/* * Copyright (C) 2014 John Crispin * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 * as published by the Free Software Foundation * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "libfstools.h" #include "volume.h" #include "snapshot.h" int verify_file_hash(char *file, uint32_t *hash) { uint32_t md5[4]; if (md5sum(file, md5) <= 0) { ULOG_ERR("failed to generate md5 sum\n"); return -1; } if (memcmp(md5, hash, sizeof(md5))) { ULOG_ERR("failed to verify hash of %s.\n", file); return -1; } return 0; } int snapshot_next_free(struct volume *v, uint32_t *seq) { struct file_header hdr = { 0 }; int block = 0; *seq = rand(); do { if (volume_read(v, &hdr, block * v->block_size, sizeof(struct file_header))) { ULOG_ERR("scanning for next free block failed\n"); return 0; } be32_to_hdr(&hdr); if (hdr.magic != OWRT) break; if (hdr.type == DATA && !valid_file_size(hdr.length)) { if (*seq + 1 != hdr.seq && block) return block; *seq = hdr.seq; block += pad_file_size(v, hdr.length) / v->block_size; } } while (hdr.type == DATA); return block; } int config_find(struct volume *v, struct file_header *conf, struct file_header *sentinel) { uint32_t seq; int i, next = snapshot_next_free(v, &seq); conf->magic = sentinel->magic = 0; if (!volume_read(v, conf, next, sizeof(*conf))) be32_to_hdr(conf); for (i = (v->size / v->block_size) - 1; i > 0; i--) { if (volume_read(v, sentinel, i * v->block_size, sizeof(*sentinel))) { ULOG_ERR("failed to read header\n"); return -1; } be32_to_hdr(sentinel); if (sentinel->magic == OWRT && sentinel->type == CONF && !valid_file_size(sentinel->length)) { if (next == i) return -1; return i; } } return -1; } int snapshot_write_file(struct volume *v, int block, char *file, uint32_t seq, uint32_t type) { uint32_t md5[4] = { 0 }; struct file_header hdr; struct stat s; char buffer[256]; int in = 0, len, offset; int ret = -1; if (stat(file, &s) || md5sum(file, md5) != s.st_size) { ULOG_ERR("stat failed on %s\n", file); goto out; } if ((block * v->block_size) + pad_file_size(v, s.st_size) > v->size) { ULOG_ERR("upgrade is too big for the flash\n"); goto out; } volume_erase(v, block * v->block_size, pad_file_size(v, s.st_size)); volume_erase(v, block * v->block_size + pad_file_size(v, s.st_size), v->block_size); hdr.length = s.st_size; hdr.magic = OWRT; hdr.type = type; hdr.seq = seq; memcpy(hdr.md5, md5, sizeof(md5)); hdr_to_be32(&hdr); if (volume_write(v, &hdr, block * v->block_size, sizeof(struct file_header))) { ULOG_ERR("failed to write header\n"); goto out; } in = open(file, O_RDONLY); if (in < 1) { ULOG_ERR("failed to open %s\n", file); goto out; } offset = (block * v->block_size) + sizeof(struct file_header); while ((len = read(in, buffer, sizeof(buffer))) > 0) { if (volume_write(v, buffer, offset, len) < 0) goto out; offset += len; } ret = 0; out: if (in > 0) close(in); return ret; } int snapshot_read_file(struct volume *v, int block, char *file, uint32_t type) { struct file_header hdr; char buffer[256]; int out, offset = 0; if (volume_read(v, &hdr, block * v->block_size, sizeof(struct file_header))) { ULOG_ERR("failed to read header\n"); return -1; } be32_to_hdr(&hdr); if (hdr.magic != OWRT) return -1; if (hdr.type != type) return -1; if (valid_file_size(hdr.length)) return -1; out = open(file, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT, 0700); if (!out) { ULOG_ERR("failed to open %s\n", file); return -1; } offset = block * v->block_size + sizeof(hdr); while (hdr.length > 0) { int len = sizeof(buffer); if (hdr.length < len) len = hdr.length; if (volume_read(v, buffer, offset, len)) return -1; if (write(out, buffer, len) != len) return -1; offset += len; hdr.length -= len; } close(out); if (verify_file_hash(file, hdr.md5)) { ULOG_ERR("md5 verification failed\n"); unlink(file); return 0; } block += pad_file_size(v, hdr.length) / v->block_size; return block; } int sentinel_write(struct volume *v, uint32_t _seq) { int ret, block; struct stat s; uint32_t seq; if (stat("/tmp/config.tar.gz", &s)) { ULOG_ERR("failed to stat /tmp/config.tar.gz\n"); return -1; } snapshot_next_free(v, &seq); if (_seq) seq = _seq; block = v->size / v->block_size; block -= pad_file_size(v, s.st_size) / v->block_size; if (block < 0) block = 0; ret = snapshot_write_file(v, block, "/tmp/config.tar.gz", seq, CONF); if (ret) ULOG_ERR("failed to write sentinel\n"); else ULOG_INFO("wrote /tmp/config.tar.gz sentinel\n"); return ret; } int volatile_write(struct volume *v, uint32_t _seq) { int block, ret; uint32_t seq; block = snapshot_next_free(v, &seq); if (_seq) seq = _seq; if (block < 0) block = 0; ret = snapshot_write_file(v, block, "/tmp/config.tar.gz", seq, CONF); if (ret) ULOG_ERR("failed to write /tmp/config.tar.gz\n"); else ULOG_INFO("wrote /tmp/config.tar.gz\n"); return ret; } static int snapshot_sync(struct volume *v) { struct file_header sentinel, conf; int next, block = 0; uint32_t seq; next = snapshot_next_free(v, &seq); block = config_find(v, &conf, &sentinel); if (is_config(&conf) && conf.seq != seq) { conf.magic = 0; volume_erase(v, next * v->block_size, 2 * v->block_size); } if (is_config(&sentinel) && (sentinel.seq != seq)) { sentinel.magic = 0; volume_erase(v, block * v->block_size, v->block_size); } if (!is_config(&conf) && !is_config(&sentinel)) { // ULOG_ERR("no config found\n"); } else if (((is_config(&conf) && is_config(&sentinel)) && (memcmp(conf.md5, sentinel.md5, sizeof(conf.md5)) || (conf.seq != sentinel.seq))) || (is_config(&conf) && !is_config(&sentinel))) { uint32_t seq; int next = snapshot_next_free(v, &seq); int ret = snapshot_read_file(v, next, "/tmp/config.tar.gz", CONF); if (ret > 0) { if (sentinel_write(v, conf.seq)) ULOG_ERR("failed to write sentinel data"); } } else if (!is_config(&conf) && is_config(&sentinel) && next) { int ret = snapshot_read_file(v, block, "/tmp/config.tar.gz", CONF); if (ret > 0) if (volatile_write(v, sentinel.seq)) ULOG_ERR("failed to write sentinel data"); } else ULOG_INFO("config in sync\n"); unlink("/tmp/config.tar.gz"); return 0; } static int _ramoverlay(char *rom, char *overlay) { mount("tmpfs", overlay, "tmpfs", MS_NOATIME, "mode=0755"); return fopivot(overlay, rom); } int mount_snapshot(struct volume *v) { snapshot_sync(v); setenv("SNAPSHOT", "magic", 1); _ramoverlay("/rom", "/overlay"); if (system("/sbin/snapshot unpack") == -1) { perror("system"); return -1; } foreachdir("/overlay/", handle_whiteout); mkdir("/volatile", 0700); _ramoverlay("/rom", "/volatile"); mount_move("/rom/volatile", "/volatile", ""); mount_move("/rom/rom", "/rom", ""); if (system("/sbin/snapshot config_unpack")) { perror("system"); return -1; } foreachdir("/volatile/", handle_whiteout); unsetenv("SNAPSHOT"); return -1; }