/* * Copyright (c) 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017 Nicira, Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "db-ctl-base.h" #include "command-line.h" #include "compiler.h" #include "openvswitch/dynamic-string.h" #include "fatal-signal.h" #include "hash.h" #include "openvswitch/json.h" #include "ovsdb-data.h" #include "ovsdb-idl.h" #include "poll-loop.h" #include "process.h" #include "stream.h" #include "stream-ssl.h" #include "smap.h" #include "sset.h" #include "svec.h" #include "vtep/vtep-idl.h" #include "table.h" #include "timeval.h" #include "util.h" #include "openvswitch/vconn.h" #include "openvswitch/vlog.h" VLOG_DEFINE_THIS_MODULE(vtep_ctl); struct vtep_ctl_context; /* --db: The database server to contact. */ static const char *db; /* --oneline: Write each command's output as a single line? */ static bool oneline; /* --dry-run: Do not commit any changes. */ static bool dry_run; /* --timeout: Time to wait for a connection to 'db'. */ static int timeout; /* Format for table output. */ static struct table_style table_style = TABLE_STYLE_DEFAULT; /* The IDL we're using and the current transaction, if any. * This is for use by vtep_ctl_exit() only, to allow it to clean up. * Other code should use its context arguments. */ static struct ovsdb_idl *the_idl; static struct ovsdb_idl_txn *the_idl_txn; OVS_NO_RETURN static void vtep_ctl_exit(int status); static void vtep_ctl_cmd_init(void); OVS_NO_RETURN static void usage(void); static void parse_options(int argc, char *argv[], struct shash *local_options); static void run_prerequisites(struct ctl_command[], size_t n_commands, struct ovsdb_idl *); static void do_vtep_ctl(const char *args, struct ctl_command *, size_t n, struct ovsdb_idl *); static struct vtep_ctl_lswitch *find_lswitch(struct vtep_ctl_context *, const char *name, bool must_exist); static struct vtep_ctl_lrouter *find_lrouter(struct vtep_ctl_context *, const char *name, bool must_exist); int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { struct ovsdb_idl *idl; struct ctl_command *commands; struct shash local_options; unsigned int seqno; size_t n_commands; char *args; set_program_name(argv[0]); fatal_ignore_sigpipe(); vlog_set_levels(NULL, VLF_CONSOLE, VLL_WARN); vlog_set_levels_from_string_assert("reconnect:warn"); vtep_ctl_cmd_init(); /* Log our arguments. This is often valuable for debugging systems. */ args = process_escape_args(argv); VLOG(ctl_might_write_to_db(argv) ? VLL_INFO : VLL_DBG, "Called as %s", args); /* Parse command line. */ shash_init(&local_options); parse_options(argc, argv, &local_options); commands = ctl_parse_commands(argc - optind, argv + optind, &local_options, &n_commands); if (timeout) { time_alarm(timeout); } /* Initialize IDL. */ idl = the_idl = ovsdb_idl_create(db, &vteprec_idl_class, false, false); run_prerequisites(commands, n_commands, idl); /* Execute the commands. * * 'seqno' is the database sequence number for which we last tried to * execute our transaction. There's no point in trying to commit more than * once for any given sequence number, because if the transaction fails * it's because the database changed and we need to obtain an up-to-date * view of the database before we try the transaction again. */ seqno = ovsdb_idl_get_seqno(idl); for (;;) { ovsdb_idl_run(idl); if (!ovsdb_idl_is_alive(idl)) { int retval = ovsdb_idl_get_last_error(idl); ctl_fatal("%s: database connection failed (%s)", db, ovs_retval_to_string(retval)); } if (seqno != ovsdb_idl_get_seqno(idl)) { seqno = ovsdb_idl_get_seqno(idl); do_vtep_ctl(args, commands, n_commands, idl); } if (seqno == ovsdb_idl_get_seqno(idl)) { ovsdb_idl_wait(idl); poll_block(); } } } static void parse_options(int argc, char *argv[], struct shash *local_options) { enum { OPT_DB = UCHAR_MAX + 1, OPT_ONELINE, OPT_NO_SYSLOG, OPT_DRY_RUN, OPT_PEER_CA_CERT, OPT_LOCAL, VLOG_OPTION_ENUMS, TABLE_OPTION_ENUMS, SSL_OPTION_ENUMS, }; static const struct option global_long_options[] = { {"db", required_argument, NULL, OPT_DB}, {"no-syslog", no_argument, NULL, OPT_NO_SYSLOG}, {"dry-run", no_argument, NULL, OPT_DRY_RUN}, {"oneline", no_argument, NULL, OPT_ONELINE}, {"timeout", required_argument, NULL, 't'}, {"help", no_argument, NULL, 'h'}, {"version", no_argument, NULL, 'V'}, VLOG_LONG_OPTIONS, TABLE_LONG_OPTIONS, STREAM_SSL_LONG_OPTIONS, {"peer-ca-cert", required_argument, NULL, OPT_PEER_CA_CERT}, {NULL, 0, NULL, 0}, }; const int n_global_long_options = ARRAY_SIZE(global_long_options) - 1; char *tmp, *short_options; struct option *options; size_t allocated_options; size_t n_options; size_t i; tmp = ovs_cmdl_long_options_to_short_options(global_long_options); short_options = xasprintf("+%s", tmp); free(tmp); /* We want to parse both global and command-specific options here, but * getopt_long() isn't too convenient for the job. We copy our global * options into a dynamic array, then append all of the command-specific * options. */ options = xmemdup(global_long_options, sizeof global_long_options); allocated_options = ARRAY_SIZE(global_long_options); n_options = n_global_long_options; ctl_add_cmd_options(&options, &n_options, &allocated_options, OPT_LOCAL); for (;;) { int idx; int c; c = getopt_long(argc, argv, short_options, options, &idx); if (c == -1) { break; } switch (c) { case OPT_DB: db = optarg; break; case OPT_ONELINE: oneline = true; break; case OPT_NO_SYSLOG: vlog_set_levels(&this_module, VLF_SYSLOG, VLL_WARN); break; case OPT_DRY_RUN: dry_run = true; break; case OPT_LOCAL: if (shash_find(local_options, options[idx].name)) { ctl_fatal("'%s' option specified multiple times", options[idx].name); } shash_add_nocopy(local_options, xasprintf("--%s", options[idx].name), nullable_xstrdup(optarg)); break; case 'h': usage(); case 'V': ovs_print_version(0, 0); printf("DB Schema %s\n", vteprec_get_db_version()); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); case 't': timeout = strtoul(optarg, NULL, 10); if (timeout < 0) { ctl_fatal("value %s on -t or --timeout is invalid", optarg); } break; VLOG_OPTION_HANDLERS TABLE_OPTION_HANDLERS(&table_style) STREAM_SSL_OPTION_HANDLERS case OPT_PEER_CA_CERT: stream_ssl_set_peer_ca_cert_file(optarg); break; case '?': exit(EXIT_FAILURE); default: abort(); } } free(short_options); if (!db) { db = ctl_default_db(); } for (i = n_global_long_options; options[i].name; i++) { free(CONST_CAST(char *, options[i].name)); } free(options); } /* Frees the current transaction and the underlying IDL and then calls * exit(status). * * Freeing the transaction and the IDL is not strictly necessary, but it makes * for a clean memory leak report from valgrind in the normal case. That makes * it easier to notice real memory leaks. */ static void vtep_ctl_exit(int status) { if (the_idl_txn) { ovsdb_idl_txn_abort(the_idl_txn); ovsdb_idl_txn_destroy(the_idl_txn); } ovsdb_idl_destroy(the_idl); exit(status); } static void usage(void) { printf("\ %s: VTEP configuration utility\n\ usage: %s [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARG...]\n\ \n\ VTEP commands:\n\ show print overview of database contents\n\ \n\ Manager commands:\n\ get-manager print the managers\n\ del-manager delete the managers\n\ set-manager TARGET... set the list of managers to TARGET...\n\ \n\ Physical Switch commands:\n\ add-ps PS create a new physical switch named PS\n\ del-ps PS delete PS and all of its ports\n\ list-ps print the names of all the physical switches\n\ ps-exists PS exit 2 if PS does not exist\n\ \n\ Port commands:\n\ list-ports PS print the names of all the ports on PS\n\ add-port PS PORT add network device PORT to PS\n\ del-port PS PORT delete PORT from PS\n\ \n\ Logical Switch commands:\n\ add-ls LS create a new logical switch named LS\n\ del-ls LS delete LS and all of its ports\n\ list-ls print the names of all the logical switches\n\ ls-exists LS exit 2 if LS does not exist\n\ bind-ls PS PORT VLAN LS bind LS to VLAN on PORT\n\ unbind-ls PS PORT VLAN unbind logical switch on VLAN from PORT\n\ list-bindings PS PORT list bindings for PORT on PS\n\ set-replication-mode LS MODE set replication mode on LS\n\ get-replication-mode LS get replication mode on LS\n\ \n\ Logical Router commands:\n\ add-lr LR create a new logical router named LR\n\ del-lr LR delete LR\n\ list-lr print the names of all the logical routers\n\ lr-exists LR exit 2 if LR does not exist\n\ \n\ MAC binding commands:\n\ add-ucast-local LS MAC [ENCAP] IP add ucast local entry in LS\n\ del-ucast-local LS MAC del ucast local entry from LS\n\ add-mcast-local LS MAC [ENCAP] IP add mcast local entry in LS\n\ del-mcast-local LS MAC [ENCAP] IP del mcast local entry from LS\n\ clear-local-macs LS clear local mac entries\n\ list-local-macs LS list local mac entries\n\ add-ucast-remote LS MAC [ENCAP] IP add ucast remote entry in LS\n\ del-ucast-remote LS MAC del ucast remote entry from LS\n\ add-mcast-remote LS MAC [ENCAP] IP add mcast remote entry in LS\n\ del-mcast-remote LS MAC [ENCAP] IP del mcast remote entry from LS\n\ clear-remote-macs LS clear remote mac entries\n\ list-remote-macs LS list remote mac entries\n\ \n\ %s\ \n\ Options:\n\ --db=DATABASE connect to DATABASE\n\ (default: %s)\n\ -t, --timeout=SECS wait at most SECS seconds\n\ --dry-run do not commit changes to database\n\ --oneline print exactly one line of output per command\n", program_name, program_name, ctl_get_db_cmd_usage(), ctl_default_db()); table_usage(); vlog_usage(); printf("\ --no-syslog equivalent to --verbose=vtep_ctl:syslog:warn\n"); stream_usage("database", true, true, false); printf("\n\ Other options:\n\ -h, --help display this help message\n\ -V, --version display version information\n"); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } static struct cmd_show_table cmd_show_tables[] = { {&vteprec_table_global, NULL, {&vteprec_global_col_managers, &vteprec_global_col_switches, NULL}, {NULL, NULL, NULL} }, {&vteprec_table_manager, &vteprec_manager_col_target, {&vteprec_manager_col_is_connected, NULL, NULL}, {NULL, NULL, NULL} }, {&vteprec_table_physical_switch, &vteprec_physical_switch_col_name, {&vteprec_physical_switch_col_management_ips, &vteprec_physical_switch_col_tunnel_ips, &vteprec_physical_switch_col_ports}, {NULL, NULL, NULL} }, {&vteprec_table_physical_port, &vteprec_physical_port_col_name, {&vteprec_physical_port_col_vlan_bindings, NULL, NULL}, {NULL, NULL, NULL} }, {&vteprec_table_logical_switch, &vteprec_logical_switch_col_name, {NULL, NULL, NULL}, {NULL, NULL, NULL} }, {NULL, NULL, {NULL, NULL, NULL}, {NULL, NULL, NULL}} }; /* vtep-ctl specific context. Inherits the 'struct ctl_context' as base. */ struct vtep_ctl_context { struct ctl_context base; /* Modifiable state. */ const struct vteprec_global *vtep_global; bool verified_ports; /* A cache of the contents of the database. * * A command that needs to use any of this information must first * call vtep_ctl_context_populate_cache(). A command that changes * anything that could invalidate the cache must either call * vtep_ctl_context_invalidate_cache() or manually update the cache * to maintain its correctness. */ bool cache_valid; struct shash pswitches; /* Maps from physical switch name to * struct vtep_ctl_pswitch. */ struct shash ports; /* Maps from port name to struct vtep_ctl_port. */ struct shash lswitches; /* Maps from logical switch name to * struct vtep_ctl_lswitch. */ struct shash plocs; /* Maps from "+" to * struct vteprec_physical_locator. */ struct shash lrouters; /* Maps from logical router name to * struct vtep_ctl_lrouter. */ }; /* Casts 'base' into 'struct vtep_ctl_context'. */ static struct vtep_ctl_context * vtep_ctl_context_cast(struct ctl_context *base) { return CONTAINER_OF(base, struct vtep_ctl_context, base); } struct vtep_ctl_pswitch { const struct vteprec_physical_switch *ps_cfg; char *name; struct ovs_list ports; /* Contains "struct vteprec_physical_port"s. */ }; struct vtep_ctl_port { struct ovs_list ports_node; /* In struct vtep_ctl_pswitch's 'ports' list. */ const struct vteprec_physical_port *port_cfg; struct vtep_ctl_pswitch *ps; struct shash bindings; /* Maps from vlan to vtep_ctl_lswitch. */ }; struct vtep_ctl_lswitch { const struct vteprec_logical_switch *ls_cfg; char *name; struct shash ucast_local; /* Maps from mac to vteprec_ucast_macs_local. */ struct shash ucast_remote; /* Maps from mac to vteprec_ucast_macs_remote.*/ struct shash mcast_local; /* Maps from mac to vtep_ctl_mcast_mac. */ struct shash mcast_remote; /* Maps from mac to vtep_ctl_mcast_mac. */ }; struct vtep_ctl_lrouter { const struct vteprec_logical_router *lr_cfg; char *name; }; struct vtep_ctl_mcast_mac { const struct vteprec_mcast_macs_local *local_cfg; const struct vteprec_mcast_macs_remote *remote_cfg; const struct vteprec_physical_locator_set *ploc_set_cfg; struct ovs_list locators; /* Contains 'vtep_ctl_ploc's. */ }; struct vtep_ctl_ploc { struct ovs_list locators_node; /* In struct vtep_ctl_ploc_set's 'locators' list. */ const struct vteprec_physical_locator *ploc_cfg; }; static void verify_ports(struct vtep_ctl_context *vtepctl_ctx) { if (!vtepctl_ctx->verified_ports) { const struct vteprec_physical_switch *ps; vteprec_global_verify_switches(vtepctl_ctx->vtep_global); VTEPREC_PHYSICAL_SWITCH_FOR_EACH (ps, vtepctl_ctx->base.idl) { vteprec_physical_switch_verify_ports(ps); } vtepctl_ctx->verified_ports = true; } } static struct vtep_ctl_port * add_port_to_cache(struct vtep_ctl_context *vtepctl_ctx, struct vtep_ctl_pswitch *ps, struct vteprec_physical_port *port_cfg) { char *cache_name = xasprintf("%s+%s", ps->name, port_cfg->name); struct vtep_ctl_port *port; port = xmalloc(sizeof *port); ovs_list_push_back(&ps->ports, &port->ports_node); port->port_cfg = port_cfg; port->ps = ps; shash_add(&vtepctl_ctx->ports, cache_name, port); free(cache_name); shash_init(&port->bindings); return port; } static void del_cached_port(struct vtep_ctl_context *vtepctl_ctx, struct vtep_ctl_port *port) { char *cache_name = xasprintf("%s+%s", port->ps->name, port->port_cfg->name); ovs_list_remove(&port->ports_node); shash_find_and_delete(&vtepctl_ctx->ports, cache_name); vteprec_physical_port_delete(port->port_cfg); shash_destroy(&port->bindings); free(cache_name); free(port); } static void add_pswitch_to_cache(struct vtep_ctl_context *vtepctl_ctx, struct vteprec_physical_switch *ps_cfg) { struct vtep_ctl_pswitch *ps = xmalloc(sizeof *ps); ps->ps_cfg = ps_cfg; ps->name = xstrdup(ps_cfg->name); ovs_list_init(&ps->ports); shash_add(&vtepctl_ctx->pswitches, ps->name, ps); } static void vtep_delete_pswitch(const struct vteprec_global *vtep_global, const struct vteprec_physical_switch *ps) { struct vteprec_physical_switch **pswitches; size_t i, n; pswitches = xmalloc(sizeof *vtep_global->switches * vtep_global->n_switches); for (i = n = 0; i < vtep_global->n_switches; i++) { if (vtep_global->switches[i] != ps) { pswitches[n++] = vtep_global->switches[i]; } } vteprec_global_set_switches(vtep_global, pswitches, n); free(pswitches); } static void del_cached_pswitch(struct vtep_ctl_context *ctx, struct vtep_ctl_pswitch *ps) { ovs_assert(ovs_list_is_empty(&ps->ports)); if (ps->ps_cfg) { vteprec_physical_switch_delete(ps->ps_cfg); vtep_delete_pswitch(ctx->vtep_global, ps->ps_cfg); } shash_find_and_delete(&ctx->pswitches, ps->name); free(ps->name); free(ps); } static struct vtep_ctl_lswitch * add_lswitch_to_cache(struct vtep_ctl_context *vtepctl_ctx, const struct vteprec_logical_switch *ls_cfg) { struct vtep_ctl_lswitch *ls = xmalloc(sizeof *ls); ls->ls_cfg = ls_cfg; ls->name = xstrdup(ls_cfg->name); shash_add(&vtepctl_ctx->lswitches, ls->name, ls); shash_init(&ls->ucast_local); shash_init(&ls->ucast_remote); shash_init(&ls->mcast_local); shash_init(&ls->mcast_remote); return ls; } static void del_cached_lswitch(struct vtep_ctl_context *ctx, struct vtep_ctl_lswitch *ls) { if (ls->ls_cfg) { vteprec_logical_switch_delete(ls->ls_cfg); } shash_find_and_delete(&ctx->lswitches, ls->name); free(ls->name); free(ls); } static void commit_ls_bindings(struct vtep_ctl_port *port) { struct vteprec_logical_switch **binding_values; int64_t *binding_keys; size_t n_bindings; struct shash_node *node; int i; n_bindings = shash_count(&port->bindings); binding_keys = xmalloc(n_bindings * sizeof *binding_keys); binding_values = xmalloc(n_bindings * sizeof *binding_values); i = 0; SHASH_FOR_EACH(node, &port->bindings) { struct vtep_ctl_lswitch *ls_entry = node->data; binding_keys[i] = strtoll(node->name, NULL, 0); binding_values[i] = (struct vteprec_logical_switch *)ls_entry->ls_cfg; i++; } vteprec_physical_port_set_vlan_bindings(port->port_cfg, binding_keys, binding_values, n_bindings); free(binding_values); free(binding_keys); } static void add_ls_binding_to_cache(struct vtep_ctl_port *port, const char *vlan, struct vtep_ctl_lswitch *ls) { if (shash_find(&port->bindings, vlan)) { ctl_fatal("multiple bindings for vlan %s", vlan); } shash_add(&port->bindings, vlan, ls); } static void del_cached_ls_binding(struct vtep_ctl_port *port, const char *vlan) { if (!shash_find(&port->bindings, vlan)) { ctl_fatal("no binding for vlan %s", vlan); } shash_find_and_delete(&port->bindings, vlan); } static struct vtep_ctl_lrouter * add_lrouter_to_cache(struct vtep_ctl_context *vtepctl_ctx, const struct vteprec_logical_router *lr_cfg) { struct vtep_ctl_lrouter *lr = xmalloc(sizeof *lr); lr->lr_cfg = lr_cfg; lr->name = xstrdup(lr_cfg->name); shash_add(&vtepctl_ctx->lrouters, lr->name, lr); return lr; } static void del_cached_lrouter(struct vtep_ctl_context *ctx, struct vtep_ctl_lrouter *lr) { if (lr->lr_cfg) { vteprec_logical_router_delete(lr->lr_cfg); } shash_find_and_delete(&ctx->lrouters, lr->name); free(lr->name); free(lr); } static struct vteprec_physical_locator * find_ploc(struct vtep_ctl_context *vtepctl_ctx, const char *encap, const char *dst_ip) { struct vteprec_physical_locator *ploc; char *name = xasprintf("%s+%s", encap, dst_ip); ovs_assert(vtepctl_ctx->cache_valid); ploc = shash_find_data(&vtepctl_ctx->plocs, name); free(name); return ploc; } static void add_ploc_to_cache(struct vtep_ctl_context *vtepctl_ctx, struct vteprec_physical_locator *ploc) { char *name = xasprintf("%s+%s", ploc->encapsulation_type, ploc->dst_ip); struct vteprec_physical_locator *orig_ploc; orig_ploc = find_ploc(vtepctl_ctx, ploc->encapsulation_type, ploc->dst_ip); if (!orig_ploc) { shash_add(&vtepctl_ctx->plocs, name, ploc); } free(name); } static void add_ploc_to_mcast_mac(struct vtep_ctl_mcast_mac *mcast_mac, struct vteprec_physical_locator *ploc_cfg) { struct vtep_ctl_ploc *ploc; ploc = xmalloc(sizeof *ploc); ploc->ploc_cfg = ploc_cfg; ovs_list_push_back(&mcast_mac->locators, &ploc->locators_node); } static void del_ploc_from_mcast_mac(struct vtep_ctl_mcast_mac *mcast_mac, struct vteprec_physical_locator *ploc_cfg) { struct vtep_ctl_ploc *ploc; LIST_FOR_EACH (ploc, locators_node, &mcast_mac->locators) { if (ploc->ploc_cfg == ploc_cfg) { ovs_list_remove(&ploc->locators_node); free(ploc); return; } } } static struct vtep_ctl_mcast_mac * add_mcast_mac_to_cache(struct vtep_ctl_context *vtepctl_ctx, struct vtep_ctl_lswitch *ls, const char *mac, struct vteprec_physical_locator_set *ploc_set_cfg, bool local) { struct vtep_ctl_mcast_mac *mcast_mac; struct shash *mcast_shash; size_t i; mcast_mac = xmalloc(sizeof *mcast_mac); mcast_shash = local ? &ls->mcast_local : &ls->mcast_remote; mcast_mac->ploc_set_cfg = ploc_set_cfg; ovs_list_init(&mcast_mac->locators); shash_add(mcast_shash, mac, mcast_mac); for (i = 0; i < ploc_set_cfg->n_locators; i++) { struct vteprec_physical_locator *ploc_cfg; ploc_cfg = ploc_set_cfg->locators[i]; add_ploc_to_mcast_mac(mcast_mac, ploc_cfg); add_ploc_to_cache(vtepctl_ctx, ploc_cfg); } return mcast_mac; } static void vtep_ctl_context_invalidate_cache(struct ctl_context *ctx) { struct vtep_ctl_context *vtepctl_ctx = vtep_ctl_context_cast(ctx); struct shash_node *node; if (!vtepctl_ctx->cache_valid) { return; } vtepctl_ctx->cache_valid = false; SHASH_FOR_EACH (node, &vtepctl_ctx->pswitches) { struct vtep_ctl_pswitch *ps = node->data; free(ps->name); free(ps); } shash_destroy(&vtepctl_ctx->pswitches); SHASH_FOR_EACH (node, &vtepctl_ctx->ports) { struct vtep_ctl_port *port = node->data; shash_destroy(&port->bindings); } shash_destroy_free_data(&vtepctl_ctx->ports); SHASH_FOR_EACH (node, &vtepctl_ctx->lswitches) { struct vtep_ctl_lswitch *ls = node->data; struct shash_node *node2, *next_node2; shash_destroy(&ls->ucast_local); shash_destroy(&ls->ucast_remote); SHASH_FOR_EACH_SAFE (node2, next_node2, &ls->mcast_local) { struct vtep_ctl_mcast_mac *mcast_mac = node2->data; struct vtep_ctl_ploc *ploc, *next_ploc; LIST_FOR_EACH_SAFE (ploc, next_ploc, locators_node, &mcast_mac->locators) { free(ploc); } free(mcast_mac); } shash_destroy(&ls->mcast_local); SHASH_FOR_EACH_SAFE (node2, next_node2, &ls->mcast_remote) { struct vtep_ctl_mcast_mac *mcast_mac = node2->data; struct vtep_ctl_ploc *ploc, *next_ploc; LIST_FOR_EACH_SAFE (ploc, next_ploc, locators_node, &mcast_mac->locators) { free(ploc); } free(mcast_mac); } shash_destroy(&ls->mcast_remote); free(ls->name); free(ls); } shash_destroy(&vtepctl_ctx->lswitches); shash_destroy(&vtepctl_ctx->plocs); SHASH_FOR_EACH (node, &vtepctl_ctx->lrouters) { struct vtep_ctl_lrouter *lr = node->data; free(lr->name); free(lr); } shash_destroy(&vtepctl_ctx->lrouters); } static void pre_get_info(struct ctl_context *ctx) { ovsdb_idl_add_column(ctx->idl, &vteprec_global_col_switches); ovsdb_idl_add_column(ctx->idl, &vteprec_physical_switch_col_name); ovsdb_idl_add_column(ctx->idl, &vteprec_physical_switch_col_ports); ovsdb_idl_add_column(ctx->idl, &vteprec_physical_switch_col_tunnels); ovsdb_idl_add_column(ctx->idl, &vteprec_physical_port_col_name); ovsdb_idl_add_column(ctx->idl, &vteprec_physical_port_col_vlan_bindings); ovsdb_idl_add_column(ctx->idl, &vteprec_logical_switch_col_name); ovsdb_idl_add_column(ctx->idl, &vteprec_logical_switch_col_replication_mode); ovsdb_idl_add_column(ctx->idl, &vteprec_logical_router_col_name); ovsdb_idl_add_column(ctx->idl, &vteprec_ucast_macs_local_col_MAC); ovsdb_idl_add_column(ctx->idl, &vteprec_ucast_macs_local_col_locator); ovsdb_idl_add_column(ctx->idl, &vteprec_ucast_macs_local_col_logical_switch); ovsdb_idl_add_column(ctx->idl, &vteprec_ucast_macs_remote_col_MAC); ovsdb_idl_add_column(ctx->idl, &vteprec_ucast_macs_remote_col_locator); ovsdb_idl_add_column(ctx->idl, &vteprec_ucast_macs_remote_col_logical_switch); ovsdb_idl_add_column(ctx->idl, &vteprec_mcast_macs_local_col_MAC); ovsdb_idl_add_column(ctx->idl, &vteprec_mcast_macs_local_col_locator_set); ovsdb_idl_add_column(ctx->idl, &vteprec_mcast_macs_local_col_logical_switch); ovsdb_idl_add_column(ctx->idl, &vteprec_mcast_macs_remote_col_MAC); ovsdb_idl_add_column(ctx->idl, &vteprec_mcast_macs_remote_col_locator_set); ovsdb_idl_add_column(ctx->idl, &vteprec_mcast_macs_remote_col_logical_switch); ovsdb_idl_add_column(ctx->idl, &vteprec_physical_locator_set_col_locators); ovsdb_idl_add_column(ctx->idl, &vteprec_physical_locator_col_dst_ip); ovsdb_idl_add_column(ctx->idl, &vteprec_physical_locator_col_encapsulation_type); ovsdb_idl_add_column(ctx->idl, &vteprec_tunnel_col_local); ovsdb_idl_add_column(ctx->idl, &vteprec_tunnel_col_remote); } static void vtep_ctl_context_populate_cache(struct ctl_context *ctx) { struct vtep_ctl_context *vtepctl_ctx = vtep_ctl_context_cast(ctx); const struct vteprec_global *vtep_global = vtepctl_ctx->vtep_global; const struct vteprec_logical_switch *ls_cfg; const struct vteprec_logical_router *lr_cfg; const struct vteprec_ucast_macs_local *ucast_local_cfg; const struct vteprec_ucast_macs_remote *ucast_remote_cfg; const struct vteprec_mcast_macs_local *mcast_local_cfg; const struct vteprec_mcast_macs_remote *mcast_remote_cfg; const struct vteprec_tunnel *tunnel_cfg; struct sset pswitches, ports, lswitches; struct sset lrouters; size_t i; if (vtepctl_ctx->cache_valid) { /* Cache is already populated. */ return; } vtepctl_ctx->cache_valid = true; shash_init(&vtepctl_ctx->pswitches); shash_init(&vtepctl_ctx->ports); shash_init(&vtepctl_ctx->lswitches); shash_init(&vtepctl_ctx->plocs); shash_init(&vtepctl_ctx->lrouters); sset_init(&pswitches); sset_init(&ports); for (i = 0; i < vtep_global->n_switches; i++) { struct vteprec_physical_switch *ps_cfg = vtep_global->switches[i]; size_t j; if (!sset_add(&pswitches, ps_cfg->name)) { VLOG_WARN("%s: database contains duplicate physical switch name", ps_cfg->name); continue; } add_pswitch_to_cache(vtepctl_ctx, ps_cfg); for (j = 0; j < ps_cfg->n_ports; j++) { struct vteprec_physical_port *port_cfg = ps_cfg->ports[j]; if (!sset_add(&ports, port_cfg->name)) { /* Duplicate port name. (We will warn about that later.) */ continue; } } } sset_destroy(&pswitches); sset_destroy(&ports); sset_init(&lswitches); VTEPREC_LOGICAL_SWITCH_FOR_EACH (ls_cfg, ctx->idl) { if (!sset_add(&lswitches, ls_cfg->name)) { VLOG_WARN("%s: database contains duplicate logical switch name", ls_cfg->name); continue; } add_lswitch_to_cache(vtepctl_ctx, ls_cfg); } sset_destroy(&lswitches); sset_init(&lrouters); VTEPREC_LOGICAL_ROUTER_FOR_EACH (lr_cfg, ctx->idl) { if (!sset_add(&lrouters, lr_cfg->name)) { VLOG_WARN("%s: database contains duplicate logical router name", lr_cfg->name); continue; } add_lrouter_to_cache(vtepctl_ctx, lr_cfg); } sset_destroy(&lrouters); VTEPREC_UCAST_MACS_LOCAL_FOR_EACH (ucast_local_cfg, ctx->idl) { struct vtep_ctl_lswitch *ls; if (!ucast_local_cfg->logical_switch) { continue; } ls = find_lswitch(vtepctl_ctx, ucast_local_cfg->logical_switch->name, false); if (!ls) { continue; } if (ucast_local_cfg->locator) { add_ploc_to_cache(vtepctl_ctx, ucast_local_cfg->locator); } shash_add(&ls->ucast_local, ucast_local_cfg->MAC, ucast_local_cfg); } VTEPREC_UCAST_MACS_REMOTE_FOR_EACH (ucast_remote_cfg, ctx->idl) { struct vtep_ctl_lswitch *ls; if (!ucast_remote_cfg->logical_switch) { continue; } ls = find_lswitch(vtepctl_ctx, ucast_remote_cfg->logical_switch->name, false); if (!ls) { continue; } if (ucast_remote_cfg->locator) { add_ploc_to_cache(vtepctl_ctx, ucast_remote_cfg->locator); } shash_add(&ls->ucast_remote, ucast_remote_cfg->MAC, ucast_remote_cfg); } VTEPREC_MCAST_MACS_LOCAL_FOR_EACH (mcast_local_cfg, ctx->idl) { struct vtep_ctl_mcast_mac *mcast_mac; struct vtep_ctl_lswitch *ls; if (!mcast_local_cfg->logical_switch) { continue; } ls = find_lswitch(vtepctl_ctx, mcast_local_cfg->logical_switch->name, false); if (!ls) { continue; } mcast_mac = add_mcast_mac_to_cache(vtepctl_ctx, ls, mcast_local_cfg->MAC, mcast_local_cfg->locator_set, true); mcast_mac->local_cfg = mcast_local_cfg; } VTEPREC_MCAST_MACS_REMOTE_FOR_EACH (mcast_remote_cfg, ctx->idl) { struct vtep_ctl_mcast_mac *mcast_mac; struct vtep_ctl_lswitch *ls; if (!mcast_remote_cfg->logical_switch) { continue; } ls = find_lswitch(vtepctl_ctx, mcast_remote_cfg->logical_switch->name, false); if (!ls) { continue; } mcast_mac = add_mcast_mac_to_cache(vtepctl_ctx, ls, mcast_remote_cfg->MAC, mcast_remote_cfg->locator_set, false); mcast_mac->remote_cfg = mcast_remote_cfg; } VTEPREC_TUNNEL_FOR_EACH (tunnel_cfg, ctx->idl) { if (tunnel_cfg->local) { add_ploc_to_cache(vtepctl_ctx, tunnel_cfg->local); } if (tunnel_cfg->remote) { add_ploc_to_cache(vtepctl_ctx, tunnel_cfg->remote); } } sset_init(&pswitches); for (i = 0; i < vtep_global->n_switches; i++) { struct vteprec_physical_switch *ps_cfg = vtep_global->switches[i]; struct vtep_ctl_pswitch *ps; size_t j; if (!sset_add(&pswitches, ps_cfg->name)) { continue; } ps = shash_find_data(&vtepctl_ctx->pswitches, ps_cfg->name); for (j = 0; j < ps_cfg->n_ports; j++) { struct vteprec_physical_port *port_cfg = ps_cfg->ports[j]; struct vtep_ctl_port *port; size_t k; port = shash_find_data(&vtepctl_ctx->ports, port_cfg->name); if (port) { if (port_cfg == port->port_cfg) { VLOG_WARN("%s: port is in multiple physical switches " "(%s and %s)", port_cfg->name, ps->name, port->ps->name); } else { /* Log as an error because this violates the database's * uniqueness constraints, so the database server shouldn't * have allowed it. */ VLOG_ERR("%s: database contains duplicate port name", port_cfg->name); } continue; } port = add_port_to_cache(vtepctl_ctx, ps, port_cfg); for (k = 0; k < port_cfg->n_vlan_bindings; k++) { struct vtep_ctl_lswitch *ls; char *vlan; vlan = xasprintf("%"PRId64, port_cfg->key_vlan_bindings[k]); if (shash_find(&port->bindings, vlan)) { ctl_fatal("multiple bindings for vlan %s", vlan); } ls_cfg = port_cfg->value_vlan_bindings[k]; ls = find_lswitch(vtepctl_ctx, ls_cfg->name, true); shash_add_nocopy(&port->bindings, vlan, ls); } } } sset_destroy(&pswitches); } static struct vtep_ctl_pswitch * find_pswitch(struct vtep_ctl_context *vtepctl_ctx, const char *name, bool must_exist) { struct vtep_ctl_pswitch *ps; ovs_assert(vtepctl_ctx->cache_valid); ps = shash_find_data(&vtepctl_ctx->pswitches, name); if (must_exist && !ps) { ctl_fatal("no physical switch named %s", name); } vteprec_global_verify_switches(vtepctl_ctx->vtep_global); return ps; } static struct vtep_ctl_port * find_port(struct vtep_ctl_context *vtepctl_ctx, const char *ps_name, const char *port_name, bool must_exist) { char *cache_name = xasprintf("%s+%s", ps_name, port_name); struct vtep_ctl_port *port; ovs_assert(vtepctl_ctx->cache_valid); port = shash_find_data(&vtepctl_ctx->ports, cache_name); if (port && !strcmp(port_name, port->ps->name)) { port = NULL; } free(cache_name); if (must_exist && !port) { ctl_fatal("no port named %s", port_name); } verify_ports(vtepctl_ctx); return port; } static void pswitch_insert_port(const struct vteprec_physical_switch *ps, struct vteprec_physical_port *port) { struct vteprec_physical_port **ports; size_t i; ports = xmalloc(sizeof *ps->ports * (ps->n_ports + 1)); for (i = 0; i < ps->n_ports; i++) { ports[i] = ps->ports[i]; } ports[ps->n_ports] = port; vteprec_physical_switch_set_ports(ps, ports, ps->n_ports + 1); free(ports); } static void pswitch_delete_port(const struct vteprec_physical_switch *ps, const struct vteprec_physical_port *port) { struct vteprec_physical_port **ports; size_t i, n; ports = xmalloc(sizeof *ps->ports * ps->n_ports); for (i = n = 0; i < ps->n_ports; i++) { if (ps->ports[i] != port) { ports[n++] = ps->ports[i]; } } vteprec_physical_switch_set_ports(ps, ports, n); free(ports); } static void vtep_insert_pswitch(const struct vteprec_global *vtep_global, struct vteprec_physical_switch *ps) { struct vteprec_physical_switch **pswitches; size_t i; pswitches = xmalloc(sizeof *vtep_global->switches * (vtep_global->n_switches + 1)); for (i = 0; i < vtep_global->n_switches; i++) { pswitches[i] = vtep_global->switches[i]; } pswitches[vtep_global->n_switches] = ps; vteprec_global_set_switches(vtep_global, pswitches, vtep_global->n_switches + 1); free(pswitches); } static void cmd_add_ps(struct ctl_context *ctx) { struct vtep_ctl_context *vtepctl_ctx = vtep_ctl_context_cast(ctx); const char *ps_name = ctx->argv[1]; bool may_exist = shash_find(&ctx->options, "--may-exist") != NULL; struct vteprec_physical_switch *ps; vtep_ctl_context_populate_cache(ctx); if (find_pswitch(vtepctl_ctx, ps_name, false)) { if (!may_exist) { ctl_fatal("cannot create physical switch %s because it " "already exists", ps_name); } return; } ps = vteprec_physical_switch_insert(ctx->txn); vteprec_physical_switch_set_name(ps, ps_name); vtep_insert_pswitch(vtepctl_ctx->vtep_global, ps); vtep_ctl_context_invalidate_cache(ctx); } static void del_port(struct vtep_ctl_context *vtepctl_ctx, struct vtep_ctl_port *port) { pswitch_delete_port(port->ps->ps_cfg, port->port_cfg); del_cached_port(vtepctl_ctx, port); } static void del_pswitch(struct vtep_ctl_context *vtepctl_ctx, struct vtep_ctl_pswitch *ps) { struct vtep_ctl_port *port, *next_port; LIST_FOR_EACH_SAFE (port, next_port, ports_node, &ps->ports) { del_port(vtepctl_ctx, port); } del_cached_pswitch(vtepctl_ctx, ps); } static void cmd_del_ps(struct ctl_context *ctx) { struct vtep_ctl_context *vtepctl_ctx = vtep_ctl_context_cast(ctx); bool must_exist = !shash_find(&ctx->options, "--if-exists"); struct vtep_ctl_pswitch *ps; vtep_ctl_context_populate_cache(ctx); ps = find_pswitch(vtepctl_ctx, ctx->argv[1], must_exist); if (ps) { del_pswitch(vtepctl_ctx, ps); } } static void output_sorted(struct svec *svec, struct ds *output) { const char *name; size_t i; svec_sort(svec); SVEC_FOR_EACH (i, name, svec) { ds_put_format(output, "%s\n", name); } } static void cmd_list_ps(struct ctl_context *ctx) { struct vtep_ctl_context *vtepctl_ctx = vtep_ctl_context_cast(ctx); struct shash_node *node; struct svec pswitches; vtep_ctl_context_populate_cache(ctx); svec_init(&pswitches); SHASH_FOR_EACH (node, &vtepctl_ctx->pswitches) { struct vtep_ctl_pswitch *ps = node->data; svec_add(&pswitches, ps->name); } output_sorted(&pswitches, &ctx->output); svec_destroy(&pswitches); } static void cmd_ps_exists(struct ctl_context *ctx) { struct vtep_ctl_context *vtepctl_ctx = vtep_ctl_context_cast(ctx); vtep_ctl_context_populate_cache(ctx); if (!find_pswitch(vtepctl_ctx, ctx->argv[1], false)) { vtep_ctl_exit(2); } } static void cmd_list_ports(struct ctl_context *ctx) { struct vtep_ctl_context *vtepctl_ctx = vtep_ctl_context_cast(ctx); struct vtep_ctl_pswitch *ps; struct vtep_ctl_port *port; struct svec ports; vtep_ctl_context_populate_cache(ctx); ps = find_pswitch(vtepctl_ctx, ctx->argv[1], true); vteprec_physical_switch_verify_ports(ps->ps_cfg); svec_init(&ports); LIST_FOR_EACH (port, ports_node, &ps->ports) { if (strcmp(port->port_cfg->name, ps->name)) { svec_add(&ports, port->port_cfg->name); } } output_sorted(&ports, &ctx->output); svec_destroy(&ports); } static void add_port(struct ctl_context *ctx, const char *ps_name, const char *port_name, bool may_exist) { struct vtep_ctl_context *vtepctl_ctx = vtep_ctl_context_cast(ctx); struct vtep_ctl_port *vtep_ctl_port; struct vtep_ctl_pswitch *ps; struct vteprec_physical_port *port; vtep_ctl_context_populate_cache(ctx); vtep_ctl_port = find_port(vtepctl_ctx, ps_name, port_name, false); if (vtep_ctl_port) { if (!may_exist) { ctl_fatal("cannot create a port named %s on %s because a " "port with that name already exists", port_name, ps_name); } return; } ps = find_pswitch(vtepctl_ctx, ps_name, true); port = vteprec_physical_port_insert(ctx->txn); vteprec_physical_port_set_name(port, port_name); pswitch_insert_port(ps->ps_cfg, port); add_port_to_cache(vtepctl_ctx, ps, port); } static void cmd_add_port(struct ctl_context *ctx) { bool may_exist = shash_find(&ctx->options, "--may-exist") != NULL; add_port(ctx, ctx->argv[1], ctx->argv[2], may_exist); } static void cmd_del_port(struct ctl_context *ctx) { struct vtep_ctl_context *vtepctl_ctx = vtep_ctl_context_cast(ctx); bool must_exist = !shash_find(&ctx->options, "--if-exists"); struct vtep_ctl_port *port; vtep_ctl_context_populate_cache(ctx); port = find_port(vtepctl_ctx, ctx->argv[1], ctx->argv[2], must_exist); if (port) { if (ctx->argc == 3) { struct vtep_ctl_pswitch *ps; ps = find_pswitch(vtepctl_ctx, ctx->argv[1], true); if (port->ps != ps) { ctl_fatal("physical switch %s does not have a port %s", ctx->argv[1], ctx->argv[2]); } } del_port(vtepctl_ctx, port); } } static struct vtep_ctl_lswitch * find_lswitch(struct vtep_ctl_context *vtepctl_ctx, const char *name, bool must_exist) { struct vtep_ctl_lswitch *ls; ovs_assert(vtepctl_ctx->cache_valid); ls = shash_find_data(&vtepctl_ctx->lswitches, name); if (must_exist && !ls) { ctl_fatal("no logical switch named %s", name); } return ls; } static void cmd_add_ls(struct ctl_context *ctx) { struct vtep_ctl_context *vtepctl_ctx = vtep_ctl_context_cast(ctx); const char *ls_name = ctx->argv[1]; bool may_exist = shash_find(&ctx->options, "--may-exist") != NULL; struct vteprec_logical_switch *ls; vtep_ctl_context_populate_cache(ctx); if (find_lswitch(vtepctl_ctx, ls_name, false)) { if (!may_exist) { ctl_fatal("cannot create logical switch %s because it " "already exists", ls_name); } return; } ls = vteprec_logical_switch_insert(ctx->txn); vteprec_logical_switch_set_name(ls, ls_name); vtep_ctl_context_invalidate_cache(ctx); } static void del_lswitch(struct vtep_ctl_context *vtepctl_ctx, struct vtep_ctl_lswitch *ls) { del_cached_lswitch(vtepctl_ctx, ls); } static void cmd_del_ls(struct ctl_context *ctx) { struct vtep_ctl_context *vtepctl_ctx = vtep_ctl_context_cast(ctx); bool must_exist = !shash_find(&ctx->options, "--if-exists"); struct vtep_ctl_lswitch *ls; vtep_ctl_context_populate_cache(ctx); ls = find_lswitch(vtepctl_ctx, ctx->argv[1], must_exist); if (ls) { del_lswitch(vtepctl_ctx, ls); } } static void cmd_list_ls(struct ctl_context *ctx) { struct vtep_ctl_context *vtepctl_ctx = vtep_ctl_context_cast(ctx); struct shash_node *node; struct svec lswitches; vtep_ctl_context_populate_cache(ctx); svec_init(&lswitches); SHASH_FOR_EACH (node, &vtepctl_ctx->lswitches) { struct vtep_ctl_lswitch *ls = node->data; svec_add(&lswitches, ls->name); } output_sorted(&lswitches, &ctx->output); svec_destroy(&lswitches); } static void cmd_ls_exists(struct ctl_context *ctx) { struct vtep_ctl_context *vtepctl_ctx = vtep_ctl_context_cast(ctx); vtep_ctl_context_populate_cache(ctx); if (!find_lswitch(vtepctl_ctx, ctx->argv[1], false)) { vtep_ctl_exit(2); } } static void cmd_list_bindings(struct ctl_context *ctx) { struct vtep_ctl_context *vtepctl_ctx = vtep_ctl_context_cast(ctx); const struct shash_node *node; struct vtep_ctl_port *port; struct svec bindings; vtep_ctl_context_populate_cache(ctx); port = find_port(vtepctl_ctx, ctx->argv[1], ctx->argv[2], true); svec_init(&bindings); SHASH_FOR_EACH (node, &port->bindings) { struct vtep_ctl_lswitch *lswitch = node->data; char *binding; binding = xasprintf("%04lld %s", strtoll(node->name, NULL, 0), lswitch->name); svec_add_nocopy(&bindings, binding); } output_sorted(&bindings, &ctx->output); svec_destroy(&bindings); } static void cmd_bind_ls(struct ctl_context *ctx) { struct vtep_ctl_context *vtepctl_ctx = vtep_ctl_context_cast(ctx); struct vtep_ctl_lswitch *ls; struct vtep_ctl_port *port; const char *vlan; vtep_ctl_context_populate_cache(ctx); port = find_port(vtepctl_ctx, ctx->argv[1], ctx->argv[2], true); vlan = ctx->argv[3]; ls = find_lswitch(vtepctl_ctx, ctx->argv[4], true); add_ls_binding_to_cache(port, vlan, ls); commit_ls_bindings(port); vtep_ctl_context_invalidate_cache(ctx); } static void cmd_unbind_ls(struct ctl_context *ctx) { struct vtep_ctl_context *vtepctl_ctx = vtep_ctl_context_cast(ctx); struct vtep_ctl_port *port; const char *vlan; vtep_ctl_context_populate_cache(ctx); port = find_port(vtepctl_ctx, ctx->argv[1], ctx->argv[2], true); vlan = ctx->argv[3]; del_cached_ls_binding(port, vlan); commit_ls_bindings(port); vtep_ctl_context_invalidate_cache(ctx); } static void cmd_set_replication_mode(struct ctl_context *ctx) { struct vtep_ctl_context *vtepctl_ctx = vtep_ctl_context_cast(ctx); struct vtep_ctl_lswitch *ls; const char *ls_name = ctx->argv[1]; vtep_ctl_context_populate_cache(ctx); if (strcmp(ctx->argv[2], "service_node") && strcmp(ctx->argv[2], "source_node")) { ctl_fatal("Replication mode must be 'service_node' or 'source_node'"); } ls = find_lswitch(vtepctl_ctx, ls_name, true); vteprec_logical_switch_set_replication_mode(ls->ls_cfg, ctx->argv[2]); vtep_ctl_context_invalidate_cache(ctx); } static void cmd_get_replication_mode(struct ctl_context *ctx) { struct vtep_ctl_context *vtepctl_ctx = vtep_ctl_context_cast(ctx); struct vtep_ctl_lswitch *ls; const char *ls_name = ctx->argv[1]; vtep_ctl_context_populate_cache(ctx); ls = find_lswitch(vtepctl_ctx, ls_name, true); ds_put_format(&ctx->output, "%s\n", ls->ls_cfg->replication_mode); } static struct vtep_ctl_lrouter * find_lrouter(struct vtep_ctl_context *vtepctl_ctx, const char *name, bool must_exist) { struct vtep_ctl_lrouter *lr; ovs_assert(vtepctl_ctx->cache_valid); lr = shash_find_data(&vtepctl_ctx->lrouters, name); if (must_exist && !lr) { ctl_fatal("no logical router named %s", name); } return lr; } static void cmd_add_lr(struct ctl_context *ctx) { struct vtep_ctl_context *vtepctl_ctx = vtep_ctl_context_cast(ctx); const char *lr_name = ctx->argv[1]; bool may_exist = shash_find(&ctx->options, "--may-exist") != NULL; struct vteprec_logical_router *lr; vtep_ctl_context_populate_cache(ctx); if (find_lrouter(vtepctl_ctx, lr_name, false)) { if (!may_exist) { ctl_fatal("cannot create logical router %s because it " "already exists", lr_name); } return; } lr = vteprec_logical_router_insert(ctx->txn); vteprec_logical_router_set_name(lr, lr_name); vtep_ctl_context_invalidate_cache(ctx); } static void del_lrouter(struct vtep_ctl_context *vtepctl_ctx, struct vtep_ctl_lrouter *lr) { del_cached_lrouter(vtepctl_ctx, lr); } static void cmd_del_lr(struct ctl_context *ctx) { struct vtep_ctl_context *vtepctl_ctx = vtep_ctl_context_cast(ctx); bool must_exist = !shash_find(&ctx->options, "--if-exists"); struct vtep_ctl_lrouter *lr; vtep_ctl_context_populate_cache(ctx); lr = find_lrouter(vtepctl_ctx, ctx->argv[1], must_exist); if (lr) { del_lrouter(vtepctl_ctx, lr); } } static void cmd_list_lr(struct ctl_context *ctx) { struct vtep_ctl_context *vtepctl_ctx = vtep_ctl_context_cast(ctx); struct shash_node *node; struct svec lrouters; vtep_ctl_context_populate_cache(ctx); svec_init(&lrouters); SHASH_FOR_EACH (node, &vtepctl_ctx->lrouters) { struct vtep_ctl_lrouter *lr = node->data; svec_add(&lrouters, lr->name); } output_sorted(&lrouters, &ctx->output); svec_destroy(&lrouters); } static void cmd_lr_exists(struct ctl_context *ctx) { struct vtep_ctl_context *vtepctl_ctx = vtep_ctl_context_cast(ctx); vtep_ctl_context_populate_cache(ctx); if (!find_lrouter(vtepctl_ctx, ctx->argv[1], false)) { vtep_ctl_exit(2); } } static void add_ucast_entry(struct ctl_context *ctx, bool local) { struct vtep_ctl_context *vtepctl_ctx = vtep_ctl_context_cast(ctx); struct vtep_ctl_lswitch *ls; const char *mac; const char *encap; const char *dst_ip; struct vteprec_physical_locator *ploc_cfg; vtep_ctl_context_populate_cache(ctx); ls = find_lswitch(vtepctl_ctx, ctx->argv[1], true); mac = ctx->argv[2]; if (ctx->argc == 4) { encap = "vxlan_over_ipv4"; dst_ip = ctx->argv[3]; } else { encap = ctx->argv[3]; dst_ip = ctx->argv[4]; } ploc_cfg = find_ploc(vtepctl_ctx, encap, dst_ip); if (!ploc_cfg) { ploc_cfg = vteprec_physical_locator_insert(ctx->txn); vteprec_physical_locator_set_dst_ip(ploc_cfg, dst_ip); vteprec_physical_locator_set_encapsulation_type(ploc_cfg, encap); add_ploc_to_cache(vtepctl_ctx, ploc_cfg); } if (local) { struct vteprec_ucast_macs_local *ucast_cfg; ucast_cfg = shash_find_data(&ls->ucast_local, mac); if (!ucast_cfg) { ucast_cfg = vteprec_ucast_macs_local_insert(ctx->txn); vteprec_ucast_macs_local_set_MAC(ucast_cfg, mac); vteprec_ucast_macs_local_set_logical_switch(ucast_cfg, ls->ls_cfg); shash_add(&ls->ucast_local, mac, ucast_cfg); } vteprec_ucast_macs_local_set_locator(ucast_cfg, ploc_cfg); } else { struct vteprec_ucast_macs_remote *ucast_cfg; ucast_cfg = shash_find_data(&ls->ucast_remote, mac); if (!ucast_cfg) { ucast_cfg = vteprec_ucast_macs_remote_insert(ctx->txn); vteprec_ucast_macs_remote_set_MAC(ucast_cfg, mac); vteprec_ucast_macs_remote_set_logical_switch(ucast_cfg, ls->ls_cfg); shash_add(&ls->ucast_remote, mac, ucast_cfg); } vteprec_ucast_macs_remote_set_locator(ucast_cfg, ploc_cfg); } vtep_ctl_context_invalidate_cache(ctx); } static void cmd_add_ucast_local(struct ctl_context *ctx) { add_ucast_entry(ctx, true); } static void cmd_add_ucast_remote(struct ctl_context *ctx) { add_ucast_entry(ctx, false); } static void del_ucast_entry(struct ctl_context *ctx, bool local) { struct vtep_ctl_context *vtepctl_ctx = vtep_ctl_context_cast(ctx); struct vtep_ctl_lswitch *ls; struct shash *ucast_shash; struct shash_node *node; vtep_ctl_context_populate_cache(ctx); ls = find_lswitch(vtepctl_ctx, ctx->argv[1], true); ucast_shash = local ? &ls->ucast_local : &ls->ucast_remote; node = shash_find(ucast_shash, ctx->argv[2]); if (!node) { return; } if (local) { struct vteprec_ucast_macs_local *ucast_cfg = node->data; vteprec_ucast_macs_local_delete(ucast_cfg); } else { struct vteprec_ucast_macs_remote *ucast_cfg = node->data; vteprec_ucast_macs_remote_delete(ucast_cfg); } shash_delete(ucast_shash, node); vtep_ctl_context_invalidate_cache(ctx); } static void cmd_del_ucast_local(struct ctl_context *ctx) { del_ucast_entry(ctx, true); } static void cmd_del_ucast_remote(struct ctl_context *ctx) { del_ucast_entry(ctx, false); } static void commit_mcast_entries(struct vtep_ctl_mcast_mac *mcast_mac) { struct vtep_ctl_ploc *ploc; struct vteprec_physical_locator **locators = NULL; size_t n_locators; int i; n_locators = ovs_list_size(&mcast_mac->locators); ovs_assert(n_locators); locators = xmalloc(n_locators * sizeof *locators); i = 0; LIST_FOR_EACH (ploc, locators_node, &mcast_mac->locators) { locators[i] = (struct vteprec_physical_locator *)ploc->ploc_cfg; i++; } vteprec_physical_locator_set_set_locators(mcast_mac->ploc_set_cfg, locators, n_locators); free(locators); } static void add_mcast_entry(struct ctl_context *ctx, struct vtep_ctl_lswitch *ls, const char *mac, const char *encap, const char *dst_ip, bool local) { struct vtep_ctl_context *vtepctl_ctx = vtep_ctl_context_cast(ctx); struct shash *mcast_shash; struct vtep_ctl_mcast_mac *mcast_mac; struct vteprec_physical_locator *ploc_cfg; struct vteprec_physical_locator_set *ploc_set_cfg; mcast_shash = local ? &ls->mcast_local : &ls->mcast_remote; /* Physical locator sets are immutable, so allocate a new one. */ ploc_set_cfg = vteprec_physical_locator_set_insert(ctx->txn); mcast_mac = shash_find_data(mcast_shash, mac); if (!mcast_mac) { mcast_mac = add_mcast_mac_to_cache(vtepctl_ctx, ls, mac, ploc_set_cfg, local); if (local) { mcast_mac->local_cfg = vteprec_mcast_macs_local_insert(ctx->txn); vteprec_mcast_macs_local_set_MAC(mcast_mac->local_cfg, mac); vteprec_mcast_macs_local_set_locator_set(mcast_mac->local_cfg, ploc_set_cfg); vteprec_mcast_macs_local_set_logical_switch(mcast_mac->local_cfg, ls->ls_cfg); mcast_mac->remote_cfg = NULL; } else { mcast_mac->remote_cfg = vteprec_mcast_macs_remote_insert(ctx->txn); vteprec_mcast_macs_remote_set_MAC(mcast_mac->remote_cfg, mac); vteprec_mcast_macs_remote_set_locator_set(mcast_mac->remote_cfg, ploc_set_cfg); vteprec_mcast_macs_remote_set_logical_switch(mcast_mac->remote_cfg, ls->ls_cfg); mcast_mac->local_cfg = NULL; } } else { mcast_mac->ploc_set_cfg = ploc_set_cfg; if (local) { vteprec_mcast_macs_local_set_locator_set(mcast_mac->local_cfg, ploc_set_cfg); } else { vteprec_mcast_macs_remote_set_locator_set(mcast_mac->remote_cfg, ploc_set_cfg); } } ploc_cfg = find_ploc(vtepctl_ctx, encap, dst_ip); if (!ploc_cfg) { ploc_cfg = vteprec_physical_locator_insert(ctx->txn); vteprec_physical_locator_set_dst_ip(ploc_cfg, dst_ip); vteprec_physical_locator_set_encapsulation_type(ploc_cfg, encap); add_ploc_to_cache(vtepctl_ctx, ploc_cfg); } add_ploc_to_mcast_mac(mcast_mac, ploc_cfg); commit_mcast_entries(mcast_mac); } static void del_mcast_entry(struct ctl_context *ctx, struct vtep_ctl_lswitch *ls, const char *mac, const char *encap, const char *dst_ip, bool local) { struct vtep_ctl_context *vtepctl_ctx = vtep_ctl_context_cast(ctx); struct vtep_ctl_mcast_mac *mcast_mac; struct shash *mcast_shash; struct vteprec_physical_locator *ploc_cfg; struct vteprec_physical_locator_set *ploc_set_cfg; mcast_shash = local ? &ls->mcast_local : &ls->mcast_remote; mcast_mac = shash_find_data(mcast_shash, mac); if (!mcast_mac) { return; } ploc_cfg = find_ploc(vtepctl_ctx, encap, dst_ip); if (!ploc_cfg) { /* Couldn't find the physical locator, so just ignore. */ return; } /* Physical locator sets are immutable, so allocate a new one. */ ploc_set_cfg = vteprec_physical_locator_set_insert(ctx->txn); mcast_mac->ploc_set_cfg = ploc_set_cfg; del_ploc_from_mcast_mac(mcast_mac, ploc_cfg); if (ovs_list_is_empty(&mcast_mac->locators)) { struct shash_node *node = shash_find(mcast_shash, mac); vteprec_physical_locator_set_delete(ploc_set_cfg); if (local) { vteprec_mcast_macs_local_delete(mcast_mac->local_cfg); } else { vteprec_mcast_macs_remote_delete(mcast_mac->remote_cfg); } free(node->data); shash_delete(mcast_shash, node); } else { if (local) { vteprec_mcast_macs_local_set_locator_set(mcast_mac->local_cfg, ploc_set_cfg); } else { vteprec_mcast_macs_remote_set_locator_set(mcast_mac->remote_cfg, ploc_set_cfg); } commit_mcast_entries(mcast_mac); } } static void add_del_mcast_entry(struct ctl_context *ctx, bool add, bool local) { struct vtep_ctl_context *vtepctl_ctx = vtep_ctl_context_cast(ctx); struct vtep_ctl_lswitch *ls; const char *mac; const char *encap; const char *dst_ip; vtep_ctl_context_populate_cache(ctx); ls = find_lswitch(vtepctl_ctx, ctx->argv[1], true); mac = ctx->argv[2]; if (ctx->argc == 4) { encap = "vxlan_over_ipv4"; dst_ip = ctx->argv[3]; } else { encap = ctx->argv[3]; dst_ip = ctx->argv[4]; } if (add) { add_mcast_entry(ctx, ls, mac, encap, dst_ip, local); } else { del_mcast_entry(ctx, ls, mac, encap, dst_ip, local); } vtep_ctl_context_invalidate_cache(ctx); } static void cmd_add_mcast_local(struct ctl_context *ctx) { add_del_mcast_entry(ctx, true, true); } static void cmd_add_mcast_remote(struct ctl_context *ctx) { add_del_mcast_entry(ctx, true, false); } static void cmd_del_mcast_local(struct ctl_context *ctx) { add_del_mcast_entry(ctx, false, true); } static void cmd_del_mcast_remote(struct ctl_context *ctx) { add_del_mcast_entry(ctx, false, false); } static void clear_macs(struct ctl_context *ctx, bool local) { struct vtep_ctl_context *vtepctl_ctx = vtep_ctl_context_cast(ctx); struct vtep_ctl_lswitch *ls; const struct shash_node *node; struct shash *ucast_shash; struct shash *mcast_shash; vtep_ctl_context_populate_cache(ctx); ls = find_lswitch(vtepctl_ctx, ctx->argv[1], true); ucast_shash = local ? &ls->ucast_local : &ls->ucast_remote; mcast_shash = local ? &ls->mcast_local : &ls->mcast_remote; SHASH_FOR_EACH (node, ucast_shash) { if (local) { struct vteprec_ucast_macs_local *ucast_cfg = node->data; vteprec_ucast_macs_local_delete(ucast_cfg); } else { struct vteprec_ucast_macs_remote *ucast_cfg = node->data; vteprec_ucast_macs_remote_delete(ucast_cfg); } } SHASH_FOR_EACH (node, mcast_shash) { struct vtep_ctl_mcast_mac *mcast_mac = node->data; if (local) { vteprec_mcast_macs_local_delete(mcast_mac->local_cfg); } else { vteprec_mcast_macs_remote_delete(mcast_mac->remote_cfg); } } vtep_ctl_context_invalidate_cache(ctx); } static void cmd_clear_local_macs(struct ctl_context *ctx) { clear_macs(ctx, true); } static void cmd_clear_remote_macs(struct ctl_context *ctx) { clear_macs(ctx, false); } static void list_macs(struct ctl_context *ctx, bool local) { struct vtep_ctl_context *vtepctl_ctx = vtep_ctl_context_cast(ctx); struct vtep_ctl_lswitch *ls; const struct shash_node *node; struct shash *ucast_shash; struct svec ucast_macs; struct shash *mcast_shash; struct svec mcast_macs; vtep_ctl_context_populate_cache(ctx); ls = find_lswitch(vtepctl_ctx, ctx->argv[1], true); ucast_shash = local ? &ls->ucast_local : &ls->ucast_remote; mcast_shash = local ? &ls->mcast_local : &ls->mcast_remote; svec_init(&ucast_macs); SHASH_FOR_EACH (node, ucast_shash) { struct vteprec_ucast_macs_local *ucast_local = node->data; struct vteprec_ucast_macs_remote *ucast_remote = node->data; struct vteprec_physical_locator *ploc_cfg; char *entry; ploc_cfg = local ? ucast_local->locator : ucast_remote->locator; entry = xasprintf(" %s -> %s/%s", node->name, ploc_cfg->encapsulation_type, ploc_cfg->dst_ip); svec_add_nocopy(&ucast_macs, entry); } ds_put_format(&ctx->output, "ucast-mac-%s\n", local ? "local" : "remote"); output_sorted(&ucast_macs, &ctx->output); ds_put_char(&ctx->output, '\n'); svec_destroy(&ucast_macs); svec_init(&mcast_macs); SHASH_FOR_EACH (node, mcast_shash) { struct vtep_ctl_mcast_mac *mcast_mac = node->data; struct vtep_ctl_ploc *ploc; char *entry; LIST_FOR_EACH (ploc, locators_node, &mcast_mac->locators) { entry = xasprintf(" %s -> %s/%s", node->name, ploc->ploc_cfg->encapsulation_type, ploc->ploc_cfg->dst_ip); svec_add_nocopy(&mcast_macs, entry); } } ds_put_format(&ctx->output, "mcast-mac-%s\n", local ? "local" : "remote"); output_sorted(&mcast_macs, &ctx->output); ds_put_char(&ctx->output, '\n'); svec_destroy(&mcast_macs); } static void cmd_list_local_macs(struct ctl_context *ctx) { list_macs(ctx, true); } static void cmd_list_remote_macs(struct ctl_context *ctx) { list_macs(ctx, false); } static void verify_managers(const struct vteprec_global *vtep_global) { size_t i; vteprec_global_verify_managers(vtep_global); for (i = 0; i < vtep_global->n_managers; ++i) { const struct vteprec_manager *mgr = vtep_global->managers[i]; vteprec_manager_verify_target(mgr); } } static void pre_manager(struct ctl_context *ctx) { ovsdb_idl_add_column(ctx->idl, &vteprec_global_col_managers); ovsdb_idl_add_column(ctx->idl, &vteprec_manager_col_target); } static void cmd_get_manager(struct ctl_context *ctx) { struct vtep_ctl_context *vtepctl_ctx = vtep_ctl_context_cast(ctx); const struct vteprec_global *vtep_global = vtepctl_ctx->vtep_global; struct svec targets; size_t i; verify_managers(vtep_global); /* Print the targets in sorted order for reproducibility. */ svec_init(&targets); for (i = 0; i < vtep_global->n_managers; i++) { svec_add(&targets, vtep_global->managers[i]->target); } svec_sort_unique(&targets); for (i = 0; i < targets.n; i++) { ds_put_format(&ctx->output, "%s\n", targets.names[i]); } svec_destroy(&targets); } static void delete_managers(const struct vtep_ctl_context *vtepctl_ctx) { const struct vteprec_global *vtep_global = vtepctl_ctx->vtep_global; size_t i; /* Delete Manager rows pointed to by 'managers' column. */ for (i = 0; i < vtep_global->n_managers; i++) { vteprec_manager_delete(vtep_global->managers[i]); } /* Delete 'Manager' row refs in 'managers' column. */ vteprec_global_set_managers(vtep_global, NULL, 0); } static void cmd_del_manager(struct ctl_context *ctx) { struct vtep_ctl_context *vtepctl_ctx = vtep_ctl_context_cast(ctx); const struct vteprec_global *vtep_global = vtepctl_ctx->vtep_global; verify_managers(vtep_global); delete_managers(vtepctl_ctx); } static void insert_managers(struct vtep_ctl_context *vtepctl_ctx, char *targets[], size_t n) { struct vteprec_manager **managers; size_t i; /* Insert each manager in a new row in Manager table. */ managers = xmalloc(n * sizeof *managers); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { if (stream_verify_name(targets[i]) && pstream_verify_name(targets[i])) { VLOG_WARN("target type \"%s\" is possibly erroneous", targets[i]); } managers[i] = vteprec_manager_insert(vtepctl_ctx->base.txn); vteprec_manager_set_target(managers[i], targets[i]); } /* Store uuids of new Manager rows in 'managers' column. */ vteprec_global_set_managers(vtepctl_ctx->vtep_global, managers, n); free(managers); } static void cmd_set_manager(struct ctl_context *ctx) { struct vtep_ctl_context *vtepctl_ctx = vtep_ctl_context_cast(ctx); const size_t n = ctx->argc - 1; verify_managers(vtepctl_ctx->vtep_global); delete_managers(vtepctl_ctx); insert_managers(vtepctl_ctx, &ctx->argv[1], n); } /* Parameter commands. */ static const struct ctl_table_class tables[VTEPREC_N_TABLES] = { [VTEPREC_TABLE_LOGICAL_SWITCH].row_ids[0] = {&vteprec_logical_switch_col_name, NULL, NULL}, [VTEPREC_TABLE_MANAGER].row_ids[0] = {&vteprec_manager_col_target, NULL, NULL}, [VTEPREC_TABLE_PHYSICAL_PORT].row_ids[0] = {&vteprec_physical_port_col_name, NULL, NULL}, [VTEPREC_TABLE_PHYSICAL_SWITCH].row_ids[0] = {&vteprec_physical_switch_col_name, NULL, NULL}, [VTEPREC_TABLE_LOGICAL_ROUTER].row_ids[0] = {&vteprec_logical_router_col_name, NULL, NULL}, }; static void vtep_ctl_context_init_command(struct vtep_ctl_context *vtepctl_ctx, struct ctl_command *command) { ctl_context_init_command(&vtepctl_ctx->base, command); vtepctl_ctx->verified_ports = false; } static void vtep_ctl_context_init(struct vtep_ctl_context *vtepctl_ctx, struct ctl_command *command, struct ovsdb_idl *idl, struct ovsdb_idl_txn *txn, const struct vteprec_global *vtep_global, struct ovsdb_symbol_table *symtab) { ctl_context_init(&vtepctl_ctx->base, command, idl, txn, symtab, vtep_ctl_context_invalidate_cache); if (command) { vtepctl_ctx->verified_ports = false; } vtepctl_ctx->vtep_global = vtep_global; vtepctl_ctx->cache_valid = false; } static void vtep_ctl_context_done_command(struct vtep_ctl_context *vtepctl_ctx, struct ctl_command *command) { ctl_context_done_command(&vtepctl_ctx->base, command); } static void vtep_ctl_context_done(struct vtep_ctl_context *vtepctl_ctx, struct ctl_command *command) { ctl_context_done(&vtepctl_ctx->base, command); } static void run_prerequisites(struct ctl_command *commands, size_t n_commands, struct ovsdb_idl *idl) { struct ctl_command *c; ovsdb_idl_add_table(idl, &vteprec_table_global); for (c = commands; c < &commands[n_commands]; c++) { if (c->syntax->prerequisites) { struct vtep_ctl_context vtepctl_ctx; ds_init(&c->output); c->table = NULL; vtep_ctl_context_init(&vtepctl_ctx, c, idl, NULL, NULL, NULL); (c->syntax->prerequisites)(&vtepctl_ctx.base); vtep_ctl_context_done(&vtepctl_ctx, c); ovs_assert(!c->output.string); ovs_assert(!c->table); } } } static void do_vtep_ctl(const char *args, struct ctl_command *commands, size_t n_commands, struct ovsdb_idl *idl) { struct ovsdb_idl_txn *txn; const struct vteprec_global *vtep_global; enum ovsdb_idl_txn_status status; struct ovsdb_symbol_table *symtab; struct vtep_ctl_context vtepctl_ctx; struct ctl_command *c; struct shash_node *node; char *error = NULL; txn = the_idl_txn = ovsdb_idl_txn_create(idl); if (dry_run) { ovsdb_idl_txn_set_dry_run(txn); } ovsdb_idl_txn_add_comment(txn, "vtep-ctl: %s", args); vtep_global = vteprec_global_first(idl); if (!vtep_global) { /* XXX add verification that table is empty */ vtep_global = vteprec_global_insert(txn); } symtab = ovsdb_symbol_table_create(); for (c = commands; c < &commands[n_commands]; c++) { ds_init(&c->output); c->table = NULL; } vtep_ctl_context_init(&vtepctl_ctx, NULL, idl, txn, vtep_global, symtab); for (c = commands; c < &commands[n_commands]; c++) { vtep_ctl_context_init_command(&vtepctl_ctx, c); if (c->syntax->run) { (c->syntax->run)(&vtepctl_ctx.base); } vtep_ctl_context_done_command(&vtepctl_ctx, c); if (vtepctl_ctx.base.try_again) { vtep_ctl_context_done(&vtepctl_ctx, NULL); goto try_again; } } vtep_ctl_context_done(&vtepctl_ctx, NULL); SHASH_FOR_EACH (node, &symtab->sh) { struct ovsdb_symbol *symbol = node->data; if (!symbol->created) { ctl_fatal("row id \"%s\" is referenced but never created " "(e.g. with \"-- --id=%s create ...\")", node->name, node->name); } if (!symbol->strong_ref) { if (!symbol->weak_ref) { VLOG_WARN("row id \"%s\" was created but no reference to it " "was inserted, so it will not actually appear in " "the database", node->name); } else { VLOG_WARN("row id \"%s\" was created but only a weak " "reference to it was inserted, so it will not " "actually appear in the database", node->name); } } } status = ovsdb_idl_txn_commit_block(txn); if (status == TXN_UNCHANGED || status == TXN_SUCCESS) { for (c = commands; c < &commands[n_commands]; c++) { if (c->syntax->postprocess) { vtep_ctl_context_init(&vtepctl_ctx, c, idl, txn, vtep_global, symtab); (c->syntax->postprocess)(&vtepctl_ctx.base); vtep_ctl_context_done(&vtepctl_ctx, c); } } } error = xstrdup(ovsdb_idl_txn_get_error(txn)); ovsdb_idl_txn_destroy(txn); txn = the_idl_txn = NULL; switch (status) { case TXN_UNCOMMITTED: case TXN_INCOMPLETE: OVS_NOT_REACHED(); case TXN_ABORTED: /* Should not happen--we never call ovsdb_idl_txn_abort(). */ ctl_fatal("transaction aborted"); case TXN_UNCHANGED: case TXN_SUCCESS: break; case TXN_TRY_AGAIN: goto try_again; case TXN_ERROR: ctl_fatal("transaction error: %s", error); case TXN_NOT_LOCKED: /* Should not happen--we never call ovsdb_idl_set_lock(). */ ctl_fatal("database not locked"); default: OVS_NOT_REACHED(); } free(error); ovsdb_symbol_table_destroy(symtab); for (c = commands; c < &commands[n_commands]; c++) { struct ds *ds = &c->output; if (c->table) { table_print(c->table, &table_style); } else if (oneline) { size_t j; ds_chomp(ds, '\n'); for (j = 0; j < ds->length; j++) { int ch = ds->string[j]; switch (ch) { case '\n': fputs("\\n", stdout); break; case '\\': fputs("\\\\", stdout); break; default: putchar(ch); } } putchar('\n'); } else { fputs(ds_cstr(ds), stdout); } ds_destroy(&c->output); table_destroy(c->table); free(c->table); shash_destroy_free_data(&c->options); } free(commands); ovsdb_idl_destroy(idl); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); try_again: /* Our transaction needs to be rerun, or a prerequisite was not met. Free * resources and return so that the caller can try again. */ if (txn) { ovsdb_idl_txn_abort(txn); ovsdb_idl_txn_destroy(txn); } ovsdb_symbol_table_destroy(symtab); for (c = commands; c < &commands[n_commands]; c++) { ds_destroy(&c->output); table_destroy(c->table); free(c->table); } free(error); } static const struct ctl_command_syntax vtep_commands[] = { /* Physical Switch commands. */ {"add-ps", 1, 1, NULL, pre_get_info, cmd_add_ps, NULL, "--may-exist", RW}, {"del-ps", 1, 1, NULL, pre_get_info, cmd_del_ps, NULL, "--if-exists", RW}, {"list-ps", 0, 0, NULL, pre_get_info, cmd_list_ps, NULL, "", RO}, {"ps-exists", 1, 1, NULL, pre_get_info, cmd_ps_exists, NULL, "", RO}, /* Port commands. */ {"list-ports", 1, 1, NULL, pre_get_info, cmd_list_ports, NULL, "", RO}, {"add-port", 2, 2, NULL, pre_get_info, cmd_add_port, NULL, "--may-exist", RW}, {"del-port", 2, 2, NULL, pre_get_info, cmd_del_port, NULL, "--if-exists", RW}, /* Logical Switch commands. */ {"add-ls", 1, 1, NULL, pre_get_info, cmd_add_ls, NULL, "--may-exist", RW}, {"del-ls", 1, 1, NULL, pre_get_info, cmd_del_ls, NULL, "--if-exists", RW}, {"list-ls", 0, 0, NULL, pre_get_info, cmd_list_ls, NULL, "", RO}, {"ls-exists", 1, 1, NULL, pre_get_info, cmd_ls_exists, NULL, "", RO}, {"list-bindings", 2, 2, NULL, pre_get_info, cmd_list_bindings, NULL, "", RO}, {"bind-ls", 4, 4, NULL, pre_get_info, cmd_bind_ls, NULL, "", RO}, {"unbind-ls", 3, 3, NULL, pre_get_info, cmd_unbind_ls, NULL, "", RO}, {"set-replication-mode", 2, 2, "LS MODE", pre_get_info, cmd_set_replication_mode, NULL, "", RW}, {"get-replication-mode", 1, 1, "LS", pre_get_info, cmd_get_replication_mode, NULL, "", RO}, /* Logical Router commands. */ {"add-lr", 1, 1, NULL, pre_get_info, cmd_add_lr, NULL, "--may-exist", RW}, {"del-lr", 1, 1, NULL, pre_get_info, cmd_del_lr, NULL, "--if-exists", RW}, {"list-lr", 0, 0, NULL, pre_get_info, cmd_list_lr, NULL, "", RO}, {"lr-exists", 1, 1, NULL, pre_get_info, cmd_lr_exists, NULL, "", RO}, /* MAC binding commands. */ {"add-ucast-local", 3, 4, NULL, pre_get_info, cmd_add_ucast_local, NULL, "", RW}, {"del-ucast-local", 2, 2, NULL, pre_get_info, cmd_del_ucast_local, NULL, "", RW}, {"add-mcast-local", 3, 4, NULL, pre_get_info, cmd_add_mcast_local, NULL, "", RW}, {"del-mcast-local", 3, 4, NULL, pre_get_info, cmd_del_mcast_local, NULL, "", RW}, {"clear-local-macs", 1, 1, NULL, pre_get_info, cmd_clear_local_macs, NULL, "", RO}, {"list-local-macs", 1, 1, NULL, pre_get_info, cmd_list_local_macs, NULL, "", RO}, {"add-ucast-remote", 3, 4, NULL, pre_get_info, cmd_add_ucast_remote, NULL, "", RW}, {"del-ucast-remote", 2, 2, NULL, pre_get_info, cmd_del_ucast_remote, NULL, "", RW}, {"add-mcast-remote", 3, 4, NULL, pre_get_info, cmd_add_mcast_remote, NULL, "", RW}, {"del-mcast-remote", 3, 4, NULL, pre_get_info, cmd_del_mcast_remote, NULL, "", RW}, {"clear-remote-macs", 1, 1, NULL, pre_get_info, cmd_clear_remote_macs, NULL, "", RO}, {"list-remote-macs", 1, 1, NULL, pre_get_info, cmd_list_remote_macs, NULL, "", RO}, /* Manager commands. */ {"get-manager", 0, 0, NULL, pre_manager, cmd_get_manager, NULL, "", RO}, {"del-manager", 0, 0, NULL, pre_manager, cmd_del_manager, NULL, "", RW}, {"set-manager", 1, INT_MAX, NULL, pre_manager, cmd_set_manager, NULL, "", RW}, {NULL, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, RO}, }; /* Registers vsctl and common db commands. */ static void vtep_ctl_cmd_init(void) { ctl_init(vteprec_table_classes, tables, cmd_show_tables, vtep_ctl_exit); ctl_register_commands(vtep_commands); }