import netaddr import pytest from ovs.flow.ofp import OFPFlow from ovs.flow.kv import KeyValue, ParseError from ovs.flow.decoders import EthMask, IPMask, decode_mask @pytest.mark.parametrize( "input_string,expected", [ ( "actions=local,3,4,5,output:foo", [ KeyValue("output", {"port": "local"}), KeyValue("output", {"port": 3}), KeyValue("output", {"port": 4}), KeyValue("output", {"port": 5}), KeyValue("output", {"port": "foo"}), ], ), ( "actions=controller,controller:200", [ KeyValue("output", {"port": "CONTROLLER"}), KeyValue("controller", {"max_len": 200}), ], ), ( "actions=enqueue(foo,42),enqueue:foo:42,enqueue(bar,4242)", [ KeyValue("enqueue", {"port": "foo", "queue": 42}), KeyValue("enqueue", {"port": "foo", "queue": 42}), KeyValue("enqueue", {"port": "bar", "queue": 4242}), ], ), ( "actions=bundle(eth_src,0,hrw,ofport,members:4,8)", [ KeyValue( "bundle", { "fields": "eth_src", "basis": 0, "algorithm": "hrw", "members": [4, 8], }, ), ], ), ( "actions=bundle_load(eth_src,0,hrw,ofport,reg0,members:4,8)", [ KeyValue( "bundle_load", { "fields": "eth_src", "basis": 0, "algorithm": "hrw", "dst": "reg0", "members": [4, 8], }, ), ], ), ( "actions=group:3", [KeyValue("group", 3)], ), ( "actions=strip_vlan", [KeyValue("strip_vlan", True)], ), ( "actions=pop_vlan", [KeyValue("pop_vlan", True)], ), ( "actions=push_vlan:0x8100", [KeyValue("push_vlan", 0x8100)], ), ( "actions=push_mpls:0x8848", [KeyValue("push_mpls", 0x8848)], ), ( "actions=pop_mpls:0x8848", [KeyValue("pop_mpls", 0x8848)], ), ( "actions=pop_mpls:0x8848", [KeyValue("pop_mpls", 0x8848)], ), ( "actions=encap(nsh(md_type=2,tlv(0x1000,10,0x12345678)))", [ KeyValue( "encap", { "header": "nsh", "props": { "md_type": 2, "tlv": { "class": 0x1000, "type": 10, "value": 0x12345678, }, }, }, ) ], ), ( "actions=encap(ethernet)", [ KeyValue( "encap", {"header": "ethernet"}, ) ], ), ( "actions=encap(mpls)", [ KeyValue( "encap", {"header": "mpls"}, ) ], ), ( "actions=load:0x001122334455->eth_src", [ KeyValue( "load", {"value": 0x001122334455, "dst": {"field": "eth_src"}}, ) ], ), ( "actions=load:1->eth_src[1]", [ KeyValue( "load", { "value": 1, "dst": {"field": "eth_src", "start": 1, "end": 1}, }, ) ], ), ( "actions=learn(load:NXM_NX_TUN_ID[]->NXM_NX_TUN_ID[])", [ KeyValue( "learn", [ { "load": { "src": {"field": "NXM_NX_TUN_ID"}, "dst": {"field": "NXM_NX_TUN_ID"}, } } ], ), ], ), ( "actions=set_field:00:11:22:33:44:55->eth_src", [ KeyValue( "set_field", { "value": {"eth_src": EthMask("00:11:22:33:44:55")}, "dst": {"field": "eth_src"}, }, ) ], ), ( "actions=set_field:01:00:00:00:00:00/01:00:00:00:00:00->eth_src", [ KeyValue( "set_field", { "value": { "eth_src": EthMask( "01:00:00:00:00:00/01:00:00:00:00:00" ) }, "dst": {"field": "eth_src"}, }, ) ], ), ( "actions=set_field:0x10ff->vlan_vid", [ KeyValue( "set_field", { "value": {"vlan_vid": decode_mask(13)("0x10ff")}, "dst": {"field": "vlan_vid"}, }, ) ], ), ( "actions=move:reg0[0..5]->reg1[16..31]", [ KeyValue( "move", { "src": {"field": "reg0", "start": 0, "end": 5}, "dst": {"field": "reg1", "start": 16, "end": 31}, }, ) ], ), ( "actions=mod_dl_dst:00:11:22:33:44:55", [KeyValue("mod_dl_dst", EthMask("00:11:22:33:44:55"))], ), ( "actions=mod_nw_dst:", [KeyValue("mod_nw_dst", IPMask(""))], ), ( "actions=mod_nw_dst:fe80::ec17:7bff:fe61:7aac", [KeyValue("mod_nw_dst", IPMask("fe80::ec17:7bff:fe61:7aac"))], ), ( "actions=dec_ttl,dec_ttl(1,2,3)", [KeyValue("dec_ttl", True), KeyValue("dec_ttl", [1, 2, 3])], ), ( "actions=set_mpls_label:0x100,set_mpls_tc:2,set_mpls_ttl:10", [ KeyValue("set_mpls_label", 0x100), KeyValue("set_mpls_tc", 2), KeyValue("set_mpls_ttl", 10), ], ), ( "actions=check_pkt_larger(100)->reg0[10]", [ KeyValue( "check_pkt_larger", { "pkt_len": 100, "dst": {"field": "reg0", "start": 10, "end": 10}, }, ), ], ), ( "actions=pop_queue,set_tunnel:0x10,set_tunnel64:0x65000,set_queue=3", # noqa: E501 [ KeyValue("pop_queue", True), KeyValue("set_tunnel", 0x10), KeyValue("set_tunnel64", 0x65000), KeyValue("set_queue", 3), ], ), ( "actions=ct(zone=10,table=2,nat(snat=,random))", # noqa: E501 [ KeyValue( "ct", { "zone": 10, "table": 2, "nat": { "type": "snat", "addrs": { "start": netaddr.IPAddress(""), "end": netaddr.IPAddress(""), }, "ports": { "start": 1000, "end": 2000, }, "random": True, }, }, ) ], ), ( "actions=ct(commit,zone=NXM_NX_REG13[0..15],table=2,exec(load:0->NXM_NX_CT_LABEL[0]))", # noqa: E501 [ KeyValue( "ct", { "commit": True, "zone": { "field": "NXM_NX_REG13", "start": 0, "end": 15, }, "table": 2, "exec": [ { "load": { "value": 0, "dst": { "field": "NXM_NX_CT_LABEL", "start": 0, "end": 0, }, }, }, ], }, ) ], ), ( "actions=load:0x1->NXM_NX_REG10[7],learn(table=69,delete_learned,cookie=0xda6f52b0,OXM_OF_METADATA[],eth_type=0x800,NXM_OF_IP_SRC[],ip_dst=,nw_proto=6,NXM_OF_TCP_SRC[]=NXM_OF_TCP_DST[],load:0x1->NXM_NX_REG10[7])", # noqa: E501 [ KeyValue( "load", { "value": 1, "dst": {"field": "NXM_NX_REG10", "start": 7, "end": 7}, }, ), KeyValue( "learn", [ {"table": 69}, {"delete_learned": True}, {"cookie": 3664728752}, {"OXM_OF_METADATA[]": {"field": "OXM_OF_METADATA"}}, {"eth_type": 2048}, {"NXM_OF_IP_SRC[]": {"field": "NXM_OF_IP_SRC"}}, {"ip_dst": IPMask("")}, {"nw_proto": 6}, {"NXM_OF_TCP_SRC[]": {"field": "NXM_OF_TCP_DST"}}, { "load": { "value": 1, "dst": { "field": "NXM_NX_REG10", "start": 7, "end": 7, }, } }, ], ), ], ), ( "actions=resubmit(,8),resubmit:3,resubmit(1,2,ct)", [ KeyValue("resubmit", {"port": "", "table": 8}), KeyValue("resubmit", {"port": 3}), KeyValue("resubmit", {"port": 1, "table": 2, "ct": True}), ], ), ( "actions=clone(ct_clear,load:0->NXM_NX_REG11[],load:0->NXM_NX_REG12[],load:0->NXM_NX_REG13[],load:0x1d->NXM_NX_REG13[],load:0x1f->NXM_NX_REG11[],load:0x1c->NXM_NX_REG12[],load:0x11->OXM_OF_METADATA[],load:0x2->NXM_NX_REG14[],load:0->NXM_NX_REG10[],load:0->NXM_NX_REG15[],load:0->NXM_NX_REG0[],load:0->NXM_NX_REG1[],load:0->NXM_NX_REG2[],load:0->NXM_NX_REG3[],load:0->NXM_NX_REG4[],load:0->NXM_NX_REG5[],load:0->NXM_NX_REG6[],load:0->NXM_NX_REG7[],load:0->NXM_NX_REG8[],load:0->NXM_NX_REG9[],resubmit(,8))", # noqa: E501 [ KeyValue( "clone", [ {"ct_clear": True}, { "load": { "value": 0, "dst": {"field": "NXM_NX_REG11"}, } }, { "load": { "value": 0, "dst": {"field": "NXM_NX_REG12"}, } }, { "load": { "value": 0, "dst": {"field": "NXM_NX_REG13"}, } }, { "load": { "value": 29, "dst": {"field": "NXM_NX_REG13"}, } }, { "load": { "value": 31, "dst": {"field": "NXM_NX_REG11"}, } }, { "load": { "value": 28, "dst": {"field": "NXM_NX_REG12"}, } }, { "load": { "value": 17, "dst": {"field": "OXM_OF_METADATA"}, } }, { "load": { "value": 2, "dst": {"field": "NXM_NX_REG14"}, } }, { "load": { "value": 0, "dst": {"field": "NXM_NX_REG10"}, } }, { "load": { "value": 0, "dst": {"field": "NXM_NX_REG15"}, } }, { "load": { "value": 0, "dst": {"field": "NXM_NX_REG0"}, } }, { "load": { "value": 0, "dst": {"field": "NXM_NX_REG1"}, } }, { "load": { "value": 0, "dst": {"field": "NXM_NX_REG2"}, } }, { "load": { "value": 0, "dst": {"field": "NXM_NX_REG3"}, } }, { "load": { "value": 0, "dst": {"field": "NXM_NX_REG4"}, } }, { "load": { "value": 0, "dst": {"field": "NXM_NX_REG5"}, } }, { "load": { "value": 0, "dst": {"field": "NXM_NX_REG6"}, } }, { "load": { "value": 0, "dst": {"field": "NXM_NX_REG7"}, } }, { "load": { "value": 0, "dst": {"field": "NXM_NX_REG8"}, } }, { "load": { "value": 0, "dst": {"field": "NXM_NX_REG9"}, } }, {"resubmit": {"port": "", "table": 8}}, ], ) ], ), ( "actions=conjunction(1234, 1/2),note:,sample(probability=123,collector_set_id=0x123,obs_domain_id=0x123,obs_point_id=0x123,sampling_port=inport0,ingress)", # noqa: E501 [ KeyValue("conjunction", {"id": 1234, "k": 1, "n": 2}), KeyValue("note", ""), KeyValue( "sample", { "probability": 123, "collector_set_id": 0x123, "obs_domain_id": 0x123, "obs_point_id": 0x123, "sampling_port": "inport0", "ingress": True, }, ), ], ), ( "actions=POP_VLAN,push_vlan:0x8100,NORMAL,clone(MOD_NW_SRC:,resubmit(,10))", # noqa: E501 [ KeyValue("POP_VLAN", True), KeyValue("push_vlan", 0x8100), KeyValue("output", {"port": "NORMAL"}), KeyValue( "clone", [ {"MOD_NW_SRC": netaddr.IPAddress("")}, {"resubmit": {"port": "", "table": 10}}, ] ), ], ), ( "actions=MOD_NW_SRC:,CONTROLLER,CONTROLLER:123", [ KeyValue("MOD_NW_SRC", netaddr.IPAddress("")), KeyValue("output", {"port": "CONTROLLER"}), KeyValue("CONTROLLER", {"max_len": 123}), ], ), ( "actions=LOCAL,clone(myport,CONTROLLER)", [ KeyValue("output", {"port": "LOCAL"}), KeyValue( "clone", [ {"output": {"port": "myport"}}, {"output": {"port": "CONTROLLER"}}, ] ), ], ), ( "actions=doesnotexist(1234)", ParseError, ), ( "actions=learn(eth_type=nofield)", ParseError, ), ( "actions=learn(nofield=eth_type)", ParseError, ), ( "nofield=0x123 actions=drop", ParseError, ), ( "actions=load:0x12334->NOFILED", ParseError, ), ], ) def test_act(input_string, expected): if isinstance(expected, type): with pytest.raises(expected): ofp = OFPFlow(input_string) return ofp = OFPFlow(input_string) actions = ofp.actions_kv for i in range(len(expected)): assert expected[i].key == actions[i].key assert expected[i].value == actions[i].value # Assert positions relative to action string are OK. apos = ofp.section("actions").pos astring = ofp.section("actions").string kpos = actions[i].meta.kpos kstr = actions[i].meta.kstring vpos = actions[i].meta.vpos vstr = actions[i].meta.vstring assert astring[kpos : kpos + len(kstr)] == kstr if vpos != -1: assert astring[vpos : vpos + len(vstr)] == vstr # Assert astring meta is correct. assert input_string[apos : apos + len(astring)] == astring