#include #include #include #include #include #include "netifd.h" #include "device.h" #include "interface.h" #include "interface-ip.h" #include "proto.h" #include "ubus.h" #include "system.h" static int addr_cmp(const void *k1, const void *k2, void *ptr) { return memcmp(k1, k2, sizeof(struct device_addr) - offsetof(struct device_addr, mask)); } static int route_cmp(const void *k1, const void *k2, void *ptr) { return memcmp(k1, k2, sizeof(struct device_route) - offsetof(struct device_route, mask)); } static void interface_update_proto_addr(struct vlist_tree *tree, struct vlist_node *node_new, struct vlist_node *node_old) { struct interface *iface; struct device *dev; struct device_addr *addr; iface = container_of(tree, struct interface, proto_addr); dev = iface->l3_dev->dev; if (node_old) { addr = container_of(node_old, struct device_addr, node); if (!(addr->flags & DEVADDR_EXTERNAL)) system_del_address(dev, addr); free(addr); } if (node_new) { addr = container_of(node_new, struct device_addr, node); if (!(addr->flags & DEVADDR_EXTERNAL)) system_add_address(dev, addr); } } static void interface_update_proto_route(struct vlist_tree *tree, struct vlist_node *node_new, struct vlist_node *node_old) { struct interface *iface; struct device *dev; struct device_route *route; iface = container_of(tree, struct interface, proto_route); dev = iface->l3_dev->dev; if (node_old) { route = container_of(node_old, struct device_route, node); if (!(route->flags & DEVADDR_EXTERNAL)) system_del_route(dev, route); free(route); } if (node_new) { route = container_of(node_new, struct device_route, node); if (!(route->flags & DEVADDR_EXTERNAL)) system_add_route(dev, route); } } void interface_add_dns_server(struct interface *iface, const char *str) { struct dns_server *s; s = calloc(1, sizeof(*s)); s->af = AF_INET; if (inet_pton(s->af, str, &s->addr.in)) goto add; s->af = AF_INET6; if (inet_pton(s->af, str, &s->addr.in)) goto add; free(s); return; add: D(INTERFACE, "Add IPv%c DNS server: %s\n", s->af == AF_INET6 ? '6' : '4', str); list_add_tail(&s->list, &iface->proto_dns_servers); } void interface_add_dns_server_list(struct interface *iface, struct blob_attr *list) { struct blob_attr *cur; int rem; blobmsg_for_each_attr(cur, list, rem) { if (blobmsg_type(cur) != BLOBMSG_TYPE_STRING) continue; if (!blobmsg_check_attr(cur, NULL)) continue; interface_add_dns_server(iface, blobmsg_data(cur)); } } void interface_add_dns_search_domain(struct interface *iface, const char *str) { struct dns_search_domain *s; int len = strlen(str); s = calloc(1, sizeof(*s) + len + 1); if (!s) return; D(INTERFACE, "Add DNS search domain: %s\n", str); memcpy(s->name, str, len); list_add_tail(&s->list, &iface->proto_dns_search); } void interface_add_dns_search_list(struct interface *iface, struct blob_attr *list) { struct blob_attr *cur; int rem; blobmsg_for_each_attr(cur, list, rem) { if (blobmsg_type(cur) != BLOBMSG_TYPE_STRING) continue; if (!blobmsg_check_attr(cur, NULL)) continue; interface_add_dns_server(iface, blobmsg_data(cur)); } } static void interface_clear_dns_servers(struct interface *iface) { struct dns_server *s, *tmp; list_for_each_entry_safe(s, tmp, &iface->proto_dns_servers, list) { list_del(&s->list); free(s); } } static void interface_clear_dns_search(struct interface *iface) { struct dns_search_domain *s, *tmp; list_for_each_entry_safe(s, tmp, &iface->proto_dns_search, list) { list_del(&s->list); free(s); } } void interface_clear_dns(struct interface *iface) { interface_clear_dns_servers(iface); interface_clear_dns_search(iface); } void interface_write_resolv_conf(void) { struct interface *iface; struct dns_server *s; struct dns_search_domain *d; char *path = alloca(strlen(resolv_conf) + 5); const char *str; char buf[32]; FILE *f; sprintf(path, "%s.tmp", resolv_conf); unlink(path); f = fopen(path, "w"); if (!f) { D(INTERFACE, "Failed to open %s for writing\n", path); return; } vlist_for_each_element(&interfaces, iface, node) { if (iface->state != IFS_UP) continue; if (list_empty(&iface->proto_dns_search) && list_empty(&iface->proto_dns_servers)) continue; fprintf(f, "# Interface %s\n", iface->name); list_for_each_entry(s, &iface->proto_dns_servers, list) { str = inet_ntop(s->af, &s->addr, buf, sizeof(buf)); if (!str) continue; fprintf(f, "nameserver %s\n", str); } list_for_each_entry(d, &iface->proto_dns_search, list) { fprintf(f, "search %s\n", d->name); } } fclose(f); if (rename(path, resolv_conf) < 0) { D(INTERFACE, "Failed to replace %s\n", resolv_conf); unlink(path); } } void interface_ip_update_start(struct interface *iface) { interface_clear_dns(iface); vlist_update(&iface->proto_route); vlist_update(&iface->proto_addr); } void interface_ip_update_complete(struct interface *iface) { vlist_flush(&iface->proto_route); vlist_flush(&iface->proto_addr); } void interface_ip_init(struct interface *iface) { vlist_init(&iface->proto_route, route_cmp, interface_update_proto_route, struct device_route, node, mask); vlist_init(&iface->proto_addr, addr_cmp, interface_update_proto_addr, struct device_addr, node, mask); }