/* * firewall3 - 3rd OpenWrt UCI firewall implementation * * Copyright (C) 2013-2014 Jo-Philipp Wich * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES * WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR * ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES * WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN * ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF * OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. */ #ifndef __FW3_OPTIONS_H #define __FW3_OPTIONS_H #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define _LINUX_IN_H #define _LINUX_IN6_H #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "icmp_codes.h" #include "utils.h" enum fw3_table { FW3_TABLE_FILTER = 0, FW3_TABLE_NAT = 1, FW3_TABLE_MANGLE = 2, FW3_TABLE_RAW = 3, }; enum fw3_family { FW3_FAMILY_ANY = 0, FW3_FAMILY_V4 = 4, FW3_FAMILY_V6 = 5, }; enum fw3_flag { FW3_FLAG_UNSPEC = 0, FW3_FLAG_ACCEPT = 6, FW3_FLAG_REJECT = 7, FW3_FLAG_DROP = 8, FW3_FLAG_NOTRACK = 9, FW3_FLAG_HELPER = 10, FW3_FLAG_MARK = 11, FW3_FLAG_DNAT = 12, FW3_FLAG_SNAT = 13, FW3_FLAG_MASQUERADE = 14, FW3_FLAG_SRC_ACCEPT = 15, FW3_FLAG_SRC_REJECT = 16, FW3_FLAG_SRC_DROP = 17, FW3_FLAG_CUSTOM_CHAINS = 18, FW3_FLAG_SYN_FLOOD = 19, FW3_FLAG_MTU_FIX = 20, FW3_FLAG_DROP_INVALID = 21, FW3_FLAG_HOTPLUG = 22, __FW3_FLAG_MAX }; enum fw3_reject_code { FW3_REJECT_CODE_TCP_RESET = 0, FW3_REJECT_CODE_PORT_UNREACH = 1, FW3_REJECT_CODE_ADM_PROHIBITED = 2, __FW3_REJECT_CODE_MAX }; extern const char *fw3_flag_names[__FW3_FLAG_MAX]; enum fw3_limit_unit { FW3_LIMIT_UNIT_SECOND = 0, FW3_LIMIT_UNIT_MINUTE = 1, FW3_LIMIT_UNIT_HOUR = 2, FW3_LIMIT_UNIT_DAY = 3, __FW3_LIMIT_UNIT_MAX }; extern const char *fw3_limit_units[__FW3_LIMIT_UNIT_MAX]; enum fw3_ipset_method { FW3_IPSET_METHOD_UNSPEC = 0, FW3_IPSET_METHOD_BITMAP = 1, FW3_IPSET_METHOD_HASH = 2, FW3_IPSET_METHOD_LIST = 3, __FW3_IPSET_METHOD_MAX }; enum fw3_ipset_type { FW3_IPSET_TYPE_UNSPEC = 0, FW3_IPSET_TYPE_IP = 1, FW3_IPSET_TYPE_PORT = 2, FW3_IPSET_TYPE_MAC = 3, FW3_IPSET_TYPE_NET = 4, FW3_IPSET_TYPE_SET = 5, __FW3_IPSET_TYPE_MAX }; extern const char *fw3_ipset_method_names[__FW3_IPSET_METHOD_MAX]; extern const char *fw3_ipset_type_names[__FW3_IPSET_TYPE_MAX]; enum fw3_include_type { FW3_INC_TYPE_SCRIPT = 0, FW3_INC_TYPE_RESTORE = 1, }; enum fw3_reflection_source { FW3_REFLECTION_INTERNAL = 0, FW3_REFLECTION_EXTERNAL = 1, }; struct fw3_ipset_datatype { struct list_head list; enum fw3_ipset_type type; const char *dir; }; struct fw3_setmatch { bool set; bool invert; char name[32]; const char *dir[3]; struct fw3_ipset *ptr; }; struct fw3_device { struct list_head list; bool set; bool any; bool invert; char name[32]; char network[32]; }; struct fw3_address { struct list_head list; bool set; bool range; bool invert; bool resolved; enum fw3_family family; union { struct in_addr v4; struct in6_addr v6; struct ether_addr mac; } address; union { struct in_addr v4; struct in6_addr v6; struct ether_addr mac; } mask; }; struct fw3_mac { struct list_head list; bool set; bool invert; struct ether_addr mac; }; struct fw3_protocol { struct list_head list; bool any; bool invert; uint32_t protocol; }; struct fw3_port { struct list_head list; bool set; bool invert; uint16_t port_min; uint16_t port_max; }; struct fw3_icmptype { struct list_head list; bool invert; enum fw3_family family; uint8_t type; uint8_t code_min; uint8_t code_max; uint8_t type6; uint8_t code6_min; uint8_t code6_max; }; struct fw3_limit { bool invert; int rate; int burst; enum fw3_limit_unit unit; }; struct fw3_time { bool utc; struct tm datestart; struct tm datestop; uint32_t timestart; uint32_t timestop; uint32_t monthdays; /* bit 0 is invert + 1 .. 31 */ uint8_t weekdays; /* bit 0 is invert + 1 .. 7 */ }; struct fw3_mark { bool set; bool invert; uint32_t mark; uint32_t mask; }; struct fw3_cthelpermatch { struct list_head list; bool set; bool invert; char name[32]; struct fw3_cthelper *ptr; }; struct fw3_defaults { enum fw3_flag policy_input; enum fw3_flag policy_output; enum fw3_flag policy_forward; bool drop_invalid; enum fw3_reject_code tcp_reject_code; enum fw3_reject_code any_reject_code; bool syn_flood; struct fw3_limit syn_flood_rate; bool tcp_syncookies; int tcp_ecn; bool tcp_window_scaling; bool accept_redirects; bool accept_source_route; bool custom_chains; bool auto_helper; bool flow_offloading; bool flow_offloading_hw; bool disable_ipv6; uint32_t flags[2]; }; struct fw3_zone { struct list_head list; bool enabled; const char *name; enum fw3_family family; enum fw3_flag policy_input; enum fw3_flag policy_output; enum fw3_flag policy_forward; struct list_head networks; struct list_head devices; struct list_head subnets; const char *extra_src; const char *extra_dest; bool masq; bool masq_allow_invalid; struct list_head masq_src; struct list_head masq_dest; bool mtu_fix; struct list_head cthelpers; int log; struct fw3_limit log_limit; bool custom_chains; bool auto_helper; uint32_t flags[2]; struct list_head old_addrs; }; struct fw3_rule { struct list_head list; bool enabled; const char *name; enum fw3_family family; struct fw3_zone *_src; struct fw3_zone *_dest; const char *device; bool direction_out; struct fw3_device src; struct fw3_device dest; struct fw3_setmatch ipset; struct fw3_cthelpermatch helper; struct list_head proto; struct list_head ip_src; struct list_head mac_src; struct list_head port_src; struct list_head ip_dest; struct list_head port_dest; struct list_head icmp_type; struct fw3_limit limit; struct fw3_time time; struct fw3_mark mark; enum fw3_flag target; struct fw3_mark set_mark; struct fw3_mark set_xmark; struct fw3_cthelpermatch set_helper; const char *extra; }; struct fw3_redirect { struct list_head list; bool enabled; const char *name; enum fw3_family family; struct fw3_zone *_src; struct fw3_zone *_dest; struct fw3_device src; struct fw3_device dest; struct fw3_setmatch ipset; struct fw3_cthelpermatch helper; struct list_head proto; struct fw3_address ip_src; struct list_head mac_src; struct fw3_port port_src; struct fw3_address ip_dest; struct fw3_port port_dest; struct fw3_address ip_redir; struct fw3_port port_redir; struct fw3_limit limit; struct fw3_time time; struct fw3_mark mark; enum fw3_flag target; const char *extra; bool local; bool reflection; enum fw3_reflection_source reflection_src; }; struct fw3_snat { struct list_head list; bool enabled; const char *name; enum fw3_family family; struct fw3_zone *_src; struct fw3_device src; struct fw3_setmatch ipset; struct fw3_cthelpermatch helper; const char *device; struct list_head proto; struct fw3_address ip_src; struct fw3_port port_src; struct fw3_address ip_dest; struct fw3_port port_dest; struct fw3_address ip_snat; struct fw3_port port_snat; struct fw3_limit limit; struct fw3_time time; struct fw3_mark mark; bool connlimit_ports; enum fw3_flag target; const char *extra; }; struct fw3_forward { struct list_head list; bool enabled; const char *name; enum fw3_family family; struct fw3_zone *_src; struct fw3_zone *_dest; struct fw3_device src; struct fw3_device dest; }; struct fw3_ipset { struct list_head list; bool enabled; const char *name; enum fw3_family family; enum fw3_ipset_method method; struct list_head datatypes; struct fw3_address iprange; struct fw3_port portrange; int netmask; int maxelem; int hashsize; int timeout; const char *external; struct list_head entries; const char *loadfile; uint32_t flags[2]; }; struct fw3_include { struct list_head list; bool enabled; const char *name; enum fw3_family family; const char *path; enum fw3_include_type type; bool reload; }; struct fw3_cthelper { struct list_head list; bool enabled; const char *name; const char *module; const char *description; enum fw3_family family; struct list_head proto; struct fw3_port port; }; struct fw3_setentry { struct list_head list; const char *value; }; struct fw3_state { struct uci_context *uci; struct fw3_defaults defaults; struct list_head zones; struct list_head rules; struct list_head redirects; struct list_head snats; struct list_head forwards; struct list_head ipsets; struct list_head includes; struct list_head cthelpers; bool disable_ipsets; bool statefile; }; struct fw3_chain_spec { int family; int table; int flag; const char *format; }; struct fw3_option { const char *name; bool (*parse)(void *, const char *, bool); uintptr_t offset; size_t elem_size; }; #define FW3_OPT(name, parse, structure, member) \ { name, fw3_parse_##parse, offsetof(struct fw3_##structure, member) } #define FW3_LIST(name, parse, structure, member) \ { name, fw3_parse_##parse, offsetof(struct fw3_##structure, member), \ sizeof(struct fw3_##structure) } bool fw3_parse_bool(void *ptr, const char *val, bool is_list); bool fw3_parse_int(void *ptr, const char *val, bool is_list); bool fw3_parse_string(void *ptr, const char *val, bool is_list); bool fw3_parse_target(void *ptr, const char *val, bool is_list); bool fw3_parse_reject_code(void *ptr, const char *val, bool is_list); bool fw3_parse_limit(void *ptr, const char *val, bool is_list); bool fw3_parse_device(void *ptr, const char *val, bool is_list); bool fw3_parse_address(void *ptr, const char *val, bool is_list); bool fw3_parse_network(void *ptr, const char *val, bool is_list); bool fw3_parse_mac(void *ptr, const char *val, bool is_list); bool fw3_parse_port(void *ptr, const char *val, bool is_list); bool fw3_parse_family(void *ptr, const char *val, bool is_list); bool fw3_parse_icmptype(void *ptr, const char *val, bool is_list); bool fw3_parse_protocol(void *ptr, const char *val, bool is_list); bool fw3_parse_ipset_method(void *ptr, const char *val, bool is_list); bool fw3_parse_ipset_datatype(void *ptr, const char *val, bool is_list); bool fw3_parse_include_type(void *ptr, const char *val, bool is_list); bool fw3_parse_reflection_source(void *ptr, const char *val, bool is_list); bool fw3_parse_date(void *ptr, const char *val, bool is_list); bool fw3_parse_time(void *ptr, const char *val, bool is_list); bool fw3_parse_weekdays(void *ptr, const char *val, bool is_list); bool fw3_parse_monthdays(void *ptr, const char *val, bool is_list); bool fw3_parse_mark(void *ptr, const char *val, bool is_list); bool fw3_parse_setmatch(void *ptr, const char *val, bool is_list); bool fw3_parse_direction(void *ptr, const char *val, bool is_list); bool fw3_parse_cthelper(void *ptr, const char *val, bool is_list); bool fw3_parse_setentry(void *ptr, const char *val, bool is_list); bool fw3_parse_options(void *s, const struct fw3_option *opts, struct uci_section *section); bool fw3_parse_blob_options(void *s, const struct fw3_option *opts, struct blob_attr *a, const char *name); const char * fw3_address_to_string(struct fw3_address *address, bool allow_invert, bool as_cidr); #endif