diff options
authorJo-Philipp Wich <>2015-02-13 23:42:47 +0100
committerJo-Philipp Wich <>2015-02-13 23:43:31 +0100
commit3b165435af6f925c50cf4ff2b0e3554f5b57c65e (patch)
parent74c9ffb8f3f9b7c914dc001df9aa42dc3c0b9f9d (diff)
luci2.cbi: add GridSection
The GridSection widget is equivalent to the TableSection one but using the bootstrap column layout for rendering. The table-like view also degrades to a list-style view on tiny viewports, making it useful to present tabular configuration (e.g. routes) to mobile clients. Signed-off-by: Jo-Philipp Wich <>
1 files changed, 129 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/luci2/htdocs/luci2/cbi.js b/luci2/htdocs/luci2/cbi.js
index cfc677d..cdffb91 100644
--- a/luci2/htdocs/luci2/cbi.js
+++ b/luci2/htdocs/luci2/cbi.js
@@ -2739,6 +2739,135 @@
+ cbi_class.GridSection = cbi_class.TypedSection.extend({
+ renderGridHead: function()
+ {
+ var ghead = $('<div />').addClass('row hidden-xs');
+ for (var j = 0; j < this.tabs[0].fields.length; j++)
+ {
+ var wdh = this.tabs[0].fields[j].options.width;
+ wdh = isNaN(wdh) ? this.options.dyn_width : wdh;
+ ghead.append($('<div />')
+ .addClass('col-sm-%d cell caption clearfix'.format(wdh))
+ .append(this.tabs[0].fields[j].label('caption')));
+ }
+ if (this.options.addremove !== false || this.options.sortable)
+ {
+ var wdh = this.options.dyn_width + this.options.pad_width;
+ ghead.append($('<div />')
+ .addClass('col-xs-8 col-sm-%d cell'.format(wdh))
+ .text(' '));
+ }
+ return ghead;
+ },
+ renderGridRow: function(sid, index)
+ {
+ var row = $('<div />')
+ .addClass('row luci2-section-item')
+ .attr('id','sectionitem', sid))
+ .attr('data-luci2-sid', sid);
+ for (var j = 0; j < this.tabs[0].fields.length; j++)
+ {
+ var wdh = this.tabs[0].fields[j].options.width;
+ wdh = isNaN(wdh) ? this.options.dyn_width : wdh;
+ row.append($('<div />')
+ .addClass('col-xs-4 hidden-sm hidden-md hidden-lg cell caption')
+ .append(this.tabs[0].fields[j].label('caption')));
+ row.append($('<div />')
+ .addClass('col-xs-8 col-sm-%d cell content clearfix'.format(wdh))
+ .append(this.tabs[0].fields[j].render(sid, true)));
+ }
+ if (this.options.addremove !== false || this.options.sortable)
+ {
+ var wdh = this.options.dyn_width + this.options.pad_width;
+ row.append($('<div />')
+ .addClass('col-xs-12 col-sm-%d cell'.format(wdh))
+ .append($('<div />')
+ .addClass('btn-group pull-right')
+ .append(this.renderSort(index))
+ .append(this.renderRemove(index))));
+ }
+ return row;
+ },
+ renderGridBody: function(parent_sid)
+ {
+ var s = this.getUCISections(parent_sid);
+ var rows = [ ];
+ if (s.length == 0)
+ {
+ var cols = this.tabs[0].fields.length;
+ if (this.options.addremove !== false || this.options.sortable)
+ cols++;
+ rows.push($('<div />')
+ .addClass('row')
+ .append($('<div />')
+ .addClass('col-sm-12 cell placeholder text-muted')
+ .text(this.label('placeholder') ||'There are no entries defined yet.'))));
+ }
+ for (var i = 0; i < s.length; i++)
+ {
+ var sid = s[i]['.name'];
+ var inst = this.instance[sid] = { tabs: [ ] };
+ rows.push(this.renderGridRow(sid, i));
+ }
+ return rows;
+ },
+ renderBody: function(condensed, parent_sid)
+ {
+ var n_dynamic = 0;
+ var dyn_width = 0;
+ var fix_width = 0;
+ var pad_width = 0;
+ var cols = this.tabs[0].fields.length;
+ if (this.options.addremove !== false || this.options.sortable)
+ cols++;
+ for (var i = 0; i < cols; i++)
+ {
+ var col = this.tabs[0].fields[i];
+ if (col && !isNaN(col.options.width))
+ fix_width += col.options.width;
+ else
+ n_dynamic++;
+ }
+ if (n_dynamic > 0)
+ {
+ this.options.dyn_width = Math.floor((12 - fix_width) / n_dynamic);
+ this.options.pad_width = (12 - fix_width) % n_dynamic;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ this.options.pad_width = 12 - fix_width;
+ }
+ return $('<div />')
+ .addClass('luci2-grid luci2-grid-condensed')
+ .append(this.renderGridHead())
+ .append(this.renderGridBody(parent_sid));
+ }
+ });
cbi_class.NamedSection = cbi_class.TypedSection.extend({
getUCISections: function(cb)