# Copyright (c) 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 Nicira, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at: # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. from __future__ import print_function import getopt import re import os import signal import sys import uuid from ovs.db import error import ovs.db.idl import ovs.db.schema from ovs.db import data import ovs.db.types import ovs.ovsuuid import ovs.poller import ovs.util import six def unbox_json(json): if type(json) == list and len(json) == 1: return json[0] else: return json def do_default_atoms(): for type_ in ovs.db.types.ATOMIC_TYPES: if type_ == ovs.db.types.VoidType: continue sys.stdout.write("%s: " % type_.to_string()) atom = data.Atom.default(type_) if atom != data.Atom.default(type_): sys.stdout.write("wrong\n") sys.exit(1) sys.stdout.write("OK\n") def do_default_data(): any_errors = False for n_min in 0, 1: for key in ovs.db.types.ATOMIC_TYPES: if key == ovs.db.types.VoidType: continue for value in ovs.db.types.ATOMIC_TYPES: if value == ovs.db.types.VoidType: valueBase = None else: valueBase = ovs.db.types.BaseType(value) type_ = ovs.db.types.Type(ovs.db.types.BaseType(key), valueBase, n_min, 1) assert type_.is_valid() sys.stdout.write("key %s, value %s, n_min %d: " % (key.to_string(), value.to_string(), n_min)) datum = data.Datum.default(type_) if datum != data.Datum.default(type_): sys.stdout.write("wrong\n") any_errors = True else: sys.stdout.write("OK\n") if any_errors: sys.exit(1) def do_parse_atomic_type(type_string): type_json = unbox_json(ovs.json.from_string(type_string)) atomic_type = ovs.db.types.AtomicType.from_json(type_json) print(ovs.json.to_string(atomic_type.to_json(), sort_keys=True)) def do_parse_base_type(type_string): type_json = unbox_json(ovs.json.from_string(type_string)) base_type = ovs.db.types.BaseType.from_json(type_json) print(ovs.json.to_string(base_type.to_json(), sort_keys=True)) def do_parse_type(type_string): type_json = unbox_json(ovs.json.from_string(type_string)) type_ = ovs.db.types.Type.from_json(type_json) print(ovs.json.to_string(type_.to_json(), sort_keys=True)) def do_parse_atoms(type_string, *atom_strings): type_json = unbox_json(ovs.json.from_string(type_string)) base = ovs.db.types.BaseType.from_json(type_json) for atom_string in atom_strings: atom_json = unbox_json(ovs.json.from_string(atom_string)) try: atom = data.Atom.from_json(base, atom_json) print(ovs.json.to_string(atom.to_json())) except error.Error as e: print(e.args[0]) def do_parse_data(type_string, *data_strings): type_json = unbox_json(ovs.json.from_string(type_string)) type_ = ovs.db.types.Type.from_json(type_json) for datum_string in data_strings: datum_json = unbox_json(ovs.json.from_string(datum_string)) datum = data.Datum.from_json(type_, datum_json) print(ovs.json.to_string(datum.to_json())) def do_sort_atoms(type_string, atom_strings): type_json = unbox_json(ovs.json.from_string(type_string)) base = ovs.db.types.BaseType.from_json(type_json) atoms = [data.Atom.from_json(base, atom_json) for atom_json in unbox_json(ovs.json.from_string(atom_strings))] print(ovs.json.to_string([data.Atom.to_json(atom) for atom in sorted(atoms)])) def do_parse_column(name, column_string): column_json = unbox_json(ovs.json.from_string(column_string)) column = ovs.db.schema.ColumnSchema.from_json(column_json, name) print(ovs.json.to_string(column.to_json(), sort_keys=True)) def do_parse_table(name, table_string, default_is_root_string='false'): default_is_root = default_is_root_string == 'true' table_json = unbox_json(ovs.json.from_string(table_string)) table = ovs.db.schema.TableSchema.from_json(table_json, name) print(ovs.json.to_string(table.to_json(default_is_root), sort_keys=True)) def do_parse_schema(schema_string): schema_json = unbox_json(ovs.json.from_string(schema_string)) schema = ovs.db.schema.DbSchema.from_json(schema_json) print(ovs.json.to_string(schema.to_json(), sort_keys=True)) def print_idl(idl, step): n = 0 if "simple" in idl.tables: simple_columns = ["i", "r", "b", "s", "u", "ia", "ra", "ba", "sa", "ua", "uuid"] simple = idl.tables["simple"].rows for row in six.itervalues(simple): s = "%03d:" % step for column in simple_columns: if hasattr(row, column) and not (type(getattr(row, column)) is ovs.db.data.Atom): s += " %s=%s" % (column, getattr(row, column)) s = re.sub('""|,|u?\'', "", s) s = re.sub('UUID\(([^)]+)\)', r'\1', s) s = re.sub('False', 'false', s) s = re.sub('True', 'true', s) s = re.sub(r'(ba)=([^[][^ ]*) ', r'\1=[\2] ', s) print(s) n += 1 if "link1" in idl.tables: l1 = idl.tables["link1"].rows for row in six.itervalues(l1): s = ["%03d: i=%s k=" % (step, row.i)] if hasattr(row, "k") and row.k: s.append(str(row.k.i)) if hasattr(row, "ka"): s.append(" ka=[") s.append(' '.join(sorted(str(ka.i) for ka in row.ka))) s.append("] l2=") if hasattr(row, "l2") and row.l2: s.append(str(row.l2[0].i)) if hasattr(row, "uuid"): s.append(" uuid=%s" % row.uuid) print(''.join(s)) n += 1 if "link2" in idl.tables: l2 = idl.tables["link2"].rows for row in six.itervalues(l2): s = ["%03d:" % step] s.append(" i=%s l1=" % row.i) if hasattr(row, "l1") and row.l1: s.append(str(row.l1[0].i)) if hasattr(row, "uuid"): s.append(" uuid=%s" % row.uuid) print(''.join(s)) n += 1 if not n: print("%03d: empty" % step) sys.stdout.flush() def substitute_uuids(json, symtab): if isinstance(json, six.string_types): symbol = symtab.get(json) if symbol: return str(symbol) elif type(json) == list: return [substitute_uuids(element, symtab) for element in json] elif type(json) == dict: d = {} for key, value in six.iteritems(json): d[key] = substitute_uuids(value, symtab) return d return json def parse_uuids(json, symtab): if (isinstance(json, six.string_types) and ovs.ovsuuid.is_valid_string(json)): name = "#%d#" % len(symtab) sys.stderr.write("%s = %s\n" % (name, json)) symtab[name] = json elif type(json) == list: for element in json: parse_uuids(element, symtab) elif type(json) == dict: for value in six.itervalues(json): parse_uuids(value, symtab) def idltest_find_simple(idl, i): for row in six.itervalues(idl.tables["simple"].rows): if row.i == i: return row return None def idl_set(idl, commands, step): txn = ovs.db.idl.Transaction(idl) increment = False fetch_cmds = [] events = [] for command in commands.split(','): words = command.split() name = words[0] args = words[1:] if name == "notifytest": name = args[0] args = args[1:] old_notify = idl.notify def notify(event, row, updates=None): if updates: upcol = list(updates._data.keys())[0] else: upcol = None events.append("%s|%s|%s" % (event, row.i, upcol)) idl.notify = old_notify idl.notify = notify if name == "set": if len(args) != 3: sys.stderr.write('"set" command requires 3 arguments\n') sys.exit(1) s = idltest_find_simple(idl, int(args[0])) if not s: sys.stderr.write('"set" command asks for nonexistent i=%d\n' % int(args[0])) sys.exit(1) if args[1] == "b": s.b = args[2] == "1" elif args[1] == "s": s.s = args[2] elif args[1] == "u": s.u = uuid.UUID(args[2]) elif args[1] == "r": s.r = float(args[2]) else: sys.stderr.write('"set" comamnd asks for unknown column %s\n' % args[2]) sys.stderr.exit(1) elif name == "insert": if len(args) != 1: sys.stderr.write('"set" command requires 1 argument\n') sys.exit(1) s = txn.insert(idl.tables["simple"]) s.i = int(args[0]) elif name == "delete": if len(args) != 1: sys.stderr.write('"delete" command requires 1 argument\n') sys.exit(1) s = idltest_find_simple(idl, int(args[0])) if not s: sys.stderr.write('"delete" command asks for nonexistent i=%d\n' % int(args[0])) sys.exit(1) s.delete() elif name == "verify": if len(args) != 2: sys.stderr.write('"verify" command requires 2 arguments\n') sys.exit(1) s = idltest_find_simple(idl, int(args[0])) if not s: sys.stderr.write('"verify" command asks for nonexistent i=%d\n' % int(args[0])) sys.exit(1) if args[1] in ("i", "b", "s", "u", "r"): s.verify(args[1]) else: sys.stderr.write('"verify" command asks for unknown column ' '"%s"\n' % args[1]) sys.exit(1) elif name == "fetch": if len(args) != 2: sys.stderr.write('"fetch" command requires 2 argument\n') sys.exit(1) row = idltest_find_simple(idl, int(args[0])) if not row: sys.stderr.write('"fetch" command asks for nonexistent i=%d\n' % int(args[0])) sys.exit(1) column = args[1] row.fetch(column) fetch_cmds.append([row, column]) elif name == "increment": if len(args) != 1: sys.stderr.write('"increment" command requires 1 argument\n') sys.exit(1) s = idltest_find_simple(idl, int(args[0])) if not s: sys.stderr.write('"set" command asks for nonexistent i=%d\n' % int(args[0])) sys.exit(1) s.increment("i") increment = True elif name == "abort": txn.abort() break elif name == "destroy": print("%03d: destroy" % step) sys.stdout.flush() txn.abort() return elif name == "linktest": l1_0 = txn.insert(idl.tables["link1"]) l1_0.i = 1 l1_0.k = [l1_0] l1_0.ka = [l1_0] l1_1 = txn.insert(idl.tables["link1"]) l1_1.i = 2 l1_1.k = [l1_0] l1_1.ka = [l1_0, l1_1] elif name == 'getattrtest': l1 = txn.insert(idl.tables["link1"]) i = getattr(l1, 'i', 1) assert i == 1 l1.i = 2 i = getattr(l1, 'i', 1) assert i == 2 l1.k = [l1] else: sys.stderr.write("unknown command %s\n" % name) sys.exit(1) status = txn.commit_block() sys.stdout.write("%03d: commit, status=%s" % (step, ovs.db.idl.Transaction.status_to_string(status))) if increment and status == ovs.db.idl.Transaction.SUCCESS: sys.stdout.write(", increment=%d" % txn.get_increment_new_value()) if events: # Event notifications from operations in a single transaction are # not in a gauranteed order due to update messages being dicts sys.stdout.write(", events=" + ", ".join(sorted(events))) sys.stdout.write("\n") sys.stdout.flush() def do_idl(schema_file, remote, *commands): schema_helper = ovs.db.idl.SchemaHelper(schema_file) if commands and commands[0].startswith("?"): readonly = {} for x in commands[0][1:].split("?"): readonly = [] table, columns = x.split(":") columns = columns.split(",") for index, column in enumerate(columns): if column[-1] == '!': columns[index] = columns[index][:-1] readonly.append(columns[index]) schema_helper.register_columns(table, columns, readonly) commands = commands[1:] else: schema_helper.register_all() idl = ovs.db.idl.Idl(remote, schema_helper) if commands: error, stream = ovs.stream.Stream.open_block( ovs.stream.Stream.open(remote)) if error: sys.stderr.write("failed to connect to \"%s\"" % remote) sys.exit(1) rpc = ovs.jsonrpc.Connection(stream) else: rpc = None symtab = {} seqno = 0 step = 0 for command in commands: if command.startswith("+"): # The previous transaction didn't change anything. command = command[1:] else: # Wait for update. while idl.change_seqno == seqno and not idl.run(): rpc.run() poller = ovs.poller.Poller() idl.wait(poller) rpc.wait(poller) poller.block() print_idl(idl, step) step += 1 seqno = idl.change_seqno if command == "reconnect": print("%03d: reconnect" % step) sys.stdout.flush() step += 1 idl.force_reconnect() elif not command.startswith("["): idl_set(idl, command, step) step += 1 else: json = ovs.json.from_string(command) if isinstance(json, six.string_types): sys.stderr.write("\"%s\": %s\n" % (command, json)) sys.exit(1) json = substitute_uuids(json, symtab) request = ovs.jsonrpc.Message.create_request("transact", json) error, reply = rpc.transact_block(request) if error: sys.stderr.write("jsonrpc transaction failed: %s" % os.strerror(error)) sys.exit(1) elif reply.error is not None: sys.stderr.write("jsonrpc transaction failed: %s" % reply.error) sys.exit(1) sys.stdout.write("%03d: " % step) sys.stdout.flush() step += 1 if reply.result is not None: parse_uuids(reply.result, symtab) reply.id = None sys.stdout.write("%s\n" % ovs.json.to_string(reply.to_json())) sys.stdout.flush() if rpc: rpc.close() while idl.change_seqno == seqno and not idl.run(): poller = ovs.poller.Poller() idl.wait(poller) poller.block() print_idl(idl, step) step += 1 idl.close() print("%03d: done" % step) def usage(): print("""\ %(program_name)s: test utility for Open vSwitch database Python bindings usage: %(program_name)s [OPTIONS] COMMAND ARG... The following commands are supported: default-atoms test ovsdb_atom_default() default-data test ovsdb_datum_default() parse-atomic-type TYPE parse TYPE as OVSDB atomic type, and re-serialize parse-base-type TYPE parse TYPE as OVSDB base type, and re-serialize parse-type JSON parse JSON as OVSDB type, and re-serialize parse-atoms TYPE ATOM... parse JSON ATOMs as atoms of TYPE, and re-serialize parse-atom-strings TYPE ATOM... parse string ATOMs as atoms of given TYPE, and re-serialize sort-atoms TYPE ATOM... print JSON ATOMs in sorted order parse-data TYPE DATUM... parse JSON DATUMs as data of given TYPE, and re-serialize parse-column NAME OBJECT parse column NAME with info OBJECT, and re-serialize parse-table NAME OBJECT [DEFAULT-IS-ROOT] parse table NAME with info OBJECT parse-schema JSON parse JSON as an OVSDB schema, and re-serialize idl SCHEMA SERVER [?T1:C1,C2...[?T2:C1,C2,...]...] [TRANSACTION...] connect to SERVER (which has the specified SCHEMA) and dump the contents of the database as seen initially by the IDL implementation and after executing each TRANSACTION. (Each TRANSACTION must modify the database or this command will hang.) By default, all columns of all tables are monitored. The "?" option can be used to monitor specific Table:Column(s). The table and their columns are listed as a string of the form starting with "?": ?:,,... e.g.: ?simple:b - Monitor column "b" in table "simple" Entries for multiple tables are seperated by "?": ?:,...?:,... e.g.: ?simple:b?link1:i,k - Monitor column "b" in table "simple", and column "i", "k" in table "link1" Readonly columns: Suffixing a "!" after a column indicates that the column is to be registered "readonly". e.g.: ?simple:i,b! - Register interest in column "i" (monitoring) and column "b" (readonly). The following options are also available: -t, --timeout=SECS give up after SECS seconds -h, --help display this help message\ """ % {'program_name': ovs.util.PROGRAM_NAME}) sys.exit(0) def main(argv): try: options, args = getopt.gnu_getopt(argv[1:], 't:h', ['timeout', 'help']) except getopt.GetoptError as geo: sys.stderr.write("%s: %s\n" % (ovs.util.PROGRAM_NAME, geo.msg)) sys.exit(1) for key, value in options: if key in ['-h', '--help']: usage() elif key in ['-t', '--timeout']: try: timeout = int(value) if timeout < 1: raise TypeError except TypeError: raise error.Error("value %s on -t or --timeout is not at " "least 1" % value) signal.alarm(timeout) else: sys.exit(0) if not args: sys.stderr.write("%s: missing command argument " "(use --help for help)\n" % ovs.util.PROGRAM_NAME) sys.exit(1) commands = {"default-atoms": (do_default_atoms, 0), "default-data": (do_default_data, 0), "parse-atomic-type": (do_parse_atomic_type, 1), "parse-base-type": (do_parse_base_type, 1), "parse-type": (do_parse_type, 1), "parse-atoms": (do_parse_atoms, (2,)), "parse-data": (do_parse_data, (2,)), "sort-atoms": (do_sort_atoms, 2), "parse-column": (do_parse_column, 2), "parse-table": (do_parse_table, (2, 3)), "parse-schema": (do_parse_schema, 1), "idl": (do_idl, (2,))} command_name = args[0] args = args[1:] if command_name not in commands: sys.stderr.write("%s: unknown command \"%s\" " "(use --help for help)\n" % (ovs.util.PROGRAM_NAME, command_name)) sys.exit(1) func, n_args = commands[command_name] if type(n_args) == tuple: if len(args) < n_args[0]: sys.stderr.write("%s: \"%s\" requires at least %d arguments but " "only %d provided\n" % (ovs.util.PROGRAM_NAME, command_name, n_args, len(args))) sys.exit(1) elif type(n_args) == int: if len(args) != n_args: sys.stderr.write("%s: \"%s\" requires %d arguments but %d " "provided\n" % (ovs.util.PROGRAM_NAME, command_name, n_args, len(args))) sys.exit(1) else: assert False func(*args) if __name__ == '__main__': try: main(sys.argv) except error.Error as e: sys.stderr.write("%s\n" % e) sys.exit(1)