path: root/src/libostree/ostree-rollsum.c
Commit message (Collapse)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* Update FSF license notices to use URL instead of addressJoseph Marrero2021-12-071-3/+1
* Add SPDX-License-Identifier to source filesMarcus Folkesson2018-01-301-0/+2
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | SPDX License List is a list of (common) open source licenses that can be referred to by a “short identifier”. It has several advantages compared to the common "license header texts" usually found in source files. Some of the advantages: * It is precise; there is no ambiguity due to variations in license header text * It is language neutral * It is easy to machine process * It is concise * It is simple and can be used without much cost in interpreted environments like java Script, etc. * An SPDX license identifier is immutable. * It provides simple guidance for developers who want to make sure the license for their code is respected See for further reading. Signed-off-by: Marcus Folkesson <> Closes: #1439 Approved by: cgwalters
* tree-wide: Remove Emacs modelinesColin Walters2017-09-211-2/+1
| | | | | | | | | We added a `.dir-locals.el` in commit: 9a77017d87b74c5e2895cdd64ad098018929403f There's no need to have it per-file, with that people might think to add other editors, which is the wrong direction. Closes: #1206 Approved by: jlebon
* rollsum: Fix assertion for CRC matchesColin Walters2015-08-251-1/+4
| | | | | It's possible for two blocks to have the same CRC but different length. Rather than asserting, treat them as not matching.
* Remove unnecessary #include "libgsystem.h"Matthew Barnes2015-05-061-1/+0
* Use g_autoptr(GPtrArray) instead of gs_unref_ptrarrayMatthew Barnes2015-05-061-1/+1
* Use g_autoptr(GHashTable) instead of gs_unref_hashtableMatthew Barnes2015-05-061-2/+2
* Juggling libglnx.h includesMatthew Barnes2015-05-061-0/+1
* deltas: Implement rollsumsColin Walters2015-02-161-0/+201
This does an rsync-style prepared delta basically. On my test data, it shaves ~6MB of uncompressed data. Not a huge amount, but I expect this to be more useful for things like binaries which embed data, etc.