/* * Copyright (C) 2020 Daniel Golle * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 * as published by the Free Software Foundation * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. */ #ifndef _GNU_SOURCE #define _GNU_SOURCE #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "log.h" #define UXC_VERSION "0.2" #define OCI_VERSION_STRING "1.0.2" #define UXC_ETC_CONFDIR "/etc/uxc" #define UXC_VOL_CONFDIR "/var/run/uvol/.meta/uxc" static bool verbose = false; static bool json_output = false; static char *confdir = UXC_ETC_CONFDIR; static struct ustream_fd cufd; static struct ustream_fd lufd; struct runtime_state { struct avl_node avl; char *container_name; char *instance_name; char *jail_name; bool running; int runtime_pid; int exitcode; struct blob_attr *ocistate; }; enum uxc_cmd { CMD_ATTACH, CMD_LIST, CMD_BOOT, CMD_START, CMD_STATE, CMD_KILL, CMD_ENABLE, CMD_DISABLE, CMD_DELETE, CMD_CREATE, CMD_UNKNOWN }; #define OPT_ARGS "ab:fjm:p:t:vVw:" static struct option long_options[] = { {"autostart", no_argument, 0, 'a' }, {"console", no_argument, 0, 'c' }, {"bundle", required_argument, 0, 'b' }, {"force", no_argument, 0, 'f' }, {"json", no_argument, 0, 'j' }, {"mounts", required_argument, 0, 'm' }, {"pid-file", required_argument, 0, 'p' }, {"temp-overlay-size", required_argument, 0, 't' }, {"write-overlay-path", required_argument, 0, 'w' }, {"verbose", no_argument, 0, 'v' }, {"version", no_argument, 0, 'V' }, {0, 0, 0, 0 } }; AVL_TREE(runtime, avl_strcmp, false, NULL); static struct blob_buf conf; static struct blob_attr *blockinfo; static struct blob_attr *fstabinfo; static struct ubus_context *ctx; static int usage(void) { printf("syntax: uxc [parameters ...]\n"); printf("commands:\n"); printf("\tlist [--json]\t\t\t\tlist all configured containers\n"); printf("\tattach \t\t\t\tattach to container console\n"); printf("\tcreate \t\t\t\t(re-)create \n"); printf("\t\t[--bundle ]\t\t\tOCI bundle at \n"); printf("\t\t[--autostart]\t\t\t\tstart on boot\n"); printf("\t\t[--temp-overlay-size ]\t\tuse tmpfs overlay with {size}\n"); printf("\t\t[--write-overlay-path ]\t\tuse overlay on {path}\n"); printf("\t\t[--mounts ,,...,]\t\trequire filesystems to be available\n"); printf("\tstart [--console] \t\tstart container \n"); printf("\tstate \t\t\t\tget state of container \n"); printf("\tkill []\t\t\tsend signal to container \n"); printf("\tenable \t\t\t\tstart container on boot\n"); printf("\tdisable \t\t\t\tdon't start container on boot\n"); printf("\tdelete [--force]\t\t\tdelete \n"); return EINVAL; } enum { CONF_NAME, CONF_PATH, CONF_JAIL, CONF_AUTOSTART, CONF_PIDFILE, CONF_TEMP_OVERLAY_SIZE, CONF_WRITE_OVERLAY_PATH, CONF_VOLUMES, __CONF_MAX, }; static const struct blobmsg_policy conf_policy[__CONF_MAX] = { [CONF_NAME] = { .name = "name", .type = BLOBMSG_TYPE_STRING }, [CONF_PATH] = { .name = "path", .type = BLOBMSG_TYPE_STRING }, [CONF_JAIL] = { .name = "jail", .type = BLOBMSG_TYPE_STRING }, [CONF_AUTOSTART] = { .name = "autostart", .type = BLOBMSG_TYPE_BOOL }, [CONF_PIDFILE] = { .name = "pidfile", .type = BLOBMSG_TYPE_STRING }, [CONF_TEMP_OVERLAY_SIZE] = { .name = "temp-overlay-size", .type = BLOBMSG_TYPE_STRING }, [CONF_WRITE_OVERLAY_PATH] = { .name = "write-overlay-path", .type = BLOBMSG_TYPE_STRING }, [CONF_VOLUMES] = { .name = "volumes", .type = BLOBMSG_TYPE_ARRAY }, }; static int conf_load(void) { int gl_flags = GLOB_NOESCAPE | GLOB_MARK; int j, res; glob_t gl; char *globstr; void *c, *o; struct stat sb; if (asprintf(&globstr, "%s/*.json", UXC_ETC_CONFDIR) == -1) return ENOMEM; res = glob(globstr, gl_flags, NULL, &gl); if (res == 0) gl_flags |= GLOB_APPEND; free(globstr); if (!stat(UXC_VOL_CONFDIR, &sb)) { if (sb.st_mode & S_IFDIR) { if (asprintf(&globstr, "%s/*.json", UXC_VOL_CONFDIR) == -1) return ENOMEM; res = glob(globstr, gl_flags, NULL, &gl); free(globstr); } } blob_buf_init(&conf, 0); c = blobmsg_open_table(&conf, NULL); if (res < 0) return 0; for (j = 0; j < gl.gl_pathc; j++) { o = blobmsg_open_table(&conf, strdup(gl.gl_pathv[j])); if (!blobmsg_add_json_from_file(&conf, gl.gl_pathv[j])) { ERROR("uxc: failed to load %s\n", gl.gl_pathv[j]); continue; } blobmsg_close_table(&conf, o); } blobmsg_close_table(&conf, c); globfree(&gl); return 0; } enum { LIST_INSTANCES, __LIST_MAX, }; static const struct blobmsg_policy list_policy[__LIST_MAX] = { [LIST_INSTANCES] = { .name = "instances", .type = BLOBMSG_TYPE_TABLE }, }; enum { INSTANCE_RUNNING, INSTANCE_PID, INSTANCE_EXITCODE, INSTANCE_JAIL, __INSTANCE_MAX, }; static const struct blobmsg_policy instance_policy[__INSTANCE_MAX] = { [INSTANCE_RUNNING] = { .name = "running", .type = BLOBMSG_TYPE_BOOL }, [INSTANCE_PID] = { .name = "pid", .type = BLOBMSG_TYPE_INT32 }, [INSTANCE_EXITCODE] = { .name = "exit_code", .type = BLOBMSG_TYPE_INT32 }, [INSTANCE_JAIL] = { .name = "jail", .type = BLOBMSG_TYPE_TABLE }, }; enum { JAIL_NAME, __JAIL_MAX, }; static const struct blobmsg_policy jail_policy[__JAIL_MAX] = { [JAIL_NAME] = { .name = "name", .type = BLOBMSG_TYPE_STRING }, }; static struct runtime_state * runtime_alloc(const char *container_name) { struct runtime_state *s; char *new_name; s = calloc_a(sizeof(*s), &new_name, strlen(container_name) + 1); strcpy(new_name, container_name); s->container_name = new_name; s->avl.key = s->container_name; return s; } enum { STATE_OCIVERSION, STATE_ID, STATE_STATUS, STATE_PID, STATE_BUNDLE, STATE_ANNOTATIONS, __STATE_MAX, }; static const struct blobmsg_policy state_policy[__STATE_MAX] = { [STATE_OCIVERSION] = { .name = "ociVersion", .type = BLOBMSG_TYPE_STRING }, [STATE_ID] = { .name = "id", .type = BLOBMSG_TYPE_STRING }, [STATE_STATUS] = { .name = "status", .type = BLOBMSG_TYPE_STRING }, [STATE_PID] = { .name = "pid", .type = BLOBMSG_TYPE_INT32 }, [STATE_BUNDLE] = { .name = "bundle", .type = BLOBMSG_TYPE_STRING }, [STATE_ANNOTATIONS] = { .name = "annotations", .type = BLOBMSG_TYPE_TABLE }, }; static void ocistate_cb(struct ubus_request *req, int type, struct blob_attr *msg) { struct blob_attr **ocistate = (struct blob_attr **)req->priv; struct blob_attr *tb[__STATE_MAX]; blobmsg_parse(state_policy, __STATE_MAX, tb, blobmsg_data(msg), blobmsg_len(msg)); if (!tb[STATE_OCIVERSION] || !tb[STATE_ID] || !tb[STATE_STATUS] || !tb[STATE_BUNDLE]) return; *ocistate = blob_memdup(msg); } static void get_ocistate(struct blob_attr **ocistate, const char *name) { char *objname; unsigned int id; int ret; *ocistate = NULL; if (asprintf(&objname, "container.%s", name) == -1) exit(ENOMEM); ret = ubus_lookup_id(ctx, objname, &id); free(objname); if (ret) return; ubus_invoke(ctx, id, "state", NULL, ocistate_cb, ocistate, 3000); } static void list_cb(struct ubus_request *req, int type, struct blob_attr *msg) { struct blob_attr *cur, *curi, *tl[__LIST_MAX], *ti[__INSTANCE_MAX], *tj[__JAIL_MAX]; int rem, remi; const char *container_name, *instance_name, *jail_name; bool running; int pid, exitcode; struct runtime_state *rs; blobmsg_for_each_attr(cur, msg, rem) { container_name = blobmsg_name(cur); blobmsg_parse(list_policy, __LIST_MAX, tl, blobmsg_data(cur), blobmsg_len(cur)); if (!tl[LIST_INSTANCES]) continue; blobmsg_for_each_attr(curi, tl[LIST_INSTANCES], remi) { instance_name = blobmsg_name(curi); blobmsg_parse(instance_policy, __INSTANCE_MAX, ti, blobmsg_data(curi), blobmsg_len(curi)); if (!ti[INSTANCE_JAIL]) continue; blobmsg_parse(jail_policy, __JAIL_MAX, tj, blobmsg_data(ti[INSTANCE_JAIL]), blobmsg_len(ti[INSTANCE_JAIL])); if (!tj[JAIL_NAME]) continue; jail_name = blobmsg_get_string(tj[JAIL_NAME]); running = ti[INSTANCE_RUNNING] && blobmsg_get_bool(ti[INSTANCE_RUNNING]); if (ti[INSTANCE_PID]) pid = blobmsg_get_u32(ti[INSTANCE_PID]); else pid = -1; if (ti[INSTANCE_EXITCODE]) exitcode = blobmsg_get_u32(ti[INSTANCE_EXITCODE]); else exitcode = -1; rs = runtime_alloc(container_name); rs->instance_name = strdup(instance_name); rs->jail_name = strdup(jail_name); rs->runtime_pid = pid; rs->exitcode = exitcode; rs->running = running; avl_insert(&runtime, &rs->avl); } } return; } static int runtime_load(void) { struct runtime_state *item, *tmp; uint32_t id; avl_init(&runtime, avl_strcmp, false, NULL); if (ubus_lookup_id(ctx, "container", &id) || ubus_invoke(ctx, id, "list", NULL, list_cb, &runtime, 3000)) return EIO; avl_for_each_element_safe(&runtime, item, avl, tmp) get_ocistate(&item->ocistate, item->jail_name); return 0; } static void runtime_free(void) { struct runtime_state *item, *tmp; avl_for_each_element_safe(&runtime, item, avl, tmp) { avl_delete(&runtime, &item->avl); free(item->instance_name); free(item->jail_name); free(item->ocistate); free(item); } return; } static inline int setup_tios(int fd, struct termios *oldtios) { struct termios newtios; if (!isatty(fd)) { return -1; } /* Get current termios */ if (tcgetattr(fd, oldtios)) return -1; newtios = *oldtios; /* We use the same settings that ssh does. */ newtios.c_iflag |= IGNPAR; newtios.c_iflag &= ~(ISTRIP | INLCR | IGNCR | ICRNL | IXON | IXANY | IXOFF); newtios.c_lflag &= ~(TOSTOP | ISIG | ICANON | ECHO | ECHOE | ECHOK | ECHONL); newtios.c_oflag &= ~ONLCR; newtios.c_oflag |= OPOST; newtios.c_cc[VMIN] = 1; newtios.c_cc[VTIME] = 0; /* Set new attributes */ if (tcsetattr(fd, TCSAFLUSH, &newtios)) return -1; return 0; } static void client_cb(struct ustream *s, int bytes) { char *buf; int len, rv; do { buf = ustream_get_read_buf(s, &len); if (!buf) break; rv = ustream_write(&lufd.stream, buf, len, false); if (rv > 0) ustream_consume(s, rv); if (rv <= len) break; } while(1); } static void local_cb(struct ustream *s, int bytes) { char *buf; int len, rv; do { buf = ustream_get_read_buf(s, &len); if (!buf) break; if ((len > 0) && (buf[0] == 2)) uloop_end(); rv = ustream_write(&cufd.stream, buf, len, false); if (rv > 0) ustream_consume(s, rv); if (rv <= len) break; } while(1); } static int uxc_attach(const char *container_name) { struct ubus_context *ctx; uint32_t id; static struct blob_buf req; int client_fd, server_fd, tty_fd; struct termios oldtermios; ctx = ubus_connect(NULL); if (!ctx) { fprintf(stderr, "can't connect to ubus!\n"); return -1; } /* open pseudo-terminal pair */ client_fd = posix_openpt(O_RDWR | O_NOCTTY); if (client_fd < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "can't create virtual console!\n"); ubus_free(ctx); return -1; } setup_tios(client_fd, &oldtermios); grantpt(client_fd); unlockpt(client_fd); server_fd = open(ptsname(client_fd), O_RDWR | O_NOCTTY); if (server_fd < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "can't open virtual console!\n"); close(client_fd); ubus_free(ctx); return -1; } setup_tios(server_fd, &oldtermios); tty_fd = open("/dev/tty", O_RDWR); if (tty_fd < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "can't open local console!\n"); close(server_fd); close(client_fd); ubus_free(ctx); return -1; } setup_tios(tty_fd, &oldtermios); /* register server-side with procd */ blob_buf_init(&req, 0); blobmsg_add_string(&req, "name", container_name); blobmsg_add_string(&req, "instance", container_name); if (ubus_lookup_id(ctx, "container", &id) || ubus_invoke_fd(ctx, id, "console_attach", req.head, NULL, NULL, 3000, server_fd)) { fprintf(stderr, "ubus request failed\n"); close(tty_fd); close(server_fd); close(client_fd); blob_buf_free(&req); ubus_free(ctx); return -2; } close(server_fd); blob_buf_free(&req); ubus_free(ctx); uloop_init(); /* forward between stdio and client_fd until detach is requested */ lufd.stream.notify_read = local_cb; ustream_fd_init(&lufd, tty_fd); cufd.stream.notify_read = client_cb; /* ToDo: handle remote close and other events */ // cufd.stream.notify_state = client_state_cb; ustream_fd_init(&cufd, client_fd); fprintf(stderr, "attaching to jail console. press [CTRL]+[B] to exit.\n"); close(0); close(1); close(2); uloop_run(); tcsetattr(tty_fd, TCSAFLUSH, &oldtermios); ustream_free(&lufd.stream); ustream_free(&cufd.stream); close(client_fd); return 0; } static int uxc_state(char *name) { struct runtime_state *s = avl_find_element(&runtime, name, s, avl); struct blob_attr *ocistate = NULL; struct blob_attr *cur, *tb[__CONF_MAX]; int rem; char *bundle = NULL; char *jail_name = NULL; char *state = NULL; char *tmp; static struct blob_buf buf; if (s) ocistate = s->ocistate; if (ocistate) { state = blobmsg_format_json_indent(ocistate, true, 0); if (!state) return 1; printf("%s\n", state); free(state); return 0; } blobmsg_for_each_attr(cur, blob_data(conf.head), rem) { blobmsg_parse(conf_policy, __CONF_MAX, tb, blobmsg_data(cur), blobmsg_len(cur)); if (!tb[CONF_NAME] || !tb[CONF_PATH]) continue; if (!strcmp(name, blobmsg_get_string(tb[CONF_NAME]))) { if (tb[CONF_JAIL]) jail_name = blobmsg_get_string(tb[CONF_JAIL]); else jail_name = name; bundle = blobmsg_get_string(tb[CONF_PATH]); break; } } if (!bundle) return ENOENT; blob_buf_init(&buf, 0); blobmsg_add_string(&buf, "ociVersion", OCI_VERSION_STRING); blobmsg_add_string(&buf, "id", jail_name); blobmsg_add_string(&buf, "status", s?"stopped":"uninitialized"); blobmsg_add_string(&buf, "bundle", bundle); tmp = blobmsg_format_json_indent(buf.head, true, 0); if (!tmp) { blob_buf_free(&buf); return ENOMEM; } printf("%s\n", tmp); free(tmp); blob_buf_free(&buf); return 0; } static int uxc_list(void) { struct blob_attr *cur, *tb[__CONF_MAX], *ts[__STATE_MAX]; int rem; struct runtime_state *s = NULL; char *name, *ocistatus, *status, *tmp; int container_pid = -1; bool autostart; static struct blob_buf buf; void *arr, *obj; if (json_output) { blob_buf_init(&buf, 0); arr = blobmsg_open_array(&buf, ""); } blobmsg_for_each_attr(cur, blob_data(conf.head), rem) { blobmsg_parse(conf_policy, __CONF_MAX, tb, blobmsg_data(cur), blobmsg_len(cur)); if (!tb[CONF_NAME] || !tb[CONF_PATH]) continue; autostart = tb[CONF_AUTOSTART] && blobmsg_get_bool(tb[CONF_AUTOSTART]); ocistatus = NULL; container_pid = 0; name = blobmsg_get_string(tb[CONF_NAME]); s = avl_find_element(&runtime, name, s, avl); if (s && s->ocistate) { blobmsg_parse(state_policy, __STATE_MAX, ts, blobmsg_data(s->ocistate), blobmsg_len(s->ocistate)); ocistatus = blobmsg_get_string(ts[STATE_STATUS]); container_pid = blobmsg_get_u32(ts[STATE_PID]); } status = ocistatus?:(s && s->running)?"creating":"stopped"; if (json_output) { obj = blobmsg_open_table(&buf, ""); blobmsg_add_string(&buf, "name", name); blobmsg_add_string(&buf, "status", status); blobmsg_add_u8(&buf, "autostart", autostart); } else { printf("[%c] %s %s", autostart?'*':' ', name, status); } if (s && !s->running && (s->exitcode >= 0)) { if (json_output) blobmsg_add_u32(&buf, "exitcode", s->exitcode); else printf(" exitcode: %d (%s)", s->exitcode, strerror(s->exitcode)); } if (s && s->running && (s->runtime_pid >= 0)) { if (json_output) blobmsg_add_u32(&buf, "runtime_pid", s->runtime_pid); else printf(" runtime pid: %d", s->runtime_pid); } if (s && s->running && (container_pid >= 0)) { if (json_output) blobmsg_add_u32(&buf, "container_pid", container_pid); else printf(" container pid: %d", container_pid); } if (!json_output) printf("\n"); else blobmsg_close_table(&buf, obj); } if (json_output) { blobmsg_close_array(&buf, arr); tmp = blobmsg_format_json_indent(buf.head, true, 0); if (!tmp) { blob_buf_free(&buf); return ENOMEM; } printf("%s\n", tmp); free(tmp); blob_buf_free(&buf); }; return 0; } static int uxc_create(char *name, bool immediately) { static struct blob_buf req; struct blob_attr *cur, *tb[__CONF_MAX]; int rem, ret; uint32_t id; struct runtime_state *s = NULL; char *path = NULL, *jailname = NULL, *pidfile = NULL, *tmprwsize = NULL, *writepath = NULL; void *in, *ins, *j; bool found = false; s = avl_find_element(&runtime, name, s, avl); if (s && (s->running)) return EEXIST; blobmsg_for_each_attr(cur, blob_data(conf.head), rem) { blobmsg_parse(conf_policy, __CONF_MAX, tb, blobmsg_data(cur), blobmsg_len(cur)); if (!tb[CONF_NAME] || !tb[CONF_PATH]) continue; if (strcmp(name, blobmsg_get_string(tb[CONF_NAME]))) continue; found = true; break; } if (!found) return ENOENT; path = blobmsg_get_string(tb[CONF_PATH]); if (tb[CONF_PIDFILE]) pidfile = blobmsg_get_string(tb[CONF_PIDFILE]); if (tb[CONF_TEMP_OVERLAY_SIZE]) tmprwsize = blobmsg_get_string(tb[CONF_TEMP_OVERLAY_SIZE]); if (tb[CONF_WRITE_OVERLAY_PATH]) writepath = blobmsg_get_string(tb[CONF_WRITE_OVERLAY_PATH]); if (tb[CONF_JAIL]) jailname = blobmsg_get_string(tb[CONF_JAIL]); blob_buf_init(&req, 0); blobmsg_add_string(&req, "name", name); ins = blobmsg_open_table(&req, "instances"); in = blobmsg_open_table(&req, name); blobmsg_add_string(&req, "bundle", path); j = blobmsg_open_table(&req, "jail"); blobmsg_add_string(&req, "name", jailname?:name); blobmsg_add_u8(&req, "immediately", immediately); if (pidfile) blobmsg_add_string(&req, "pidfile", pidfile); blobmsg_close_table(&req, j); if (writepath) blobmsg_add_string(&req, "overlaydir", writepath); if (tmprwsize) blobmsg_add_string(&req, "tmpoverlaysize", tmprwsize); blobmsg_close_table(&req, in); blobmsg_close_table(&req, ins); if (verbose) { char *tmp; tmp = blobmsg_format_json_indent(req.head, true, 1); if (!tmp) return ENOMEM; fprintf(stderr, "adding container to procd:\n\t%s\n", tmp); free(tmp); } ret = 0; if (ubus_lookup_id(ctx, "container", &id) || ubus_invoke(ctx, id, "add", req.head, NULL, NULL, 3000)) { blob_buf_free(&req); ret = EIO; } return ret; } static int uxc_start(const char *name, bool console) { char *objname; unsigned int id; pid_t pid; if (console) { pid = fork(); if (pid > 0) exit(uxc_attach(name)); } if (asprintf(&objname, "container.%s", name) == -1) return ENOMEM; if (ubus_lookup_id(ctx, objname, &id)) return ENOENT; return ubus_invoke(ctx, id, "start", NULL, NULL, NULL, 3000); } static int uxc_kill(char *name, int signal) { static struct blob_buf req; struct blob_attr *cur, *tb[__CONF_MAX]; int rem, ret; char *objname; unsigned int id; struct runtime_state *s = NULL; bool found = false; blobmsg_for_each_attr(cur, blob_data(conf.head), rem) { blobmsg_parse(conf_policy, __CONF_MAX, tb, blobmsg_data(cur), blobmsg_len(cur)); if (!tb[CONF_NAME] || !tb[CONF_PATH]) continue; if (strcmp(name, blobmsg_get_string(tb[CONF_NAME]))) continue; found = true; break; } if (!found) return ENOENT; s = avl_find_element(&runtime, name, s, avl); if (!s || !(s->running)) return ENOENT; blob_buf_init(&req, 0); blobmsg_add_u32(&req, "signal", signal); blobmsg_add_string(&req, "name", name); if (asprintf(&objname, "container.%s", name) == -1) return ENOMEM; ret = ubus_lookup_id(ctx, objname, &id); free(objname); if (ret) return ENOENT; if (ubus_invoke(ctx, id, "kill", req.head, NULL, NULL, 3000)) return EIO; return 0; } static int uxc_set(char *name, char *path, bool autostart, bool add, char *pidfile, char *_tmprwsize, char *_writepath, char *requiredmounts) { static struct blob_buf req; struct blob_attr *cur, *tb[__CONF_MAX]; int rem, ret; const char *cfname = NULL; char *fname = NULL; char *keeppath = NULL; char *tmprwsize = _tmprwsize; char *writepath = _writepath; char *curvol, *tmp, *mnttok; void *mntarr; int f; struct stat sb; blobmsg_for_each_attr(cur, blob_data(conf.head), rem) { blobmsg_parse(conf_policy, __CONF_MAX, tb, blobmsg_data(cur), blobmsg_len(cur)); if (!tb[CONF_NAME] || !tb[CONF_PATH]) continue; if (strcmp(name, blobmsg_get_string(tb[CONF_NAME]))) continue; cfname = blobmsg_name(cur); break; } if (cfname && add) return EEXIST; if (!cfname && !add) return ENOENT; if (add && !path) return EINVAL; if (path) { if (stat(path, &sb) == -1) return ENOENT; if ((sb.st_mode & S_IFMT) != S_IFDIR) return ENOTDIR; } if (!cfname) { ret = mkdir(confdir, 0755); if (ret && errno != EEXIST) return ret; if (asprintf(&fname, "%s/%s.json", confdir, name) == -1) return ENOMEM; f = open(fname, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, 0644); if (f < 0) return errno; } else { f = open(cfname, O_WRONLY | O_TRUNC, 0644); if (f < 0) return errno; } if (!add) { keeppath = blobmsg_get_string(tb[CONF_PATH]); if (tb[CONF_WRITE_OVERLAY_PATH]) writepath = blobmsg_get_string(tb[CONF_WRITE_OVERLAY_PATH]); if (tb[CONF_TEMP_OVERLAY_SIZE]) tmprwsize = blobmsg_get_string(tb[CONF_TEMP_OVERLAY_SIZE]); } blob_buf_init(&req, 0); blobmsg_add_string(&req, "name", name); blobmsg_add_string(&req, "path", path?:keeppath); blobmsg_add_u8(&req, "autostart", autostart); if (pidfile) blobmsg_add_string(&req, "pidfile", pidfile); if (tmprwsize) blobmsg_add_string(&req, "temp-overlay-size", tmprwsize); if (writepath) blobmsg_add_string(&req, "write-overlay-path", writepath); if (!add && tb[CONF_VOLUMES]) blobmsg_add_blob(&req, tb[CONF_VOLUMES]); if (add && requiredmounts) { mntarr = blobmsg_open_array(&req, "volumes"); for (mnttok = requiredmounts; ; mnttok = NULL) { curvol = strtok_r(mnttok, ",;", &tmp); if (!curvol) break; blobmsg_add_string(&req, NULL, curvol); } blobmsg_close_array(&req, mntarr); } tmp = blobmsg_format_json_indent(req.head, true, 0); if (tmp) { dprintf(f, "%s\n", tmp); free(tmp); } blob_buf_free(&req); close(f); return 0; } enum { BLOCK_INFO_DEVICE, BLOCK_INFO_UUID, BLOCK_INFO_TARGET, BLOCK_INFO_TYPE, BLOCK_INFO_MOUNT, __BLOCK_INFO_MAX, }; static const struct blobmsg_policy block_info_policy[__BLOCK_INFO_MAX] = { [BLOCK_INFO_DEVICE] = { .name = "device", .type = BLOBMSG_TYPE_STRING }, [BLOCK_INFO_UUID] = { .name = "uuid", .type = BLOBMSG_TYPE_STRING }, [BLOCK_INFO_TARGET] = { .name = "target", .type = BLOBMSG_TYPE_STRING }, [BLOCK_INFO_TYPE] = { .name = "type", .type = BLOBMSG_TYPE_STRING }, [BLOCK_INFO_MOUNT] = { .name = "mount", .type = BLOBMSG_TYPE_STRING }, }; /* check if device 'devname' is mounted according to blockd */ static int checkblock(const char *uuid) { struct blob_attr *tb[__BLOCK_INFO_MAX]; struct blob_attr *cur; int rem; blobmsg_for_each_attr(cur, blockinfo, rem) { blobmsg_parse(block_info_policy, __BLOCK_INFO_MAX, tb, blobmsg_data(cur), blobmsg_len(cur)); if (!tb[BLOCK_INFO_UUID] || !tb[BLOCK_INFO_MOUNT]) continue; if (!strcmp(uuid, blobmsg_get_string(tb[BLOCK_INFO_UUID]))) return 0; } return 1; } enum { UCI_FSTAB_UUID, UCI_FSTAB_ANONYMOUS, __UCI_FSTAB_MAX, }; static const struct blobmsg_policy uci_fstab_policy[__UCI_FSTAB_MAX] = { [UCI_FSTAB_UUID] = { .name = "uuid", .type = BLOBMSG_TYPE_STRING }, [UCI_FSTAB_ANONYMOUS] = { .name = ".anonymous", .type = BLOBMSG_TYPE_BOOL }, }; static const char *resolveuuid(const char *volname) { struct blob_attr *tb[__UCI_FSTAB_MAX]; struct blob_attr *cur; const char *mntname; char *tmpvolname, *replc; int rem, res; blobmsg_for_each_attr(cur, fstabinfo, rem) { blobmsg_parse(uci_fstab_policy, __UCI_FSTAB_MAX, tb, blobmsg_data(cur), blobmsg_len(cur)); if (!tb[UCI_FSTAB_UUID]) continue; if (tb[UCI_FSTAB_ANONYMOUS] && blobmsg_get_bool(tb[UCI_FSTAB_ANONYMOUS])) continue; mntname = blobmsg_name(cur); if (!mntname) continue; tmpvolname = strdup(volname); while ((replc = strchr(tmpvolname, '-'))) *replc = '_'; res = strcmp(tmpvolname, mntname); free(tmpvolname); if (!res) return blobmsg_get_string(tb[UCI_FSTAB_UUID]); }; return volname; }; /* check status of each required volume */ static int checkvolumes(struct blob_attr *volumes) { struct blob_attr *cur; int rem; blobmsg_for_each_attr(cur, volumes, rem) { if (checkblock(resolveuuid(blobmsg_get_string(cur)))) return 1; } return 0; } static void block_cb(struct ubus_request *req, int type, struct blob_attr *msg) { blockinfo = blob_memdup(blobmsg_data(msg)); } static void fstab_cb(struct ubus_request *req, int type, struct blob_attr *msg) { fstabinfo = blob_memdup(blobmsg_data(msg)); } static int uxc_boot(void) { struct blob_attr *cur, *tb[__CONF_MAX]; struct runtime_state *s; static struct blob_buf req; int rem, ret = 0; char *name; unsigned int id; ret = ubus_lookup_id(ctx, "block", &id); if (ret) return ENOENT; ret = ubus_invoke(ctx, id, "info", NULL, block_cb, NULL, 3000); if (ret) return ENXIO; ret = ubus_lookup_id(ctx, "uci", &id); if (ret) return ENOENT; blob_buf_init(&req, 0); blobmsg_add_string(&req, "config", "fstab"); blobmsg_add_string(&req, "type", "mount"); ret = ubus_invoke(ctx, id, "get", req.head, fstab_cb, NULL, 3000); if (ret) return ENXIO; blobmsg_for_each_attr(cur, blob_data(conf.head), rem) { blobmsg_parse(conf_policy, __CONF_MAX, tb, blobmsg_data(cur), blobmsg_len(cur)); if (!tb[CONF_NAME] || !tb[CONF_PATH] || !tb[CONF_AUTOSTART] || !blobmsg_get_bool(tb[CONF_AUTOSTART])) continue; s = avl_find_element(&runtime, blobmsg_get_string(tb[CONF_NAME]), s, avl); if (s) continue; /* make sure all volumes are ready before starting */ if (tb[CONF_VOLUMES]) if (checkvolumes(tb[CONF_VOLUMES])) continue; name = strdup(blobmsg_get_string(tb[CONF_NAME])); ret += uxc_create(name, true); free(name); } return ret; } static int uxc_delete(char *name, bool force) { struct blob_attr *cur, *tb[__CONF_MAX]; struct runtime_state *s = NULL; static struct blob_buf req; uint32_t id; int rem, ret = 0; const char *fname = NULL; struct stat sb; blobmsg_for_each_attr(cur, blob_data(conf.head), rem) { blobmsg_parse(conf_policy, __CONF_MAX, tb, blobmsg_data(cur), blobmsg_len(cur)); if (!tb[CONF_NAME] || !tb[CONF_PATH]) continue; if (strcmp(name, blobmsg_get_string(tb[CONF_NAME]))) continue; fname = blobmsg_name(cur); break; } if (!fname) return ENOENT; s = avl_find_element(&runtime, name, s, avl); if (s && s->running) { if (force) { ret = uxc_kill(name, SIGKILL); if (ret) goto errout; } else { ret = EWOULDBLOCK; goto errout; } } if (s) { ret = ubus_lookup_id(ctx, "container", &id); if (ret) goto errout; blob_buf_init(&req, 0); blobmsg_add_string(&req, "name", s->container_name); blobmsg_add_string(&req, "instance", s->instance_name); if (ubus_invoke(ctx, id, "delete", req.head, NULL, NULL, 3000)) { blob_buf_free(&req); ret = EIO; goto errout; } } if (stat(fname, &sb) == -1) { ret = ENOENT; goto errout; } if (unlink(fname) == -1) ret=errno; errout: return ret; } static void reload_conf(void) { blob_buf_free(&conf); conf_load(); } int main(int argc, char **argv) { enum uxc_cmd cmd = CMD_UNKNOWN; int ret = EINVAL; char *bundle = NULL; char *pidfile = NULL; char *tmprwsize = NULL; char *writepath = NULL; char *requiredmounts = NULL; bool autostart = false; bool force = false; bool console = false; int signal = SIGTERM; int c; if (argc < 2) return usage(); ctx = ubus_connect(NULL); if (!ctx) return ENODEV; ret = conf_load(); if (ret) goto out; ret = runtime_load(); if (ret) goto conf_out; while (true) { int option_index = 0; c = getopt_long(argc, argv, OPT_ARGS, long_options, &option_index); if (c == -1) break; switch (c) { case 'a': autostart = true; break; case 'b': bundle = optarg; break; case 'c': console = true; break; case 'f': force = true; break; case 'j': json_output = true; break; case 'p': pidfile = optarg; break; case 't': tmprwsize = optarg; break; case 'v': verbose = true; break; case 'V': printf("uxc %s\n", UXC_VERSION); exit(0); case 'w': writepath = optarg; break; case 'm': requiredmounts = optarg; break; } } if (optind == argc) goto usage_out; if (!strcmp("list", argv[optind])) cmd = CMD_LIST; else if (!strcmp("attach", argv[optind])) cmd = CMD_ATTACH; else if (!strcmp("boot", argv[optind])) cmd = CMD_BOOT; else if(!strcmp("start", argv[optind])) cmd = CMD_START; else if(!strcmp("state", argv[optind])) cmd = CMD_STATE; else if(!strcmp("kill", argv[optind])) cmd = CMD_KILL; else if(!strcmp("enable", argv[optind])) cmd = CMD_ENABLE; else if(!strcmp("disable", argv[optind])) cmd = CMD_DISABLE; else if(!strcmp("delete", argv[optind])) cmd = CMD_DELETE; else if(!strcmp("create", argv[optind])) cmd = CMD_CREATE; switch (cmd) { case CMD_ATTACH: if (optind != argc - 2) goto usage_out; ret = uxc_attach(argv[optind + 1]); break; case CMD_LIST: ret = uxc_list(); break; case CMD_BOOT: ret = uxc_boot(); break; case CMD_START: if (optind != argc - 2) goto usage_out; ret = uxc_start(argv[optind + 1], console); break; case CMD_STATE: if (optind != argc - 2) goto usage_out; ret = uxc_state(argv[optind + 1]); break; case CMD_KILL: if (optind == (argc - 3)) signal = atoi(argv[optind + 2]); else if (optind > argc - 2) goto usage_out; ret = uxc_kill(argv[optind + 1], signal); break; case CMD_ENABLE: if (optind != argc - 2) goto usage_out; ret = uxc_set(argv[optind + 1], NULL, true, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); break; case CMD_DISABLE: if (optind != argc - 2) goto usage_out; ret = uxc_set(argv[optind + 1], NULL, false, false, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); break; case CMD_DELETE: if (optind != argc - 2) goto usage_out; ret = uxc_delete(argv[optind + 1], force); break; case CMD_CREATE: if (optind != argc - 2) goto usage_out; if (bundle) { ret = uxc_set(argv[optind + 1], bundle, autostart, true, pidfile, tmprwsize, writepath, requiredmounts); if (ret) goto runtime_out; reload_conf(); } ret = uxc_create(argv[optind + 1], false); break; default: goto usage_out; } goto runtime_out; usage_out: usage(); runtime_out: runtime_free(); conf_out: blob_buf_free(&conf); out: ubus_free(ctx); if (ret != 0) fprintf(stderr, "uxc error: %s\n", strerror(ret)); return ret; }