/* * Copyright (c) 2017, 2018 Nicira, Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include #include "raft-private.h" #include "openvswitch/dynamic-string.h" #include "ovsdb-error.h" #include "ovsdb-parser.h" #include "socket-util.h" #include "sset.h" /* Addresses of Raft servers. */ struct ovsdb_error * OVS_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT raft_address_validate(const char *address) { if (!strncmp(address, "unix:", 5)) { return NULL; } else if (!strncmp(address, "ssl:", 4) || !strncmp(address, "tcp:", 4)) { struct sockaddr_storage ss; if (!inet_parse_active(address + 4, 0, &ss)) { return ovsdb_error(NULL, "%s: syntax error in address", address); } return NULL; } else { return ovsdb_error(NULL, "%s: expected \"tcp\" or \"ssl\" address", address); } } static struct ovsdb_error * OVS_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT raft_address_validate_json(const struct json *address) { if (address->type != JSON_STRING) { return ovsdb_syntax_error(address, NULL, "server address is not string"); } return raft_address_validate(json_string(address)); } /* Constructs and returns a "nickname" for a Raft server based on its 'address' * and server ID 'sid'. The nickname is just a short name for the server to * use in log messages, to make them more readable. * * The caller must eventually free the returned string. */ char * raft_address_to_nickname(const char *address, const struct uuid *sid) { if (!strncmp(address, "unix:", 5)) { const char *p = address + 5; const char *slash = strrchr(p, '/'); if (slash) { p = slash + 1; } int len = strcspn(p, "."); if (len) { return xmemdup0(p, len); } } return xasprintf(SID_FMT, SID_ARGS(sid)); } /* Sets of Raft server addresses. */ struct ovsdb_error * OVS_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT raft_addresses_from_json(const struct json *json, struct sset *addresses) { sset_init(addresses); const struct json_array *array = json_array(json); if (!array->n) { return ovsdb_syntax_error(json, NULL, "at least one remote address is required"); } for (size_t i = 0; i < array->n; i++) { const struct json *address = array->elems[i]; struct ovsdb_error *error = raft_address_validate_json(address); if (error) { sset_destroy(addresses); sset_init(addresses); return error; } sset_add(addresses, json_string(address)); } return NULL; } struct json * raft_addresses_to_json(const struct sset *sset) { struct json *array; const char *s; array = json_array_create_empty(); SSET_FOR_EACH (s, sset) { json_array_add(array, json_string_create(s)); } return array; } /* raft_server. */ const char * raft_server_phase_to_string(enum raft_server_phase phase) { switch (phase) { case RAFT_PHASE_STABLE: return "stable"; case RAFT_PHASE_CATCHUP: return "adding: catchup"; case RAFT_PHASE_CAUGHT_UP: return "adding: caught up"; case RAFT_PHASE_COMMITTING: return "adding: committing"; case RAFT_PHASE_REMOVE: return "removing"; default: return ""; } } void raft_server_destroy(struct raft_server *s) { if (s) { free(s->address); free(s->nickname); free(s); } } void raft_servers_destroy(struct hmap *servers) { struct raft_server *s, *next; HMAP_FOR_EACH_SAFE (s, next, hmap_node, servers) { hmap_remove(servers, &s->hmap_node); raft_server_destroy(s); } hmap_destroy(servers); } struct raft_server * raft_server_add(struct hmap *servers, const struct uuid *sid, const char *address) { struct raft_server *s = xzalloc(sizeof *s); s->sid = *sid; s->address = xstrdup(address); s->nickname = raft_address_to_nickname(address, sid); s->phase = RAFT_PHASE_STABLE; hmap_insert(servers, &s->hmap_node, uuid_hash(sid)); return s; } struct raft_server * raft_server_find(const struct hmap *servers, const struct uuid *sid) { struct raft_server *s; HMAP_FOR_EACH_IN_BUCKET (s, hmap_node, uuid_hash(sid), servers) { if (uuid_equals(sid, &s->sid)) { return s; } } return NULL; } const char * raft_servers_get_nickname__(const struct hmap *servers, const struct uuid *sid) { const struct raft_server *s = raft_server_find(servers, sid); return s ? s->nickname : NULL; } const char * raft_servers_get_nickname(const struct hmap *servers, const struct uuid *sid, char buf[SID_LEN + 1], size_t bufsize) { const char *s = raft_servers_get_nickname__(servers, sid); if (s) { return s; } snprintf(buf, bufsize, SID_FMT, SID_ARGS(sid)); return buf; } static struct ovsdb_error * OVS_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT raft_servers_from_json__(const struct json *json, struct hmap *servers) { if (!json || json->type != JSON_OBJECT) { return ovsdb_syntax_error(json, NULL, "servers must be JSON object"); } else if (shash_is_empty(json_object(json))) { return ovsdb_syntax_error(json, NULL, "must have at least one server"); } /* Parse new servers. */ struct shash_node *node; SHASH_FOR_EACH (node, json_object(json)) { /* Parse server UUID. */ struct uuid sid; if (!uuid_from_string(&sid, node->name)) { return ovsdb_syntax_error(json, NULL, "%s is not a UUID", node->name); } const struct json *address = node->data; struct ovsdb_error *error = raft_address_validate_json(address); if (error) { return error; } raft_server_add(servers, &sid, json_string(address)); } return NULL; } struct ovsdb_error * OVS_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT raft_servers_from_json(const struct json *json, struct hmap *servers) { hmap_init(servers); struct ovsdb_error *error = raft_servers_from_json__(json, servers); if (error) { raft_servers_destroy(servers); } return error; } struct ovsdb_error * OVS_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT raft_servers_validate_json(const struct json *json) { struct hmap servers = HMAP_INITIALIZER(&servers); struct ovsdb_error *error = raft_servers_from_json__(json, &servers); raft_servers_destroy(&servers); return error; } struct json * raft_servers_to_json(const struct hmap *servers) { struct json *json = json_object_create(); struct raft_server *s; HMAP_FOR_EACH (s, hmap_node, servers) { char sid_s[UUID_LEN + 1]; sprintf(sid_s, UUID_FMT, UUID_ARGS(&s->sid)); json_object_put_string(json, sid_s, s->address); } return json; } void raft_servers_format(const struct hmap *servers, struct ds *ds) { int i = 0; const struct raft_server *s; HMAP_FOR_EACH (s, hmap_node, servers) { if (i++) { ds_put_cstr(ds, ", "); } ds_put_format(ds, SID_FMT"(%s)", SID_ARGS(&s->sid), s->address); } } /* Raft log entries. */ void raft_entry_clone(struct raft_entry *dst, const struct raft_entry *src) { dst->term = src->term; dst->data = json_nullable_clone(src->data); dst->eid = src->eid; dst->servers = json_nullable_clone(src->servers); } void raft_entry_uninit(struct raft_entry *e) { if (e) { json_destroy(e->data); json_destroy(e->servers); } } struct json * raft_entry_to_json(const struct raft_entry *e) { struct json *json = json_object_create(); raft_put_uint64(json, "term", e->term); if (e->data) { json_object_put(json, "data", json_clone(e->data)); json_object_put_format(json, "eid", UUID_FMT, UUID_ARGS(&e->eid)); } if (e->servers) { json_object_put(json, "servers", json_clone(e->servers)); } return json; } struct ovsdb_error * OVS_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT raft_entry_from_json(struct json *json, struct raft_entry *e) { memset(e, 0, sizeof *e); struct ovsdb_parser p; ovsdb_parser_init(&p, json, "raft log entry"); e->term = raft_parse_required_uint64(&p, "term"); e->data = json_nullable_clone( ovsdb_parser_member(&p, "data", OP_OBJECT | OP_ARRAY | OP_OPTIONAL)); e->eid = e->data ? raft_parse_required_uuid(&p, "eid") : UUID_ZERO; e->servers = json_nullable_clone( ovsdb_parser_member(&p, "servers", OP_OBJECT | OP_OPTIONAL)); if (e->servers) { ovsdb_parser_put_error(&p, raft_servers_validate_json(e->servers)); } struct ovsdb_error *error = ovsdb_parser_finish(&p); if (error) { raft_entry_uninit(e); } return error; } bool raft_entry_equals(const struct raft_entry *a, const struct raft_entry *b) { return (a->term == b->term && json_equal(a->data, b->data) && uuid_equals(&a->eid, &b->eid) && json_equal(a->servers, b->servers)); } void raft_header_uninit(struct raft_header *h) { if (!h) { return; } free(h->name); free(h->local_address); sset_destroy(&h->remote_addresses); raft_entry_uninit(&h->snap); } static void raft_header_from_json__(struct raft_header *h, struct ovsdb_parser *p) { /* Parse always-required fields. */ h->sid = raft_parse_required_uuid(p, "server_id"); h->name = nullable_xstrdup(raft_parse_required_string(p, "name")); h->local_address = nullable_xstrdup( raft_parse_required_string(p, "local_address")); /* Parse "remote_addresses", if present. * * If this is present, then this database file is for the special case of a * server that was created with "ovsdb-tool join-cluster" and has not yet * joined its cluster, */ const struct json *remote_addresses = ovsdb_parser_member(p, "remote_addresses", OP_ARRAY | OP_OPTIONAL); h->joining = remote_addresses != NULL; if (h->joining) { struct ovsdb_error *error = raft_addresses_from_json( remote_addresses, &h->remote_addresses); if (error) { ovsdb_parser_put_error(p, error); } else if (sset_find_and_delete(&h->remote_addresses, h->local_address) && sset_is_empty(&h->remote_addresses)) { ovsdb_parser_raise_error(p, "at least one remote address (other " "than the local address) is required"); } } else { /* The set of servers is mandatory. */ h->snap.servers = json_nullable_clone( ovsdb_parser_member(p, "prev_servers", OP_OBJECT)); if (h->snap.servers) { ovsdb_parser_put_error(p, raft_servers_validate_json( h->snap.servers)); } /* Term, index, and snapshot are optional, but if any of them is * present, all of them must be. */ h->snap_index = raft_parse_optional_uint64(p, "prev_index"); if (h->snap_index) { h->snap.data = json_nullable_clone( ovsdb_parser_member(p, "prev_data", OP_ANY)); h->snap.eid = raft_parse_required_uuid(p, "prev_eid"); h->snap.term = raft_parse_required_uint64(p, "prev_term"); } } /* Parse cluster ID. If we're joining a cluster, this is optional, * otherwise it is mandatory. */ raft_parse_uuid(p, "cluster_id", h->joining, &h->cid); } struct ovsdb_error * OVS_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT raft_header_from_json(struct raft_header *h, const struct json *json) { struct ovsdb_parser p; ovsdb_parser_init(&p, json, "raft header"); memset(h, 0, sizeof *h); sset_init(&h->remote_addresses); raft_header_from_json__(h, &p); struct ovsdb_error *error = ovsdb_parser_finish(&p); if (error) { raft_header_uninit(h); } return error; } struct json * raft_header_to_json(const struct raft_header *h) { struct json *json = json_object_create(); json_object_put_format(json, "server_id", UUID_FMT, UUID_ARGS(&h->sid)); if (!uuid_is_zero(&h->cid)) { json_object_put_format(json, "cluster_id", UUID_FMT, UUID_ARGS(&h->cid)); } json_object_put_string(json, "local_address", h->local_address); json_object_put_string(json, "name", h->name); if (!sset_is_empty(&h->remote_addresses)) { json_object_put(json, "remote_addresses", raft_addresses_to_json(&h->remote_addresses)); } if (h->snap.servers) { json_object_put(json, "prev_servers", json_clone(h->snap.servers)); } if (h->snap_index) { raft_put_uint64(json, "prev_index", h->snap_index); raft_put_uint64(json, "prev_term", h->snap.term); if (h->snap.data) { json_object_put(json, "prev_data", json_clone(h->snap.data)); } json_object_put_format(json, "prev_eid", UUID_FMT, UUID_ARGS(&h->snap.eid)); } return json; } void raft_record_uninit(struct raft_record *r) { if (!r) { return; } free(r->comment); switch (r->type) { case RAFT_REC_ENTRY: json_destroy(r->entry.data); json_destroy(r->entry.servers); break; case RAFT_REC_NOTE: free(r->note); break; case RAFT_REC_TERM: case RAFT_REC_VOTE: case RAFT_REC_COMMIT_INDEX: case RAFT_REC_LEADER: break; } } static void raft_record_from_json__(struct raft_record *r, struct ovsdb_parser *p) { r->comment = nullable_xstrdup(raft_parse_optional_string(p, "comment")); /* Parse "note". */ const char *note = raft_parse_optional_string(p, "note"); if (note) { r->type = RAFT_REC_NOTE; r->term = 0; r->note = xstrdup(note); return; } /* Parse "commit_index". */ r->commit_index = raft_parse_optional_uint64(p, "commit_index"); if (r->commit_index) { r->type = RAFT_REC_COMMIT_INDEX; r->term = 0; return; } /* All remaining types of log records include "term", plus at most one of: * * - "index" plus zero or more of "data", "eid", and "servers". "data" * and "eid" must be both present or both absent. * * - "vote". * * - "leader". */ /* Parse "term". * * A Raft leader can replicate entries from previous terms to the other * servers in the cluster, retaining the original terms on those entries * (see section 3.6.2 "Committing entries from previous terms" for more * information), so it's OK for the term in a log record to precede the * current term. */ r->term = raft_parse_required_uint64(p, "term"); /* Parse "leader". */ if (raft_parse_optional_uuid(p, "leader", &r->sid)) { r->type = RAFT_REC_LEADER; if (uuid_is_zero(&r->sid)) { ovsdb_parser_raise_error(p, "record says leader is all-zeros SID"); } return; } /* Parse "vote". */ if (raft_parse_optional_uuid(p, "vote", &r->sid)) { r->type = RAFT_REC_VOTE; if (uuid_is_zero(&r->sid)) { ovsdb_parser_raise_error(p, "record votes for all-zeros SID"); } return; } /* If "index" is present parse the rest of the entry, otherwise it's just a * term update. */ r->entry.index = raft_parse_optional_uint64(p, "index"); if (!r->entry.index) { r->type = RAFT_REC_TERM; } else { r->type = RAFT_REC_ENTRY; r->entry.servers = json_nullable_clone( ovsdb_parser_member(p, "servers", OP_OBJECT | OP_OPTIONAL)); if (r->entry.servers) { ovsdb_parser_put_error( p, raft_servers_validate_json(r->entry.servers)); } r->entry.data = json_nullable_clone( ovsdb_parser_member(p, "data", OP_OBJECT | OP_ARRAY | OP_OPTIONAL)); r->entry.eid = (r->entry.data ? raft_parse_required_uuid(p, "eid") : UUID_ZERO); } } struct ovsdb_error * OVS_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT raft_record_from_json(struct raft_record *r, const struct json *json) { struct ovsdb_parser p; ovsdb_parser_init(&p, json, "raft log record"); raft_record_from_json__(r, &p); struct ovsdb_error *error = ovsdb_parser_finish(&p); if (error) { raft_record_uninit(r); } return error; } struct json * raft_record_to_json(const struct raft_record *r) { struct json *json = json_object_create(); if (r->comment && *r->comment) { json_object_put_string(json, "comment", r->comment); } switch (r->type) { case RAFT_REC_ENTRY: raft_put_uint64(json, "term", r->term); raft_put_uint64(json, "index", r->entry.index); if (r->entry.data) { json_object_put(json, "data", json_clone(r->entry.data)); } if (r->entry.servers) { json_object_put(json, "servers", json_clone(r->entry.servers)); } if (!uuid_is_zero(&r->entry.eid)) { json_object_put_format(json, "eid", UUID_FMT, UUID_ARGS(&r->entry.eid)); } break; case RAFT_REC_TERM: raft_put_uint64(json, "term", r->term); break; case RAFT_REC_VOTE: raft_put_uint64(json, "term", r->term); json_object_put_format(json, "vote", UUID_FMT, UUID_ARGS(&r->sid)); break; case RAFT_REC_NOTE: json_object_put(json, "note", json_string_create(r->note)); break; case RAFT_REC_COMMIT_INDEX: raft_put_uint64(json, "commit_index", r->commit_index); break; case RAFT_REC_LEADER: raft_put_uint64(json, "term", r->term); json_object_put_format(json, "leader", UUID_FMT, UUID_ARGS(&r->sid)); break; default: OVS_NOT_REACHED(); } return json; } /* Puts 'integer' into JSON 'object' with the given 'name'. * * The OVS JSON implementation only supports integers in the range * INT64_MIN...INT64_MAX, which causes trouble for values from INT64_MAX+1 to * UINT64_MAX. We map those into the negative range. */ void raft_put_uint64(struct json *object, const char *name, uint64_t integer) { json_object_put(object, name, json_integer_create(integer)); } /* Parses an integer from parser 'p' with the given 'name'. * * The OVS JSON implementation only supports integers in the range * INT64_MIN...INT64_MAX, which causes trouble for values from INT64_MAX+1 to * UINT64_MAX. We map the negative range back into positive numbers. */ static uint64_t raft_parse_uint64__(struct ovsdb_parser *p, const char *name, bool optional) { enum ovsdb_parser_types types = OP_INTEGER | (optional ? OP_OPTIONAL : 0); const struct json *json = ovsdb_parser_member(p, name, types); return json ? json_integer(json) : 0; } uint64_t raft_parse_optional_uint64(struct ovsdb_parser *p, const char *name) { return raft_parse_uint64__(p, name, true); } uint64_t raft_parse_required_uint64(struct ovsdb_parser *p, const char *name) { return raft_parse_uint64__(p, name, false); } static int raft_parse_boolean__(struct ovsdb_parser *p, const char *name, bool optional) { enum ovsdb_parser_types types = OP_BOOLEAN | (optional ? OP_OPTIONAL : 0); const struct json *json = ovsdb_parser_member(p, name, types); return json ? json_boolean(json) : -1; } bool raft_parse_required_boolean(struct ovsdb_parser *p, const char *name) { return raft_parse_boolean__(p, name, false); } /* Returns true or false if present, -1 if absent. */ int raft_parse_optional_boolean(struct ovsdb_parser *p, const char *name) { return raft_parse_boolean__(p, name, true); } static const char * raft_parse_string__(struct ovsdb_parser *p, const char *name, bool optional) { enum ovsdb_parser_types types = OP_STRING | (optional ? OP_OPTIONAL : 0); const struct json *json = ovsdb_parser_member(p, name, types); return json ? json_string(json) : NULL; } const char * raft_parse_required_string(struct ovsdb_parser *p, const char *name) { return raft_parse_string__(p, name, false); } const char * raft_parse_optional_string(struct ovsdb_parser *p, const char *name) { return raft_parse_string__(p, name, true); } bool raft_parse_uuid(struct ovsdb_parser *p, const char *name, bool optional, struct uuid *uuid) { const char *s = raft_parse_string__(p, name, optional); if (s) { if (uuid_from_string(uuid, s)) { return true; } ovsdb_parser_raise_error(p, "%s is not a valid UUID", name); } *uuid = UUID_ZERO; return false; } struct uuid raft_parse_required_uuid(struct ovsdb_parser *p, const char *name) { struct uuid uuid; raft_parse_uuid(p, name, false, &uuid); return uuid; } bool raft_parse_optional_uuid(struct ovsdb_parser *p, const char *name, struct uuid *uuid) { return raft_parse_uuid(p, name, true, uuid); }