/* * Copyright (c) 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2015, 2016, 2017 Nicira, Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "byte-order.h" #include "command-line.h" #include "openvswitch/dynamic-string.h" #include "openvswitch/json.h" #include "jsonrpc.h" #include "ovsdb-data.h" #include "ovsdb-error.h" #include "ovsdb-idl.h" #include "ovsdb-types.h" #include "ovsdb/column.h" #include "ovsdb/condition.h" #include "ovsdb/file.h" #include "ovsdb/log.h" #include "ovsdb/mutation.h" #include "ovsdb/ovsdb.h" #include "ovsdb/query.h" #include "ovsdb/row.h" #include "ovsdb/server.h" #include "ovsdb/table.h" #include "ovsdb/transaction.h" #include "ovsdb/trigger.h" #include "openvswitch/poll-loop.h" #include "stream.h" #include "svec.h" #include "tests/idltest.h" #include "timeval.h" #include "util.h" #include "openvswitch/vlog.h" struct test_ovsdb_pvt_context { bool track; }; /* Magic to pass to ovsdb_log_open(). */ static const char *magic = OVSDB_MAGIC; OVS_NO_RETURN static void usage(void); static void parse_options(int argc, char *argv[], struct test_ovsdb_pvt_context *pvt); static struct ovs_cmdl_command *get_all_commands(void); int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { struct test_ovsdb_pvt_context pvt = {.track = false}; struct ovs_cmdl_context ctx = { .argc = 0, .pvt = &pvt}; set_program_name(argv[0]); parse_options(argc, argv, &pvt); ctx.argc = argc - optind; ctx.argv = argv + optind; ovs_cmdl_run_command(&ctx, get_all_commands()); return 0; } static void parse_options(int argc, char *argv[], struct test_ovsdb_pvt_context *pvt) { enum { OPT_MAGIC = CHAR_MAX + 1, OPT_NO_RENAME_OPEN_FILES }; static const struct option long_options[] = { {"timeout", required_argument, NULL, 't'}, {"verbose", optional_argument, NULL, 'v'}, {"change-track", optional_argument, NULL, 'c'}, {"magic", required_argument, NULL, OPT_MAGIC}, {"no-rename-open-files", no_argument, NULL, OPT_NO_RENAME_OPEN_FILES}, {"help", no_argument, NULL, 'h'}, {NULL, 0, NULL, 0}, }; char *short_options = ovs_cmdl_long_options_to_short_options(long_options); for (;;) { unsigned long int timeout; int c; c = getopt_long(argc, argv, short_options, long_options, NULL); if (c == -1) { break; } switch (c) { case 't': timeout = strtoul(optarg, NULL, 10); if (timeout <= 0) { ovs_fatal(0, "value %s on -t or --timeout is not at least 1", optarg); } else { time_alarm(timeout); } break; case 'h': usage(); case 'v': vlog_set_verbosity(optarg); break; case 'c': pvt->track = true; break; case OPT_MAGIC: magic = optarg; break; case OPT_NO_RENAME_OPEN_FILES: ovsdb_log_disable_renaming_open_files(); break; case '?': exit(EXIT_FAILURE); default: abort(); } } free(short_options); } static void usage(void) { printf("%s: Open vSwitch database test utility\n" "usage: %s [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARG...]\n\n" " [--magic=MAGIC] [--no-rename-open-files] " " log-io FILE FLAGS COMMAND...\n" " open FILE with FLAGS (and MAGIC), run COMMANDs\n" " default-atoms\n" " test ovsdb_atom_default()\n" " default-data\n" " test ovsdb_datum_default()\n" " parse-atomic-type TYPE\n" " parse TYPE as OVSDB atomic type, and re-serialize\n" " parse-base-type TYPE\n" " parse TYPE as OVSDB base type, and re-serialize\n" " parse-type JSON\n" " parse JSON as OVSDB type, and re-serialize\n" " parse-atoms TYPE ATOM...\n" " parse JSON ATOMs as atoms of TYPE, and re-serialize\n" " parse-atom-strings TYPE ATOM...\n" " parse string ATOMs as atoms of given TYPE, and re-serialize\n" " sort-atoms TYPE ATOM...\n" " print JSON ATOMs in sorted order\n" " parse-data TYPE DATUM...\n" " parse JSON DATUMs as data of given TYPE, and re-serialize\n" " parse-data-strings TYPE DATUM...\n" " parse string DATUMs as data of given TYPE, and re-serialize\n" " parse-column NAME OBJECT\n" " parse column NAME with info OBJECT, and re-serialize\n" " parse-table NAME OBJECT [DEFAULT-IS-ROOT]\n" " parse table NAME with info OBJECT\n" " parse-row TABLE ROW..., and re-serialize\n" " parse each ROW of defined TABLE\n" " compare-row TABLE ROW...\n" " mutually compare all of the ROWs, print those that are equal\n" " parse-conditions TABLE CONDITION...\n" " parse each CONDITION on TABLE, and re-serialize\n" " evaluate-conditions TABLE [CONDITION,...] [ROW,...]\n" " test CONDITIONS on TABLE against each ROW, print results\n" " evaluate-conditions-any TABLE [CONDITION,...] [ROW,...]\n" " test CONDITIONS to match any of the CONDITONS on TABLE\n" " against each ROW, print results\n" " compare-conditions TABLE [CONDITION,...]\n" " mutually compare all of the CONDITION, print results for\n" " each pair\n" " parse-mutations TABLE MUTATION...\n" " parse each MUTATION on TABLE, and re-serialize\n" " execute-mutations TABLE [MUTATION,...] [ROW,...]\n" " execute MUTATIONS on TABLE on each ROW, print results\n" " query TABLE [ROW,...] [CONDITION,...]\n" " add each ROW to TABLE, then query and print the rows that\n" " satisfy each CONDITION.\n" " query-distinct TABLE [ROW,...] [CONDITION,...] COLUMNS\n" " add each ROW to TABLE, then query and print the rows that\n" " satisfy each CONDITION and have distinct COLUMNS.\n" " parse-schema JSON\n" " parse JSON as an OVSDB schema, and re-serialize\n" " transact COMMAND\n" " execute each specified transactional COMMAND:\n" " commit\n" " abort\n" " insert UUID I J\n" " delete UUID\n" " modify UUID I J\n" " print\n" " execute SCHEMA TRANSACTION...\n" " executes each TRANSACTION on an initially empty database\n" " the specified SCHEMA\n" " execute-readonly SCHEMA TRANSACTION...\n" " same as execute, except the TRANSACTION will be executed\n" " against the database server that is in read only mode\n" " trigger SCHEMA TRANSACTION...\n" " executes each TRANSACTION on an initially empty database\n" " the specified SCHEMA. A TRANSACTION of the form\n" " [\"advance\", NUMBER] advances NUMBER milliseconds in\n" " simulated time, for causing triggers to time out.\n" " idl SERVER [TRANSACTION...]\n" " connect to SERVER and dump the contents of the database\n" " as seen initially by the IDL implementation and after\n" " executing each TRANSACTION. (Each TRANSACTION must modify\n" " the database or this command will hang.)\n" " idl-partial-update-map-column SERVER \n" " connect to SERVER and executes different operations to\n" " test the capacity of updating elements inside a map column\n" " displaying the table information after each operation.\n" " idl-partial-update-set-column SERVER \n" " connect to SERVER and executes different operations to\n" " test the capacity of updating elements inside a set column\n" " displaying the table information after each operation.\n" " idl-compound-index TEST_TO_EXECUTE\n" " Execute the tests to verify compound-index feature.\n" " The TEST_TO_EXECUTE are:\n" " idl_compound_index_single_column:\n" " test for indexes using one column.\n" " idl_compound_index_double_column:\n" " test for indexes using two columns.\n", program_name, program_name); vlog_usage(); printf("\nOther options:\n" " -t, --timeout=SECS give up after SECS seconds\n" " -h, --help display this help message\n" " -c, --change-track used with the 'idl' command to\n" " enable tracking of IDL changes\n"); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } /* Command helper functions. */ static struct json * parse_json(const char *s) { struct json *json = json_from_string(s); if (json->type == JSON_STRING) { ovs_fatal(0, "\"%s\": %s", s, json->u.string); } return json; } static struct json * unbox_json(struct json *json) { if (json->type == JSON_ARRAY && json->u.array.n == 1) { struct json *inner = json->u.array.elems[0]; json->u.array.elems[0] = NULL; json_destroy(json); return inner; } else { return json; } } static void print_and_free_json(struct json *json) { char *string = json_to_string(json, JSSF_SORT); json_destroy(json); puts(string); free(string); } static void print_and_free_ovsdb_error(struct ovsdb_error *error) { char *string = ovsdb_error_to_string_free(error); puts(string); free(string); } static void check_ovsdb_error(struct ovsdb_error *error) { if (error) { char *s = ovsdb_error_to_string_free(error); ovs_fatal(0, "%s", s); } } static void die_if_error(char *error) { if (error) { ovs_fatal(0, "%s", error); } } /* Command implementations. */ static void do_log_io(struct ovs_cmdl_context *ctx) { const char *name = ctx->argv[1]; char *mode_string = ctx->argv[2]; struct ovsdb_error *error; enum ovsdb_log_open_mode mode; int i; if (!strcmp(mode_string, "read-only")) { mode = OVSDB_LOG_READ_ONLY; } else if (!strcmp(mode_string, "read/write")) { mode = OVSDB_LOG_READ_WRITE; } else if (!strcmp(mode_string, "create")) { mode = OVSDB_LOG_CREATE; } else if (!strcmp(mode_string, "create-excl")) { mode = OVSDB_LOG_CREATE_EXCL; } else { ovs_fatal(0, "unknown log-io open mode \"%s\"", mode_string); } struct ovsdb_log *log; check_ovsdb_error(ovsdb_log_open(name, magic, mode, -1, &log)); printf("%s: open successful\n", name); struct ovsdb_log *replacement = NULL; for (i = 3; i < ctx->argc; i++) { const char *command = ctx->argv[i]; struct ovsdb_log *target; const char *target_name; if (!strncmp(command, "old-", 4)) { command += 4; target = log; target_name = name; } else if (!strncmp(command, "new-", 4)) { if (!replacement) { ovs_fatal(0, "%s: can't execute command without " "replacement log", command); } command += 4; target = replacement; target_name = "(temp)"; } else { target = log; target_name = name; } if (!strcmp(command, "read")) { struct json *json; error = ovsdb_log_read(target, &json); if (!error) { printf("%s: read: ", target_name); if (json) { print_and_free_json(json); } else { printf("end of log\n"); } continue; } } else if (!strncmp(command, "write:", 6)) { struct json *json = parse_json(command + 6); error = ovsdb_log_write(target, json); json_destroy(json); } else if (!strcmp(command, "commit")) { error = ovsdb_log_commit(target); } else if (!strcmp(command, "replace_start")) { ovs_assert(!replacement); error = ovsdb_log_replace_start(log, &replacement); } else if (!strcmp(command, "replace_commit")) { ovs_assert(replacement); error = ovsdb_log_replace_commit(log, replacement); replacement = NULL; } else if (!strcmp(command, "replace_abort")) { ovs_assert(replacement); ovsdb_log_replace_abort(replacement); replacement = NULL; error = NULL; } else { ovs_fatal(0, "unknown log-io command \"%s\"", command); } if (error) { char *s = ovsdb_error_to_string_free(error); printf("%s: %s failed: %s\n", target_name, command, s); free(s); } else { printf("%s: %s successful\n", target_name, command); } } ovsdb_log_close(log); } static void do_default_atoms(struct ovs_cmdl_context *ctx OVS_UNUSED) { int type; for (type = 0; type < OVSDB_N_TYPES; type++) { union ovsdb_atom atom; if (type == OVSDB_TYPE_VOID) { continue; } printf("%s: ", ovsdb_atomic_type_to_string(type)); ovsdb_atom_init_default(&atom, type); if (!ovsdb_atom_equals(&atom, ovsdb_atom_default(type), type)) { printf("wrong\n"); exit(1); } ovsdb_atom_destroy(&atom, type); printf("OK\n"); } } static void do_default_data(struct ovs_cmdl_context *ctx OVS_UNUSED) { unsigned int n_min; int key, value; for (n_min = 0; n_min <= 1; n_min++) { for (key = 0; key < OVSDB_N_TYPES; key++) { if (key == OVSDB_TYPE_VOID) { continue; } for (value = 0; value < OVSDB_N_TYPES; value++) { struct ovsdb_datum datum; struct ovsdb_type type; ovsdb_base_type_init(&type.key, key); ovsdb_base_type_init(&type.value, value); type.n_min = n_min; type.n_max = 1; ovs_assert(ovsdb_type_is_valid(&type)); printf("key %s, value %s, n_min %u: ", ovsdb_atomic_type_to_string(key), ovsdb_atomic_type_to_string(value), n_min); ovsdb_datum_init_default(&datum, &type); if (!ovsdb_datum_equals(&datum, ovsdb_datum_default(&type), &type)) { printf("wrong\n"); exit(1); } ovsdb_datum_destroy(&datum, &type); ovsdb_type_destroy(&type); printf("OK\n"); } } } } static void do_diff_data(struct ovs_cmdl_context *ctx) { struct ovsdb_type type; struct json *json; struct ovsdb_datum new, old, diff, reincarnation; json = unbox_json(parse_json(ctx->argv[1])); check_ovsdb_error(ovsdb_type_from_json(&type, json)); json_destroy(json); /* Arguments in pairs of 'old' and 'new'. */ for (int i = 2; i < ctx->argc - 1; i+=2) { struct ovsdb_error *error; json = unbox_json(parse_json(ctx->argv[i])); check_ovsdb_error(ovsdb_datum_from_json(&old, &type, json, NULL)); json_destroy(json); json = unbox_json(parse_json(ctx->argv[i+1])); check_ovsdb_error(ovsdb_transient_datum_from_json(&new, &type, json)); json_destroy(json); /* Generate the diff. */ ovsdb_datum_diff(&diff, &old, &new, &type); /* Apply diff to 'old' to create'reincarnation'. */ error = ovsdb_datum_apply_diff(&reincarnation, &old, &diff, &type); if (error) { char *string = ovsdb_error_to_string_free(error); ovs_fatal(0, "%s", string); } /* Test to make sure 'new' equals 'reincarnation'. */ if (!ovsdb_datum_equals(&new, &reincarnation, &type)) { ovs_fatal(0, "failed to apply diff"); } /* Print diff */ json = ovsdb_datum_to_json(&diff, &type); printf ("diff: "); print_and_free_json(json); /* Print reincarnation */ json = ovsdb_datum_to_json(&reincarnation, &type); printf ("apply diff: "); print_and_free_json(json); ovsdb_datum_destroy(&new, &type); ovsdb_datum_destroy(&old, &type); ovsdb_datum_destroy(&diff, &type); ovsdb_datum_destroy(&reincarnation, &type); printf("OK\n"); } ovsdb_type_destroy(&type); } static void do_parse_atomic_type(struct ovs_cmdl_context *ctx) { enum ovsdb_atomic_type type; struct json *json; json = unbox_json(parse_json(ctx->argv[1])); check_ovsdb_error(ovsdb_atomic_type_from_json(&type, json)); json_destroy(json); print_and_free_json(ovsdb_atomic_type_to_json(type)); } static void do_parse_base_type(struct ovs_cmdl_context *ctx) { struct ovsdb_base_type base; struct json *json; json = unbox_json(parse_json(ctx->argv[1])); check_ovsdb_error(ovsdb_base_type_from_json(&base, json)); json_destroy(json); print_and_free_json(ovsdb_base_type_to_json(&base)); ovsdb_base_type_destroy(&base); } static void do_parse_type(struct ovs_cmdl_context *ctx) { struct ovsdb_type type; struct json *json; json = unbox_json(parse_json(ctx->argv[1])); check_ovsdb_error(ovsdb_type_from_json(&type, json)); json_destroy(json); print_and_free_json(ovsdb_type_to_json(&type)); ovsdb_type_destroy(&type); } static void do_parse_atoms(struct ovs_cmdl_context *ctx) { struct ovsdb_base_type base; struct json *json; int i; json = unbox_json(parse_json(ctx->argv[1])); check_ovsdb_error(ovsdb_base_type_from_json(&base, json)); json_destroy(json); for (i = 2; i < ctx->argc; i++) { struct ovsdb_error *error; union ovsdb_atom atom; json = unbox_json(parse_json(ctx->argv[i])); error = ovsdb_atom_from_json(&atom, &base, json, NULL); json_destroy(json); if (error) { print_and_free_ovsdb_error(error); } else { print_and_free_json(ovsdb_atom_to_json(&atom, base.type)); ovsdb_atom_destroy(&atom, base.type); } } ovsdb_base_type_destroy(&base); } static void do_parse_atom_strings(struct ovs_cmdl_context *ctx) { struct ovsdb_base_type base; struct json *json; int i; json = unbox_json(parse_json(ctx->argv[1])); check_ovsdb_error(ovsdb_base_type_from_json(&base, json)); json_destroy(json); for (i = 2; i < ctx->argc; i++) { union ovsdb_atom atom, *range_end_atom = NULL; struct ds out; die_if_error(ovsdb_atom_from_string(&atom, &range_end_atom, &base, ctx->argv[i], NULL)); ds_init(&out); ovsdb_atom_to_string(&atom, base.type, &out); if (range_end_atom) { struct ds range_end_ds; ds_init(&range_end_ds); ovsdb_atom_to_string(range_end_atom, base.type, &range_end_ds); ds_put_char(&out, '-'); ds_put_cstr(&out, ds_cstr(&range_end_ds));; ds_destroy(&range_end_ds); } puts(ds_cstr(&out)); ds_destroy(&out); ovsdb_atom_destroy(&atom, base.type); if (range_end_atom) { ovsdb_atom_destroy(range_end_atom, base.type); free(range_end_atom); } } ovsdb_base_type_destroy(&base); } static void do_parse_data__(int argc, char *argv[], struct ovsdb_error * (*parse)(struct ovsdb_datum *datum, const struct ovsdb_type *type, const struct json *json, struct ovsdb_symbol_table *symtab)) { struct ovsdb_type type; struct json *json; int i; json = unbox_json(parse_json(argv[1])); check_ovsdb_error(ovsdb_type_from_json(&type, json)); json_destroy(json); for (i = 2; i < argc; i++) { struct ovsdb_datum datum; json = unbox_json(parse_json(argv[i])); check_ovsdb_error(parse(&datum, &type, json, NULL)); json_destroy(json); print_and_free_json(ovsdb_datum_to_json(&datum, &type)); ovsdb_datum_destroy(&datum, &type); } ovsdb_type_destroy(&type); } static void do_parse_data(struct ovs_cmdl_context *ctx) { do_parse_data__(ctx->argc, ctx->argv, ovsdb_datum_from_json); } static void do_parse_data_strings(struct ovs_cmdl_context *ctx) { struct ovsdb_type type; struct json *json; int i; json = unbox_json(parse_json(ctx->argv[1])); check_ovsdb_error(ovsdb_type_from_json(&type, json)); json_destroy(json); for (i = 2; i < ctx->argc; i++) { struct ovsdb_datum datum; struct ds out; die_if_error(ovsdb_datum_from_string(&datum, &type, ctx->argv[i], NULL)); ds_init(&out); ovsdb_datum_to_string(&datum, &type, &out); puts(ds_cstr(&out)); ds_destroy(&out); ovsdb_datum_destroy(&datum, &type); } ovsdb_type_destroy(&type); } static enum ovsdb_atomic_type compare_atoms_atomic_type; static int compare_atoms(const void *a_, const void *b_) { const union ovsdb_atom *a = a_; const union ovsdb_atom *b = b_; return ovsdb_atom_compare_3way(a, b, compare_atoms_atomic_type); } static void do_sort_atoms(struct ovs_cmdl_context *ctx) { struct ovsdb_base_type base; union ovsdb_atom *atoms; struct json *json, **json_atoms; size_t n_atoms; int i; json = unbox_json(parse_json(ctx->argv[1])); check_ovsdb_error(ovsdb_base_type_from_json(&base, json)); json_destroy(json); json = unbox_json(parse_json(ctx->argv[2])); if (json->type != JSON_ARRAY) { ovs_fatal(0, "second argument must be array"); } /* Convert JSON atoms to internal representation. */ n_atoms = json->u.array.n; atoms = xmalloc(n_atoms * sizeof *atoms); for (i = 0; i < n_atoms; i++) { check_ovsdb_error(ovsdb_atom_from_json(&atoms[i], &base, json->u.array.elems[i], NULL)); } json_destroy(json); /* Sort atoms. */ compare_atoms_atomic_type = base.type; qsort(atoms, n_atoms, sizeof *atoms, compare_atoms); /* Convert internal representation back to JSON. */ json_atoms = xmalloc(n_atoms * sizeof *json_atoms); for (i = 0; i < n_atoms; i++) { json_atoms[i] = ovsdb_atom_to_json(&atoms[i], base.type); ovsdb_atom_destroy(&atoms[i], base.type); } print_and_free_json(json_array_create(json_atoms, n_atoms)); free(atoms); ovsdb_base_type_destroy(&base); } static void do_parse_column(struct ovs_cmdl_context *ctx) { struct ovsdb_column *column; struct json *json; json = parse_json(ctx->argv[2]); check_ovsdb_error(ovsdb_column_from_json(json, ctx->argv[1], &column)); json_destroy(json); print_and_free_json(ovsdb_column_to_json(column)); ovsdb_column_destroy(column); } static void do_parse_table(struct ovs_cmdl_context *ctx) { struct ovsdb_table_schema *ts; bool default_is_root; struct json *json; default_is_root = ctx->argc > 3 && !strcmp(ctx->argv[3], "true"); json = parse_json(ctx->argv[2]); check_ovsdb_error(ovsdb_table_schema_from_json(json, ctx->argv[1], &ts)); json_destroy(json); print_and_free_json(ovsdb_table_schema_to_json(ts, default_is_root)); ovsdb_table_schema_destroy(ts); } static void do_parse_rows(struct ovs_cmdl_context *ctx) { struct ovsdb_column_set all_columns; struct ovsdb_table_schema *ts; struct ovsdb_table *table; struct json *json; int i; json = unbox_json(parse_json(ctx->argv[1])); check_ovsdb_error(ovsdb_table_schema_from_json(json, "mytable", &ts)); json_destroy(json); table = ovsdb_table_create(ts); ovsdb_column_set_init(&all_columns); ovsdb_column_set_add_all(&all_columns, table); for (i = 2; i < ctx->argc; i++) { struct ovsdb_column_set columns; struct ovsdb_row *row; ovsdb_column_set_init(&columns); row = ovsdb_row_create(table); json = unbox_json(parse_json(ctx->argv[i])); check_ovsdb_error(ovsdb_row_from_json(row, json, NULL, &columns)); json_destroy(json); print_and_free_json(ovsdb_row_to_json(row, &all_columns)); if (columns.n_columns) { struct svec names; size_t j; char *s; svec_init(&names); for (j = 0; j < columns.n_columns; j++) { svec_add(&names, columns.columns[j]->name); } svec_sort(&names); s = svec_join(&names, ", ", ""); puts(s); free(s); svec_destroy(&names); } else { printf("\n"); } ovsdb_column_set_destroy(&columns); ovsdb_row_destroy(row); } ovsdb_column_set_destroy(&all_columns); ovsdb_table_destroy(table); /* Also destroys 'ts'. */ } static void do_compare_rows(struct ovs_cmdl_context *ctx) { struct ovsdb_column_set all_columns; struct ovsdb_table_schema *ts; struct ovsdb_table *table; struct ovsdb_row **rows; struct json *json; char **names; int n_rows; int i, j; json = unbox_json(parse_json(ctx->argv[1])); check_ovsdb_error(ovsdb_table_schema_from_json(json, "mytable", &ts)); json_destroy(json); table = ovsdb_table_create(ts); ovsdb_column_set_init(&all_columns); ovsdb_column_set_add_all(&all_columns, table); n_rows = ctx->argc - 2; rows = xmalloc(sizeof *rows * n_rows); names = xmalloc(sizeof *names * n_rows); for (i = 0; i < n_rows; i++) { rows[i] = ovsdb_row_create(table); json = parse_json(ctx->argv[i + 2]); if (json->type != JSON_ARRAY || json->u.array.n != 2 || json->u.array.elems[0]->type != JSON_STRING) { ovs_fatal(0, "\"%s\" does not have expected form " "[\"name\", {data}]", ctx->argv[i]); } names[i] = xstrdup(json->u.array.elems[0]->u.string); check_ovsdb_error(ovsdb_row_from_json(rows[i], json->u.array.elems[1], NULL, NULL)); json_destroy(json); } for (i = 0; i < n_rows; i++) { uint32_t i_hash = ovsdb_row_hash_columns(rows[i], &all_columns, 0); for (j = i + 1; j < n_rows; j++) { uint32_t j_hash = ovsdb_row_hash_columns(rows[j], &all_columns, 0); if (ovsdb_row_equal_columns(rows[i], rows[j], &all_columns)) { printf("%s == %s\n", names[i], names[j]); if (i_hash != j_hash) { printf("but hash(%s) != hash(%s)\n", names[i], names[j]); abort(); } } else if (i_hash == j_hash) { printf("hash(%s) == hash(%s)\n", names[i], names[j]); } } } for (i = 0; i < n_rows; i++) { ovsdb_row_destroy(rows[i]); free(names[i]); } free(rows); free(names); ovsdb_column_set_destroy(&all_columns); ovsdb_table_destroy(table); /* Also destroys 'ts'. */ } static void do_parse_conditions(struct ovs_cmdl_context *ctx) { struct ovsdb_table_schema *ts; struct json *json; int exit_code = 0; int i; json = unbox_json(parse_json(ctx->argv[1])); check_ovsdb_error(ovsdb_table_schema_from_json(json, "mytable", &ts)); json_destroy(json); for (i = 2; i < ctx->argc; i++) { struct ovsdb_condition cnd; struct ovsdb_error *error; json = parse_json(ctx->argv[i]); error = ovsdb_condition_from_json(ts, json, NULL, &cnd); if (!error) { print_and_free_json(ovsdb_condition_to_json(&cnd)); } else { char *s = ovsdb_error_to_string_free(error); ovs_error(0, "%s", s); free(s); exit_code = 1; } json_destroy(json); ovsdb_condition_destroy(&cnd); } ovsdb_table_schema_destroy(ts); exit(exit_code); } #define OVSDB_CONDITION_EVERY 0 #define OVSDB_CONDITION_ANY 1 static void do_evaluate_condition__(struct ovs_cmdl_context *ctx, int mode) { struct ovsdb_table_schema *ts; struct ovsdb_table *table; struct ovsdb_condition *conditions; size_t n_conditions; struct ovsdb_row **rows; size_t n_rows; struct json *json; size_t i, j; /* Parse table schema, create table. */ json = unbox_json(parse_json(ctx->argv[1])); check_ovsdb_error(ovsdb_table_schema_from_json(json, "mytable", &ts)); json_destroy(json); table = ovsdb_table_create(ts); /* Parse conditions. */ json = parse_json(ctx->argv[2]); if (json->type != JSON_ARRAY) { ovs_fatal(0, "CONDITION argument is not JSON array"); } n_conditions = json->u.array.n; conditions = xmalloc(n_conditions * sizeof *conditions); for (i = 0; i < n_conditions; i++) { check_ovsdb_error(ovsdb_condition_from_json(ts, json->u.array.elems[i], NULL, &conditions[i])); } json_destroy(json); /* Parse rows. */ json = parse_json(ctx->argv[3]); if (json->type != JSON_ARRAY) { ovs_fatal(0, "ROW argument is not JSON array"); } n_rows = json->u.array.n; rows = xmalloc(n_rows * sizeof *rows); for (i = 0; i < n_rows; i++) { rows[i] = ovsdb_row_create(table); check_ovsdb_error(ovsdb_row_from_json(rows[i], json->u.array.elems[i], NULL, NULL)); } json_destroy(json); for (i = 0; i < n_conditions; i++) { printf("condition %2"PRIuSIZE":", i); for (j = 0; j < n_rows; j++) { bool result; if (mode == OVSDB_CONDITION_EVERY) { result = ovsdb_condition_match_every_clause(rows[j], &conditions[i]); } else { result = ovsdb_condition_match_any_clause(rows[j]->fields, &conditions[i], NULL); } if (j % 5 == 0) { putchar(' '); } putchar(result ? 'T' : '-'); } printf("\n"); } for (i = 0; i < n_conditions; i++) { ovsdb_condition_destroy(&conditions[i]); } free(conditions); for (i = 0; i < n_rows; i++) { ovsdb_row_destroy(rows[i]); } free(rows); ovsdb_table_destroy(table); /* Also destroys 'ts'. */ } static void do_evaluate_conditions(struct ovs_cmdl_context *ctx) { do_evaluate_condition__(ctx, OVSDB_CONDITION_EVERY); } static void do_evaluate_conditions_any(struct ovs_cmdl_context *ctx) { do_evaluate_condition__(ctx, OVSDB_CONDITION_ANY); } static void do_compare_conditions(struct ovs_cmdl_context *ctx) { struct ovsdb_table_schema *ts; struct ovsdb_table *table; struct ovsdb_condition *conditions; size_t n_conditions; struct json *json; size_t i; /* Parse table schema, create table. */ json = unbox_json(parse_json(ctx->argv[1])); check_ovsdb_error(ovsdb_table_schema_from_json(json, "mytable", &ts)); json_destroy(json); table = ovsdb_table_create(ts); /* Parse conditions. */ json = parse_json(ctx->argv[2]); if (json->type != JSON_ARRAY) { ovs_fatal(0, "CONDITION argument is not JSON array"); } n_conditions = json->u.array.n; conditions = xmalloc(n_conditions * sizeof *conditions); for (i = 0; i < n_conditions; i++) { check_ovsdb_error(ovsdb_condition_from_json(ts, json->u.array.elems[i], NULL, &conditions[i])); } json_destroy(json); for (i = 0; i < n_conditions - 1; i++) { int res = ovsdb_condition_cmp_3way(&conditions[i], &conditions[i + 1]); printf("condition %"PRIuSIZE"-%"PRIuSIZE": %d\n", i, i + 1, res); } for (i = 0; i < n_conditions; i++) { ovsdb_condition_destroy(&conditions[i]); } free(conditions); ovsdb_table_destroy(table); /* Also destroys 'ts'. */ } static void do_parse_mutations(struct ovs_cmdl_context *ctx) { struct ovsdb_table_schema *ts; struct json *json; int exit_code = 0; int i; json = unbox_json(parse_json(ctx->argv[1])); check_ovsdb_error(ovsdb_table_schema_from_json(json, "mytable", &ts)); json_destroy(json); for (i = 2; i < ctx->argc; i++) { struct ovsdb_mutation_set set; struct ovsdb_error *error; json = parse_json(ctx->argv[i]); error = ovsdb_mutation_set_from_json(ts, json, NULL, &set); if (!error) { print_and_free_json(ovsdb_mutation_set_to_json(&set)); } else { char *s = ovsdb_error_to_string_free(error); ovs_error(0, "%s", s); free(s); exit_code = 1; } json_destroy(json); ovsdb_mutation_set_destroy(&set); } ovsdb_table_schema_destroy(ts); exit(exit_code); } static void do_execute_mutations(struct ovs_cmdl_context *ctx) { struct ovsdb_table_schema *ts; struct ovsdb_table *table; struct ovsdb_mutation_set *sets; size_t n_sets; struct ovsdb_row **rows; size_t n_rows; struct json *json; size_t i, j; /* Parse table schema, create table. */ json = unbox_json(parse_json(ctx->argv[1])); check_ovsdb_error(ovsdb_table_schema_from_json(json, "mytable", &ts)); json_destroy(json); table = ovsdb_table_create(ts); /* Parse mutations. */ json = parse_json(ctx->argv[2]); if (json->type != JSON_ARRAY) { ovs_fatal(0, "MUTATION argument is not JSON array"); } n_sets = json->u.array.n; sets = xmalloc(n_sets * sizeof *sets); for (i = 0; i < n_sets; i++) { check_ovsdb_error(ovsdb_mutation_set_from_json(ts, json->u.array.elems[i], NULL, &sets[i])); } json_destroy(json); /* Parse rows. */ json = parse_json(ctx->argv[3]); if (json->type != JSON_ARRAY) { ovs_fatal(0, "ROW argument is not JSON array"); } n_rows = json->u.array.n; rows = xmalloc(n_rows * sizeof *rows); for (i = 0; i < n_rows; i++) { rows[i] = ovsdb_row_create(table); check_ovsdb_error(ovsdb_row_from_json(rows[i], json->u.array.elems[i], NULL, NULL)); } json_destroy(json); for (i = 0; i < n_sets; i++) { printf("mutation %2"PRIuSIZE":\n", i); for (j = 0; j < n_rows; j++) { struct ovsdb_error *error; struct ovsdb_row *row; row = ovsdb_row_clone(rows[j]); error = ovsdb_mutation_set_execute(row, &sets[i]); printf("row %"PRIuSIZE": ", j); if (error) { print_and_free_ovsdb_error(error); } else { struct ovsdb_column_set columns; struct shash_node *node; ovsdb_column_set_init(&columns); SHASH_FOR_EACH (node, &ts->columns) { struct ovsdb_column *c = node->data; if (!ovsdb_datum_equals(&row->fields[c->index], &rows[j]->fields[c->index], &c->type)) { ovsdb_column_set_add(&columns, c); } } if (columns.n_columns) { print_and_free_json(ovsdb_row_to_json(row, &columns)); } else { printf("no change\n"); } ovsdb_column_set_destroy(&columns); } ovsdb_row_destroy(row); } printf("\n"); } for (i = 0; i < n_sets; i++) { ovsdb_mutation_set_destroy(&sets[i]); } free(sets); for (i = 0; i < n_rows; i++) { ovsdb_row_destroy(rows[i]); } free(rows); ovsdb_table_destroy(table); /* Also destroys 'ts'. */ } /* Inserts a row, without bothering to update metadata such as refcounts. */ static void put_row(struct ovsdb_table *table, struct ovsdb_row *row) { const struct uuid *uuid = ovsdb_row_get_uuid(row); if (!ovsdb_table_get_row(table, uuid)) { hmap_insert(&table->rows, &row->hmap_node, uuid_hash(uuid)); } } struct do_query_cbdata { struct uuid *row_uuids; int *counts; size_t n_rows; }; static bool do_query_cb(const struct ovsdb_row *row, void *cbdata_) { struct do_query_cbdata *cbdata = cbdata_; size_t i; for (i = 0; i < cbdata->n_rows; i++) { if (uuid_equals(ovsdb_row_get_uuid(row), &cbdata->row_uuids[i])) { cbdata->counts[i]++; } } return true; } static void do_query(struct ovs_cmdl_context *ctx) { struct do_query_cbdata cbdata; struct ovsdb_table_schema *ts; struct ovsdb_table *table; struct json *json; int exit_code = 0; size_t i; /* Parse table schema, create table. */ json = unbox_json(parse_json(ctx->argv[1])); check_ovsdb_error(ovsdb_table_schema_from_json(json, "mytable", &ts)); json_destroy(json); table = ovsdb_table_create(ts); /* Parse rows, add to table. */ json = parse_json(ctx->argv[2]); if (json->type != JSON_ARRAY) { ovs_fatal(0, "ROW argument is not JSON array"); } cbdata.n_rows = json->u.array.n; cbdata.row_uuids = xmalloc(cbdata.n_rows * sizeof *cbdata.row_uuids); cbdata.counts = xmalloc(cbdata.n_rows * sizeof *cbdata.counts); for (i = 0; i < cbdata.n_rows; i++) { struct ovsdb_row *row = ovsdb_row_create(table); uuid_generate(ovsdb_row_get_uuid_rw(row)); check_ovsdb_error(ovsdb_row_from_json(row, json->u.array.elems[i], NULL, NULL)); if (ovsdb_table_get_row(table, ovsdb_row_get_uuid(row))) { ovs_fatal(0, "duplicate UUID "UUID_FMT" in table", UUID_ARGS(ovsdb_row_get_uuid(row))); } cbdata.row_uuids[i] = *ovsdb_row_get_uuid(row); put_row(table, row); } json_destroy(json); /* Parse conditions and execute queries. */ json = parse_json(ctx->argv[3]); if (json->type != JSON_ARRAY) { ovs_fatal(0, "CONDITION argument is not JSON array"); } for (i = 0; i < json->u.array.n; i++) { struct ovsdb_condition cnd; size_t j; check_ovsdb_error(ovsdb_condition_from_json(ts, json->u.array.elems[i], NULL, &cnd)); memset(cbdata.counts, 0, cbdata.n_rows * sizeof *cbdata.counts); ovsdb_query(table, &cnd, do_query_cb, &cbdata); printf("query %2"PRIuSIZE":", i); for (j = 0; j < cbdata.n_rows; j++) { if (j % 5 == 0) { putchar(' '); } if (cbdata.counts[j]) { printf("%d", cbdata.counts[j]); if (cbdata.counts[j] > 1) { /* Dup! */ exit_code = 1; } } else { putchar('-'); } } putchar('\n'); ovsdb_condition_destroy(&cnd); } json_destroy(json); ovsdb_table_destroy(table); /* Also destroys 'ts'. */ exit(exit_code); } struct do_query_distinct_class { struct ovsdb_row *example; int count; }; struct do_query_distinct_row { struct uuid uuid; struct do_query_distinct_class *class; }; static void do_query_distinct(struct ovs_cmdl_context *ctx) { struct ovsdb_column_set columns; struct ovsdb_table_schema *ts; struct ovsdb_table *table; struct do_query_distinct_row *rows; size_t n_rows; struct do_query_distinct_class *classes; size_t n_classes; struct json *json; int exit_code = 0; size_t i; /* Parse table schema, create table. */ json = unbox_json(parse_json(ctx->argv[1])); check_ovsdb_error(ovsdb_table_schema_from_json(json, "mytable", &ts)); json_destroy(json); table = ovsdb_table_create(ts); /* Parse column set. */ json = parse_json(ctx->argv[4]); check_ovsdb_error(ovsdb_column_set_from_json(json, table->schema, &columns)); json_destroy(json); /* Parse rows, add to table. */ json = parse_json(ctx->argv[2]); if (json->type != JSON_ARRAY) { ovs_fatal(0, "ROW argument is not JSON array"); } n_rows = json->u.array.n; rows = xmalloc(n_rows * sizeof *rows); classes = xmalloc(n_rows * sizeof *classes); n_classes = 0; for (i = 0; i < n_rows; i++) { struct ovsdb_row *row; size_t j; /* Parse row. */ row = ovsdb_row_create(table); uuid_generate(ovsdb_row_get_uuid_rw(row)); check_ovsdb_error(ovsdb_row_from_json(row, json->u.array.elems[i], NULL, NULL)); /* Initialize row and find equivalence class. */ rows[i].uuid = *ovsdb_row_get_uuid(row); rows[i].class = NULL; for (j = 0; j < n_classes; j++) { if (ovsdb_row_equal_columns(row, classes[j].example, &columns)) { rows[i].class = &classes[j]; break; } } if (!rows[i].class) { rows[i].class = &classes[n_classes]; classes[n_classes].example = ovsdb_row_clone(row); n_classes++; } /* Add row to table. */ if (ovsdb_table_get_row(table, ovsdb_row_get_uuid(row))) { ovs_fatal(0, "duplicate UUID "UUID_FMT" in table", UUID_ARGS(ovsdb_row_get_uuid(row))); } put_row(table, row); } json_destroy(json); /* Parse conditions and execute queries. */ json = parse_json(ctx->argv[3]); if (json->type != JSON_ARRAY) { ovs_fatal(0, "CONDITION argument is not JSON array"); } for (i = 0; i < json->u.array.n; i++) { struct ovsdb_row_set results; struct ovsdb_condition cnd; size_t j; check_ovsdb_error(ovsdb_condition_from_json(ts, json->u.array.elems[i], NULL, &cnd)); for (j = 0; j < n_classes; j++) { classes[j].count = 0; } ovsdb_row_set_init(&results); ovsdb_query_distinct(table, &cnd, &columns, &results); for (j = 0; j < results.n_rows; j++) { size_t k; for (k = 0; k < n_rows; k++) { if (uuid_equals(ovsdb_row_get_uuid(results.rows[j]), &rows[k].uuid)) { rows[k].class->count++; } } } ovsdb_row_set_destroy(&results); printf("query %2"PRIuSIZE":", i); for (j = 0; j < n_rows; j++) { int count = rows[j].class->count; if (j % 5 == 0) { putchar(' '); } if (count > 1) { /* Dup! */ printf("%d", count); exit_code = 1; } else if (count == 1) { putchar("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"[rows[j].class - classes]); } else { putchar('-'); } } putchar('\n'); ovsdb_condition_destroy(&cnd); } json_destroy(json); for (i = 0; i < n_classes; i++) { ovsdb_row_destroy(classes[i].example); } ovsdb_table_destroy(table); /* Also destroys 'ts'. */ free(rows); free(classes); exit(exit_code); } static void do_parse_schema(struct ovs_cmdl_context *ctx) { struct ovsdb_schema *schema; struct json *json; json = parse_json(ctx->argv[1]); check_ovsdb_error(ovsdb_schema_from_json(json, &schema)); json_destroy(json); print_and_free_json(ovsdb_schema_to_json(schema)); ovsdb_schema_destroy(schema); } static void do_execute__(struct ovs_cmdl_context *ctx, bool ro) { struct ovsdb_schema *schema; struct json *json; struct ovsdb *db; int i; /* Create database. */ json = parse_json(ctx->argv[1]); check_ovsdb_error(ovsdb_schema_from_json(json, &schema)); json_destroy(json); db = ovsdb_create(schema); for (i = 2; i < ctx->argc; i++) { struct json *params, *result; char *s; params = parse_json(ctx->argv[i]); result = ovsdb_execute(db, NULL, params, ro, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL); s = json_to_string(result, JSSF_SORT); printf("%s\n", s); free(s); json_destroy(params); json_destroy(result); } ovsdb_destroy(db); } static void do_execute_ro(struct ovs_cmdl_context *ctx) { do_execute__(ctx, true); } static void do_execute(struct ovs_cmdl_context *ctx) { do_execute__(ctx, false); } struct test_trigger { struct ovsdb_trigger trigger; int number; }; static void do_trigger_dump(struct test_trigger *t, long long int now, const char *title) { struct json *result; char *s; result = ovsdb_trigger_steal_result(&t->trigger); s = json_to_string(result, JSSF_SORT); printf("t=%lld: trigger %d (%s): %s\n", now, t->number, title, s); free(s); json_destroy(result); ovsdb_trigger_destroy(&t->trigger); free(t); } static void do_trigger(struct ovs_cmdl_context *ctx) { struct ovsdb_schema *schema; struct ovsdb_session session; struct ovsdb_server server; struct json *json; struct ovsdb *db; long long int now; int number; int i; /* Create database. */ json = parse_json(ctx->argv[1]); check_ovsdb_error(ovsdb_schema_from_json(json, &schema)); json_destroy(json); db = ovsdb_create(schema); ovsdb_server_init(&server); ovsdb_server_add_db(&server, db); ovsdb_session_init(&session, &server); now = 0; number = 0; for (i = 2; i < ctx->argc; i++) { struct json *params = parse_json(ctx->argv[i]); if (params->type == JSON_ARRAY && json_array(params)->n == 2 && json_array(params)->elems[0]->type == JSON_STRING && !strcmp(json_string(json_array(params)->elems[0]), "advance") && json_array(params)->elems[1]->type == JSON_INTEGER) { now += json_integer(json_array(params)->elems[1]); json_destroy(params); } else { struct test_trigger *t = xmalloc(sizeof *t); ovsdb_trigger_init(&session, db, &t->trigger, params, now, false, NULL, NULL); t->number = number++; if (ovsdb_trigger_is_complete(&t->trigger)) { do_trigger_dump(t, now, "immediate"); } else { printf("t=%lld: new trigger %d\n", now, t->number); } } ovsdb_trigger_run(db, now); struct test_trigger *t; LIST_FOR_EACH_POP (t, trigger.node, &session.completions) { do_trigger_dump(t, now, "delayed"); ovsdb_trigger_run(db, now); } ovsdb_trigger_wait(db, now); poll_immediate_wake(); poll_block(); } ovsdb_server_destroy(&server); ovsdb_destroy(db); } static void do_help(struct ovs_cmdl_context *ctx OVS_UNUSED) { usage(); } /* "transact" command. */ static struct ovsdb *do_transact_db; static struct ovsdb_txn *do_transact_txn; static struct ovsdb_table *do_transact_table; static void do_transact_commit(struct ovs_cmdl_context *ctx OVS_UNUSED) { ovsdb_error_destroy(ovsdb_txn_commit(do_transact_txn, false)); do_transact_txn = NULL; } static void do_transact_abort(struct ovs_cmdl_context *ctx OVS_UNUSED) { ovsdb_txn_abort(do_transact_txn); do_transact_txn = NULL; } static void uuid_from_integer(int integer, struct uuid *uuid) { uuid_zero(uuid); uuid->parts[3] = integer; } static const struct ovsdb_row * do_transact_find_row(const char *uuid_string) { const struct ovsdb_row *row; struct uuid uuid; uuid_from_integer(atoi(uuid_string), &uuid); row = ovsdb_table_get_row(do_transact_table, &uuid); if (!row) { ovs_fatal(0, "table does not contain row with UUID "UUID_FMT, UUID_ARGS(&uuid)); } return row; } static void do_transact_set_integer(struct ovsdb_row *row, const char *column_name, int integer) { if (integer != -1) { const struct ovsdb_column *column; column = ovsdb_table_schema_get_column(do_transact_table->schema, column_name); row->fields[column->index].keys[0].integer = integer; } } static int do_transact_get_integer(const struct ovsdb_row *row, const char *column_name) { const struct ovsdb_column *column; column = ovsdb_table_schema_get_column(do_transact_table->schema, column_name); return row->fields[column->index].keys[0].integer; } static void do_transact_set_i_j(struct ovsdb_row *row, const char *i_string, const char *j_string) { do_transact_set_integer(row, "i", atoi(i_string)); do_transact_set_integer(row, "j", atoi(j_string)); } static void do_transact_insert(struct ovs_cmdl_context *ctx) { struct ovsdb_row *row; struct uuid *uuid; row = ovsdb_row_create(do_transact_table); /* Set UUID. */ uuid = ovsdb_row_get_uuid_rw(row); uuid_from_integer(atoi(ctx->argv[1]), uuid); if (ovsdb_table_get_row(do_transact_table, uuid)) { ovs_fatal(0, "table already contains row with UUID "UUID_FMT, UUID_ARGS(uuid)); } do_transact_set_i_j(row, ctx->argv[2], ctx->argv[3]); /* Insert row. */ ovsdb_txn_row_insert(do_transact_txn, row); } static void do_transact_delete(struct ovs_cmdl_context *ctx) { const struct ovsdb_row *row = do_transact_find_row(ctx->argv[1]); ovsdb_txn_row_delete(do_transact_txn, row); } static void do_transact_modify(struct ovs_cmdl_context *ctx) { const struct ovsdb_row *row_ro; struct ovsdb_row *row_rw; row_ro = do_transact_find_row(ctx->argv[1]); row_rw = ovsdb_txn_row_modify(do_transact_txn, row_ro); do_transact_set_i_j(row_rw, ctx->argv[2], ctx->argv[3]); } static int compare_rows_by_uuid(const void *a_, const void *b_) { struct ovsdb_row *const *ap = a_; struct ovsdb_row *const *bp = b_; return uuid_compare_3way(ovsdb_row_get_uuid(*ap), ovsdb_row_get_uuid(*bp)); } static void do_transact_print(struct ovs_cmdl_context *ctx OVS_UNUSED) { const struct ovsdb_row **rows; const struct ovsdb_row *row; size_t n_rows; size_t i; n_rows = hmap_count(&do_transact_table->rows); rows = xmalloc(n_rows * sizeof *rows); i = 0; HMAP_FOR_EACH (row, hmap_node, &do_transact_table->rows) { rows[i++] = row; } ovs_assert(i == n_rows); qsort(rows, n_rows, sizeof *rows, compare_rows_by_uuid); for (i = 0; i < n_rows; i++) { printf("\n%"PRId32": i=%d, j=%d", ovsdb_row_get_uuid(rows[i])->parts[3], do_transact_get_integer(rows[i], "i"), do_transact_get_integer(rows[i], "j")); } free(rows); } static void do_transact(struct ovs_cmdl_context *ctx) { static const struct ovs_cmdl_command do_transact_commands[] = { { "commit", NULL, 0, 0, do_transact_commit, OVS_RO }, { "abort", NULL, 0, 0, do_transact_abort, OVS_RO }, { "insert", NULL, 2, 3, do_transact_insert, OVS_RO }, { "delete", NULL, 1, 1, do_transact_delete, OVS_RO }, { "modify", NULL, 2, 3, do_transact_modify, OVS_RO }, { "print", NULL, 0, 0, do_transact_print, OVS_RO }, { NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL, OVS_RO }, }; struct ovsdb_schema *schema; struct json *json; int i; /* Create table. */ json = parse_json("{\"name\": \"testdb\", " " \"tables\": " " {\"mytable\": " " {\"columns\": " " {\"i\": {\"type\": \"integer\"}, " " \"j\": {\"type\": \"integer\"}}}}}"); check_ovsdb_error(ovsdb_schema_from_json(json, &schema)); json_destroy(json); do_transact_db = ovsdb_create(schema); do_transact_table = ovsdb_get_table(do_transact_db, "mytable"); ovs_assert(do_transact_table != NULL); for (i = 1; i < ctx->argc; i++) { struct json *command; size_t n_args; char **args; int j; struct ovs_cmdl_context transact_ctx = { .argc = 0, }; command = parse_json(ctx->argv[i]); if (command->type != JSON_ARRAY) { ovs_fatal(0, "transaction %d must be JSON array " "with at least 1 element", i); } n_args = command->u.array.n; args = xmalloc((n_args + 1) * sizeof *args); for (j = 0; j < n_args; j++) { struct json *s = command->u.array.elems[j]; if (s->type != JSON_STRING) { ovs_fatal(0, "transaction %d argument %d must be JSON string", i, j); } args[j] = xstrdup(json_string(s)); } args[n_args] = NULL; if (!do_transact_txn) { do_transact_txn = ovsdb_txn_create(do_transact_db); } for (j = 0; j < n_args; j++) { if (j) { putchar(' '); } fputs(args[j], stdout); } fputs(":", stdout); transact_ctx.argc = n_args; transact_ctx.argv = args; ovs_cmdl_run_command(&transact_ctx, do_transact_commands); putchar('\n'); for (j = 0; j < n_args; j++) { free(args[j]); } free(args); json_destroy(command); } ovsdb_txn_abort(do_transact_txn); ovsdb_destroy(do_transact_db); /* Also destroys 'schema'. */ } static int compare_link1(const void *a_, const void *b_) { const struct idltest_link1 *const *ap = a_; const struct idltest_link1 *const *bp = b_; const struct idltest_link1 *a = *ap; const struct idltest_link1 *b = *bp; return a->i < b->i ? -1 : a->i > b->i; } static void print_idl_row_updated_simple(const struct idltest_simple *s, int step) { size_t i; bool updated = false; for (i = 0; i < IDLTEST_SIMPLE_N_COLUMNS; i++) { if (idltest_simple_is_updated(s, i)) { if (!updated) { printf("%03d: updated columns:", step); updated = true; } printf(" %s", idltest_simple_columns[i].name); } } if (updated) { printf("\n"); } } static void print_idl_row_updated_link1(const struct idltest_link1 *l1, int step) { size_t i; bool updated = false; for (i = 0; i < IDLTEST_LINK1_N_COLUMNS; i++) { if (idltest_link1_is_updated(l1, i)) { if (!updated) { printf("%03d: updated columns:", step); updated = true; } printf(" %s", idltest_link1_columns[i].name); } } if (updated) { printf("\n"); } } static void print_idl_row_updated_link2(const struct idltest_link2 *l2, int step) { size_t i; bool updated = false; for (i = 0; i < IDLTEST_LINK2_N_COLUMNS; i++) { if (idltest_link2_is_updated(l2, i)) { if (!updated) { printf("%03d: updated columns:", step); updated = true; } printf(" %s", idltest_link2_columns[i].name); } } if (updated) { printf("\n"); } } static void print_idl_row_simple(const struct idltest_simple *s, int step) { size_t i; printf("%03d: i=%"PRId64" r=%g b=%s s=%s u="UUID_FMT" ia=[", step, s->i, s->r, s->b ? "true" : "false", s->s, UUID_ARGS(&s->u)); for (i = 0; i < s->n_ia; i++) { printf("%s%"PRId64, i ? " " : "", s->ia[i]); } printf("] ra=["); for (i = 0; i < s->n_ra; i++) { printf("%s%g", i ? " " : "", s->ra[i]); } printf("] ba=["); for (i = 0; i < s->n_ba; i++) { printf("%s%s", i ? " " : "", s->ba[i] ? "true" : "false"); } printf("] sa=["); for (i = 0; i < s->n_sa; i++) { printf("%s%s", i ? " " : "", s->sa[i]); } printf("] ua=["); for (i = 0; i < s->n_ua; i++) { printf("%s"UUID_FMT, i ? " " : "", UUID_ARGS(&s->ua[i])); } printf("] uuid="UUID_FMT"\n", UUID_ARGS(&s->header_.uuid)); print_idl_row_updated_simple(s, step); } static void print_idl_row_link1(const struct idltest_link1 *l1, int step) { struct idltest_link1 **links; size_t i; printf("%03d: i=%"PRId64" k=", step, l1->i); if (l1->k) { printf("%"PRId64, l1->k->i); } printf(" ka=["); links = xmemdup(l1->ka, l1->n_ka * sizeof *l1->ka); qsort(links, l1->n_ka, sizeof *links, compare_link1); for (i = 0; i < l1->n_ka; i++) { printf("%s%"PRId64, i ? " " : "", links[i]->i); } free(links); printf("] l2="); if (l1->l2) { printf("%"PRId64, l1->l2->i); } printf(" uuid="UUID_FMT"\n", UUID_ARGS(&l1->header_.uuid)); print_idl_row_updated_link1(l1, step); } static void print_idl_row_link2(const struct idltest_link2 *l2, int step) { printf("%03d: i=%"PRId64" l1=", step, l2->i); if (l2->l1) { printf("%"PRId64, l2->l1->i); } printf(" uuid="UUID_FMT"\n", UUID_ARGS(&l2->header_.uuid)); print_idl_row_updated_link2(l2, step); } static void print_idl(struct ovsdb_idl *idl, int step) { const struct idltest_simple *s; const struct idltest_link1 *l1; const struct idltest_link2 *l2; int n = 0; IDLTEST_SIMPLE_FOR_EACH (s, idl) { print_idl_row_simple(s, step); n++; } IDLTEST_LINK1_FOR_EACH (l1, idl) { print_idl_row_link1(l1, step); n++; } IDLTEST_LINK2_FOR_EACH (l2, idl) { print_idl_row_link2(l2, step); n++; } if (!n) { printf("%03d: empty\n", step); } } static void print_idl_track(struct ovsdb_idl *idl, int step, unsigned int seqno) { const struct idltest_simple *s; const struct idltest_link1 *l1; const struct idltest_link2 *l2; int n = 0; IDLTEST_SIMPLE_FOR_EACH_TRACKED (s, idl) { if (idltest_simple_row_get_seqno(s, OVSDB_IDL_CHANGE_DELETE) >= seqno) { printf("%03d: ##deleted## uuid="UUID_FMT"\n", step, UUID_ARGS(&s->header_.uuid)); } else { print_idl_row_simple(s, step); } n++; } IDLTEST_LINK1_FOR_EACH_TRACKED (l1, idl) { if (idltest_simple_row_get_seqno(s, OVSDB_IDL_CHANGE_DELETE) >= seqno) { printf("%03d: ##deleted## uuid="UUID_FMT"\n", step, UUID_ARGS(&s->header_.uuid)); } else { print_idl_row_link1(l1, step); } n++; } IDLTEST_LINK2_FOR_EACH_TRACKED (l2, idl) { if (idltest_simple_row_get_seqno(s, OVSDB_IDL_CHANGE_DELETE) >= seqno) { printf("%03d: ##deleted## uuid="UUID_FMT"\n", step, UUID_ARGS(&s->header_.uuid)); } else { print_idl_row_link2(l2, step); } n++; } if (!n) { printf("%03d: empty\n", step); } } static void parse_uuids(const struct json *json, struct ovsdb_symbol_table *symtab, size_t *n) { struct uuid uuid; if (json->type == JSON_STRING && uuid_from_string(&uuid, json->u.string)) { char *name = xasprintf("#%"PRIuSIZE"#", *n); fprintf(stderr, "%s = "UUID_FMT"\n", name, UUID_ARGS(&uuid)); ovsdb_symbol_table_put(symtab, name, &uuid, false); free(name); *n += 1; } else if (json->type == JSON_ARRAY) { size_t i; for (i = 0; i < json->u.array.n; i++) { parse_uuids(json->u.array.elems[i], symtab, n); } } else if (json->type == JSON_OBJECT) { const struct shash_node *node; SHASH_FOR_EACH (node, json_object(json)) { parse_uuids(node->data, symtab, n); } } } static void substitute_uuids(struct json *json, const struct ovsdb_symbol_table *symtab) { if (json->type == JSON_STRING) { const struct ovsdb_symbol *symbol; symbol = ovsdb_symbol_table_get(symtab, json->u.string); if (symbol) { free(json->u.string); json->u.string = xasprintf(UUID_FMT, UUID_ARGS(&symbol->uuid)); } } else if (json->type == JSON_ARRAY) { size_t i; for (i = 0; i < json->u.array.n; i++) { substitute_uuids(json->u.array.elems[i], symtab); } } else if (json->type == JSON_OBJECT) { const struct shash_node *node; SHASH_FOR_EACH (node, json_object(json)) { substitute_uuids(node->data, symtab); } } } static const struct idltest_simple * idltest_find_simple(struct ovsdb_idl *idl, int i) { const struct idltest_simple *s; IDLTEST_SIMPLE_FOR_EACH (s, idl) { if (s->i == i) { return s; } } return NULL; } static void idl_set(struct ovsdb_idl *idl, char *commands, int step) { char *cmd, *save_ptr1 = NULL; struct ovsdb_idl_txn *txn; enum ovsdb_idl_txn_status status; bool increment = false; txn = ovsdb_idl_txn_create(idl); ovsdb_idl_check_consistency(idl); for (cmd = strtok_r(commands, ",", &save_ptr1); cmd; cmd = strtok_r(NULL, ",", &save_ptr1)) { char *save_ptr2 = NULL; char *name, *arg1, *arg2, *arg3; name = strtok_r(cmd, " ", &save_ptr2); arg1 = strtok_r(NULL, " ", &save_ptr2); arg2 = strtok_r(NULL, " ", &save_ptr2); arg3 = strtok_r(NULL, " ", &save_ptr2); if (!strcmp(name, "set")) { const struct idltest_simple *s; if (!arg3) { ovs_fatal(0, "\"set\" command requires 3 arguments"); } s = idltest_find_simple(idl, atoi(arg1)); if (!s) { ovs_fatal(0, "\"set\" command asks for nonexistent " "i=%d", atoi(arg1)); } if (!strcmp(arg2, "b")) { idltest_simple_set_b(s, atoi(arg3)); } else if (!strcmp(arg2, "s")) { idltest_simple_set_s(s, arg3); } else if (!strcmp(arg2, "u")) { struct uuid uuid; if (!uuid_from_string(&uuid, arg3)) { ovs_fatal(0, "\"%s\" is not a valid UUID", arg3); } idltest_simple_set_u(s, uuid); } else if (!strcmp(arg2, "r")) { idltest_simple_set_r(s, atof(arg3)); } else { ovs_fatal(0, "\"set\" command asks for unknown column %s", arg2); } } else if (!strcmp(name, "insert")) { struct idltest_simple *s; if (!arg1 || arg2) { ovs_fatal(0, "\"insert\" command requires 1 argument"); } s = idltest_simple_insert(txn); idltest_simple_set_i(s, atoi(arg1)); } else if (!strcmp(name, "delete")) { const struct idltest_simple *s; if (!arg1 || arg2) { ovs_fatal(0, "\"delete\" command requires 1 argument"); } s = idltest_find_simple(idl, atoi(arg1)); if (!s) { ovs_fatal(0, "\"delete\" command asks for nonexistent " "i=%d", atoi(arg1)); } idltest_simple_delete(s); } else if (!strcmp(name, "verify")) { const struct idltest_simple *s; if (!arg2 || arg3) { ovs_fatal(0, "\"verify\" command requires 2 arguments"); } s = idltest_find_simple(idl, atoi(arg1)); if (!s) { ovs_fatal(0, "\"verify\" command asks for nonexistent " "i=%d", atoi(arg1)); } if (!strcmp(arg2, "i")) { idltest_simple_verify_i(s); } else if (!strcmp(arg2, "b")) { idltest_simple_verify_b(s); } else if (!strcmp(arg2, "s")) { idltest_simple_verify_s(s); } else if (!strcmp(arg2, "u")) { idltest_simple_verify_s(s); } else if (!strcmp(arg2, "r")) { idltest_simple_verify_r(s); } else { ovs_fatal(0, "\"verify\" command asks for unknown column %s", arg2); } } else if (!strcmp(name, "increment")) { const struct idltest_simple *s; if (!arg1 || arg2) { ovs_fatal(0, "\"increment\" command requires 1 argument"); } s = idltest_find_simple(idl, atoi(arg1)); if (!s) { ovs_fatal(0, "\"set\" command asks for nonexistent " "i=%d", atoi(arg1)); } ovsdb_idl_txn_increment(txn, &s->header_, &idltest_simple_col_i, false); increment = true; } else if (!strcmp(name, "abort")) { ovsdb_idl_txn_abort(txn); ovsdb_idl_check_consistency(idl); break; } else if (!strcmp(name, "destroy")) { printf("%03d: destroy\n", step); ovsdb_idl_txn_destroy(txn); ovsdb_idl_check_consistency(idl); return; } else { ovs_fatal(0, "unknown command %s", name); } ovsdb_idl_check_consistency(idl); } status = ovsdb_idl_txn_commit_block(txn); printf("%03d: commit, status=%s", step, ovsdb_idl_txn_status_to_string(status)); if (increment) { printf(", increment=%"PRId64, ovsdb_idl_txn_get_increment_new_value(txn)); } putchar('\n'); ovsdb_idl_txn_destroy(txn); ovsdb_idl_check_consistency(idl); } static const struct ovsdb_idl_table_class * find_table_class(const char *name) { if (!strcmp(name, "simple")) { return &idltest_table_simple; } else if (!strcmp(name, "link1")) { return &idltest_table_link1; } else if (!strcmp(name, "link2")) { return &idltest_table_link2; } return NULL; } static void parse_simple_json_clause(struct ovsdb_idl_condition *cond, enum ovsdb_function function, const char *column, const struct json *arg) { if (!strcmp(column, "b")) { idltest_simple_add_clause_b(cond, function, json_boolean(arg)); } else if (!strcmp(column, "i")) { idltest_simple_add_clause_i(cond, function, json_integer(arg)); } else if (!strcmp(column, "s")) { idltest_simple_add_clause_s(cond, function, json_string(arg)); } else if (!strcmp(column, "u")) { struct uuid uuid; if (!uuid_from_string(&uuid, json_string(arg))) { ovs_fatal(0, "\"%s\" is not a valid UUID", json_string(arg)); } idltest_simple_add_clause_u(cond, function, uuid); } else if (!strcmp(column, "r")) { idltest_simple_add_clause_r(cond, function, json_real(arg)); } else { ovs_fatal(0, "Unsupported columns name %s", column); } } static void parse_link1_json_clause(struct ovsdb_idl_condition *cond, enum ovsdb_function function, const char *column, const struct json *arg) { if (!strcmp(column, "i")) { idltest_link1_add_clause_i(cond, function, json_integer(arg)); } else { ovs_fatal(0, "Unsupported columns name %s", column); } } static void parse_link2_json_clause(struct ovsdb_idl_condition *cond, enum ovsdb_function function, const char *column, const struct json *arg) { if (!strcmp(column, "i")) { idltest_link2_add_clause_i(cond, function, json_integer(arg)); } else { ovs_fatal(0, "Unsupported columns name %s", column); } } static void update_conditions(struct ovsdb_idl *idl, char *commands) { char *cmd, *save_ptr1 = NULL; const struct ovsdb_idl_table_class *tc; for (cmd = strtok_r(commands, ";", &save_ptr1); cmd; cmd = strtok_r(NULL, ";", &save_ptr1)) { char *save_ptr2 = NULL; char *table_name = strtok_r(cmd, " ", &save_ptr2); struct json *json = parse_json(save_ptr2); int i; if (json->type != JSON_ARRAY) { ovs_fatal(0, "condition should be an array"); } tc = find_table_class(table_name); if (!tc) { ovs_fatal(0, "Table %s does not exist", table_name); } struct ovsdb_idl_condition cond = OVSDB_IDL_CONDITION_INIT(&cond); for (i = 0; i < json->u.array.n; i++) { const struct json *clause = json->u.array.elems[i]; if (clause->type == JSON_TRUE) { ovsdb_idl_condition_add_clause_true(&cond); } else if (clause->type != JSON_ARRAY || clause->u.array.n != 3 || clause->u.array.elems[0]->type != JSON_STRING || clause->u.array.elems[1]->type != JSON_STRING) { ovs_fatal(0, "Error parsing condition"); } else { enum ovsdb_function function; const char *function_s = json_string(clause->u.array.elems[1]); struct ovsdb_error *error = ovsdb_function_from_string( function_s, &function); if (error) { ovs_fatal(0, "unknown clause function %s", function_s); } const char *column = json_string(clause->u.array.elems[0]); const struct json *arg = clause->u.array.elems[2]; if (!strcmp(table_name, "simple")) { parse_simple_json_clause(&cond, function, column, arg); } else if (!strcmp(table_name, "link1")) { parse_link1_json_clause(&cond, function, column, arg); } else if (!strcmp(table_name, "link2")) { parse_link2_json_clause(&cond, function, column, arg); } } } unsigned int seqno = ovsdb_idl_get_condition_seqno(idl); unsigned int next_seqno = ovsdb_idl_set_condition(idl, tc, &cond); if (seqno == next_seqno ) { ovs_fatal(0, "condition unchanged"); } ovsdb_idl_condition_destroy(&cond); json_destroy(json); } } static void do_idl(struct ovs_cmdl_context *ctx) { struct jsonrpc *rpc; struct ovsdb_idl *idl; unsigned int seqno = 0; struct ovsdb_symbol_table *symtab; size_t n_uuids = 0; int step = 0; int error; int i; bool track; track = ((struct test_ovsdb_pvt_context *)(ctx->pvt))->track; idl = ovsdb_idl_create(ctx->argv[1], &idltest_idl_class, true, true); if (ctx->argc > 2) { struct stream *stream; error = stream_open_block(jsonrpc_stream_open(ctx->argv[1], &stream, DSCP_DEFAULT), &stream); if (error) { ovs_fatal(error, "failed to connect to \"%s\"", ctx->argv[1]); } rpc = jsonrpc_open(stream); } else { rpc = NULL; } if (track) { ovsdb_idl_track_add_all(idl); } setvbuf(stdout, NULL, _IONBF, 0); symtab = ovsdb_symbol_table_create(); const char cond_s[] = "condition "; if (ctx->argc > 2 && strstr(ctx->argv[2], cond_s)) { update_conditions(idl, ctx->argv[2] + strlen(cond_s)); printf("%03d: change conditions\n", step++); i = 3; } else { i = 2; } for (; i < ctx->argc; i++) { char *arg = ctx->argv[i]; struct jsonrpc_msg *request, *reply; if (*arg == '+') { /* The previous transaction didn't change anything. */ arg++; } else { /* Wait for update. */ for (;;) { ovsdb_idl_run(idl); ovsdb_idl_check_consistency(idl); if (ovsdb_idl_get_seqno(idl) != seqno) { break; } jsonrpc_run(rpc); ovsdb_idl_wait(idl); jsonrpc_wait(rpc); poll_block(); } /* Print update. */ if (track) { print_idl_track(idl, step++, ovsdb_idl_get_seqno(idl)); ovsdb_idl_track_clear(idl); } else { print_idl(idl, step++); } } seqno = ovsdb_idl_get_seqno(idl); if (!strcmp(arg, "reconnect")) { printf("%03d: reconnect\n", step++); ovsdb_idl_force_reconnect(idl); } else if (!strncmp(arg, cond_s, strlen(cond_s))) { update_conditions(idl, arg + strlen(cond_s)); printf("%03d: change conditions\n", step++); } else if (arg[0] != '[') { idl_set(idl, arg, step++); } else { struct json *json = parse_json(arg); substitute_uuids(json, symtab); request = jsonrpc_create_request("transact", json, NULL); error = jsonrpc_transact_block(rpc, request, &reply); if (error || reply->error) { ovs_fatal(error, "jsonrpc transaction failed"); } printf("%03d: ", step++); if (reply->result) { parse_uuids(reply->result, symtab, &n_uuids); } json_destroy(reply->id); reply->id = NULL; print_and_free_json(jsonrpc_msg_to_json(reply)); } } ovsdb_symbol_table_destroy(symtab); if (rpc) { jsonrpc_close(rpc); } for (;;) { ovsdb_idl_run(idl); ovsdb_idl_check_consistency(idl); if (ovsdb_idl_get_seqno(idl) != seqno) { break; } ovsdb_idl_wait(idl); poll_block(); } print_idl(idl, step++); ovsdb_idl_track_clear(idl); ovsdb_idl_destroy(idl); printf("%03d: done\n", step); } static void print_idl_row_simple2(const struct idltest_simple2 *s, int step) { size_t i; const struct ovsdb_datum *smap, *imap; smap = idltest_simple2_get_smap(s, OVSDB_TYPE_STRING, OVSDB_TYPE_STRING); imap = idltest_simple2_get_imap(s, OVSDB_TYPE_INTEGER, OVSDB_TYPE_STRING); printf("%03d: name=%s smap=[", step, s->name); for (i = 0; i < smap->n; i++) { printf("[%s : %s]%s", smap->keys[i].string, smap->values[i].string, i < smap->n-1? ",": ""); } printf("] imap=["); for (i = 0; i < imap->n; i++) { printf("[%"PRId64" : %s]%s", imap->keys[i].integer, imap->values[i].string, i < imap->n-1? ",":""); } printf("]\n"); } static void dump_simple2(struct ovsdb_idl *idl, const struct idltest_simple2 *myRow, int step) { IDLTEST_SIMPLE2_FOR_EACH(myRow, idl) { print_idl_row_simple2(myRow, step); } } static void do_idl_partial_update_map_column(struct ovs_cmdl_context *ctx) { struct ovsdb_idl *idl; struct ovsdb_idl_txn *myTxn; const struct idltest_simple2 *myRow; const struct ovsdb_datum *smap, *imap OVS_UNUSED; int step = 0; char key_to_delete[100]; idl = ovsdb_idl_create(ctx->argv[1], &idltest_idl_class, false, true); ovsdb_idl_add_table(idl, &idltest_table_simple2); ovsdb_idl_add_column(idl, &idltest_simple2_col_name); ovsdb_idl_add_column(idl, &idltest_simple2_col_smap); ovsdb_idl_add_column(idl, &idltest_simple2_col_imap); ovsdb_idl_get_initial_snapshot(idl); setvbuf(stdout, NULL, _IONBF, 0); ovsdb_idl_run(idl); /* Display original data in table. */ myRow = NULL; printf("%03d: Getting records\n", step++); dump_simple2(idl, myRow, step++); /* Insert new elements in different map columns. */ myRow = idltest_simple2_first(idl); myTxn = ovsdb_idl_txn_create(idl); idltest_simple2_get_smap(myRow, OVSDB_TYPE_STRING, OVSDB_TYPE_STRING); idltest_simple2_update_smap_setkey(myRow, "key1", "myList1"); imap = idltest_simple2_get_imap(myRow, OVSDB_TYPE_INTEGER, OVSDB_TYPE_STRING); idltest_simple2_update_imap_setkey(myRow, 3, "myids2"); idltest_simple2_set_name(myRow, "String2"); ovsdb_idl_txn_commit_block(myTxn); ovsdb_idl_txn_destroy(myTxn); ovsdb_idl_get_initial_snapshot(idl); printf("%03d: After insert element\n", step++); dump_simple2(idl, myRow, step++); /* Insert duplicate element. */ myTxn = ovsdb_idl_txn_create(idl); idltest_simple2_update_smap_setkey(myRow, "key1", "myList1"); ovsdb_idl_txn_commit_block(myTxn); ovsdb_idl_txn_destroy(myTxn); ovsdb_idl_get_initial_snapshot(idl); printf("%03d: After insert duplicated element\n", step++); dump_simple2(idl, myRow, step++); /* Deletes an element of a map column. */ myRow = idltest_simple2_first(idl); myTxn = ovsdb_idl_txn_create(idl); smap = idltest_simple2_get_smap(myRow, OVSDB_TYPE_STRING, OVSDB_TYPE_STRING); strcpy(key_to_delete, smap->keys[0].string); idltest_simple2_update_smap_delkey(myRow, smap->keys[0].string); ovsdb_idl_txn_commit_block(myTxn); ovsdb_idl_txn_destroy(myTxn); ovsdb_idl_get_initial_snapshot(idl); printf("%03d: After delete element\n", step++); dump_simple2(idl, myRow, step++); /* Try to delete a deleted element of a map column. */ myTxn = ovsdb_idl_txn_create(idl); idltest_simple2_update_smap_delkey(myRow, key_to_delete); ovsdb_idl_txn_commit_block(myTxn); ovsdb_idl_txn_destroy(myTxn); ovsdb_idl_get_initial_snapshot(idl); printf("%03d: After trying to delete a deleted element\n", step++); dump_simple2(idl, myRow, step++); ovsdb_idl_destroy(idl); printf("%03d: End test\n", step); return; } static void print_idl_row_simple3(const struct idltest_simple3 *s, int step) { size_t i; const struct ovsdb_datum *uset; const struct ovsdb_datum *uref; uset = idltest_simple3_get_uset(s, OVSDB_TYPE_UUID); printf("%03d: name=%s uset=[", step, s->name); for (i = 0; i < uset->n; i++) { printf("["UUID_FMT"]%s", UUID_ARGS(&(uset->keys[i].uuid)), i < uset->n-1? ",": ""); } uref = idltest_simple3_get_uref(s, OVSDB_TYPE_UUID); printf("] uref=["); for (i = 0; i < uref->n; i++) { printf("["UUID_FMT"]%s", UUID_ARGS(&(uref->keys[i].uuid)), i < uref->n-1? ",": ""); } printf("]\n"); } static void dump_simple3(struct ovsdb_idl *idl, const struct idltest_simple3 *myRow, int step) { IDLTEST_SIMPLE3_FOR_EACH(myRow, idl) { print_idl_row_simple3(myRow, step); } } static void do_idl_partial_update_set_column(struct ovs_cmdl_context *ctx) { struct ovsdb_idl *idl; struct ovsdb_idl_txn *myTxn; const struct idltest_simple3 *myRow; struct idltest_simple4 *myRow2; const struct ovsdb_datum *uset OVS_UNUSED; const struct ovsdb_datum *uref OVS_UNUSED; int step = 0; idl = ovsdb_idl_create(ctx->argv[1], &idltest_idl_class, false, true); ovsdb_idl_add_table(idl, &idltest_table_simple3); ovsdb_idl_add_column(idl, &idltest_simple3_col_name); ovsdb_idl_add_column(idl, &idltest_simple3_col_uset); ovsdb_idl_add_column(idl, &idltest_simple3_col_uref); ovsdb_idl_add_table(idl, &idltest_table_simple4); ovsdb_idl_add_column(idl, &idltest_simple4_col_name); ovsdb_idl_get_initial_snapshot(idl); setvbuf(stdout, NULL, _IONBF, 0); ovsdb_idl_run(idl); /* Display original data in table. */ myRow = NULL; printf("%03d: Getting records\n", step++); dump_simple3(idl, myRow, step++); /* Insert new elements in different map columns. */ myRow = idltest_simple3_first(idl); myTxn = ovsdb_idl_txn_create(idl); idltest_simple3_get_uset(myRow, OVSDB_TYPE_UUID); struct uuid uuid_to_add; uuid_from_string(&uuid_to_add, "001e43d2-dd3f-4616-ab6a-83a490bb0991"); idltest_simple3_update_uset_addvalue(myRow, uuid_to_add); idltest_simple3_set_name(myRow, "String2"); ovsdb_idl_txn_commit_block(myTxn); ovsdb_idl_txn_destroy(myTxn); ovsdb_idl_get_initial_snapshot(idl); printf("%03d: After rename+add new value\n", step++); dump_simple3(idl, myRow, step++); /* Insert duplicate element. */ myTxn = ovsdb_idl_txn_create(idl); struct uuid uuid_to_add2; uuid_from_string(&uuid_to_add2, "0026b3ba-571b-4729-8227-d860a5210ab8"); idltest_simple3_update_uset_addvalue(myRow, uuid_to_add2); ovsdb_idl_txn_commit_block(myTxn); ovsdb_idl_txn_destroy(myTxn); ovsdb_idl_get_initial_snapshot(idl); printf("%03d: After add new value\n", step++); dump_simple3(idl, myRow, step++); /* Deletes an element of a set column. */ myRow = idltest_simple3_first(idl); myTxn = ovsdb_idl_txn_create(idl); uset = idltest_simple3_get_uset(myRow, OVSDB_TYPE_UUID); idltest_simple3_update_uset_delvalue(myRow, uuid_to_add); ovsdb_idl_txn_commit_block(myTxn); ovsdb_idl_txn_destroy(myTxn); ovsdb_idl_get_initial_snapshot(idl); printf("%03d: After delete value\n", step++); dump_simple3(idl, myRow, step++); /* Try to delete a deleted element of a map column. */ myRow = idltest_simple3_first(idl); myTxn = ovsdb_idl_txn_create(idl); idltest_simple3_update_uset_delvalue(myRow, uuid_to_add); ovsdb_idl_txn_commit_block(myTxn); ovsdb_idl_txn_destroy(myTxn); ovsdb_idl_get_initial_snapshot(idl); printf("%03d: After trying to delete a deleted value\n", step++); dump_simple3(idl, myRow, step++); /* Adds to a table and update a strong reference in another table. */ myRow = idltest_simple3_first(idl); myTxn = ovsdb_idl_txn_create(idl); myRow2 = idltest_simple4_insert(myTxn); idltest_simple4_set_name(myRow2, "test"); idltest_simple3_update_uref_addvalue(myRow, myRow2); ovsdb_idl_txn_commit_block(myTxn); ovsdb_idl_txn_destroy(myTxn); ovsdb_idl_get_initial_snapshot(idl); printf("%03d: After add to other table + set of strong ref\n", step++); dump_simple3(idl, myRow, step++); ovsdb_idl_destroy(idl); printf("%03d: End test\n", step); return; } static void do_idl_compound_index_with_ref(struct ovs_cmdl_context *ctx) { struct ovsdb_idl *idl; struct ovsdb_idl_txn *myTxn; const struct idltest_simple3 *myRow; struct idltest_simple4 *myRow2; const struct ovsdb_datum *uset OVS_UNUSED; const struct ovsdb_datum *uref OVS_UNUSED; struct ovsdb_idl_index_cursor cursor; int step = 0; idl = ovsdb_idl_create(ctx->argv[1], &idltest_idl_class, false, true); ovsdb_idl_add_table(idl, &idltest_table_simple3); ovsdb_idl_add_column(idl, &idltest_simple3_col_name); ovsdb_idl_add_column(idl, &idltest_simple3_col_uset); ovsdb_idl_add_column(idl, &idltest_simple3_col_uref); ovsdb_idl_add_table(idl, &idltest_table_simple4); ovsdb_idl_add_column(idl, &idltest_simple4_col_name); struct ovsdb_idl_index *index; index = ovsdb_idl_create_index(idl, &idltest_table_simple3, "uref"); ovsdb_idl_index_add_column(index, &idltest_simple3_col_uref, OVSDB_INDEX_ASC, NULL); ovsdb_idl_get_initial_snapshot(idl); ovsdb_idl_initialize_cursor(idl, &idltest_table_simple3, "uref", &cursor); setvbuf(stdout, NULL, _IONBF, 0); ovsdb_idl_run(idl); /* Adds to a table and update a strong reference in another table. */ myTxn = ovsdb_idl_txn_create(idl); myRow = idltest_simple3_insert(myTxn); myRow2 = idltest_simple4_insert(myTxn); idltest_simple4_set_name(myRow2, "test"); idltest_simple3_update_uref_addvalue(myRow, myRow2); ovsdb_idl_txn_commit_block(myTxn); ovsdb_idl_txn_destroy(myTxn); ovsdb_idl_get_initial_snapshot(idl); printf("%03d: After add to other table + set of strong ref\n", step++); dump_simple3(idl, myRow, step++); myRow2 = (struct idltest_simple4 *) idltest_simple4_first(idl); printf("%03d: check simple4: %s\n", step++, myRow2 ? "not empty" : "empty"); /* Use index to query the row with reference */ struct idltest_simple3 *equal; equal = idltest_simple3_index_init_row(idl, &idltest_table_simple3); myRow2 = (struct idltest_simple4 *) idltest_simple4_first(idl); idltest_simple3_index_set_uref(equal, &myRow2, 1); printf("%03d: Query using index with reference\n", step++); IDLTEST_SIMPLE3_FOR_EACH_EQUAL (myRow, &cursor, equal) { print_idl_row_simple3(myRow, step++); } idltest_simple3_index_destroy_row(equal); /* Delete the row with reference */ myTxn = ovsdb_idl_txn_create(idl); myRow = idltest_simple3_first(idl); idltest_simple3_delete(myRow); ovsdb_idl_txn_commit_block(myTxn); ovsdb_idl_txn_destroy(myTxn); ovsdb_idl_get_initial_snapshot(idl); printf("%03d: After delete\n", step++); dump_simple3(idl, myRow, step++); myRow2 = (struct idltest_simple4 *) idltest_simple4_first(idl); printf("%03d: check simple4: %s\n", step++, myRow2 ? "not empty" : "empty"); ovsdb_idl_destroy(idl); printf("%03d: End test\n", step); return; } static int test_idl_compound_index_single_column(struct ovsdb_idl *idl, struct ovsdb_idl_index_cursor *sCursor, struct ovsdb_idl_index_cursor *iCursor) { const struct idltest_simple *myRow; struct ovsdb_idl_txn *txn; int step = 0; /* Display records by string index -> sCursor */ ++step; IDLTEST_SIMPLE_FOR_EACH_BYINDEX (myRow, sCursor) { printf("%03d: s=%s i=%"PRId64" b=%s r=%f\n", step, myRow->s, myRow->i, myRow->b?"True":"False", myRow->r); } /* Display records by integer index -> iCursor */ ++step; IDLTEST_SIMPLE_FOR_EACH_BYINDEX (myRow, iCursor) { printf("%03d: i=%"PRId64" s=%s b=%s r=%f\n", step, myRow->i, myRow->s, myRow->b?"True":"False", myRow->r); } /* Display records by string index -> sCursor with filtering * where s=\"List001\ */ ++step; struct idltest_simple *equal; equal = idltest_simple_index_init_row(idl, &idltest_table_simple); idltest_simple_index_set_s(equal, "List001"); ovs_assert(strcmp(equal->s, "List001") == 0); IDLTEST_SIMPLE_FOR_EACH_EQUAL (myRow, sCursor, equal) { printf("%03d: s=%s i=%"PRId64" b=%s r=%f\n", step, myRow->s, myRow->i, myRow->b?"True":"False", myRow->r); } /* Display records by integer index -> iCursor with filtering where i=5 */ ++step; idltest_simple_index_set_i(equal, 5); ovs_assert(equal->i == 5); IDLTEST_SIMPLE_FOR_EACH_EQUAL (myRow, iCursor, equal) { printf("%03d: i=%"PRId64" s=%s b=%s r=%f\n", step, myRow->i, myRow->s, myRow->b?"True":"False", myRow->r); } /* Display records by integer index -> iCursor in range i=[3,7] */ ++step; struct idltest_simple *from, *to; from = idltest_simple_index_init_row(idl, &idltest_table_simple); idltest_simple_index_set_i(from, 3); ovs_assert(from->i == 3); to = idltest_simple_index_init_row(idl, &idltest_table_simple); idltest_simple_index_set_i(to, 7); ovs_assert(to->i == 7); IDLTEST_SIMPLE_FOR_EACH_RANGE (myRow, iCursor, from, to) { printf("%03d: i=%"PRId64" s=%s b=%s r=%f\n", step, myRow->i, myRow->s, myRow->b?"True":"False", myRow->r); } /* Delete record i=4 and insert i=54 by integer index -> iCursor */ ++step; struct idltest_simple *toDelete, *toInsert; toDelete = idltest_simple_index_init_row(idl, &idltest_table_simple); idltest_simple_index_set_i(toDelete, 4); ovs_assert(toDelete->i == 4); myRow = idltest_simple_index_find(iCursor, toDelete); ovs_assert(myRow); ovs_assert(myRow->i == 4); txn = ovsdb_idl_txn_create(idl); idltest_simple_delete(myRow); toInsert = idltest_simple_insert(txn); idltest_simple_set_i(toInsert, 54); idltest_simple_set_s(toInsert, "Lista054"); ovsdb_idl_txn_commit_block(txn); ovsdb_idl_txn_destroy(txn); idltest_simple_index_set_i(to, 60); printf("Expected 60, stored %"PRId64"\n", to->i); ovs_assert(to->i == 60); IDLTEST_SIMPLE_FOR_EACH_RANGE (myRow, iCursor, from, to) { printf("%03d: i=%"PRId64" s=%s b=%s r=%f\n", step, myRow->i, myRow->s, myRow->b?"True":"False", myRow->r); } /* Test special-case range, "from" and "to" are both NULL, * which is interpreted as the range from -infinity to +infinity. */ ++step; IDLTEST_SIMPLE_FOR_EACH_RANGE (myRow, iCursor, NULL, NULL) { printf("%03d: i=%"PRId64" s=%s b=%s r=%f\n", step, myRow->i, myRow->s, myRow->b?"True":"False", myRow->r); } /* Free the temporal rows */ idltest_simple_index_destroy_row(from); idltest_simple_index_destroy_row(to); idltest_simple_index_destroy_row(equal); return step; } static int test_idl_compound_index_double_column(struct ovsdb_idl *idl, struct ovsdb_idl_index_cursor *siCursor, struct ovsdb_idl_index_cursor *sidCursor, struct ovsdb_idl_index_cursor *isCursor, struct ovsdb_idl_index_cursor *idsCursor) { const struct idltest_simple *myRow; int step = 0; /* Display records by string-integer index -> siCursor */ step++; IDLTEST_SIMPLE_FOR_EACH_BYINDEX (myRow, siCursor) { printf("%03d: s=%s i=%"PRId64" b=%s r=%f\n", step, myRow->s, myRow->i, myRow->b?"True":"False", myRow->r); } /* Display records by string-integer(down order) index -> sidCursor */ step++; IDLTEST_SIMPLE_FOR_EACH_BYINDEX (myRow, sidCursor) { printf("%03d: s=%s i=%"PRId64" b=%s r=%f\n", step, myRow->s, myRow->i, myRow->b?"True":"False", myRow->r); } /* Display records by string-integer index -> siCursor with filtering * where s="List000" and i=10 */ step++; struct idltest_simple *equal; equal = idltest_simple_index_init_row(idl, &idltest_table_simple); idltest_simple_index_set_s(equal, "List000"); ovs_assert(strcmp(equal->s, "List000") == 0); idltest_simple_index_set_i(equal, 10); ovs_assert(equal->i == 10); IDLTEST_SIMPLE_FOR_EACH_EQUAL (myRow, siCursor, equal) { printf("%03d: s=%s i=%"PRId64" b=%s r=%f\n", step, myRow->s, myRow->i, myRow->b?"True":"False", myRow->r); } /* Display records by string-integer index -> siCursor in range i=[0,100] * and s=[\"List002\",\"List003\"] */ step++; struct idltest_simple *from, *to; from = idltest_simple_index_init_row(idl, &idltest_table_simple); to = idltest_simple_index_init_row(idl, &idltest_table_simple); idltest_simple_index_set_i(from, 0); ovs_assert(from->i == 0); idltest_simple_index_set_s(from, "List001"); ovs_assert(strcmp(from->s, "List001") == 0); idltest_simple_index_set_i(to, 100); ovs_assert(to->i == 100); idltest_simple_index_set_s(to, "List005"); ovs_assert(strcmp(to->s, "List005")==0); IDLTEST_SIMPLE_FOR_EACH_RANGE (myRow, siCursor, from, to) { printf("%03d: s=%s i=%"PRId64" b=%s r=%f\n", step, myRow->s, myRow->i, myRow->b?"True":"False", myRow->r); } /* Display records using integer-string index. */ step++; IDLTEST_SIMPLE_FOR_EACH_BYINDEX (myRow, isCursor) { printf("%03d: i=%"PRId64" s=%s b=%s r=%f\n", step, myRow->i, myRow->s, myRow->b?"True":"False", myRow->r); } /* Display records using integer(descend)-string index. */ step++; IDLTEST_SIMPLE_FOR_EACH_BYINDEX (myRow, idsCursor) { printf("%03d: i=%"PRId64" s=%s b=%s r=%f\n", step, myRow->i, myRow->s, myRow->b?"True":"False", myRow->r); } idltest_simple_index_destroy_row(to); idltest_simple_index_destroy_row(from); idltest_simple_index_destroy_row(equal); return step; } static void do_idl_compound_index(struct ovs_cmdl_context *ctx) { struct ovsdb_idl *idl; struct ovsdb_idl_index_cursor sCursor, iCursor, siCursor, sidCursor, isCursor, idsCursor; enum TESTS { IDL_COMPOUND_INDEX_WITH_SINGLE_COLUMN, IDL_COMPOUND_INDEX_WITH_DOUBLE_COLUMN }; int step = 0; int i; idl = ovsdb_idl_create(ctx->argv[1], &idltest_idl_class, false, true); /* Add tables/columns and initialize index data needed for tests */ ovsdb_idl_add_table(idl, &idltest_table_simple); ovsdb_idl_add_column(idl, &idltest_simple_col_s); ovsdb_idl_add_column(idl, &idltest_simple_col_i); ovsdb_idl_add_column(idl, &idltest_simple_col_r); ovsdb_idl_add_column(idl, &idltest_simple_col_b); struct ovsdb_idl_index *index; index = ovsdb_idl_create_index(idl, &idltest_table_simple, "string"); ovsdb_idl_index_add_column(index, &idltest_simple_col_s, OVSDB_INDEX_ASC, NULL); index = ovsdb_idl_create_index(idl, &idltest_table_simple, "integer"); ovsdb_idl_index_add_column(index, &idltest_simple_col_i, OVSDB_INDEX_ASC, NULL); index = ovsdb_idl_create_index(idl, &idltest_table_simple, "string-integer"); ovsdb_idl_index_add_column(index, &idltest_simple_col_s, OVSDB_INDEX_ASC, NULL); ovsdb_idl_index_add_column(index, &idltest_simple_col_i, OVSDB_INDEX_ASC, NULL); index = ovsdb_idl_create_index(idl, &idltest_table_simple, "string-integerd"); ovsdb_idl_index_add_column(index, &idltest_simple_col_s, OVSDB_INDEX_ASC, NULL); ovsdb_idl_index_add_column(index, &idltest_simple_col_i, OVSDB_INDEX_DESC, NULL); index = ovsdb_idl_create_index(idl, &idltest_table_simple, "integer-string"); ovsdb_idl_index_add_column(index, &idltest_simple_col_i, OVSDB_INDEX_ASC, NULL); ovsdb_idl_index_add_column(index, &idltest_simple_col_s, OVSDB_INDEX_ASC, NULL); index = ovsdb_idl_create_index(idl, &idltest_table_simple, "integerd-string"); ovsdb_idl_index_add_column(index, &idltest_simple_col_i, OVSDB_INDEX_DESC, NULL); ovsdb_idl_index_add_column(index, &idltest_simple_col_s, OVSDB_INDEX_ASC, NULL); /* wait for replica to be updated */ ovsdb_idl_get_initial_snapshot(idl); /* Initialize cursors to be used by indexes */ ovsdb_idl_initialize_cursor(idl, &idltest_table_simple, "string", &sCursor); ovsdb_idl_initialize_cursor(idl, &idltest_table_simple, "integer", &iCursor); ovsdb_idl_initialize_cursor(idl, &idltest_table_simple, "string-integer", &siCursor); ovsdb_idl_initialize_cursor(idl, &idltest_table_simple, "string-integerd", &sidCursor); ovsdb_idl_initialize_cursor(idl, &idltest_table_simple, "integer-string", &isCursor); ovsdb_idl_initialize_cursor(idl, &idltest_table_simple, "integerd-string", &idsCursor); setvbuf(stdout, NULL, _IONBF, 0); int test_to_run = -1; for (i = 2; i < ctx->argc; i++) { char *arg = ctx->argv[i]; if (strcmp(arg,"idl_compound_index_single_column") == 0) { test_to_run = IDL_COMPOUND_INDEX_WITH_SINGLE_COLUMN; } else if (strcmp(arg, "idl_compound_index_double_column") == 0) { test_to_run = IDL_COMPOUND_INDEX_WITH_DOUBLE_COLUMN; } switch (test_to_run) { case IDL_COMPOUND_INDEX_WITH_SINGLE_COLUMN: test_idl_compound_index_single_column(idl, &sCursor, &iCursor); break; case IDL_COMPOUND_INDEX_WITH_DOUBLE_COLUMN: test_idl_compound_index_double_column(idl, &siCursor, &sidCursor, &isCursor, &idsCursor); break; default: printf("%03d: Test %s not implemented.\n", step++, arg); } } ovsdb_idl_destroy(idl); printf("%03d: done\n", step); } static struct ovs_cmdl_command all_commands[] = { { "log-io", NULL, 2, INT_MAX, do_log_io, OVS_RO }, { "default-atoms", NULL, 0, 0, do_default_atoms, OVS_RO }, { "default-data", NULL, 0, 0, do_default_data, OVS_RO }, { "diff-data", NULL, 3, INT_MAX, do_diff_data, OVS_RO }, { "parse-atomic-type", NULL, 1, 1, do_parse_atomic_type, OVS_RO }, { "parse-base-type", NULL, 1, 1, do_parse_base_type, OVS_RO }, { "parse-type", NULL, 1, 1, do_parse_type, OVS_RO }, { "parse-atoms", NULL, 2, INT_MAX, do_parse_atoms, OVS_RO }, { "parse-atom-strings", NULL, 2, INT_MAX, do_parse_atom_strings, OVS_RO }, { "parse-data", NULL, 2, INT_MAX, do_parse_data, OVS_RO }, { "parse-data-strings", NULL, 2, INT_MAX, do_parse_data_strings, OVS_RO }, { "sort-atoms", NULL, 2, 2, do_sort_atoms, OVS_RO }, { "parse-column", NULL, 2, 2, do_parse_column, OVS_RO }, { "parse-table", NULL, 2, 3, do_parse_table, OVS_RO }, { "parse-rows", NULL, 2, INT_MAX, do_parse_rows, OVS_RO }, { "compare-rows", NULL, 2, INT_MAX, do_compare_rows, OVS_RO }, { "parse-conditions", NULL, 2, INT_MAX, do_parse_conditions, OVS_RO }, { "evaluate-conditions", NULL, 3, 3, do_evaluate_conditions, OVS_RO }, { "evaluate-conditions-any", NULL, 3, 3, do_evaluate_conditions_any, OVS_RO }, { "compare-conditions", NULL, 2, 2, do_compare_conditions, OVS_RO }, { "parse-mutations", NULL, 2, INT_MAX, do_parse_mutations, OVS_RO }, { "execute-mutations", NULL, 3, 3, do_execute_mutations, OVS_RO }, { "query", NULL, 3, 3, do_query, OVS_RO }, { "query-distinct", NULL, 4, 4, do_query_distinct, OVS_RO }, { "transact", NULL, 1, INT_MAX, do_transact, OVS_RO }, { "parse-schema", NULL, 1, 1, do_parse_schema, OVS_RO }, { "execute", NULL, 2, INT_MAX, do_execute, OVS_RO }, { "execute-readonly", NULL, 2, INT_MAX, do_execute_ro, OVS_RO }, { "trigger", NULL, 2, INT_MAX, do_trigger, OVS_RO }, { "idl", NULL, 1, INT_MAX, do_idl, OVS_RO }, { "idl-compound-index", NULL, 2, 2, do_idl_compound_index, OVS_RW }, { "idl-compound-index-with-ref", NULL, 1, INT_MAX, do_idl_compound_index_with_ref, OVS_RO }, { "idl-partial-update-map-column", NULL, 1, INT_MAX, do_idl_partial_update_map_column, OVS_RO }, { "idl-partial-update-set-column", NULL, 1, INT_MAX, do_idl_partial_update_set_column, OVS_RO }, { "help", NULL, 0, INT_MAX, do_help, OVS_RO }, { NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL, OVS_RO }, }; static struct ovs_cmdl_command * get_all_commands(void) { return all_commands; }