/* Copyright (c) 2009, 2010, 2011, 2016, 2017 Nicira, Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this storage except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include #include "storage.h" #include #include "log.h" #include "ovsdb-error.h" #include "openvswitch/json.h" #include "openvswitch/poll-loop.h" #include "openvswitch/vlog.h" #include "ovsdb.h" #include "raft.h" #include "random.h" #include "timeval.h" #include "util.h" VLOG_DEFINE_THIS_MODULE(storage); struct ovsdb_storage { /* There are three kinds of storage: * * - Standalone, backed by a disk file. 'log' is nonnull, 'raft' is * null. * * - Clustered, backed by a Raft cluster. 'log' is null, 'raft' is * nonnull. * * - Memory only, unbacked. 'log' and 'raft' are null. */ struct ovsdb_log *log; struct raft *raft; /* All kinds of storage. */ struct ovsdb_error *error; /* If nonnull, a permanent error. */ long long next_snapshot_min; /* Earliest time to take next snapshot. */ long long next_snapshot_max; /* Latest time to take next snapshot. */ /* Standalone only. */ unsigned int n_read; unsigned int n_written; }; static void schedule_next_snapshot(struct ovsdb_storage *, bool quick); static struct ovsdb_error * OVS_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT ovsdb_storage_open__(const char *filename, bool rw, bool allow_clustered, struct ovsdb_storage **storagep) { *storagep = NULL; struct ovsdb_log *log; struct ovsdb_error *error; error = ovsdb_log_open(filename, OVSDB_MAGIC"|"RAFT_MAGIC, rw ? OVSDB_LOG_READ_WRITE : OVSDB_LOG_READ_ONLY, -1, &log); if (error) { return error; } struct raft *raft = NULL; if (!strcmp(ovsdb_log_get_magic(log), RAFT_MAGIC)) { if (!allow_clustered) { ovsdb_log_close(log); return ovsdb_error(NULL, "%s: cannot apply this operation to " "clustered database file", filename); } error = raft_open(log, &raft); log = NULL; if (error) { return error; } } struct ovsdb_storage *storage = xzalloc(sizeof *storage); storage->log = log; storage->raft = raft; schedule_next_snapshot(storage, false); *storagep = storage; return NULL; } /* Opens 'filename' for use as storage. If 'rw', opens it for read/write * access, otherwise read-only. If successful, stores the new storage in * '*storagep' and returns NULL; on failure, stores NULL in '*storagep' and * returns the error. * * The returned storage might be clustered or standalone, depending on what the * disk file contains. */ struct ovsdb_error * OVS_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT ovsdb_storage_open(const char *filename, bool rw, struct ovsdb_storage **storagep) { return ovsdb_storage_open__(filename, rw, true, storagep); } struct ovsdb_storage * ovsdb_storage_open_standalone(const char *filename, bool rw) { struct ovsdb_storage *storage; struct ovsdb_error *error = ovsdb_storage_open__(filename, rw, false, &storage); if (error) { ovs_fatal(0, "%s", ovsdb_error_to_string_free(error)); } return storage; } /* Creates and returns new storage without any backing. Nothing will be read * from the storage, and writes are discarded. */ struct ovsdb_storage * ovsdb_storage_create_unbacked(void) { struct ovsdb_storage *storage = xzalloc(sizeof *storage); schedule_next_snapshot(storage, false); return storage; } void ovsdb_storage_close(struct ovsdb_storage *storage) { if (storage) { ovsdb_log_close(storage->log); raft_close(storage->raft); ovsdb_error_destroy(storage->error); free(storage); } } const char * ovsdb_storage_get_model(const struct ovsdb_storage *storage) { return storage->raft ? "clustered" : "standalone"; } bool ovsdb_storage_is_clustered(const struct ovsdb_storage *storage) { return storage->raft != NULL; } bool ovsdb_storage_is_connected(const struct ovsdb_storage *storage) { return !storage->raft || raft_is_connected(storage->raft); } bool ovsdb_storage_is_dead(const struct ovsdb_storage *storage) { return storage->raft && raft_left(storage->raft); } bool ovsdb_storage_is_leader(const struct ovsdb_storage *storage) { return !storage->raft || raft_is_leader(storage->raft); } const struct uuid * ovsdb_storage_get_cid(const struct ovsdb_storage *storage) { return storage->raft ? raft_get_cid(storage->raft) : NULL; } const struct uuid * ovsdb_storage_get_sid(const struct ovsdb_storage *storage) { return storage->raft ? raft_get_sid(storage->raft) : NULL; } uint64_t ovsdb_storage_get_applied_index(const struct ovsdb_storage *storage) { return storage->raft ? raft_get_applied_index(storage->raft) : 0; } void ovsdb_storage_run(struct ovsdb_storage *storage) { if (storage->raft) { raft_run(storage->raft); } } void ovsdb_storage_wait(struct ovsdb_storage *storage) { if (storage->raft) { raft_wait(storage->raft); } } /* Returns 'storage''s embedded name, if it has one, otherwise null. * * Only clustered storage has a built-in name. */ const char * ovsdb_storage_get_name(const struct ovsdb_storage *storage) { return storage->raft ? raft_get_name(storage->raft) : NULL; } /* Attempts to read a log record from 'storage'. * * If successful, returns NULL and stores the transaction information in * '*schemap', '*txnp', and '*txnid'. At least one of these will be nonnull. * The caller owns the data and must eventually free it (with json_destroy()). * * If 'storage' is not clustered, 'txnid' may be null. * * If a read error occurs, returns the error and stores NULL in '*jsonp'. * * If the read reaches end of file, returns NULL and stores NULL in * '*jsonp'. */ struct ovsdb_error * OVS_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT ovsdb_storage_read(struct ovsdb_storage *storage, struct ovsdb_schema **schemap, struct json **txnp, struct uuid *txnid) { *schemap = NULL; *txnp = NULL; if (txnid) { *txnid = UUID_ZERO; } struct json *json; struct json *schema_json = NULL; struct json *txn_json = NULL; if (storage->raft) { bool is_snapshot; json = json_nullable_clone( raft_next_entry(storage->raft, txnid, &is_snapshot)); if (!json) { return NULL; } else if (json->type != JSON_ARRAY || json->array.n != 2) { json_destroy(json); return ovsdb_error(NULL, "invalid commit format"); } struct json **e = json->array.elems; schema_json = e[0]->type != JSON_NULL ? e[0] : NULL; txn_json = e[1]->type != JSON_NULL ? e[1] : NULL; } else if (storage->log) { struct ovsdb_error *error = ovsdb_log_read(storage->log, &json); if (error || !json) { return error; } unsigned int n = storage->n_read++; struct json **jsonp = !n ? &schema_json : &txn_json; *jsonp = json; if (n == 1) { ovsdb_log_mark_base(storage->log); } } else { /* Unbacked. Nothing to do. */ return NULL; } /* If we got this far then we must have at least a schema or a * transaction. */ ovs_assert(schema_json || txn_json); if (schema_json) { struct ovsdb_schema *schema; struct ovsdb_error *error = ovsdb_schema_from_json(schema_json, &schema); if (error) { json_destroy(json); return error; } const char *storage_name = ovsdb_storage_get_name(storage); const char *schema_name = schema->name; if (storage_name && strcmp(storage_name, schema_name)) { error = ovsdb_error(NULL, "name %s in header does not match " "name %s in schema", storage_name, schema_name); json_destroy(json); ovsdb_schema_destroy(schema); return error; } *schemap = schema; } if (txn_json) { *txnp = json_clone(txn_json); } json_destroy(json); return NULL; } /* Reads and returns the schema from standalone storage 'storage'. Terminates * with an error on failure. */ struct ovsdb_schema * ovsdb_storage_read_schema(struct ovsdb_storage *storage) { ovs_assert(storage->log); struct json *txn_json; struct ovsdb_schema *schema; struct ovsdb_error *error = ovsdb_storage_read(storage, &schema, &txn_json, NULL); if (error) { ovs_fatal(0, "%s", ovsdb_error_to_string_free(error)); } if (!schema && !txn_json) { ovs_fatal(0, "unexpected end of file reading schema"); } ovs_assert(schema && !txn_json); return schema; } bool ovsdb_storage_read_wait(struct ovsdb_storage *storage) { return (storage->raft ? raft_has_next_entry(storage->raft) : false); } void ovsdb_storage_unread(struct ovsdb_storage *storage) { if (storage->error) { return; } if (storage->raft) { if (!storage->error) { storage->error = ovsdb_error(NULL, "inconsistent data"); } } else if (storage->log) { ovsdb_log_unread(storage->log); } } struct ovsdb_write { struct ovsdb_error *error; struct raft_command *command; }; /* Not suitable for writing transactions that change the schema. */ struct ovsdb_write * OVS_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT ovsdb_storage_write(struct ovsdb_storage *storage, const struct json *data, const struct uuid *prereq, struct uuid *resultp, bool durable) { struct ovsdb_write *w = xzalloc(sizeof *w); struct uuid result = UUID_ZERO; if (storage->error) { w->error = ovsdb_error_clone(storage->error); } else if (storage->raft) { struct json *txn_json = json_array_create_2(json_null_create(), json_clone(data)); w->command = raft_command_execute(storage->raft, txn_json, prereq, &result); json_destroy(txn_json); } else if (storage->log) { w->error = ovsdb_log_write(storage->log, data); if (!w->error) { storage->n_written++; if (durable) { w->error = ovsdb_log_commit_block(storage->log); } } } else { /* When 'error' and 'command' are both null, it indicates that the * command is complete. This is fine since this unbacked storage drops * writes. */ } if (resultp) { *resultp = result; } return w; } /* Not suitable for writing transactions that change the schema. */ struct ovsdb_error * OVS_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT ovsdb_storage_write_block(struct ovsdb_storage *storage, const struct json *data, const struct uuid *prereq, struct uuid *resultp, bool durable) { struct ovsdb_write *w = ovsdb_storage_write(storage, data, prereq, resultp, durable); while (!ovsdb_write_is_complete(w)) { if (storage->raft) { raft_run(storage->raft); } ovsdb_write_wait(w); if (storage->raft) { raft_wait(storage->raft); } poll_block(); } struct ovsdb_error *error = ovsdb_error_clone(ovsdb_write_get_error(w)); ovsdb_write_destroy(w); return error; } bool ovsdb_write_is_complete(const struct ovsdb_write *w) { return (w->error || !w->command || raft_command_get_status(w->command) != RAFT_CMD_INCOMPLETE); } const struct ovsdb_error * ovsdb_write_get_error(const struct ovsdb_write *w_) { struct ovsdb_write *w = CONST_CAST(struct ovsdb_write *, w_); ovs_assert(ovsdb_write_is_complete(w)); if (w->command && !w->error) { enum raft_command_status status = raft_command_get_status(w->command); if (status != RAFT_CMD_SUCCESS) { w->error = ovsdb_error("cluster error", "%s", raft_command_status_to_string(status)); } } return w->error; } uint64_t ovsdb_write_get_commit_index(const struct ovsdb_write *w) { ovs_assert(ovsdb_write_is_complete(w)); return (w->command && !w->error ? raft_command_get_commit_index(w->command) : 0); } void ovsdb_write_wait(const struct ovsdb_write *w) { if (ovsdb_write_is_complete(w)) { poll_immediate_wake(); } } void ovsdb_write_destroy(struct ovsdb_write *w) { if (w) { raft_command_unref(w->command); ovsdb_error_destroy(w->error); free(w); } } static void schedule_next_snapshot(struct ovsdb_storage *storage, bool quick) { if (storage->log || storage->raft) { unsigned int base = 10 * 60 * 1000; /* 10 minutes */ unsigned int range = 10 * 60 * 1000; /* 10 minutes */ if (quick) { base /= 10; range /= 10; } long long int now = time_msec(); storage->next_snapshot_min = now + base + random_range(range); storage->next_snapshot_max = now + 60LL * 60 * 24 * 1000; /* 1 day */ } else { storage->next_snapshot_min = LLONG_MAX; storage->next_snapshot_max = LLONG_MAX; } } bool ovsdb_storage_should_snapshot(const struct ovsdb_storage *storage) { if (storage->raft || storage->log) { /* If we haven't reached the minimum snapshot time, don't snapshot. */ long long int now = time_msec(); if (now < storage->next_snapshot_min) { return false; } /* If we can't snapshot right now, don't. */ if (storage->raft && !raft_may_snapshot(storage->raft)) { return false; } uint64_t log_len = (storage->raft ? raft_get_log_length(storage->raft) : storage->n_read + storage->n_written); if (now < storage->next_snapshot_max) { /* Maximum snapshot time not yet reached. Take a snapshot if there * have been at least 100 log entries and the log file size has * grown a lot. */ bool grew_lots = (storage->raft ? raft_grew_lots(storage->raft) : ovsdb_log_grew_lots(storage->log)); return log_len >= 100 && grew_lots; } else { /* We have reached the maximum snapshot time. Take a snapshot if * there have been any log entries at all. */ return log_len > 0; } } return false; } static struct ovsdb_error * OVS_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT ovsdb_storage_store_snapshot__(struct ovsdb_storage *storage, const struct json *schema, const struct json *data) { if (storage->raft) { struct json *entries = json_array_create_empty(); if (schema) { json_array_add(entries, json_clone(schema)); } if (data) { json_array_add(entries, json_clone(data)); } struct ovsdb_error *error = raft_store_snapshot(storage->raft, entries); json_destroy(entries); return error; } else if (storage->log) { struct json *entries[2]; size_t n = 0; if (schema) { entries[n++] = CONST_CAST(struct json *, schema); } if (data) { entries[n++] = CONST_CAST(struct json *, data); } return ovsdb_log_replace(storage->log, entries, n); } else { return NULL; } } /* 'schema' and 'data' should faithfully represent the current schema and data, * otherwise the two storing backing formats will yield divergent results. Use * ovsdb_storage_write_schema_change() to change the schema. */ struct ovsdb_error * OVS_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT ovsdb_storage_store_snapshot(struct ovsdb_storage *storage, const struct json *schema, const struct json *data) { struct ovsdb_error *error = ovsdb_storage_store_snapshot__(storage, schema, data); bool retry_quickly = error != NULL; schedule_next_snapshot(storage, retry_quickly); return error; } struct ovsdb_write * OVS_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT ovsdb_storage_write_schema_change(struct ovsdb_storage *storage, const struct json *schema, const struct json *data, const struct uuid *prereq, struct uuid *resultp) { struct ovsdb_write *w = xzalloc(sizeof *w); struct uuid result = UUID_ZERO; if (storage->error) { w->error = ovsdb_error_clone(storage->error); } else if (storage->raft) { struct json *txn_json = json_array_create_2(json_clone(schema), json_clone(data)); w->command = raft_command_execute(storage->raft, txn_json, prereq, &result); json_destroy(txn_json); } else if (storage->log) { w->error = ovsdb_storage_store_snapshot__(storage, schema, data); } else { /* When 'error' and 'command' are both null, it indicates that the * command is complete. This is fine since this unbacked storage drops * writes. */ } if (resultp) { *resultp = result; } return w; } const struct uuid * ovsdb_storage_peek_last_eid(struct ovsdb_storage *storage) { if (!storage->raft) { return NULL; } return raft_current_eid(storage->raft); }