include: - template: 'Workflows/Branch-Pipelines.gitlab-ci.yml' default: tags: - docker # Image from based on Debian image: gcc:9 # .snippets: git_prep: # Make sure we have a recent annotated tag, otherwise meson/ # might fail later (e.g. shallow clone without enough history) or return # a bogus version based on a much older tag. This can happen in merge request # pipelines from a personal fork, as the fork might not have the latest # upstream tags if it has been forked a long time ago. Also affects the # git version picked up by autotools and cmake, not just meson. - git fetch refs/tags/v1.4:refs/tags/v1.4 - git describe whitespace: stage: test script: - git diff-tree --check origin/master HEAD autoconf: stage: build before_script: - apt-get update && apt-get install -y zip doxygen git - !reference [.snippets, git_prep] script: - ./ - ./configure - make -j4 - make distcheck cache: paths: - "src/*.o" - "src/.libs/*.o" - "silk/*.o" - "silk/.libs/*.o" - "celt/*.o" - "celt/.libs/*.o" cmake: stage: build before_script: - apt-get update && apt-get install -y cmake ninja-build - !reference [.snippets, git_prep] script: - mkdir build - cmake -S . -B build -G "Ninja" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DOPUS_BUILD_TESTING=ON -DOPUS_BUILD_PROGRAMS=ON - cmake --build build - cd build && ctest --output-on-failure .meson: image: 'debian:bookworm-slim' stage: build before_script: - apt-get update && apt-get install -y ninja-build doxygen meson git - !reference [.snippets, git_prep] script: - mkdir builddir - meson setup -Dtests=enabled -Ddocs=enabled -Dbuildtype=release builddir ${MESON_EXTRA_ARGS} - meson compile -C builddir - meson test -C builddir #- meson dist --no-tests -C builddir meson x86_64: extends: '.meson' variables: MESON_EXTRA_ARGS: '--werror' meson arm64: extends: '.meson' tags: - 'gstreamer-arm64-linux-docker' variables: # arm64 build has a compiler warning still, so let's not use --werror for now MESON_EXTRA_ARGS: '-Dwerror=false'