/* * Copyright (c) 2021, Red Hat, Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include #include "transaction-forward.h" #include "coverage.h" #include "jsonrpc.h" #include "openvswitch/hmap.h" #include "openvswitch/json.h" #include "openvswitch/list.h" #include "openvswitch/poll-loop.h" #include "openvswitch/vlog.h" #include "ovsdb.h" #include "ovsdb-cs.h" #include "util.h" VLOG_DEFINE_THIS_MODULE(transaction_forward); COVERAGE_DEFINE(txn_forward_cancel); COVERAGE_DEFINE(txn_forward_complete); COVERAGE_DEFINE(txn_forward_create); COVERAGE_DEFINE(txn_forward_sent); struct ovsdb_txn_forward { struct ovs_list new_node; /* In 'txn_forward_new' of struct ovsdb. */ struct hmap_node sent_node; /* In 'txn_forward_sent' of struct ovsdb. */ struct json *id; /* 'id' of the forwarded transaction. */ struct jsonrpc_msg *request; /* Original request. */ struct jsonrpc_msg *reply; /* Reply from the server. */ }; struct ovsdb_txn_forward * ovsdb_txn_forward_create(struct ovsdb *db, const struct jsonrpc_msg *request) { struct ovsdb_txn_forward *txn_fwd = xzalloc(sizeof *txn_fwd); COVERAGE_INC(txn_forward_create); txn_fwd->request = jsonrpc_msg_clone(request); ovs_list_push_back(&db->txn_forward_new, &txn_fwd->new_node); hmap_node_nullify(&txn_fwd->sent_node); return txn_fwd; } static void ovsdb_txn_forward_unlist(struct ovsdb *db, struct ovsdb_txn_forward *txn_fwd) { if (!ovs_list_is_empty(&txn_fwd->new_node)) { ovs_list_remove(&txn_fwd->new_node); ovs_list_init(&txn_fwd->new_node); } if (!hmap_node_is_null(&txn_fwd->sent_node)) { hmap_remove(&db->txn_forward_sent, &txn_fwd->sent_node); hmap_node_nullify(&txn_fwd->sent_node); } } void ovsdb_txn_forward_destroy(struct ovsdb *db, struct ovsdb_txn_forward *txn_fwd) { if (!txn_fwd) { return; } ovsdb_txn_forward_unlist(db, txn_fwd); json_destroy(txn_fwd->id); jsonrpc_msg_destroy(txn_fwd->request); jsonrpc_msg_destroy(txn_fwd->reply); free(txn_fwd); } bool ovsdb_txn_forward_is_complete(const struct ovsdb_txn_forward *txn_fwd) { return txn_fwd->reply != NULL; } void ovsdb_txn_forward_complete(struct ovsdb *db, const struct jsonrpc_msg *reply) { struct ovsdb_txn_forward *t; size_t hash = json_hash(reply->id, 0); HMAP_FOR_EACH_WITH_HASH (t, sent_node, hash, &db->txn_forward_sent) { if (json_equal(reply->id, t->id)) { COVERAGE_INC(txn_forward_complete); t->reply = jsonrpc_msg_clone(reply); /* Replacing id with the id of the original request. */ json_destroy(t->reply->id); t->reply->id = json_clone(t->request->id); hmap_remove(&db->txn_forward_sent, &t->sent_node); hmap_node_nullify(&t->sent_node); db->run_triggers_now = db->run_triggers = true; return; } } } struct jsonrpc_msg * ovsdb_txn_forward_steal_reply(struct ovsdb_txn_forward *txn_fwd) { struct jsonrpc_msg *reply = txn_fwd->reply; txn_fwd->reply = NULL; return reply; } void ovsdb_txn_forward_run(struct ovsdb *db, struct ovsdb_cs *cs) { struct ovsdb_txn_forward *t, *next; /* Send all transactions that needs to be forwarded. */ LIST_FOR_EACH_SAFE (t, next, new_node, &db->txn_forward_new) { if (!ovsdb_cs_may_send_transaction(cs)) { break; } ovs_assert(!strcmp(t->request->method, "transact")); t->id = ovsdb_cs_send_transaction(cs, json_clone(t->request->params)); if (t->id) { COVERAGE_INC(txn_forward_sent); ovs_list_remove(&t->new_node); ovs_list_init(&t->new_node); hmap_insert(&db->txn_forward_sent, &t->sent_node, json_hash(t->id, 0)); } } } void ovsdb_txn_forward_wait(struct ovsdb *db, struct ovsdb_cs *cs) { if (ovsdb_cs_may_send_transaction(cs) && !ovs_list_is_empty(&db->txn_forward_new)) { poll_immediate_wake(); } } void ovsdb_txn_forward_cancel(struct ovsdb *db, struct ovsdb_txn_forward *txn_fwd) { COVERAGE_INC(txn_forward_cancel); jsonrpc_msg_destroy(txn_fwd->reply); txn_fwd->reply = jsonrpc_create_error(json_string_create("canceled"), txn_fwd->request->id); ovsdb_txn_forward_unlist(db, txn_fwd); } void ovsdb_txn_forward_cancel_all(struct ovsdb *db, bool sent_only) { struct ovsdb_txn_forward *t, *next; HMAP_FOR_EACH_SAFE (t, next, sent_node, &db->txn_forward_sent) { ovsdb_txn_forward_cancel(db, t); } if (sent_only) { return; } LIST_FOR_EACH_SAFE (t, next, new_node, &db->txn_forward_new) { ovsdb_txn_forward_cancel(db, t); } }