# Release process The release process follows the usual PR-and-review flow, allowing an external reviewer to have a final check before publishing a release. ## Requirements This guide requires: * a web browser (and network connectivity) * `git` * GPG setup and personal key for signing * [git-evtag](https://github.com/cgwalters/git-evtag/) * write access to the git repository * upload access to this project on GitHub ## Release checklist - Prepare local environment: - [ ] `git remote get-url --push origin` - [ ] validate that the output above points to `git@github.com:ostreedev/ostree.git` - [ ] `git checkout main && git pull` - [ ] `git clean -fd` - [ ] `RELEASE_VER=yyyy.n` (matching `package_version` in `configure.ac`) - [ ] `git checkout -b release-${RELEASE_VER}` - Prepare the release commits: - [ ] `sed -i -e 's/^is_release_build=no/is_release_build=yes/' configure.ac` - [ ] move the new-symbols stanza (if any) from `src/libostree/libostree-devel.sym` to `src/libostree/libostree-released.sym` - [ ] comment the `src/libostree/libostree-devel.sym` include in `Makefile-libostree.am` - [ ] update `tests/test-symbols.sh` with the new digest from `sha256sum src/libostree/libostree-released.sym` - [ ] `git commit -a -m "Release ${RELEASE_VER}"` - [ ] `RELEASE_COMMIT=$(git rev-parse HEAD)` - [ ] `./autogen.sh && make dist` - [ ] update `year_version` and `release_version` in `configure.ac` for the next development cycle - [ ] `sed -i -e 's/^is_release_build=yes/is_release_build=no/' configure.ac` - [ ] `git commit -a -m 'configure: post-release version bump'` - Open a PR to create the release: - [ ] `git push -u origin release-${RELEASE_VER}` - [ ] open a web browser and create a PR for the branch above, titled `Release ${RELEASE_VER}` - [ ] make sure the resulting PR contains two commits - [ ] in the PR body, write a short summary of relevant changes since last release (using `git shortlog` too) - [ ] get the PR reviewed, approved and merged - Publish the tag: - [ ] `git fetch origin && git checkout ${RELEASE_COMMIT}` - [ ] `git-evtag sign v${RELEASE_VER}` - [ ] `git push --tags origin v${RELEASE_VER}` - Publish the release and artifacts on GitHub: - [ ] find the new tag in the [GitHub tag list](https://github.com/ostreedev/ostree/tags) and click the triple dots menu, then create a release for it - [ ] write a short changelog (i.e. re-use the PR content) - [ ] attach `libostree-{RELEASE_VER}.tar.xz` - [ ] publish release - Clean up: - [ ] `git clean -fd` - [ ] `git checkout main` - [ ] `git pull` - [ ] `git push origin :release-${RELEASE_VER}` - [ ] `git branch -d release-${RELEASE_VER}`