/* * firewall3 - 3rd OpenWrt UCI firewall implementation * * Copyright (C) 2013 Jo-Philipp Wich * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES * WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR * ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES * WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN * ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF * OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. */ #include "ubus.h" static struct blob_attr *interfaces = NULL; static struct blob_attr *procd_data; static void dump_cb(struct ubus_request *req, int type, struct blob_attr *msg) { static const struct blobmsg_policy policy = { "interface", BLOBMSG_TYPE_ARRAY }; struct blob_attr *cur; blobmsg_parse(&policy, 1, &cur, blob_data(msg), blob_len(msg)); if (cur) interfaces = blob_memdup(cur); } static void procd_data_cb(struct ubus_request *req, int type, struct blob_attr *msg) { procd_data = blob_memdup(msg); } bool fw3_ubus_connect(void) { bool status = false; uint32_t id; struct ubus_context *ctx = ubus_connect(NULL); struct blob_buf b = { }; blob_buf_init(&b, 0); if (!ctx) goto out; if (ubus_lookup_id(ctx, "network.interface", &id)) goto out; if (ubus_invoke(ctx, id, "dump", b.head, dump_cb, NULL, 2000)) goto out; status = true; if (ubus_lookup_id(ctx, "service", &id)) goto out; blobmsg_add_string(&b, "type", "firewall"); ubus_invoke(ctx, id, "get_data", b.head, procd_data_cb, NULL, 2000); out: blob_buf_free(&b); if (ctx) ubus_free(ctx); return status; } void fw3_ubus_disconnect(void) { free(interfaces); interfaces = NULL; } static struct fw3_address * parse_subnet(enum fw3_family family, struct blob_attr *dict, int rem) { struct blob_attr *cur; struct fw3_address *addr; addr = calloc(1, sizeof(*addr)); if (!addr) return NULL; addr->set = true; addr->family = family; __blob_for_each_attr(cur, dict, rem) { if (!strcmp(blobmsg_name(cur), "address")) inet_pton(family == FW3_FAMILY_V4 ? AF_INET : AF_INET6, blobmsg_get_string(cur), &addr->address.v6); else if (!strcmp(blobmsg_name(cur), "mask")) fw3_bitlen2netmask(family, blobmsg_get_u32(cur), &addr->mask.v6); } return addr; } static int parse_subnets(struct list_head *head, enum fw3_family family, struct blob_attr *list) { struct blob_attr *cur; struct fw3_address *addr; int rem, n = 0; if (!list) return 0; rem = blobmsg_data_len(list); __blob_for_each_attr(cur, blobmsg_data(list), rem) { addr = parse_subnet(family, blobmsg_data(cur), blobmsg_data_len(cur)); if (addr) { list_add_tail(&addr->list, head); n++; } } return n; } struct fw3_device * fw3_ubus_device(const char *net) { enum { DEV_INTERFACE, DEV_DEVICE, DEV_L3_DEVICE, __DEV_MAX }; static const struct blobmsg_policy policy[__DEV_MAX] = { [DEV_INTERFACE] = { "interface", BLOBMSG_TYPE_STRING }, [DEV_DEVICE] = { "device", BLOBMSG_TYPE_STRING }, [DEV_L3_DEVICE] = { "l3_device", BLOBMSG_TYPE_STRING }, }; struct fw3_device *dev = NULL; struct blob_attr *tb[__DEV_MAX]; struct blob_attr *cur; char *name = NULL; int rem; if (!net || !interfaces) return NULL; blobmsg_for_each_attr(cur, interfaces, rem) { blobmsg_parse(policy, __DEV_MAX, tb, blobmsg_data(cur), blobmsg_len(cur)); if (!tb[DEV_INTERFACE] || strcmp(blobmsg_data(tb[DEV_INTERFACE]), net) != 0) continue; if (tb[DEV_L3_DEVICE]) name = blobmsg_data(tb[DEV_L3_DEVICE]); else if (tb[DEV_DEVICE]) name = blobmsg_data(tb[DEV_DEVICE]); else continue; break; } if (!name) return NULL; dev = calloc(1, sizeof(*dev)); if (!dev) return NULL; snprintf(dev->name, sizeof(dev->name), "%s", name); dev->set = true; return dev; } int fw3_ubus_address(struct list_head *list, const char *net) { enum { ADDR_INTERFACE, ADDR_IPV4, ADDR_IPV6, ADDR_IPV6_PREFIX, __ADDR_MAX }; static const struct blobmsg_policy policy[__ADDR_MAX] = { [ADDR_INTERFACE] = { "interface", BLOBMSG_TYPE_STRING }, [ADDR_IPV4] = { "ipv4-address", BLOBMSG_TYPE_ARRAY }, [ADDR_IPV6] = { "ipv6-address", BLOBMSG_TYPE_ARRAY }, [ADDR_IPV6_PREFIX] = { "ipv6-prefix-assignment", BLOBMSG_TYPE_ARRAY }, }; struct blob_attr *tb[__ADDR_MAX]; struct blob_attr *cur; int rem, n = 0; if (!net || !interfaces) return 0; blobmsg_for_each_attr(cur, interfaces, rem) { blobmsg_parse(policy, __ADDR_MAX, tb, blobmsg_data(cur), blobmsg_len(cur)); if (!tb[ADDR_INTERFACE] || strcmp(blobmsg_data(tb[ADDR_INTERFACE]), net) != 0) continue; n += parse_subnets(list, FW3_FAMILY_V4, tb[ADDR_IPV4]); n += parse_subnets(list, FW3_FAMILY_V6, tb[ADDR_IPV6]); n += parse_subnets(list, FW3_FAMILY_V6, tb[ADDR_IPV6_PREFIX]); } return n; } void fw3_ubus_zone_devices(struct fw3_zone *zone) { struct blob_attr *c, *cur, *dcur; unsigned r, rem, drem; const char *name; bool matches; blobmsg_for_each_attr(c, interfaces, r) { name = NULL; matches = false; blobmsg_for_each_attr(cur, c, rem) { if (!strcmp(blobmsg_name(cur), "interface")) name = blobmsg_get_string(cur); else if (!strcmp(blobmsg_name(cur), "data")) blobmsg_for_each_attr(dcur, cur, drem) if (!strcmp(blobmsg_name(dcur), "zone")) matches = !strcmp(blobmsg_get_string(dcur), zone->name); } if (name && matches) fw3_parse_device(&zone->networks, name, true); } } static void fw3_ubus_rules_add(struct blob_buf *b, const char *service, const char *instance, const char *device, const struct blob_attr *rule, unsigned n) { void *k = blobmsg_open_table(b, ""); struct blob_attr *ropt; unsigned orem; char *type = NULL; char comment[256]; blobmsg_for_each_attr(ropt, rule, orem) { if (!strcmp(blobmsg_name(ropt), "type")) type = blobmsg_data(ropt); if (device && !strcmp(blobmsg_name(ropt), "device")) device = blobmsg_get_string(ropt); else if (strcmp(blobmsg_name(ropt), "name")) blobmsg_add_blob(b, ropt); } if (instance) snprintf(comment, sizeof(comment), "ubus:%s[%s] %s %d", service, instance, type ? type : "rule", n); else snprintf(comment, sizeof(comment), "ubus:%s %s %d", service, type ? type : "rule", n); blobmsg_add_string(b, "name", comment); if (device) blobmsg_add_string(b, "device", device); blobmsg_close_table(b, k); } void fw3_ubus_rules(struct blob_buf *b) { blob_buf_init(b, 0); struct blob_attr *c, *cur, *dcur, *rule; unsigned n, r, rem, drem, rrem; blobmsg_for_each_attr(c, interfaces, r) { const char *l3_device = NULL; const char *iface_proto = "unknown"; const char *iface_name = "unknown"; struct blob_attr *data = NULL; blobmsg_for_each_attr(cur, c, rem) { if (!strcmp(blobmsg_name(cur), "l3_device")) l3_device = blobmsg_get_string(cur); else if (!strcmp(blobmsg_name(cur), "interface")) iface_name = blobmsg_get_string(cur); else if (!strcmp(blobmsg_name(cur), "proto")) iface_proto = blobmsg_get_string(cur); else if (!strcmp(blobmsg_name(cur), "data")) data = cur; } if (!data || !l3_device) continue; blobmsg_for_each_attr(dcur, data, drem) { if (strcmp(blobmsg_name(dcur), "firewall")) continue; n = 0; blobmsg_for_each_attr(rule, dcur, rrem) fw3_ubus_rules_add(b, iface_name, iface_proto, l3_device, rule, n++); } } if (!procd_data) return; /* service */ blobmsg_for_each_attr(c, procd_data, r) { if (!blobmsg_check_attr(c, true)) continue; /* instance */ blobmsg_for_each_attr(cur, c, rem) { if (!blobmsg_check_attr(cur, true)) continue; /* fw rules within the service itself */ if (!strcmp(blobmsg_name(cur), "firewall")) { n = 0; blobmsg_for_each_attr(rule, cur, rrem) fw3_ubus_rules_add(b, blobmsg_name(c), NULL, NULL, rule, n++); continue; } /* type */ blobmsg_for_each_attr(dcur, cur, drem) { if (!blobmsg_check_attr(dcur, true)) continue; if (strcmp(blobmsg_name(dcur), "firewall")) continue; n = 0; blobmsg_for_each_attr(rule, dcur, rrem) fw3_ubus_rules_add(b, blobmsg_name(c), blobmsg_name(cur), NULL, rule, n++); } } } }