#! /usr/bin/env python # Copyright (C) 2013 Nicira, Inc. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at: # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # Limitations: # - Doesn't support multicast other than "unknown-dst" import argparse import re import shlex import subprocess import sys import time import ovs.daemon import ovs.dirs import ovs.unixctl.server import ovs.util import ovs.vlog import six from six.moves import range VERSION = "0.99" root_prefix = "" __pychecker__ = 'no-reuseattr' # Remove in pychecker >= 0.8.19. vlog = ovs.vlog.Vlog("ovs-vtep") exiting = False ps_name = "" ps_type = "" Tunnel_Ip = "" Lswitches = {} Bindings = {} ls_count = 0 tun_id = 0 bfd_bridge = "vtep_bfd" bfd_ref = {} def call_prog(prog, args_list): cmd = [prog, "-vconsole:off"] + args_list creationFlags = 0 if sys.platform == 'win32': creationFlags = 0x08000000 # CREATE_NO_WINDOW output = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, creationflags=creationFlags).communicate() if len(output) == 0 or output[0] is None: output = "" else: output = output[0].decode().strip() return output def ovs_vsctl(args): return call_prog("ovs-vsctl", shlex.split(args)) def ovs_ofctl(args): return call_prog("ovs-ofctl", shlex.split(args)) def vtep_ctl(args): return call_prog("vtep-ctl", shlex.split(args)) def unixctl_exit(conn, unused_argv, unused_aux): global exiting exiting = True conn.reply(None) class Logical_Switch(object): def __init__(self, ls_name, ps_name): global ls_count self.name = ls_name ls_count += 1 self.short_name = ps_name + "_vtep_ls" + str(ls_count) vlog.info("creating lswitch %s (%s)" % (self.name, self.short_name)) self.ports = {} self.tunnels = {} self.local_macs = set() self.remote_macs = {} self.unknown_dsts = set() self.setup_ls() self.replication_mode = "service_node" def __del__(self): vlog.info("destroying lswitch %s" % self.name) def setup_ls(self): if ps_type: ovs_vsctl("--may-exist add-br %s -- set Bridge %s datapath_type=%s" % (self.short_name, self.short_name, ps_type)) else: ovs_vsctl("--may-exist add-br %s" % self.short_name) ovs_vsctl("br-set-external-id %s vtep_logical_switch true" % self.short_name) ovs_vsctl("br-set-external-id %s logical_switch_name %s" % (self.short_name, self.name)) vtep_ctl("clear-local-macs %s" % self.name) vtep_ctl("add-mcast-local %s unknown-dst %s" % (self.name, Tunnel_Ip)) ovs_ofctl("del-flows %s" % self.short_name) ovs_ofctl("add-flow %s priority=0,action=drop" % self.short_name) def cleanup_ls(self): for port_no, tun_name, remote_ip in six.itervalues(self.tunnels): del_bfd(remote_ip) def update_flood(self): flood_ports = list(self.ports.values()) # Traffic flowing from one 'unknown-dst' should not be flooded to # port belonging to another 'unknown-dst'. for tunnel in self.unknown_dsts: port_no = self.tunnels[tunnel][0] ovs_ofctl("add-flow %s table=1,priority=1,in_port=%s,action=%s" % (self.short_name, port_no, ",".join(flood_ports))) # Traffic coming from a VTEP physical port should always be flooded to # all the other physical ports that belong to that VTEP device and # this logical switch. If the replication mode is service node then # send to one unknown_dst node (the first one here); else we assume the # replication mode is source node and we send the packet to all # unknown_dst nodes. for tunnel in self.unknown_dsts: port_no = self.tunnels[tunnel][0] flood_ports.append(port_no) if self.replication_mode == "service_node": break ovs_ofctl("add-flow %s table=1,priority=0,action=%s" % (self.short_name, ",".join(flood_ports))) def add_lbinding(self, lbinding): vlog.info("adding %s binding to %s" % (lbinding, self.name)) port_no = ovs_vsctl("get Interface %s ofport" % lbinding) self.ports[lbinding] = port_no ovs_ofctl("add-flow %s in_port=%s,action=learn(table=1," "priority=1000,idle_timeout=15,cookie=0x5000," "NXM_OF_ETH_DST[]=NXM_OF_ETH_SRC[]," "output:NXM_OF_IN_PORT[]),resubmit(,1)" % (self.short_name, port_no)) self.update_flood() def del_lbinding(self, lbinding): vlog.info("removing %s binding from %s" % (lbinding, self.name)) port_no = self.ports[lbinding] ovs_ofctl("del-flows %s in_port=%s" % (self.short_name, port_no)) del self.ports[lbinding] self.update_flood() def add_tunnel(self, tunnel, tunnel_key): global tun_id vlog.info("adding tunnel %s" % tunnel) encap, ip = tunnel.split("/") if encap != "vxlan_over_ipv4": vlog.warn("unsupported tunnel format %s" % encap) return tun_id += 1 tun_name = "vx" + str(tun_id) ovs_vsctl("add-port %s %s -- set Interface %s type=vxlan " "options:key=%s options:remote_ip=%s" % (self.short_name, tun_name, tun_name, tunnel_key, ip)) for i in range(10): port_no = ovs_vsctl("get Interface %s ofport" % tun_name) if port_no != "-1": break elif i == 9: vlog.warn("couldn't create tunnel %s" % tunnel) ovs_vsctl("del-port %s %s" % (self.short_name, tun_name)) return # Give the system a moment to allocate the port number time.sleep(0.5) self.tunnels[tunnel] = (port_no, tun_name, ip) add_bfd(ip) ovs_ofctl("add-flow %s table=0,priority=1000,in_port=%s," "actions=resubmit(,1)" % (self.short_name, port_no)) def del_tunnel(self, tunnel): vlog.info("removing tunnel %s" % tunnel) port_no, tun_name, remote_ip = self.tunnels[tunnel] ovs_ofctl("del-flows %s table=0,in_port=%s" % (self.short_name, port_no)) ovs_vsctl("del-port %s %s" % (self.short_name, tun_name)) del_bfd(remote_ip) del self.tunnels[tunnel] def update_local_macs(self): flows = ovs_ofctl("dump-flows %s cookie=0x5000/-1,table=1" % self.short_name).splitlines() macs = set() for f in flows: mac = re.split(r'.*dl_dst=(.*) .*', f) if len(mac) == 3: macs.add(mac[1]) for mac in macs.difference(self.local_macs): vlog.info("adding local ucast %s to %s" % (mac, self.name)) vtep_ctl("add-ucast-local %s %s %s" % (self.name, mac, Tunnel_Ip)) for mac in self.local_macs.difference(macs): vlog.info("removing local ucast %s from %s" % (mac, self.name)) vtep_ctl("del-ucast-local %s %s" % (self.name, mac)) self.local_macs = macs def add_remote_mac(self, mac, tunnel): port_no = self.tunnels.get(tunnel, (0, ""))[0] if not port_no: return ovs_ofctl("add-flow %s table=1,priority=1000,dl_dst=%s,action=%s" % (self.short_name, mac, port_no)) def del_remote_mac(self, mac): ovs_ofctl("del-flows %s table=1,dl_dst=%s" % (self.short_name, mac)) def update_remote_macs(self): remote_macs = {} unknown_dsts = set() tunnels = set() parse_ucast = True column = vtep_ctl("--columns=tunnel_key find logical_switch " "name=%s" % self.name) tunnel_key = column.partition(":")[2].strip() if tunnel_key and isinstance(eval(tunnel_key), six.integer_types): vlog.info("update_remote_macs: using tunnel key %s in %s" % (tunnel_key, self.name)) else: vlog.info("Invalid tunnel key %s in %s post VTEP DB requery" % (tunnel_key, self.name)) return mac_list = vtep_ctl("list-remote-macs %s" % self.name).splitlines() for line in mac_list: if (line.find("mcast-mac-remote") != -1): parse_ucast = False continue entry = re.split(r' (.*) -> (.*)', line) if len(entry) != 4: continue if parse_ucast: remote_macs[entry[1]] = entry[2] else: if entry[1] != "unknown-dst": continue unknown_dsts.add(entry[2]) tunnels.add(entry[2]) old_tunnels = set(self.tunnels.keys()) for tunnel in tunnels.difference(old_tunnels): self.add_tunnel(tunnel, tunnel_key) for tunnel in old_tunnels.difference(tunnels): self.del_tunnel(tunnel) for mac in six.iterkeys(remote_macs): if (self.remote_macs.get(mac) != remote_macs[mac]): self.add_remote_mac(mac, remote_macs[mac]) for mac in six.iterkeys(self.remote_macs): if mac not in remote_macs: self.del_remote_mac(mac) self.remote_macs = remote_macs replication_mode = vtep_ctl("get logical_switch %s replication_mode" % self.name) # Replication mode is an optional column and if it is not set, # replication mode defaults to service_node. if replication_mode == "[]": replication_mode = "service_node" # If the logical switch level replication mode has changed then # update to that value. update_flood_set = False if replication_mode != self.replication_mode: self.replication_mode = replication_mode vlog.info("%s replication mode changed to %s" % (self.name, self.replication_mode)) update_flood_set = True if (self.unknown_dsts != unknown_dsts): self.unknown_dsts = unknown_dsts update_flood_set = True # If either the replication mode has changed or the unknown # destinations set has changed, update the flooding decision. if update_flood_set is True: self.update_flood() def update_stats(self): # Map Open_vSwitch's "interface:statistics" to columns of # vtep's logical_binding_stats. Since we are using the 'interface' from # the logical switch to collect stats, packets transmitted from it # is received in the physical switch and vice versa. stats_map = {'tx_packets': 'packets_to_local', 'tx_bytes': 'bytes_to_local', 'rx_packets': 'packets_from_local', 'rx_bytes': 'bytes_from_local'} # Go through all the logical switch's interfaces that end with "-l" # and copy the statistics to logical_binding_stats. for interface in six.iterkeys(self.ports): if not interface.endswith("-l"): continue # Physical ports can have a '-' as part of its name. vlan, remainder = interface.split("-", 1) pp_name, logical = remainder.rsplit("-", 1) uuid = vtep_ctl("get physical_port %s vlan_stats:%s" % (pp_name, vlan)) if not uuid: continue for mapfrom, mapto in six.iteritems(stats_map): value = ovs_vsctl("get interface %s statistics:%s" % (interface, mapfrom)).strip('"') vtep_ctl("set logical_binding_stats %s %s=%s" % (uuid, mapto, value)) def run(self): self.update_local_macs() self.update_remote_macs() self.update_stats() def get_vtep_tunnel(remote_ip): # Get the physical_locator record for the local tunnel end point. column = vtep_ctl("--columns=_uuid find physical_locator " "dst_ip=%s" % Tunnel_Ip) local = column.partition(":")[2].strip() if not local: return (None, None, None) # Get the physical_locator record for the remote tunnel end point. column = vtep_ctl("--columns=_uuid find physical_locator " "dst_ip=%s" % remote_ip) remote = column.partition(":")[2].strip() if not remote: return (None, None, None) column = vtep_ctl("--columns=_uuid find tunnel " "local=%s remote=%s" % (local, remote)) tunnel = column.partition(":")[2].strip() return (local, remote, tunnel) def create_vtep_tunnel(remote_ip): local, remote, tunnel = get_vtep_tunnel(remote_ip) if not local or not remote: return None if not tunnel: vlog.info("creating tunnel record in vtep for remote_ip:%s" % remote_ip) tunnel = vtep_ctl("add physical_switch %s tunnels @tun -- " "--id=@tun create Tunnel local=%s remote=%s" % (ps_name, local, remote)) return tunnel def destroy_vtep_tunnel(remote_ip): local, remote, tunnel = get_vtep_tunnel(remote_ip) if tunnel: vlog.info("destroying tunnel record in vtep for remote_ip:%s" % remote_ip) vtep_ctl("remove physical_switch %s tunnels %s " "-- --if-exists destroy tunnel %s" % (ps_name, tunnel, tunnel)) def add_bfd(remote_ip): # The VTEP emulator creates one OVS bridge for every logical switch. # Multiple logical switches can have multiple OVS tunnels to the # same machine (with different tunnel ids). But VTEP schema expects # a single BFD session between two physical locators. Therefore # create a separate bridge ('bfd_bridge') and create a single OVS tunnel # between two phsyical locators (using reference counter). if remote_ip in bfd_ref: bfd_ref[remote_ip] += 1 return vlog.info("adding bfd tunnel for remote_ip:%s" % remote_ip) port_name = "bfd" + remote_ip # Don't enable BFD yet. Enabling or disabling BFD is based on # the controller setting a value in VTEP DB's tunnel record. ovs_vsctl("--may-exist add-port %s %s " " -- set Interface %s type=vxlan options:remote_ip=%s" % (bfd_bridge, port_name, port_name, remote_ip)) bfd_ref[remote_ip] = 1 # Ideally, we should create a 'tunnel' record in the VTEP DB here. # To create a 'tunnel' record, we need 2 entries in 'physical_locator' # table (one for local and one for remote). But, 'physical_locator' # can be created/destroyed asynchronously when the remote controller # adds/removes entries in Ucast_Macs_Remote table. To prevent race # conditions, pass the responsibility of creating a 'tunnel' record # to run_bfd() which runs more often. def del_bfd(remote_ip): if remote_ip in bfd_ref: if bfd_ref[remote_ip] == 1: port_name = "bfd" + remote_ip vlog.info("deleting bfd tunnel for remote_ip:%s" % remote_ip) ovs_vsctl("--if-exists del-port %s" % port_name) destroy_vtep_tunnel(remote_ip) del bfd_ref[remote_ip] else: bfd_ref[remote_ip] -= 1 def run_bfd(): bfd_ports = ovs_vsctl("list-ports %s" % bfd_bridge).split() for port in bfd_ports: remote_ip = ovs_vsctl("get interface %s options:remote_ip" % port) tunnel = create_vtep_tunnel(remote_ip) if not tunnel: continue bfd_params_default = {'bfd_params:enable': 'false', 'bfd_params:min_rx': 1000, 'bfd_params:min_tx': 100, 'bfd_params:decay_min_rx': 0, 'bfd_params:cpath_down': 'false', 'bfd_params:check_tnl_key': 'false'} bfd_params_values = {} for key, default in six.iteritems(bfd_params_default): column = vtep_ctl("--if-exists get tunnel %s %s" % (tunnel, key)) if not column: bfd_params_values[key] = default else: bfd_params_values[key] = column for key, value in six.iteritems(bfd_params_values): new_key = key.replace('_params', '') ovs_vsctl("set interface %s %s=%s" % (port, new_key, value)) bfd_status = ['bfd_status:state', 'bfd_status:forwarding', 'bfd_status:diagnostic', 'bfd_status:remote_state', 'bfd_status:remote_diagnostic'] for key in bfd_status: value = ovs_vsctl("--if-exists get interface %s %s" % (port, key)) if value: vtep_ctl("set tunnel %s %s=%s" % (tunnel, key, value)) else: new_key = key.replace('bfd_status:', '') vtep_ctl("remove tunnel %s bfd_status %s" % (tunnel, new_key)) vtep_ctl("set tunnel %s bfd_status:enabled=%s" % (tunnel, bfd_params_values['bfd_params:enable'])) # Add the defaults as described in VTEP schema to make it explicit. bfd_lconf_default = {'bfd_config_local:bfd_dst_ip': '', 'bfd_config_local:bfd_dst_mac': '00:23:20:00:00:01'} for key, value in six.iteritems(bfd_lconf_default): vtep_ctl("set tunnel %s %s=%s" % (tunnel, key, value)) # bfd_config_remote options from VTEP DB should be populated to # corresponding OVS DB values. bfd_dst_ip = vtep_ctl("--if-exists get tunnel %s " "bfd_config_remote:bfd_dst_ip" % (tunnel)) if not bfd_dst_ip: bfd_dst_ip = "" bfd_dst_mac = vtep_ctl("--if-exists get tunnel %s " "bfd_config_remote:bfd_dst_mac" % (tunnel)) if not bfd_dst_mac: bfd_dst_mac = "00:23:20:00:00:01" ovs_vsctl("set interface %s bfd:bfd_dst_ip=%s " "bfd:bfd_remote_dst_mac=%s bfd:bfd_local_dst_mac=%s" % (port, bfd_dst_ip, bfd_lconf_default['bfd_config_local:bfd_dst_mac'], bfd_dst_mac)) def add_binding(binding, ls): vlog.info("adding binding %s" % binding) vlan, pp_name = binding.split("-", 1) pbinding = binding + "-p" lbinding = binding + "-l" # Create a patch port that connects the VLAN+port to the lswitch. # Do them as two separate calls so if one side already exists, the # other side is created. ovs_vsctl("add-port %s %s " " -- set Interface %s type=patch options:peer=%s" % (ps_name, pbinding, pbinding, lbinding)) ovs_vsctl("add-port %s %s " " -- set Interface %s type=patch options:peer=%s" % (ls.short_name, lbinding, lbinding, pbinding)) port_no = ovs_vsctl("get Interface %s ofport" % pp_name) patch_no = ovs_vsctl("get Interface %s ofport" % pbinding) vlan_ = vlan.lstrip('0') if vlan_: ovs_ofctl("add-flow %s in_port=%s,dl_vlan=%s,action=strip_vlan,%s" % (ps_name, port_no, vlan_, patch_no)) ovs_ofctl("add-flow %s in_port=%s,action=mod_vlan_vid:%s,%s" % (ps_name, patch_no, vlan_, port_no)) else: ovs_ofctl("add-flow %s in_port=%s,action=%s" % (ps_name, port_no, patch_no)) ovs_ofctl("add-flow %s in_port=%s,action=%s" % (ps_name, patch_no, port_no)) # Create a logical_bindings_stats record. if not vlan_: vlan_ = "0" vtep_ctl("set physical_port %s vlan_stats:%s=@stats -- " "--id=@stats create logical_binding_stats packets_from_local=0" % (pp_name, vlan_)) ls.add_lbinding(lbinding) Bindings[binding] = ls.name def del_binding(binding, ls): vlog.info("removing binding %s" % binding) vlan, pp_name = binding.split("-", 1) pbinding = binding + "-p" lbinding = binding + "-l" port_no = ovs_vsctl("get Interface %s ofport" % pp_name) patch_no = ovs_vsctl("get Interface %s ofport" % pbinding) vlan_ = vlan.lstrip('0') if vlan_: ovs_ofctl("del-flows %s in_port=%s,dl_vlan=%s" % (ps_name, port_no, vlan_)) ovs_ofctl("del-flows %s in_port=%s" % (ps_name, patch_no)) else: ovs_ofctl("--strict del-flows %s in_port=%s" % (ps_name, port_no)) ovs_ofctl("--strict del-flows %s in_port=%s" % (ps_name, patch_no)) ls.del_lbinding(lbinding) # Destroy the patch port that connects the VLAN+port to the lswitch ovs_vsctl("del-port %s %s -- del-port %s %s" % (ps_name, pbinding, ls.short_name, lbinding)) # Remove the record that links vlan with stats in logical_binding_stats. vtep_ctl("remove physical_port %s vlan_stats %s" % (pp_name, vlan)) del Bindings[binding] def handle_physical(): # Gather physical ports except the patch ports we created ovs_ports = ovs_vsctl("list-ports %s" % ps_name).split() ovs_port_set = set([port for port in ovs_ports if port[-2:] != "-p"]) vtep_pp_set = set(vtep_ctl("list-ports %s" % ps_name).split()) for pp_name in ovs_port_set.difference(vtep_pp_set): vlog.info("adding %s to %s" % (pp_name, ps_name)) vtep_ctl("add-port %s %s" % (ps_name, pp_name)) for pp_name in vtep_pp_set.difference(ovs_port_set): vlog.info("deleting %s from %s" % (pp_name, ps_name)) vtep_ctl("del-port %s %s" % (ps_name, pp_name)) new_bindings = set() for pp_name in vtep_pp_set: binding_set = set(vtep_ctl("list-bindings %s %s" % (ps_name, pp_name)).splitlines()) for b in binding_set: vlan, ls_name = b.split() if ls_name not in Lswitches: Lswitches[ls_name] = Logical_Switch(ls_name, ps_name) binding = "%s-%s" % (vlan, pp_name) ls = Lswitches[ls_name] new_bindings.add(binding) if binding in Bindings: if Bindings[binding] == ls_name: continue else: del_binding(binding, Lswitches[Bindings[binding]]) add_binding(binding, ls) dead_bindings = set(Bindings.keys()).difference(new_bindings) for binding in dead_bindings: ls_name = Bindings[binding] ls = Lswitches[ls_name] del_binding(binding, ls) if not len(ls.ports): ls.cleanup_ls() ovs_vsctl("del-br %s" % Lswitches[ls_name].short_name) vtep_ctl("clear-local-macs %s" % Lswitches[ls_name].name) del Lswitches[ls_name] def setup(): br_list = ovs_vsctl("list-br").split() if (ps_name not in br_list): ovs.util.ovs_fatal(0, "couldn't find OVS bridge %s" % ps_name, vlog) global ps_type ps_type = ovs_vsctl("get Bridge %s datapath_type" % ps_name).strip('"') call_prog("vtep-ctl", ["set", "physical_switch", ps_name, 'description="OVS VTEP Emulator"']) tunnel_ips = vtep_ctl("get physical_switch %s tunnel_ips" % ps_name).strip('[]"').split(", ") if len(tunnel_ips) != 1 or not tunnel_ips[0]: ovs.util.ovs_fatal(0, "exactly one 'tunnel_ips' should be set", vlog) global Tunnel_Ip Tunnel_Ip = tunnel_ips[0] ovs_ofctl("del-flows %s" % ps_name) # Remove any logical bridges from the previous run for br in br_list: if ovs_vsctl("br-get-external-id %s vtep_logical_switch" % br) == "true": # Remove the remote side of any logical switch ovs_ports = ovs_vsctl("list-ports %s" % br).split() for port in ovs_ports: port_type = ovs_vsctl("get Interface %s type" % port).strip('"') if port_type != "patch": continue peer = ovs_vsctl("get Interface %s options:peer" % port).strip('"') if (peer): ovs_vsctl("del-port %s" % peer) ovs_vsctl("del-br %s" % br) if br == bfd_bridge: bfd_ports = ovs_vsctl("list-ports %s" % bfd_bridge).split() for port in bfd_ports: remote_ip = ovs_vsctl("get interface %s options:remote_ip" % port) destroy_vtep_tunnel(remote_ip) ovs_vsctl("del-br %s" % br) if ps_type: ovs_vsctl("add-br %s -- set Bridge %s datapath_type=%s" % (bfd_bridge, bfd_bridge, ps_type)) else: ovs_vsctl("add-br %s" % bfd_bridge) # Remove local-mac entries from the previous run. Otherwise, if a vlan # binding is removed while the emulator is *not* running, the corresponding # local-mac entries are never cleaned up. vtep_ls = set(vtep_ctl("list-ls").split()) for ls_name in vtep_ls: vtep_ctl("clear-local-macs %s" % ls_name) def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("ps_name", metavar="PS-NAME", help="Name of physical switch.") parser.add_argument("--root-prefix", metavar="DIR", help="Use DIR as alternate root directory" " (for testing).") parser.add_argument("--version", action="version", version="%s %s" % (ovs.util.PROGRAM_NAME, VERSION)) ovs.vlog.add_args(parser) ovs.daemon.add_args(parser) args = parser.parse_args() ovs.vlog.handle_args(args) ovs.daemon.handle_args(args) global root_prefix if args.root_prefix: root_prefix = args.root_prefix global ps_name ps_name = args.ps_name ovs.daemon.daemonize() ovs.unixctl.command_register("exit", "", 0, 0, unixctl_exit, None) error, unixctl = ovs.unixctl.server.UnixctlServer.create(None, version=VERSION) if error: ovs.util.ovs_fatal(error, "could not create unixctl server", vlog) setup() while True: unixctl.run() if exiting: break handle_physical() for ls_name, ls in six.iteritems(Lswitches): ls.run() run_bfd() poller = ovs.poller.Poller() unixctl.wait(poller) poller.timer_wait(1000) poller.block() unixctl.close() if __name__ == '__main__': try: main() except SystemExit: # Let system.exit() calls complete normally raise except: vlog.exception("traceback") sys.exit(ovs.daemon.RESTART_EXIT_CODE)