBG("cond change %s %s", argv[1], argv[2]); unixctl_command_reply(conn, "condiiton changed"); } static void add_monitored_table(int argc, char *argv[], const char *server, const char *database, struct json *condition, struct ovsdb_table_schema *table, struct json *monitor_requests, struct monitored_table **mts, size_t *n_mts, size_t *allocated_mts) { struct json *monitor_request_array, *mr; struct monitored_table *mt; if (*n_mts >= *allocated_mts) { *mts = x2nrealloc(*mts, allocated_mts, sizeof **mts); } mt = &(*mts)[(*n_mts)++]; mt->table = table; ovsdb_column_set_init(&mt->columns); monitor_request_array = json_array_create_empty(); if (argc > 1) { int i; for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) { mr = parse_monitor_columns(argv[i], server, database, table, &mt->columns); if (i == 1 && condition) { json_object_put(mr, "where", condition); } json_array_add(monitor_request_array, mr); } } else { /* Allocate a writable empty string since parse_monitor_columns() * is going to strtok() it and that's risky with literal "". */ char empty[] = ""; mr = parse_monitor_columns(empty, server, database, table, &mt->columns); if (condition) { json_object_put(mr, "where", condition); } json_array_add(monitor_request_array, mr); } json_object_put(monitor_requests, table->name, monitor_request_array); } static void destroy_monitored_table(struct monitored_table *mts, size_t n) { int i; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { struct monitored_table *mt = &mts[i]; ovsdb_column_set_destroy(&mt->columns); } free(mts); } static void do_monitor__(struct jsonrpc *rpc, const char *database, enum ovsdb_monitor_version version, int argc, char *argv[], struct json *condition) { const char *server = jsonrpc_get_name(rpc); const char *table_name = argv[0]; struct unixctl_server *unixctl; struct ovsdb_schema *schema; struct jsonrpc_msg *request; struct json *monitor, *monitor_requests, *request_id; bool exiting = false; bool blocked = false; struct monitored_table *mts; size_t n_mts, allocated_mts; ovs_assert(version < OVSDB_MONITOR_VERSION_MAX); daemon_save_fd(STDOUT_FILENO); daemonize_start(false); if (get_detach()) { int error; error = unixctl_server_create(NULL, &unixctl); if (error) { ovs_fatal(error, "failed to create unixctl server"); } unixctl_command_register("exit", "", 0, 0, ovsdb_client_exit, &exiting); unixctl_command_register("ovsdb-client/block", "", 0, 0, ovsdb_client_block, &blocked); unixctl_command_register("ovsdb-client/unblock", "", 0, 0, ovsdb_client_unblock, &blocked); unixctl_command_register("ovsdb-client/cond_change", "TABLE COND", 2, 2, ovsdb_client_cond_change, rpc); } else { unixctl = NULL; } schema = fetch_schema(rpc, database); monitor_requests = json_object_create(); mts = NULL; n_mts = allocated_mts = 0; if (strcmp(table_name, "ALL")) { struct ovsdb_table_schema *table; table = shash_find_data(&schema->tables, table_name); if (!table) { ovs_fatal(0, "%s: %s does not have a table named \"%s\"", server, database, table_name); } add_monitored_table(argc, argv, server, database, condition, table, monitor_requests, &mts, &n_mts, &allocated_mts); } else { size_t n = shash_count(&schema->tables); const struct shash_node **nodes = shash_sort(&schema->tables); size_t i; if (condition) { ovs_fatal(0, "ALL tables are not allowed with condition"); } for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { struct ovsdb_table_schema *table = nodes[i]->data; add_monitored_table(argc, argv, server, database, NULL, table, monitor_requests, &mts, &n_mts, &allocated_mts); } free(nodes); } monitor = json_array_create_3(json_string_create(database), json_null_create(), monitor_requests); const char *method = version == OVSDB_MONITOR_V2 ? "monitor_cond" : "monitor"; request = jsonrpc_create_request(method, monitor, NULL); request_id = json_clone(request->id); jsonrpc_send(rpc, request); for (;;) { unixctl_server_run(unixctl); while (!blocked) { struct jsonrpc_msg *msg; int error; error = jsonrpc_recv(rpc, &msg); if (error == EAGAIN) { break; } else if (error) { ovs_fatal(error, "%s: receive failed", server); } if (msg->type == JSONRPC_REQUEST && !strcmp(msg->method, "echo")) { jsonrpc_send(rpc, jsonrpc_create_reply(json_clone(msg->params), msg->id)); } else if (msg->type == JSONRPC_REPLY && json_equal(msg->id, request_id)) { switch(version) { case OVSDB_MONITOR_V1: monitor_print(msg->result, mts, n_mts, true); break; case OVSDB_MONITOR_V2: monitor2_print(msg->result, mts, n_mts); break; case OVSDB_MONITOR_VERSION_MAX: default: OVS_NOT_REACHED(); } fflush(stdout); daemonize_complete(); } else if (msg->type == JSONRPC_NOTIFY && !strcmp(msg->method, "update")) { struct json *params = msg->params; if (params->type == JSON_ARRAY && params->u.array.n == 2 && params->u.array.elems[0]->type == JSON_NULL) { monitor_print(params->u.array.elems[1], mts, n_mts, false); fflush(stdout); } } else if (msg->type == JSONRPC_NOTIFY && version == OVSDB_MONITOR_V2 && !strcmp(msg->method, "update2")) { struct json *params = msg->params; if (params->type == JSON_ARRAY && params->u.array.n == 2 && params->u.array.elems[0]->type == JSON_NULL) { monitor2_print(params->u.array.elems[1], mts, n_mts); fflush(stdout); } } jsonrpc_msg_destroy(msg); } if (exiting) { break; } jsonrpc_run(rpc); jsonrpc_wait(rpc); if (!blocked) { jsonrpc_recv_wait(rpc); } unixctl_server_wait(unixctl); poll_block(); } json_destroy(request_id); unixctl_server_destroy(unixctl); ovsdb_schema_destroy(schema); destroy_monitored_table(mts, n_mts); } static void do_monitor(struct jsonrpc *rpc, const char *database, int argc, char *argv[]) { do_monitor__(rpc, database, OVSDB_MONITOR_V1, argc, argv, NULL); } static void do_monitor_cond(struct jsonrpc *rpc, const char *database, int argc, char *argv[]) { struct ovsdb_condition cnd; struct json *condition = NULL; struct ovsdb_schema *schema; struct ovsdb_table_schema *table; const char *table_name = argv[1]; ovs_assert(argc > 1); schema = fetch_schema(rpc, database); table = shash_find_data(&schema->tables, table_name); if (!table) { ovs_fatal(0, "%s does not have a table named \"%s\"", database, table_name); } condition = parse_json(argv[0]); check_ovsdb_error(ovsdb_condition_from_json(table, condition, NULL, &cnd)); ovsdb_condition_destroy(&cnd); do_monitor__(rpc, database, OVSDB_MONITOR_V2, --argc, ++argv, condition); ovsdb_schema_destroy(schema); } struct dump_table_aux { struct ovsdb_datum **data; const struct ovsdb_column **columns; size_t n_columns; }; static int compare_data(size_t a_y, size_t b_y, size_t x, const struct dump_table_aux *aux) { return ovsdb_datum_compare_3way(&aux->data[a_y][x], &aux->data[b_y][x], &aux->columns[x]->type); } static int compare_rows(size_t a_y, size_t b_y, void *aux_) { struct dump_table_aux *aux = aux_; size_t x; /* Skip UUID columns on the first pass, since their values tend to be * random and make our results less reproducible. */ for (x = 0; x < aux->n_columns; x++) { if (aux->columns[x]->type.key.type != OVSDB_TYPE_UUID) { int cmp = compare_data(a_y, b_y, x, aux); if (cmp) { return cmp; } } } /* Use UUID columns as tie-breakers. */ for (x = 0; x < aux->n_columns; x++) { if (aux->columns[x]->type.key.type == OVSDB_TYPE_UUID) { int cmp = compare_data(a_y, b_y, x, aux); if (cmp) { return cmp; } } } return 0; } static void swap_rows(size_t a_y, size_t b_y, void *aux_) { struct dump_table_aux *aux = aux_; struct ovsdb_datum *tmp = aux->data[a_y]; aux->data[a_y] = aux->data[b_y]; aux->data[b_y] = tmp; } static int compare_columns(const void *a_, const void *b_) { const struct ovsdb_column *const *ap = a_; const struct ovsdb_column *const *bp = b_; const struct ovsdb_column *a = *ap; const struct ovsdb_column *b = *bp; return strcmp(a->name, b->name); } static void dump_table(const char *table_name, const struct shash *cols, struct json_array *rows) { const struct ovsdb_column **columns; size_t n_columns; struct ovsdb_datum **data; struct dump_table_aux aux; struct shash_node *node; struct table t; size_t x, y; /* Sort columns by name, for reproducibility. */ columns = xmalloc(shash_count(cols) * sizeof *columns); n_columns = 0; SHASH_FOR_EACH (node, cols) { struct ovsdb_column *column = node->data; if (strcmp(column->name, "_version")) { columns[n_columns++] = column; } } qsort(columns, n_columns, sizeof *columns, compare_columns); /* Extract data from table. */ data = xmalloc(rows->n * sizeof *data); for (y = 0; y < rows->n; y++) { struct shash *row; if (rows->elems[y]->type != JSON_OBJECT) { ovs_fatal(0, "row %"PRIuSIZE" in table %s response is not a JSON object: " "%s", y, table_name, json_to_string(rows->elems[y], 0)); } row = json_object(rows->elems[y]); data[y] = xmalloc(n_columns * sizeof **data); for (x = 0; x < n_columns; x++) { const struct json *json = shash_find_data(row, columns[x]->name); if (!json) { ovs_fatal(0, "row %"PRIuSIZE" in table %s response lacks %s column", y, table_name, columns[x]->name); } check_ovsdb_error(ovsdb_datum_from_json(&data[y][x], &columns[x]->type, json, NULL)); } } /* Sort rows by column values, for reproducibility. */ aux.data = data; aux.columns = columns; aux.n_columns = n_columns; sort(rows->n, compare_rows, swap_rows, &aux); /* Add column headings. */ table_init(&t); table_set_caption(&t, xasprintf("%s table", table_name)); for (x = 0; x < n_columns; x++) { table_add_column(&t, "%s", columns[x]->name); } /* Print rows. */ for (y = 0; y < rows->n; y++) { table_add_row(&t); for (x = 0; x < n_columns; x++) { struct cell *cell = table_add_cell(&t); cell->json = ovsdb_datum_to_json(&data[y][x], &columns[x]->type); cell->type = &columns[x]->type; ovsdb_datum_destroy(&data[y][x], &columns[x]->type); } free(data[y]); } table_print(&t, &table_style); table_destroy(&t); free(data); free(columns); } static void do_dump(struct jsonrpc *rpc, const char *database, int argc, char *argv[]) { struct jsonrpc_msg *request, *reply; struct ovsdb_schema *schema; struct json *transaction; const struct shash_node *node, **tables; size_t n_tables; struct ovsdb_table_schema *tschema; const struct shash *columns; struct shash custom_columns; size_t i; shash_init(&custom_columns); schema = fetch_schema(rpc, database); if (argc) { node = shash_find(&schema->tables, argv[0]); if (!node) { ovs_fatal(0, "No table \"%s\" found.", argv[0]); } tables = xmemdup(&node, sizeof(&node)); n_tables = 1; tschema = tables[0]->data; for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) { node = shash_find(&tschema->columns, argv[i]); if (!node) { ovs_fatal(0, "Table \"%s\" has no column %s.", argv[0], argv[1]); } shash_add(&custom_columns, argv[1], node->data); } } else { tables = shash_sort(&schema->tables); n_tables = shash_count(&schema->tables); } /* Construct transaction to retrieve entire database. */ transaction = json_array_create_1(json_string_create(database)); for (i = 0; i < n_tables; i++) { const struct ovsdb_table_schema *ts = tables[i]->data; struct json *op, *jcolumns; if (argc > 1) { columns = &custom_columns; } else { columns = &ts->columns; } jcolumns = json_array_create_empty(); SHASH_FOR_EACH (node, columns) { const struct ovsdb_column *column = node->data; if (strcmp(column->name, "_version")) { json_array_add(jcolumns, json_string_create(column->name)); } } op = json_object_create(); json_object_put_string(op, "op", "select"); json_object_put_string(op, "table", tables[i]->name); json_object_put(op, "where", json_array_create_empty()); json_object_put(op, "columns", jcolumns); json_array_add(transaction, op); } /* Send request, get reply. */ request = jsonrpc_create_request("transact", transaction, NULL); check_txn(jsonrpc_transact_block(rpc, request, &reply), &reply); /* Print database contents. */ if (reply->result->type != JSON_ARRAY || reply->result->u.array.n != n_tables) { ovs_fatal(0, "reply is not array of %"PRIuSIZE" elements: %s", n_tables, json_to_string(reply->result, 0)); } for (i = 0; i < n_tables; i++) { const struct ovsdb_table_schema *ts = tables[i]->data; const struct json *op_result = reply->result->u.array.elems[i]; struct json *rows; if (op_result->type != JSON_OBJECT || !(rows = shash_find_data(json_object(op_result), "rows")) || rows->type != JSON_ARRAY) { ovs_fatal(0, "%s table reply is not an object with a \"rows\" " "member array: %s", ts->name, json_to_string(op_result, 0)); } if (argc > 1) { dump_table(tables[i]->name, &custom_columns, &rows->u.array); } else { dump_table(tables[i]->name, &ts->columns, &rows->u.array); } } jsonrpc_msg_destroy(reply); shash_destroy(&custom_columns); free(tables); ovsdb_schema_destroy(schema); } static void do_help(struct jsonrpc *rpc OVS_UNUSED, const char *database OVS_UNUSED, int argc OVS_UNUSED, char *argv[] OVS_UNUSED) { usage(); } /* "lock" command. */ struct ovsdb_client_lock_req { const char *method; char *lock; }; static void lock_req_init(struct ovsdb_client_lock_req *lock_req, const char *method, const char *lock_name) { if (lock_req->method || lock_req->lock) { return; } lock_req->method = method; lock_req->lock = xstrdup(lock_name); } static bool lock_req_is_set(struct ovsdb_client_lock_req *lock_req) { return lock_req->method; } static void lock_req_destroy(struct ovsdb_client_lock_req *lock_req) { free(lock_req->lock); lock_req->method = NULL; lock_req->lock = NULL; } /* Create a lock class request. Caller is responsible for free * the 'request' message. */ static struct jsonrpc_msg * create_lock_request(struct ovsdb_client_lock_req *lock_req) { struct json *locks, *lock; locks = json_array_create_empty(); lock = json_string_create(lock_req->lock); json_array_add(locks, lock); return jsonrpc_create_request(lock_req->method, locks, NULL); } static void ovsdb_client_lock(struct unixctl_conn *conn, int argc OVS_UNUSED, const char *argv[], void *lock_req_) { struct ovsdb_client_lock_req *lock_req = lock_req_; lock_req_init(lock_req, "lock", argv[1]); unixctl_command_reply(conn, NULL); } static void ovsdb_client_unlock(struct unixctl_conn *conn, int argc OVS_UNUSED, const char *argv[], void *lock_req_) { struct ovsdb_client_lock_req *lock_req = lock_req_; lock_req_init(lock_req, "unlock", argv[1]); unixctl_command_reply(conn, NULL); } static void ovsdb_client_steal(struct unixctl_conn *conn, int argc OVS_UNUSED, const char *argv[], void *lock_req_) { struct ovsdb_client_lock_req *lock_req = lock_req_; lock_req_init(lock_req, "steal", argv[1]); unixctl_command_reply(conn, NULL); } static void do_lock(struct jsonrpc *rpc, const char *method, const char *lock) { struct ovsdb_client_lock_req lock_req = {NULL, NULL}; struct unixctl_server *unixctl; struct jsonrpc_msg *request; struct json *request_id = NULL; bool exiting = false; bool enable_lock_request = true; /* Don't send another request before getting a reply of the previous request. */ daemon_save_fd(STDOUT_FILENO); daemonize_start(false); lock_req_init(&lock_req, method, lock); if (get_detach()) { int error; error = unixctl_server_create(NULL, &unixctl); if (error) { ovs_fatal(error, "failed to create unixctl server"); } unixctl_command_register("unlock", "LOCK", 1, 1, ovsdb_client_unlock, &lock_req); unixctl_command_register("steal", "LOCK", 1, 1, ovsdb_client_steal, &lock_req); unixctl_command_register("lock", "LOCK", 1, 1, ovsdb_client_lock, &lock_req); unixctl_command_register("exit", "", 0, 0, ovsdb_client_exit, &exiting); } else { unixctl = NULL; } for (;;) { struct jsonrpc_msg *msg; int error; unixctl_server_run(unixctl); if (enable_lock_request && lock_req_is_set(&lock_req)) { request = create_lock_request(&lock_req); request_id = json_clone(request->id); jsonrpc_send(rpc, request); lock_req_destroy(&lock_req); } error = jsonrpc_recv(rpc, &msg); if (error == EAGAIN) { goto no_msg; } else if (error) { ovs_fatal(error, "%s: receive failed", jsonrpc_get_name(rpc)); } if (msg->type == JSONRPC_REQUEST && !strcmp(msg->method, "echo")) { jsonrpc_send(rpc, jsonrpc_create_reply(json_clone(msg->params), msg->id)); } else if (msg->type == JSONRPC_REPLY && json_equal(msg->id, request_id)) { print_json(msg->result); putchar('\n'); fflush(stdout); enable_lock_request = true; json_destroy(request_id); request_id = NULL; daemonize_complete(); } else if (msg->type == JSONRPC_NOTIFY) { puts(msg->method); print_json(msg->params); putchar('\n'); fflush(stdout); } jsonrpc_msg_destroy(msg); no_msg: if (exiting) { break; } jsonrpc_run(rpc); jsonrpc_wait(rpc); jsonrpc_recv_wait(rpc); unixctl_server_wait(unixctl); poll_block(); } json_destroy(request_id); unixctl_server_destroy(unixctl); } static void do_lock_create(struct jsonrpc *rpc, const char *database OVS_UNUSED, int argc OVS_UNUSED, char *argv[]) { do_lock(rpc, "lock", argv[0]); } static void do_lock_steal(struct jsonrpc *rpc, const char *database OVS_UNUSED, int argc OVS_UNUSED, char *argv[]) { do_lock(rpc, "steal", argv[0]); } static void do_lock_unlock(struct jsonrpc *rpc, const char *database OVS_UNUSED, int argc OVS_UNUSED, char *argv[]) { do_lock(rpc, "unlock", argv[0]); } /* All command handlers (except for "help") are expected to take an optional * server socket name (e.g. "unix:...") as their first argument. The socket * name argument must be included in max_args (but left out of min_args). The * command name and socket name are not included in the arguments passed to the * handler: the argv[0] passed to the handler is the first argument after the * optional server socket name. The connection to the server is available as * global variable 'rpc'. */ static const struct ovsdb_client_command all_commands[] = { { "list-dbs", NEED_RPC, 0, 0, do_list_dbs }, { "get-schema", NEED_DATABASE, 0, 0, do_get_schema }, { "get-schema-version", NEED_DATABASE, 0, 0, do_get_schema_version }, { "list-tables", NEED_DATABASE, 0, 0, do_list_tables }, { "list-columns", NEED_DATABASE, 0, 1, do_list_columns }, { "transact", NEED_RPC, 1, 1, do_transact }, { "monitor", NEED_DATABASE, 1, INT_MAX, do_monitor }, { "monitor-cond", NEED_DATABASE, 2, 3, do_monitor_cond }, { "dump", NEED_DATABASE, 0, INT_MAX, do_dump }, { "lock", NEED_RPC, 1, 1, do_lock_create }, { "steal", NEED_RPC, 1, 1, do_lock_steal }, { "unlock", NEED_RPC, 1, 1, do_lock_unlock }, { "help", NEED_NONE, 0, INT_MAX, do_help }, { NULL, 0, 0, 0, NULL }, }; static const struct ovsdb_client_command *get_all_commands(void) { return all_commands; }