path: root/src/libostree/ostree-repo-finder-avahi.h
Commit message (Collapse)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* Update FSF license notices to use URL instead of addressJoseph Marrero2021-12-071-3/+1
* Add SPDX-License-Identifier to source filesMarcus Folkesson2018-01-301-0/+2
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | SPDX License List is a list of (common) open source licenses that can be referred to by a “short identifier”. It has several advantages compared to the common "license header texts" usually found in source files. Some of the advantages: * It is precise; there is no ambiguity due to variations in license header text * It is language neutral * It is easy to machine process * It is concise * It is simple and can be used without much cost in interpreted environments like java Script, etc. * An SPDX license identifier is immutable. * It provides simple guidance for developers who want to make sure the license for their code is respected See for further reading. Signed-off-by: Marcus Folkesson <> Closes: #1439 Approved by: cgwalters
* tree-wide: Remove Emacs modelinesColin Walters2017-09-211-2/+1
| | | | | | | | | We added a `.dir-locals.el` in commit: 9a77017d87b74c5e2895cdd64ad098018929403f There's no need to have it per-file, with that people might think to add other editors, which is the wrong direction. Closes: #1206 Approved by: jlebon
* lib/repo-finder: Add Avahi based OstreeRepoFinder implementationPhilip Withnall2017-06-261-0/+62
This is a more complex implementation of OstreeRepoFinder which resolves ref names to remote URIs by looking for refs advertised by peers on the local network using DNS-SD records and mDNS (Avahi). The idea is to allow OS and app updates to be propagated over local networks, without the internet. It requires an OSTree server and code to generate the DNS-SD adverts in order to be fully functional — support for this will be added separately. Unit tests are included. Includes fixes by Krzesimir Nowak <>. Signed-off-by: Philip Withnall <> Closes: #924 Approved by: cgwalters