--- - hosts: all become: true name: builder tasks: - name: Create Ansible Local Facts Directory file: path=/etc/ansible/facts.d state=directory - name: Initiate Build Numbering copy: content: '{ "release":"1" }' dest: "/etc/ansible/facts.d/builder.fact" force: no - name: Set source directory for building set_fact: SOURCE: "/root/rpmbuild/SOURCES" - name: Reload Ansible Local Facts setup: filter=ansible_local - name: Install "yum-utils", "rpmdevtools", "createrepo", "httpd", "git" yum: update_cache=yes name={{item}} state=present with_items: - yum-utils - rpmdevtools - createrepo - httpd - git - name: Remove untracked files from Open vSwitch GIT repository command: chdir=/git/ovs/ git clean -xdf - name: Reset Open vSwitch GIT repository to last comitted state command: chdir=/git/ovs/ git reset --hard - name: Generate spec files for easy build dependency retrieval shell: sed -e 's/@VERSION@/0.0.1/' {{item}}.in > /tmp/{{item}} args: chdir: /git/ovs/rhel with_items: - openvswitch.spec - openvswitch-kmod-rhel6.spec - name: Install build dependencies specified from spec files shell: echo "y" | yum-builddep /tmp/{{item}} with_items: - openvswitch.spec - openvswitch-kmod-rhel6.spec - name: Create rpm dev tree command: rpmdev-setuptree - name: Run "./boot.sh" command: chdir=/git/ovs/ ./boot.sh - name: Run "./configure" command: chdir=/git/ovs/ ./configure - name: Run "make dist" command: chdir=/git/ovs/ make dist - name: Parse out Open vSwitch version from "configure.ac" command: chdir=/git/ovs autoconf -t AC_INIT:'$2' register: version - name: Copy source tarball to rpm dev tree command: cp /git/ovs/openvswitch-{{version.stdout}}.tar.gz {{SOURCE}} - name: Unarchive openvswitch source tarball unarchive: src: "{{SOURCE}}/openvswitch-{{version.stdout}}.tar.gz" dest: "{{SOURCE}}" remote_src: yes - name: Update release number in spec files lineinfile: path: "{{SOURCE}}/openvswitch-{{version.stdout}}/rhel/{{item}}" regexp: '^Release:' line: "Release: {{ ansible_local.builder.release }}" with_items: - openvswitch.spec - openvswitch-kmod-rhel6.spec - name: Build Open vSwitch user space rpms command: rpmbuild -bb --without check rhel/openvswitch.spec args: chdir: "{{SOURCE}}/openvswitch-{{version.stdout}}" - name: Build Open vSwitch kmod rpms (only for currently loaded kernel) command: rpmbuild -bb --without check rhel/openvswitch-kmod-rhel6.spec args: chdir: "{{SOURCE}}/openvswitch-{{version.stdout}}" - name: Copy RPM packages to /var/www/html command: cp -r /root/rpmbuild/RPMS/ /var/www/html - name: Create RPM Package index file for repository command: chdir=/var/www/html createrepo /var/www/html - name: Make sure Apache is running systemd: state=started name=httpd - name: Bump up Build Number copy: content: '{ "release":"{{ansible_local.builder.release|int+1}}" }' dest: "/etc/ansible/facts.d/builder.fact"