# Copyright (c) 2010, 2011, 2012, 2015, 2016, 2017 Nicira, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at: # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import re import sys from ovs.db import error def text_to_nroff(s, font=r'\fR', escape_dot=True): def escape(match): c = match.group(0) # In Roman type, let -- in XML be \- in nroff. That gives us a way to # write minus signs, which is important in some places in manpages. # # Bold in nroff usually represents literal text, where there's no # distinction between hyphens and minus sign. The convention in nroff # appears to be to use a minus sign in such cases, so we follow that # convention. # # Finally, we always output - as a minus sign when it is followed by a # digit. if c.startswith('-'): if c == '--' and font == r'\fR': return r'\-' if c != '-' or font in (r'\fB', r'\fL'): return c.replace('-', r'\-') else: return '-' if c == '\\': return r'\e' elif c == '"': return r'\(dq' elif c == "'": return r'\(cq' elif c == ".": if escape_dot: # groff(7) says that . can be escaped by \. but in practice # groff still gives an error with \. at the beginning of a # line. return r'\[char46]' else: return '.' else: raise error.Error("bad escape") # Escape - \ " ' . as needed by nroff. s = re.sub('(-[0-9]|--|[-"\'\\\\.])', escape, s) return s def escape_nroff_literal(s, font=r'\fB'): return font + r'%s\fR' % text_to_nroff(s, font) def inline_xml_to_nroff(node, font, to_upper=False, newline='\n'): if node.nodeType == node.TEXT_NODE: if to_upper: s = text_to_nroff(node.data.upper(), font) else: s = text_to_nroff(node.data, font) return s.replace('\n', newline) elif node.nodeType == node.ELEMENT_NODE: if node.tagName in ['code', 'em', 'option', 'env', 'b']: s = r'\fB' for child in node.childNodes: s += inline_xml_to_nroff(child, r'\fB', to_upper, newline) return s + font elif node.tagName == 'ref': if node.hasAttribute('column'): s = node.attributes['column'].nodeValue if node.hasAttribute('key'): s += ':' + node.attributes['key'].nodeValue elif node.hasAttribute('table'): s = node.attributes['table'].nodeValue elif node.hasAttribute('group'): s = node.attributes['group'].nodeValue elif node.hasAttribute('db'): s = node.attributes['db'].nodeValue elif node.hasAttribute('field'): s = node.attributes['field'].nodeValue elif node.hasAttribute('section'): s = node.attributes['section'].nodeValue else: raise error.Error("'ref' lacks required attributes: %s" % list(node.attributes.keys())) return r'\fB' + re.sub(r'\s+', ' ', s) + font elif node.tagName in ['var', 'dfn', 'i', 'cite']: s = r'\fI' for child in node.childNodes: s += inline_xml_to_nroff(child, r'\fI', to_upper, newline) return s + font elif node.tagName in ['literal']: s = r'\fL' for child in node.childNodes: s += inline_xml_to_nroff(child, r'\fL') return s + font elif node.tagName == 'url': return ('\n.URL "' + text_to_nroff(node.attributes['href'].nodeValue, escape_dot=False) + '"\n') else: raise error.Error("element <%s> unknown or invalid here" % node.tagName) elif node.nodeType == node.COMMENT_NODE: return '' else: raise error.Error("unknown node %s in inline xml" % node) def pre_to_nroff(nodes, para, font): # This puts 'font' at the beginning of each line so that leading and # trailing whitespace stripping later doesn't removed leading spaces # from preformatted text. s = para + '\n.nf\n' + font for node in nodes: s += inline_xml_to_nroff(node, font, False, '\n.br\n' + font) + '\\fR' s += '\n.fi\n' return s def tbl_to_nroff(nodes, para): s = para + '\n.TS\n' for node in nodes: if node.nodeType != node.TEXT_NODE: fatal(" element may only have text children") s += node.data + '\n' s += '.TE\n' return s def fatal(msg): sys.stderr.write('%s\n' % msg) sys.exit(1) def put_text(text, x, y, s): x = int(x) y = int(y) extend = x + len(s) - len(text[y]) if extend > 0: text[y] += ' ' * extend text[y] = text[y][:x] + s + text[y][x + len(s):] def put_centered(text, x, width, y, s): put_text(text, x + (width - len(s)) / 2, y, s) def diagram_header_to_nroff(header_node, text, x): # Parse header. header_fields = [] i = 0 for node in header_node.childNodes: if node.nodeType == node.ELEMENT_NODE and node.tagName == 'bits': name = node.attributes['name'].nodeValue width = node.attributes['width'].nodeValue above = node.getAttribute('above') below = node.getAttribute('below') fill = node.getAttribute('fill') header_fields += [{"name": name, "tag": "B%d" % i, "width": width, "above": above, "below": below, "fill": fill}] i += 1 elif node.nodeType == node.COMMENT_NODE: pass elif node.nodeType == node.TEXT_NODE and node.data.isspace(): pass else: fatal("unknown node %s in diagram
element" % node) # Format pic version. pic_s = "" for f in header_fields: name = f['name'].replace('...', '. . .') pic_s += " %s: box \"%s\" width %s" % (f['tag'], name, f['width']) if f['fill'] == 'yes': pic_s += " fill" pic_s += '\n' for f in header_fields: pic_s += " \"%s\" at %s.n above\n" % (f['above'], f['tag']) pic_s += " \"%s\" at %s.s below\n" % (f['below'], f['tag']) name = header_node.getAttribute('name') if name == "": visible = " invis" else: visible = "" pic_s += "line <->%s \"%s\" above " % (visible, name) pic_s += "from %s.nw + (0,textht) " % header_fields[0]['tag'] pic_s += "to %s.ne + (0,textht)\n" % header_fields[-1]['tag'] # Format text version. header_width = 1 for f in header_fields: field_width = max(len(f['above']), len(f['below']), len(f['name'])) f['width'] = field_width header_width += field_width + 1 min_header_width = 2 + len(name) while min_header_width > header_width: for f in header_fields: f['width'] += 1 header_width += 1 if header_width >= min_header_width: break if name != "": put_centered(text, x, header_width, 0, name) if header_width >= 4: arrow = '<' + '-' * (header_width - 4) + '>' put_text(text, x + 1, 1, arrow) for f in header_fields: box1 = '+' + '-' * f['width'] + '+' box2 = '|' + ' ' * f['width'] + '|' put_text(text, x, 3, box1) put_text(text, x, 4, box2) put_text(text, x, 5, box1) put_centered(text, x + 1, f['width'], 2, f['above']) put_centered(text, x + 1, f['width'], 4, f['name']) put_centered(text, x + 1, f['width'], 6, f['below']) x += f['width'] + 1 return pic_s, x + 1 def diagram_to_nroff(nodes, para): pic_s = '' text = [''] * 7 x = 0 move = False for node in nodes: if node.nodeType == node.ELEMENT_NODE and node.tagName == 'header': if move: pic_s += "move .1\n" x += 1 elif x > 0: x -= 1 pic_header, x = diagram_header_to_nroff(node, text, x) pic_s += "[\n" + pic_header + "]\n" move = True elif node.nodeType == node.ELEMENT_NODE and node.tagName == 'nospace': move = False elif node.nodeType == node.ELEMENT_NODE and node.tagName == 'dots': pic_s += "move .1\n" pic_s += '". . ." ljust\n' put_text(text, x, 4, " ... ") x += 5 elif node.nodeType == node.COMMENT_NODE: pass elif node.nodeType == node.TEXT_NODE and node.data.isspace(): pass else: fatal("unknown node %s in diagram
element" % node) text_s = '.br\n'.join(["\\fL%s\n" % s for s in text if s != ""]) return para + """ .\\" check if in troff mode (TTY) .if t \{ .PS boxht = .2 textht = 1/6 fillval = .2 """ + pic_s + """\ .PE \\} .\\" check if in nroff mode: .if n \{ .nf """ + text_s + """\ .fi \\}""" def block_xml_to_nroff(nodes, para='.PP'): HEADER_TAGS = ('h1', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4') s = '' prev = '' for node in nodes: if node.nodeType == node.TEXT_NODE: if s == '' and para != '.IP': s = para + '\n' text = re.sub(r'\s+', ' ', node.data) if s.endswith(' '): text = text.lstrip() s += text_to_nroff(text) s = s.lstrip() elif node.nodeType == node.ELEMENT_NODE: if node.tagName in ['ul', 'ol']: if s != "": s += "\n" s += ".RS\n" i = 0 for li_node in node.childNodes: if (li_node.nodeType == node.ELEMENT_NODE and li_node.tagName == 'li'): i += 1 if node.tagName == 'ul': s += ".IP \\(bu\n" else: s += ".IP %d. .25in\n" % i s += block_xml_to_nroff(li_node.childNodes, ".IP") elif li_node.nodeType == node.COMMENT_NODE: pass elif (li_node.nodeType != node.TEXT_NODE or not li_node.data.isspace()): raise error.Error("<%s> element may only have " "
  • children" % node.tagName) s += ".RE\n" elif node.tagName == 'dl': indent = True if prev in HEADER_TAGS: indent = False if s != "": s += "\n" if indent: s += ".RS\n" prev = "dd" for li_node in node.childNodes: if (li_node.nodeType == node.ELEMENT_NODE and li_node.tagName == 'dt'): if prev == 'dd': s += '.TP\n' else: s += '.TQ .5in\n' prev = 'dt' elif (li_node.nodeType == node.ELEMENT_NODE and li_node.tagName == 'dd'): if prev == 'dd': s += '.IP\n' prev = 'dd' elif li_node.nodeType == node.COMMENT_NODE: continue elif (li_node.nodeType != node.TEXT_NODE or not li_node.data.isspace()): raise error.Error("
    element may only have " "
    children") s += block_xml_to_nroff(li_node.childNodes, ".IP") if indent: s += ".RE\n" elif node.tagName == 'p': if s != "": if not s.endswith("\n"): s += "\n" s += para + "\n" s += block_xml_to_nroff(node.childNodes, para) elif node.tagName in HEADER_TAGS: if s != "": if not s.endswith("\n"): s += "\n" nroffTag = {'h1': 'SH', 'h2': 'SS', 'h3': 'ST', 'h4': 'SU'}[node.tagName] to_upper = node.tagName == 'h1' s += ".%s \"" % nroffTag for child_node in node.childNodes: s += inline_xml_to_nroff(child_node, r'\fR', to_upper) s += "\"\n" elif node.tagName == 'pre': fixed = node.getAttribute('fixed') if fixed == 'yes': font = r'\fL' else: font = r'\fB' s += pre_to_nroff(node.childNodes, para, font) elif node.tagName == 'tbl': s += tbl_to_nroff(node.childNodes, para) elif node.tagName == 'diagram': s += diagram_to_nroff(node.childNodes, para) else: s += inline_xml_to_nroff(node, r'\fR') prev = node.tagName elif node.nodeType == node.COMMENT_NODE: pass else: raise error.Error("unknown node %s in block xml" % node) if s != "" and not s.endswith('\n'): s += '\n' return s