/* * Copyright (c) 2008, 2009, 2010, 2012, 2013, 2014 Nicira, Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include #undef NDEBUG #include "stp.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "dp-packet.h" #include "openvswitch/ofpbuf.h" #include "ovstest.h" #include "packets.h" #include "openvswitch/vlog.h" struct bpdu { int port_no; void *data; size_t size; }; struct bridge { struct test_case *tc; int id; bool reached; struct stp *stp; struct lan *ports[STP_MAX_PORTS]; int n_ports; #define RXQ_SIZE 16 struct bpdu rxq[RXQ_SIZE]; int rxq_head, rxq_tail; }; struct lan_conn { struct bridge *bridge; int port_no; }; struct lan { struct test_case *tc; const char *name; bool reached; struct lan_conn conns[16]; int n_conns; }; struct test_case { struct bridge *bridges[16]; int n_bridges; struct lan *lans[26]; int n_lans; }; static const char *file_name; static int line_number; static char line[128]; static char *pos, *token; static int n_warnings; static struct test_case * new_test_case(void) { struct test_case *tc = xmalloc(sizeof *tc); tc->n_bridges = 0; tc->n_lans = 0; return tc; } static void send_bpdu(struct dp_packet *pkt, int port_no, void *b_) { struct bridge *b = b_; struct lan *lan; assert(port_no < b->n_ports); lan = b->ports[port_no]; if (lan) { const void *data = dp_packet_l3(pkt); size_t size = (char *) dp_packet_tail(pkt) - (char *) data; int i; for (i = 0; i < lan->n_conns; i++) { struct lan_conn *conn = &lan->conns[i]; if (conn->bridge != b || conn->port_no != port_no) { struct bridge *dst = conn->bridge; struct bpdu *bpdu = &dst->rxq[dst->rxq_head++ % RXQ_SIZE]; assert(dst->rxq_head - dst->rxq_tail <= RXQ_SIZE); bpdu->data = xmemdup(data, size); bpdu->size = size; bpdu->port_no = conn->port_no; } } } dp_packet_delete(pkt); } static struct bridge * new_bridge(struct test_case *tc, int id) { struct bridge *b = xmalloc(sizeof *b); char name[16]; b->tc = tc; b->id = id; snprintf(name, sizeof name, "stp%x", id); b->stp = stp_create(name, id, send_bpdu, b); assert(tc->n_bridges < ARRAY_SIZE(tc->bridges)); b->n_ports = 0; b->rxq_head = b->rxq_tail = 0; tc->bridges[tc->n_bridges++] = b; return b; } static struct lan * new_lan(struct test_case *tc, const char *name) { struct lan *lan = xmalloc(sizeof *lan); lan->tc = tc; lan->name = xstrdup(name); lan->n_conns = 0; assert(tc->n_lans < ARRAY_SIZE(tc->lans)); tc->lans[tc->n_lans++] = lan; return lan; } static void reconnect_port(struct bridge *b, int port_no, struct lan *new_lan) { struct lan *old_lan; int j; assert(port_no < b->n_ports); old_lan = b->ports[port_no]; if (old_lan == new_lan) { return; } /* Disconnect from old_lan. */ if (old_lan) { for (j = 0; j < old_lan->n_conns; j++) { struct lan_conn *c = &old_lan->conns[j]; if (c->bridge == b && c->port_no == port_no) { memmove(c, c + 1, sizeof *c * (old_lan->n_conns - j - 1)); old_lan->n_conns--; break; } } } /* Connect to new_lan. */ b->ports[port_no] = new_lan; if (new_lan) { int conn_no = new_lan->n_conns++; assert(conn_no < ARRAY_SIZE(new_lan->conns)); new_lan->conns[conn_no].bridge = b; new_lan->conns[conn_no].port_no = port_no; } } static void new_port(struct bridge *b, struct lan *lan, int path_cost) { int port_no = b->n_ports++; struct stp_port *p = stp_get_port(b->stp, port_no); assert(port_no < ARRAY_SIZE(b->ports)); b->ports[port_no] = NULL; stp_port_set_path_cost(p, path_cost); stp_port_enable(p); reconnect_port(b, port_no, lan); } static void dump(struct test_case *tc) { int i; for (i = 0; i < tc->n_bridges; i++) { struct bridge *b = tc->bridges[i]; struct stp *stp = b->stp; int j; printf("%s:", stp_get_name(stp)); if (stp_is_root_bridge(stp)) { printf(" root"); } printf("\n"); for (j = 0; j < b->n_ports; j++) { struct stp_port *p = stp_get_port(stp, j); enum stp_state state = stp_port_get_state(p); printf("\tport %d", j); if (b->ports[j]) { printf(" (lan %s)", b->ports[j]->name); } else { printf(" (disconnected)"); } printf(": %s", stp_state_name(state)); if (p == stp_get_root_port(stp)) { printf(" (root port, root_path_cost=%u)", stp_get_root_path_cost(stp)); } printf("\n"); } } } static void dump_lan_tree(struct test_case *, struct lan *, int level); static void dump_bridge_tree(struct test_case *tc, struct bridge *b, int level) { int i; if (b->reached) { return; } b->reached = true; for (i = 0; i < level; i++) { printf("\t"); } printf("%s\n", stp_get_name(b->stp)); for (i = 0; i < b->n_ports; i++) { struct lan *lan = b->ports[i]; struct stp_port *p = stp_get_port(b->stp, i); if (stp_port_get_state(p) == STP_FORWARDING && lan) { dump_lan_tree(tc, lan, level + 1); } } } static void dump_lan_tree(struct test_case *tc, struct lan *lan, int level) { int i; if (lan->reached) { return; } lan->reached = true; for (i = 0; i < level; i++) { printf("\t"); } printf("%s\n", lan->name); for (i = 0; i < lan->n_conns; i++) { struct bridge *b = lan->conns[i].bridge; dump_bridge_tree(tc, b, level + 1); } } static void tree(struct test_case *tc) { int i; for (i = 0; i < tc->n_bridges; i++) { struct bridge *b = tc->bridges[i]; b->reached = false; } for (i = 0; i < tc->n_lans; i++) { struct lan *lan = tc->lans[i]; lan->reached = false; } for (i = 0; i < tc->n_bridges; i++) { struct bridge *b = tc->bridges[i]; struct stp *stp = b->stp; if (stp_is_root_bridge(stp)) { dump_bridge_tree(tc, b, 0); } } } static void simulate(struct test_case *tc, int granularity) { int time; for (time = 0; time < 1000 * 180; time += granularity) { int round_trips; int i; for (i = 0; i < tc->n_bridges; i++) { stp_tick(tc->bridges[i]->stp, granularity); } for (round_trips = 0; round_trips < granularity; round_trips++) { bool any = false; for (i = 0; i < tc->n_bridges; i++) { struct bridge *b = tc->bridges[i]; for (; b->rxq_tail != b->rxq_head; b->rxq_tail++) { struct bpdu *bpdu = &b->rxq[b->rxq_tail % RXQ_SIZE]; stp_received_bpdu(stp_get_port(b->stp, bpdu->port_no), bpdu->data, bpdu->size); free(bpdu->data); any = true; } } if (!any) { break; } } } } OVS_NO_RETURN static void err(const char *message, ...) OVS_PRINTF_FORMAT(1, 2); static void err(const char *message, ...) { va_list args; fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d:%"PRIdPTR": ", file_name, line_number, pos - line); va_start(args, message); vfprintf(stderr, message, args); va_end(args); putc('\n', stderr); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } static void warn(const char *message, ...) OVS_PRINTF_FORMAT(1, 2); static void warn(const char *message, ...) { va_list args; fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d: ", file_name, line_number); va_start(args, message); vfprintf(stderr, message, args); va_end(args); putc('\n', stderr); n_warnings++; } static bool get_token(void) { char *start; while (isspace((unsigned char) *pos)) { pos++; } if (*pos == '\0') { free(token); token = NULL; return false; } start = pos; if (isalpha((unsigned char) *pos)) { while (isalpha((unsigned char) *++pos)) { continue; } } else if (isdigit((unsigned char) *pos)) { if (*pos == '0' && (pos[1] == 'x' || pos[1] == 'X')) { pos += 2; while (isxdigit((unsigned char) *pos)) { pos++; } } else { while (isdigit((unsigned char) *++pos)) { continue; } } } else { pos++; } free(token); token = xmemdup0(start, pos - start); return true; } static bool get_int(int *intp) { char *save_pos = pos; if (token && isdigit((unsigned char) *token)) { *intp = strtol(token, NULL, 0); get_token(); return true; } else { pos = save_pos; return false; } } static bool match(const char *want) { if (token && !strcmp(want, token)) { get_token(); return true; } else { return false; } } static int must_get_int(void) { int x; if (!get_int(&x)) { err("expected integer"); } return x; } static void must_match(const char *want) { if (!match(want)) { err("expected \"%s\"", want); } } static void test_stp_main(int argc, char *argv[]) { struct test_case *tc; FILE *input_file; int i; vlog_set_pattern(VLF_CONSOLE, "%c|%p|%m"); vlog_set_levels(NULL, VLF_SYSLOG, VLL_OFF); if (argc != 2) { ovs_fatal(0, "usage: test-stp INPUT.STP\n"); } file_name = argv[1]; input_file = fopen(file_name, "r"); if (!input_file) { ovs_fatal(errno, "error opening \"%s\"", file_name); } tc = new_test_case(); for (i = 0; i < 26; i++) { char name[2]; name[0] = 'a' + i; name[1] = '\0'; new_lan(tc, name); } for (line_number = 1; fgets(line, sizeof line, input_file); line_number++) { char *newline, *hash; newline = strchr(line, '\n'); if (newline) { *newline = '\0'; } hash = strchr(line, '#'); if (hash) { *hash = '\0'; } pos = line; if (!get_token()) { continue; } if (match("bridge")) { struct bridge *bridge; int bridge_no, port_no; bridge_no = must_get_int(); if (bridge_no < tc->n_bridges) { bridge = tc->bridges[bridge_no]; } else if (bridge_no == tc->n_bridges) { bridge = new_bridge(tc, must_get_int()); } else { err("bridges must be numbered consecutively from 0"); } if (match("^")) { stp_set_bridge_priority(bridge->stp, must_get_int()); } if (match("=")) { for (port_no = 0; port_no < STP_MAX_PORTS; port_no++) { struct stp_port *p = stp_get_port(bridge->stp, port_no); if (!token || match("X")) { stp_port_disable(p); } else if (match("_")) { /* Nothing to do. */ } else { struct lan *lan; int path_cost; if (!strcmp(token, "0")) { lan = NULL; } else if (strlen(token) == 1 && islower((unsigned char)*token)) { lan = tc->lans[*token - 'a']; } else { err("%s is not a valid LAN name " "(0 or a lowercase letter)", token); } get_token(); path_cost = match(":") ? must_get_int() : 10; if (port_no < bridge->n_ports) { stp_port_set_path_cost(p, path_cost); stp_port_enable(p); reconnect_port(bridge, port_no, lan); } else if (port_no == bridge->n_ports) { new_port(bridge, lan, path_cost); } else { err("ports must be numbered consecutively"); } if (match("^")) { stp_port_set_priority(p, must_get_int()); } } } } } else if (match("run")) { simulate(tc, must_get_int()); } else if (match("dump")) { dump(tc); } else if (match("tree")) { tree(tc); } else if (match("check")) { struct bridge *b; struct stp *stp; int bridge_no, port_no; bridge_no = must_get_int(); if (bridge_no >= tc->n_bridges) { err("no bridge numbered %d", bridge_no); } b = tc->bridges[bridge_no]; stp = b->stp; must_match("="); if (match("rootid")) { uint64_t rootid; must_match(":"); rootid = must_get_int(); if (match("^")) { rootid |= (uint64_t) must_get_int() << 48; } else { rootid |= UINT64_C(0x8000) << 48; } if (stp_get_designated_root(stp) != rootid) { warn("%s: root %"PRIx64", not %"PRIx64, stp_get_name(stp), stp_get_designated_root(stp), rootid); } } if (match("root")) { if (stp_get_root_path_cost(stp)) { warn("%s: root path cost of root is %u but should be 0", stp_get_name(stp), stp_get_root_path_cost(stp)); } if (!stp_is_root_bridge(stp)) { warn("%s: root is %"PRIx64", not %"PRIx64, stp_get_name(stp), stp_get_designated_root(stp), stp_get_bridge_id(stp)); } for (port_no = 0; port_no < b->n_ports; port_no++) { struct stp_port *p = stp_get_port(stp, port_no); enum stp_state state = stp_port_get_state(p); if (!(state & (STP_DISABLED | STP_FORWARDING))) { warn("%s: root port %d in state %s", stp_get_name(b->stp), port_no, stp_state_name(state)); } } } else { for (port_no = 0; port_no < STP_MAX_PORTS; port_no++) { struct stp_port *p = stp_get_port(stp, port_no); enum stp_state state; if (token == NULL || match("D")) { state = STP_DISABLED; } else if (match("B")) { state = STP_BLOCKING; } else if (match("Li")) { state = STP_LISTENING; } else if (match("Le")) { state = STP_LEARNING; } else if (match("F")) { state = STP_FORWARDING; } else if (match("_")) { continue; } else { err("unknown port state %s", token); } if (stp_port_get_state(p) != state) { warn("%s port %d: state is %s but should be %s", stp_get_name(stp), port_no, stp_state_name(stp_port_get_state(p)), stp_state_name(state)); } if (state == STP_FORWARDING) { struct stp_port *root_port = stp_get_root_port(stp); if (match(":")) { int root_path_cost = must_get_int(); if (p != root_port) { warn("%s: port %d is not the root port", stp_get_name(stp), port_no); if (!root_port) { warn("%s: (there is no root port)", stp_get_name(stp)); } else { warn("%s: (port %d is the root port)", stp_get_name(stp), stp_port_no(root_port)); } } else if (root_path_cost != stp_get_root_path_cost(stp)) { warn("%s: root path cost is %u, should be %d", stp_get_name(stp), stp_get_root_path_cost(stp), root_path_cost); } } else if (p == root_port) { warn("%s: port %d is the root port but " "not expected to be", stp_get_name(stp), port_no); } } } } if (n_warnings) { exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } if (get_token()) { err("trailing garbage on line"); } } free(token); for (i = 0; i < tc->n_lans; i++) { struct lan *lan = tc->lans[i]; free(CONST_CAST(char *, lan->name)); free(lan); } for (i = 0; i < tc->n_bridges; i++) { struct bridge *bridge = tc->bridges[i]; stp_unref(bridge->stp); free(bridge); } free(tc); fclose(input_file); } OVSTEST_REGISTER("test-stp", test_stp_main);