#include #include "fuzzer.h" #include #include #include #include "command-line.h" #include "dp-packet.h" #include "fatal-signal.h" #include "flow.h" #include "openvswitch/dynamic-string.h" #include "openvswitch/match.h" #include "openvswitch/ofp-actions.h" #include "openvswitch/ofpbuf.h" #include "openvswitch/vlog.h" #include "ovn/actions.h" #include "ovn/expr.h" #include "ovn/lex.h" #include "ovn/logical-fields.h" #include "ovn/lib/ovn-l7.h" #include "ovn/lib/extend-table.h" #include "openvswitch/shash.h" #include "simap.h" #include "util.h" static void compare_token(const struct lex_token *a, const struct lex_token *b) { if (a->type != b->type) { fprintf(stderr, "type differs: %d -> %d\n", a->type, b->type); return; } if (!((a->s && b->s && !strcmp(a->s, b->s)) || (!a->s && !b->s))) { fprintf(stderr, "string differs: %s -> %s\n", a->s ? a->s : "(null)", b->s ? b->s : "(null)"); return; } if (a->type == LEX_T_INTEGER || a->type == LEX_T_MASKED_INTEGER) { if (memcmp(&a->value, &b->value, sizeof a->value)) { fprintf(stderr, "value differs\n"); return; } if (a->type == LEX_T_MASKED_INTEGER && memcmp(&a->mask, &b->mask, sizeof a->mask)) { fprintf(stderr, "mask differs\n"); return; } if (a->format != b->format && !(a->format == LEX_F_HEXADECIMAL && b->format == LEX_F_DECIMAL && a->value.integer == 0)) { fprintf(stderr, "format differs: %d -> %d\n", a->format, b->format); } } } static void test_lex(const char *input) { struct ds output; ds_init(&output); struct lexer lexer; lexer_init(&lexer, input); ds_clear(&output); while (lexer_get(&lexer) != LEX_T_END) { size_t len = output.length; lex_token_format(&lexer.token, &output); /* Check that the formatted version can really be parsed back * losslessly. */ if (lexer.token.type != LEX_T_ERROR) { const char *s = ds_cstr(&output) + len; struct lexer l2; lexer_init(&l2, s); lexer_get(&l2); compare_token(&lexer.token, &l2.token); lexer_destroy(&l2); } ds_put_char(&output, ' '); } lexer_destroy(&lexer); ds_chomp(&output, ' '); puts(ds_cstr(&output)); ds_destroy(&output); } static void create_symtab(struct shash *symtab) { ovn_init_symtab(symtab); /* For negative testing. */ expr_symtab_add_field(symtab, "bad_prereq", MFF_XREG0, "xyzzy", false); expr_symtab_add_field(symtab, "self_recurse", MFF_XREG0, "self_recurse != 0", false); expr_symtab_add_field(symtab, "mutual_recurse_1", MFF_XREG0, "mutual_recurse_2 != 0", false); expr_symtab_add_field(symtab, "mutual_recurse_2", MFF_XREG0, "mutual_recurse_1 != 0", false); expr_symtab_add_string(symtab, "big_string", MFF_XREG0, NULL); } static void create_gen_opts(struct hmap *dhcp_opts, struct hmap *dhcpv6_opts, struct hmap *nd_ra_opts) { hmap_init(dhcp_opts); dhcp_opt_add(dhcp_opts, "offerip", 0, "ipv4"); dhcp_opt_add(dhcp_opts, "netmask", 1, "ipv4"); dhcp_opt_add(dhcp_opts, "router", 3, "ipv4"); dhcp_opt_add(dhcp_opts, "dns_server", 6, "ipv4"); dhcp_opt_add(dhcp_opts, "log_server", 7, "ipv4"); dhcp_opt_add(dhcp_opts, "lpr_server", 9, "ipv4"); dhcp_opt_add(dhcp_opts, "domain_name", 15, "str"); dhcp_opt_add(dhcp_opts, "swap_server", 16, "ipv4"); dhcp_opt_add(dhcp_opts, "policy_filter", 21, "ipv4"); dhcp_opt_add(dhcp_opts, "router_solicitation", 32, "ipv4"); dhcp_opt_add(dhcp_opts, "nis_server", 41, "ipv4"); dhcp_opt_add(dhcp_opts, "ntp_server", 42, "ipv4"); dhcp_opt_add(dhcp_opts, "server_id", 54, "ipv4"); dhcp_opt_add(dhcp_opts, "tftp_server", 66, "ipv4"); dhcp_opt_add(dhcp_opts, "classless_static_route", 121, "static_routes"); dhcp_opt_add(dhcp_opts, "ip_forward_enable", 19, "bool"); dhcp_opt_add(dhcp_opts, "router_discovery", 31, "bool"); dhcp_opt_add(dhcp_opts, "ethernet_encap", 36, "bool"); dhcp_opt_add(dhcp_opts, "default_ttl", 23, "uint8"); dhcp_opt_add(dhcp_opts, "tcp_ttl", 37, "uint8"); dhcp_opt_add(dhcp_opts, "mtu", 26, "uint16"); dhcp_opt_add(dhcp_opts, "lease_time", 51, "uint32"); dhcp_opt_add(dhcp_opts, "wpad", 252, "str"); /* DHCPv6 options. */ hmap_init(dhcpv6_opts); dhcp_opt_add(dhcpv6_opts, "server_id", 2, "mac"); dhcp_opt_add(dhcpv6_opts, "ia_addr", 5, "ipv6"); dhcp_opt_add(dhcpv6_opts, "dns_server", 23, "ipv6"); dhcp_opt_add(dhcpv6_opts, "domain_search", 24, "str"); /* IPv6 ND RA options. */ hmap_init(nd_ra_opts); nd_ra_opts_init(nd_ra_opts); } static void create_addr_sets(struct shash *addr_sets) { shash_init(addr_sets); static const char *const addrs1[] = { "", "", "", }; static const char *const addrs2[] = { "::1", "::2", "::3", }; static const char *const addrs3[] = { "00:00:00:00:00:01", "00:00:00:00:00:02", "00:00:00:00:00:03", }; static const char *const addrs4[] = { NULL }; expr_const_sets_add(addr_sets, "set1", addrs1, 3, true); expr_const_sets_add(addr_sets, "set2", addrs2, 3, true); expr_const_sets_add(addr_sets, "set3", addrs3, 3, true); expr_const_sets_add(addr_sets, "set4", addrs4, 0, true); } static void create_port_groups(struct shash *port_groups) { shash_init(port_groups); static const char *const pg1[] = { "lsp1", "lsp2", "lsp3", }; static const char *const pg2[] = { NULL }; expr_const_sets_add(port_groups, "pg1", pg1, 3, false); expr_const_sets_add(port_groups, "pg_empty", pg2, 0, false); } static bool lookup_port_cb(const void *ports_, const char *port_name, unsigned int *portp) { const struct simap *ports = ports_; const struct simap_node *node = simap_find(ports, port_name); if (!node) { return false; } *portp = node->data; return true; } static bool is_chassis_resident_cb(const void *ports_, const char *port_name) { const struct simap *ports = ports_; const struct simap_node *node = simap_find(ports, port_name); if (node) { return true; } return false; } static void test_parse_actions(const char *input) { struct shash symtab; struct hmap dhcp_opts; struct hmap dhcpv6_opts; struct hmap nd_ra_opts; struct simap ports; create_symtab(&symtab); create_gen_opts(&dhcp_opts, &dhcpv6_opts, &nd_ra_opts); /* Initialize group ids. */ struct ovn_extend_table group_table; ovn_extend_table_init(&group_table); /* Initialize meter ids for QoS. */ struct ovn_extend_table meter_table; ovn_extend_table_init(&meter_table); simap_init(&ports); simap_put(&ports, "eth0", 5); simap_put(&ports, "eth1", 6); simap_put(&ports, "LOCAL", ofp_to_u16(OFPP_LOCAL)); struct ofpbuf ovnacts; struct expr *prereqs; char *error; puts(input); ofpbuf_init(&ovnacts, 0); const struct ovnact_parse_params pp = { .symtab = &symtab, .dhcp_opts = &dhcp_opts, .dhcpv6_opts = &dhcpv6_opts, .nd_ra_opts = &nd_ra_opts, .n_tables = 24, .cur_ltable = 10, }; error = ovnacts_parse_string(input, &pp, &ovnacts, &prereqs); if (!error) { /* Convert the parsed representation back to a string and print it, * if it's different from the input. */ struct ds ovnacts_s = DS_EMPTY_INITIALIZER; ovnacts_format(ovnacts.data, ovnacts.size, &ovnacts_s); if (strcmp(input, ds_cstr(&ovnacts_s))) { printf(" formats as %s\n", ds_cstr(&ovnacts_s)); } /* Encode the actions into OpenFlow and print. */ const struct ovnact_encode_params ep = { .lookup_port = lookup_port_cb, .aux = &ports, .is_switch = true, .group_table = &group_table, .meter_table = &meter_table, .pipeline = OVNACT_P_INGRESS, .ingress_ptable = 8, .egress_ptable = 40, .output_ptable = 64, .mac_bind_ptable = 65, }; struct ofpbuf ofpacts; ofpbuf_init(&ofpacts, 0); ovnacts_encode(ovnacts.data, ovnacts.size, &ep, &ofpacts); struct ds ofpacts_s = DS_EMPTY_INITIALIZER; struct ofpact_format_params fp = { .s = &ofpacts_s }; ofpacts_format(ofpacts.data, ofpacts.size, &fp); printf(" encodes as %s\n", ds_cstr(&ofpacts_s)); ds_destroy(&ofpacts_s); ofpbuf_uninit(&ofpacts); /* Print prerequisites if any. */ if (prereqs) { struct ds prereqs_s = DS_EMPTY_INITIALIZER; expr_format(prereqs, &prereqs_s); printf(" has prereqs %s\n", ds_cstr(&prereqs_s)); ds_destroy(&prereqs_s); } /* Now re-parse and re-format the string to verify that it's * round-trippable. */ struct ofpbuf ovnacts2; struct expr *prereqs2; ofpbuf_init(&ovnacts2, 0); error = ovnacts_parse_string(ds_cstr(&ovnacts_s), &pp, &ovnacts2, &prereqs2); if (!error) { struct ds ovnacts2_s = DS_EMPTY_INITIALIZER; ovnacts_format(ovnacts2.data, ovnacts2.size, &ovnacts2_s); if (strcmp(ds_cstr(&ovnacts_s), ds_cstr(&ovnacts2_s))) { printf(" bad reformat: %s\n", ds_cstr(&ovnacts2_s)); } ds_destroy(&ovnacts2_s); } else { printf(" reparse error: %s\n", error); free(error); } expr_destroy(prereqs2); ovnacts_free(ovnacts2.data, ovnacts2.size); ofpbuf_uninit(&ovnacts2); ds_destroy(&ovnacts_s); } else { printf(" %s\n", error); free(error); } expr_destroy(prereqs); ovnacts_free(ovnacts.data, ovnacts.size); ofpbuf_uninit(&ovnacts); simap_destroy(&ports); expr_symtab_destroy(&symtab); shash_destroy(&symtab); dhcp_opts_destroy(&dhcp_opts); dhcp_opts_destroy(&dhcpv6_opts); nd_ra_opts_destroy(&nd_ra_opts); ovn_extend_table_destroy(&group_table); ovn_extend_table_destroy(&meter_table); } static void test_parse_expr(const char *input) { struct shash symtab; struct shash addr_sets; struct shash port_groups; struct simap ports; struct expr *expr; char *error; create_symtab(&symtab); create_addr_sets(&addr_sets); create_port_groups(&port_groups); simap_init(&ports); simap_put(&ports, "eth0", 5); simap_put(&ports, "eth1", 6); simap_put(&ports, "LOCAL", ofp_to_u16(OFPP_LOCAL)); simap_put(&ports, "lsp1", 0x11); simap_put(&ports, "lsp2", 0x12); simap_put(&ports, "lsp3", 0x13); expr = expr_parse_string(input, &symtab, &addr_sets, &port_groups, NULL, &error); if (!error) { expr = expr_annotate(expr, &symtab, &error); } if (!error) { expr = expr_simplify(expr, is_chassis_resident_cb, &ports); expr = expr_normalize(expr); ovs_assert(expr_is_normalized(expr)); } if (!error) { struct hmap matches; expr_to_matches(expr, lookup_port_cb, &ports, &matches); expr_matches_print(&matches, stdout); expr_matches_destroy(&matches); } else { puts(error); free(error); } expr_destroy(expr); simap_destroy(&ports); expr_symtab_destroy(&symtab); shash_destroy(&symtab); expr_const_sets_destroy(&addr_sets); shash_destroy(&addr_sets); expr_const_sets_destroy(&port_groups); shash_destroy(&port_groups); } static bool lookup_atoi_cb(const void *aux OVS_UNUSED, const char *port_name, unsigned int *portp) { *portp = atoi(port_name); return true; } static void test_expr_to_packets(const char *input) { struct shash symtab; create_symtab(&symtab); struct flow uflow; char *error = expr_parse_microflow(input, &symtab, NULL, NULL, lookup_atoi_cb, NULL, &uflow); if (error) { puts(error); free(error); expr_symtab_destroy(&symtab); shash_destroy(&symtab); return; } uint64_t packet_stub[128 / 8]; struct dp_packet packet; dp_packet_use_stub(&packet, packet_stub, sizeof packet_stub); flow_compose(&packet, &uflow, NULL, 64); struct ds output = DS_EMPTY_INITIALIZER; const uint8_t *buf = dp_packet_data(&packet); for (int i = 0; i < dp_packet_size(&packet); i++) { uint8_t val = buf[i]; ds_put_format(&output, "%02"PRIx8, val); } puts(ds_cstr(&output)); ds_destroy(&output); dp_packet_uninit(&packet); expr_symtab_destroy(&symtab); shash_destroy(&symtab); } int LLVMFuzzerTestOneInput(const uint8_t *input_, size_t size) { /* Bail out if we cannot construct at least a 1 char string. */ const char *input = (const char *) input_; if (size < 2 || input[size - 1] != '\0' || strchr(input, '\n') || strlen(input) != size - 1) { return 0; } /* Disable logging to avoid write to disk. */ static bool isInit = false; if (!isInit) { vlog_set_verbosity("off"); isInit = true; } /* Parse, annotate, simplify, normalize expr and convert to flows. */ test_parse_expr(input); /* Parse actions. */ test_parse_actions(input); /* Test OVN lexer. */ test_lex(input); /* Expr to packets. */ test_expr_to_packets(input); return 0; }