/* * Copyright (C) 2013 Colin Walters * * SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.0+ * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library. If not, see . */ #include "config.h" #include "ostree-checksum-input-stream.h" #include "ostree-cmd-private.h" #include "ostree-core-private.h" #include "ostree-lzma-decompressor.h" #include "ostree-repo-private.h" #include "ostree-repo-static-delta-private.h" #include "otutil.h" #include #include #include gboolean _ostree_static_delta_parse_checksum_array (GVariant *array, guint8 **out_checksums_array, guint *out_n_checksums, GError **error) { const gsize n = g_variant_n_children (array); const guint n_checksums = n / OSTREE_STATIC_DELTA_OBJTYPE_CSUM_LEN; if (G_UNLIKELY (n > (G_MAXUINT32 / OSTREE_STATIC_DELTA_OBJTYPE_CSUM_LEN) || (n_checksums * OSTREE_STATIC_DELTA_OBJTYPE_CSUM_LEN) != n)) { return glnx_throw (error, "Invalid checksum array length %" G_GSIZE_FORMAT, n); } *out_checksums_array = (gpointer)g_variant_get_data (array); *out_n_checksums = n_checksums; return TRUE; } GVariant * _ostree_repo_static_delta_superblock_digest (OstreeRepo *repo, const char *from, const char *to, GCancellable *cancellable, GError **error) { g_autofree char *superblock = _ostree_get_relative_static_delta_superblock_path ((from && from[0]) ? from : NULL, to); glnx_autofd int superblock_file_fd = -1; guint8 digest[OSTREE_SHA256_DIGEST_LEN]; if (!glnx_openat_rdonly (repo->repo_dir_fd, superblock, TRUE, &superblock_file_fd, error)) return NULL; g_autoptr (GBytes) superblock_content = ot_fd_readall_or_mmap (superblock_file_fd, 0, error); if (!superblock_content) return NULL; ot_checksum_bytes (superblock_content, digest); return ot_gvariant_new_bytearray (digest, sizeof (digest)); } /** * ostree_repo_list_static_delta_names: * @self: Repo * @out_deltas: (out) (element-type utf8) (transfer container): String name of deltas * (checksum-checksum.delta) * @cancellable: Cancellable * @error: Error * * This function synchronously enumerates all static deltas in the * repository, returning its result in @out_deltas. */ gboolean ostree_repo_list_static_delta_names (OstreeRepo *self, GPtrArray **out_deltas, GCancellable *cancellable, GError **error) { g_autoptr (GPtrArray) ret_deltas = g_ptr_array_new_with_free_func (g_free); g_auto (GLnxDirFdIterator) dfd_iter = { 0, }; gboolean exists; if (!ot_dfd_iter_init_allow_noent (self->repo_dir_fd, "deltas", &dfd_iter, &exists, error)) return FALSE; if (!exists) { /* Note early return */ ot_transfer_out_value (out_deltas, &ret_deltas); return TRUE; } while (TRUE) { g_auto (GLnxDirFdIterator) sub_dfd_iter = { 0, }; struct dirent *dent; if (!glnx_dirfd_iterator_next_dent_ensure_dtype (&dfd_iter, &dent, cancellable, error)) return FALSE; if (dent == NULL) break; if (dent->d_type != DT_DIR) continue; if (!glnx_dirfd_iterator_init_at (dfd_iter.fd, dent->d_name, FALSE, &sub_dfd_iter, error)) return FALSE; while (TRUE) { struct dirent *sub_dent; if (!glnx_dirfd_iterator_next_dent_ensure_dtype (&sub_dfd_iter, &sub_dent, cancellable, error)) return FALSE; if (sub_dent == NULL) break; if (sub_dent->d_type != DT_DIR) continue; const char *name1 = dent->d_name; const char *name2 = sub_dent->d_name; g_autofree char *superblock_subpath = g_strconcat (name2, "/superblock", NULL); if (!glnx_fstatat_allow_noent (sub_dfd_iter.fd, superblock_subpath, NULL, 0, error)) return FALSE; if (errno == ENOENT) continue; g_autofree char *buf = g_strconcat (name1, name2, NULL); GString *out = g_string_new (""); char checksum[OSTREE_SHA256_STRING_LEN + 1]; guchar csum[OSTREE_SHA256_DIGEST_LEN]; const char *dash = strchr (buf, '-'); ostree_checksum_b64_inplace_to_bytes (buf, csum); ostree_checksum_inplace_from_bytes (csum, checksum); g_string_append (out, checksum); if (dash) { g_string_append_c (out, '-'); ostree_checksum_b64_inplace_to_bytes (dash + 1, csum); ostree_checksum_inplace_from_bytes (csum, checksum); g_string_append (out, checksum); } g_ptr_array_add (ret_deltas, g_string_free (out, FALSE)); } } ot_transfer_out_value (out_deltas, &ret_deltas); return TRUE; } /** * ostree_repo_list_static_delta_indexes: * @self: Repo * @out_indexes: (out) (element-type utf8) (transfer container): String name of delta indexes * (checksum) * @cancellable: Cancellable * @error: Error * * This function synchronously enumerates all static delta indexes in the * repository, returning its result in @out_indexes. * * Since: 2020.8 */ gboolean ostree_repo_list_static_delta_indexes (OstreeRepo *self, GPtrArray **out_indexes, GCancellable *cancellable, GError **error) { g_autoptr (GPtrArray) ret_indexes = g_ptr_array_new_with_free_func (g_free); g_auto (GLnxDirFdIterator) dfd_iter = { 0, }; gboolean exists; if (!ot_dfd_iter_init_allow_noent (self->repo_dir_fd, "delta-indexes", &dfd_iter, &exists, error)) return FALSE; if (!exists) { /* Note early return */ ot_transfer_out_value (out_indexes, &ret_indexes); return TRUE; } while (TRUE) { g_auto (GLnxDirFdIterator) sub_dfd_iter = { 0, }; struct dirent *dent; if (!glnx_dirfd_iterator_next_dent_ensure_dtype (&dfd_iter, &dent, cancellable, error)) return FALSE; if (dent == NULL) break; if (dent->d_type != DT_DIR) continue; if (strlen (dent->d_name) != 2) continue; if (!glnx_dirfd_iterator_init_at (dfd_iter.fd, dent->d_name, FALSE, &sub_dfd_iter, error)) return FALSE; while (TRUE) { struct dirent *sub_dent; if (!glnx_dirfd_iterator_next_dent_ensure_dtype (&sub_dfd_iter, &sub_dent, cancellable, error)) return FALSE; if (sub_dent == NULL) break; if (sub_dent->d_type != DT_REG) continue; const char *name1 = dent->d_name; const char *name2 = sub_dent->d_name; /* base64 len is 43, but 2 chars are in the parent dir name */ if (strlen (name2) != 41 + strlen (".index") || !g_str_has_suffix (name2, ".index")) continue; g_autoptr (GString) out = g_string_new (name1); g_string_append_len (out, name2, 41); char checksum[OSTREE_SHA256_STRING_LEN + 1]; guchar csum[OSTREE_SHA256_DIGEST_LEN]; ostree_checksum_b64_inplace_to_bytes (out->str, csum); ostree_checksum_inplace_from_bytes (csum, checksum); g_ptr_array_add (ret_indexes, g_strdup (checksum)); } } ot_transfer_out_value (out_indexes, &ret_indexes); return TRUE; } gboolean _ostree_repo_static_delta_part_have_all_objects (OstreeRepo *repo, GVariant *checksum_array, gboolean *out_have_all, GCancellable *cancellable, GError **error) { guint8 *checksums_data = NULL; guint n_checksums = 0; gboolean have_object = TRUE; if (!_ostree_static_delta_parse_checksum_array (checksum_array, &checksums_data, &n_checksums, error)) return FALSE; for (guint i = 0; i < n_checksums; i++) { guint8 objtype = *checksums_data; const guint8 *csum = checksums_data + 1; char tmp_checksum[OSTREE_SHA256_STRING_LEN + 1]; if (G_UNLIKELY (!ostree_validate_structureof_objtype (objtype, error))) return FALSE; ostree_checksum_inplace_from_bytes (csum, tmp_checksum); if (!ostree_repo_has_object (repo, (OstreeObjectType)objtype, tmp_checksum, &have_object, cancellable, error)) return FALSE; if (!have_object) break; checksums_data += OSTREE_STATIC_DELTA_OBJTYPE_CSUM_LEN; } *out_have_all = have_object; return TRUE; } static gboolean _ostree_repo_static_delta_is_signed (OstreeRepo *self, int fd, GPtrArray **out_value, GError **error) { g_autoptr (GVariant) delta = NULL; g_autoptr (GVariant) delta_sign_magic = NULL; g_autoptr (GVariant) delta_sign = NULL; GVariantIter iter; GVariant *item; g_autoptr (GPtrArray) signatures = NULL; gboolean ret = FALSE; if (out_value) *out_value = NULL; if (!ot_variant_read_fd (fd, 0, (GVariantType *)OSTREE_STATIC_DELTA_SIGNED_FORMAT, TRUE, &delta, error)) return FALSE; delta_sign_magic = g_variant_get_child_value (delta, 0); if (delta_sign_magic == NULL) return glnx_throw (error, "no signatures in static-delta"); if (GUINT64_FROM_BE (g_variant_get_uint64 (delta_sign_magic)) != OSTREE_STATIC_DELTA_SIGNED_MAGIC) return glnx_throw (error, "no signatures in static-delta"); delta_sign = g_variant_get_child_value (delta, 2); if (delta_sign == NULL) return glnx_throw (error, "no signatures in static-delta"); if (out_value) signatures = g_ptr_array_new_with_free_func (g_free); /* Check if there are signatures in the superblock */ g_variant_iter_init (&iter, delta_sign); while ((item = g_variant_iter_next_value (&iter))) { g_autoptr (GVariant) key_v = g_variant_get_child_value (item, 0); const char *str = g_variant_get_string (key_v, NULL); if (g_str_has_prefix (str, "ostree.sign.")) { ret = TRUE; if (signatures) g_ptr_array_add (signatures, g_strdup (str + strlen ("ostree.sign."))); } g_variant_unref (item); } if (out_value && ret) ot_transfer_out_value (out_value, &signatures); return ret; } static gboolean _ostree_repo_static_delta_verify_signature (OstreeRepo *self, int fd, OstreeSign *sign, char **out_success_message, GError **error) { g_autoptr (GVariant) delta = NULL; if (!ot_variant_read_fd (fd, 0, (GVariantType *)OSTREE_STATIC_DELTA_SIGNED_FORMAT, TRUE, &delta, error)) return FALSE; /* Check if there are signatures for signature engine */ const gchar *signature_key = ostree_sign_metadata_key (sign); GVariantType *signature_format = (GVariantType *)ostree_sign_metadata_format (sign); g_autoptr (GVariant) delta_meta = g_variant_get_child_value (delta, 2); if (delta_meta == NULL) return glnx_throw (error, "no metadata in static-delta superblock"); g_autoptr (GVariant) signatures = g_variant_lookup_value (delta_meta, signature_key, signature_format); if (!signatures) return glnx_throw (error, "no signature for '%s' in static-delta superblock", signature_key); /* Get static delta superblock */ g_autoptr (GVariant) child = g_variant_get_child_value (delta, 1); if (child == NULL) return glnx_throw (error, "no metadata in static-delta superblock"); g_autoptr (GBytes) signed_data = g_variant_get_data_as_bytes (child); return ostree_sign_data_verify (sign, signed_data, signatures, out_success_message, error); } /** * ostree_repo_static_delta_execute_offline_with_signature: * @self: Repo * @dir_or_file: Path to a directory containing static delta data, or directly to the superblock * @sign: Signature engine used to check superblock * @skip_validation: If %TRUE, assume data integrity * @cancellable: Cancellable * @error: Error * * Given a directory representing an already-downloaded static delta * on disk, apply it, generating a new commit. * If sign is passed, the static delta signature is verified. * If sign-verify-deltas configuration option is set and static delta is signed, * signature verification will be mandatory before apply the static delta. * The directory must be named with the form "FROM-TO", where both are * checksums, and it must contain a file named "superblock", along with at least * one part. * * Since: 2020.7 */ gboolean ostree_repo_static_delta_execute_offline_with_signature (OstreeRepo *self, GFile *dir_or_file, OstreeSign *sign, gboolean skip_validation, GCancellable *cancellable, GError **error) { g_autofree char *basename = NULL; g_autoptr (GVariant) meta = NULL; const char *dir_or_file_path = gs_file_get_path_cached (dir_or_file); /* First, try opening it as a directory */ glnx_autofd int dfd = glnx_opendirat_with_errno (AT_FDCWD, dir_or_file_path, TRUE); if (dfd < 0) { if (errno != ENOTDIR) return glnx_throw_errno_prefix (error, "openat(O_DIRECTORY)"); else { g_autofree char *dir = dirname (g_strdup (dir_or_file_path)); basename = g_path_get_basename (dir_or_file_path); if (!glnx_opendirat (AT_FDCWD, dir, TRUE, &dfd, error)) return FALSE; } } else basename = g_strdup ("superblock"); glnx_autofd int meta_fd = openat (dfd, basename, O_RDONLY | O_CLOEXEC); if (meta_fd < 0) return glnx_throw_errno_prefix (error, "openat(%s)", basename); gboolean is_signed = _ostree_repo_static_delta_is_signed (self, meta_fd, NULL, NULL); if (is_signed) { gboolean verify_deltas; gboolean verified; if (!ot_keyfile_get_boolean_with_default (self->config, "core", "sign-verify-deltas", FALSE, &verify_deltas, error)) return FALSE; if (verify_deltas && !sign) return glnx_throw (error, "Key is mandatory to check delta signature"); if (sign) { g_autoptr (GError) local_error = NULL; verified = _ostree_repo_static_delta_verify_signature (self, meta_fd, sign, NULL, &local_error); if (local_error != NULL) { g_propagate_error (error, g_steal_pointer (&local_error)); return FALSE; } if (!verified) return glnx_throw (error, "Delta signature verification failed"); } g_autoptr (GVariant) delta = NULL; if (!ot_variant_read_fd (meta_fd, 0, (GVariantType *)OSTREE_STATIC_DELTA_SIGNED_FORMAT, TRUE, &delta, error)) return FALSE; g_autoptr (GVariant) child = g_variant_get_child_value (delta, 1); g_autoptr (GBytes) bytes = g_variant_get_data_as_bytes (child); meta = g_variant_new_from_bytes ((GVariantType *)OSTREE_STATIC_DELTA_SUPERBLOCK_FORMAT, bytes, FALSE); } else { if (!ot_variant_read_fd (meta_fd, 0, G_VARIANT_TYPE (OSTREE_STATIC_DELTA_SUPERBLOCK_FORMAT), FALSE, &meta, error)) return FALSE; } /* Parsing OSTREE_STATIC_DELTA_SUPERBLOCK_FORMAT */ g_autoptr (GVariant) metadata = g_variant_get_child_value (meta, 0); g_autofree char *to_checksum = NULL; g_autofree char *from_checksum = NULL; /* Write the to-commit object */ { g_autoptr (GVariant) to_csum_v = NULL; g_autoptr (GVariant) from_csum_v = NULL; g_autoptr (GVariant) to_commit = NULL; gboolean have_to_commit; gboolean have_from_commit; to_csum_v = g_variant_get_child_value (meta, 3); if (!ostree_validate_structureof_csum_v (to_csum_v, error)) return FALSE; to_checksum = ostree_checksum_from_bytes_v (to_csum_v); from_csum_v = g_variant_get_child_value (meta, 2); if (g_variant_n_children (from_csum_v) > 0) { if (!ostree_validate_structureof_csum_v (from_csum_v, error)) return FALSE; from_checksum = ostree_checksum_from_bytes_v (from_csum_v); if (!ostree_repo_has_object (self, OSTREE_OBJECT_TYPE_COMMIT, from_checksum, &have_from_commit, cancellable, error)) return FALSE; if (!have_from_commit) return glnx_throw (error, "Commit %s, which is the delta source, is not in repository", from_checksum); } if (!ostree_repo_has_object (self, OSTREE_OBJECT_TYPE_COMMIT, to_checksum, &have_to_commit, cancellable, error)) return FALSE; if (!have_to_commit) { g_autofree char *detached_path = _ostree_get_relative_static_delta_path (from_checksum, to_checksum, "commitmeta"); g_autoptr (GVariant) detached_data = g_variant_lookup_value (metadata, detached_path, G_VARIANT_TYPE ("a{sv}")); if (detached_data && !ostree_repo_write_commit_detached_metadata (self, to_checksum, detached_data, cancellable, error)) return FALSE; to_commit = g_variant_get_child_value (meta, 4); if (!ostree_repo_write_metadata (self, OSTREE_OBJECT_TYPE_COMMIT, to_checksum, to_commit, NULL, cancellable, error)) return FALSE; } } g_autoptr (GVariant) fallback = g_variant_get_child_value (meta, 7); if (g_variant_n_children (fallback) > 0) return glnx_throw (error, "Cannot execute delta offline: contains nonempty http fallback entries"); g_autoptr (GVariant) headers = g_variant_get_child_value (meta, 6); const guint n = g_variant_n_children (headers); for (guint i = 0; i < n; i++) { guint32 version; guint64 size; guint64 usize; char checksum[OSTREE_SHA256_STRING_LEN + 1]; g_autoptr (GVariant) csum_v = NULL; g_autoptr (GVariant) objects = NULL; g_autoptr (GVariant) part = NULL; OstreeStaticDeltaOpenFlags delta_open_flags = skip_validation ? OSTREE_STATIC_DELTA_OPEN_FLAGS_SKIP_CHECKSUM : 0; g_autoptr (GVariant) header = g_variant_get_child_value (headers, i); g_variant_get (header, "(u@aytt@ay)", &version, &csum_v, &size, &usize, &objects); if (version > OSTREE_DELTAPART_VERSION) return glnx_throw (error, "Delta part has too new version %u", version); gboolean have_all; if (!_ostree_repo_static_delta_part_have_all_objects (self, objects, &have_all, cancellable, error)) return FALSE; /* If we already have these objects, don't bother executing the * static delta. */ if (have_all) continue; const guchar *csum = ostree_checksum_bytes_peek_validate (csum_v, error); if (!csum) return FALSE; ostree_checksum_inplace_from_bytes (csum, checksum); g_autofree char *deltapart_path = _ostree_get_relative_static_delta_part_path (from_checksum, to_checksum, i); g_autoptr (GInputStream) part_in = NULL; g_autoptr (GVariant) inline_part_data = g_variant_lookup_value (metadata, deltapart_path, G_VARIANT_TYPE ("(yay)")); if (inline_part_data) { g_autoptr (GBytes) inline_part_bytes = g_variant_get_data_as_bytes (inline_part_data); part_in = g_memory_input_stream_new_from_bytes (inline_part_bytes); /* For inline parts, we don't checksum, because it's * included with the metadata, so we're not trying to * protect against MITM or such. Non-security related * checksums should be done at the underlying storage layer. */ delta_open_flags |= OSTREE_STATIC_DELTA_OPEN_FLAGS_SKIP_CHECKSUM; if (!_ostree_static_delta_part_open (part_in, inline_part_bytes, delta_open_flags, NULL, &part, cancellable, error)) return FALSE; } else { g_autofree char *relpath = g_strdup_printf ("%u", i); /* TODO avoid malloc here */ glnx_autofd int part_fd = openat (dfd, relpath, O_RDONLY | O_CLOEXEC); if (part_fd < 0) return glnx_throw_errno_prefix (error, "Opening deltapart '%s'", relpath); part_in = g_unix_input_stream_new (part_fd, FALSE); if (!_ostree_static_delta_part_open (part_in, NULL, delta_open_flags, checksum, &part, cancellable, error)) return FALSE; } if (!_ostree_static_delta_part_execute (self, objects, part, skip_validation, NULL, cancellable, error)) return glnx_prefix_error (error, "Executing delta part %i", i); } return TRUE; } /** * ostree_repo_static_delta_execute_offline: * @self: Repo * @dir_or_file: Path to a directory containing static delta data, or directly to the superblock * @skip_validation: If %TRUE, assume data integrity * @cancellable: Cancellable * @error: Error * * Given a directory representing an already-downloaded static delta * on disk, apply it, generating a new commit. The directory must be * named with the form "FROM-TO", where both are checksums, and it * must contain a file named "superblock", along with at least one part. */ gboolean ostree_repo_static_delta_execute_offline (OstreeRepo *self, GFile *dir_or_file, gboolean skip_validation, GCancellable *cancellable, GError **error) { return ostree_repo_static_delta_execute_offline_with_signature ( self, dir_or_file, NULL, skip_validation, cancellable, error); } gboolean _ostree_static_delta_part_open (GInputStream *part_in, GBytes *inline_part_bytes, OstreeStaticDeltaOpenFlags flags, const char *expected_checksum, GVariant **out_part, GCancellable *cancellable, GError **error) { const gboolean trusted = (flags & OSTREE_STATIC_DELTA_OPEN_FLAGS_VARIANT_TRUSTED) > 0; const gboolean skip_checksum = (flags & OSTREE_STATIC_DELTA_OPEN_FLAGS_SKIP_CHECKSUM) > 0; /* We either take a fd or a GBytes reference */ g_return_val_if_fail (G_IS_FILE_DESCRIPTOR_BASED (part_in) || inline_part_bytes != NULL, FALSE); g_return_val_if_fail (skip_checksum || expected_checksum != NULL, FALSE); g_autoptr (GChecksum) checksum = NULL; g_autoptr (GInputStream) checksum_in = NULL; GInputStream *source_in; if (!skip_checksum) { checksum = g_checksum_new (G_CHECKSUM_SHA256); checksum_in = (GInputStream *)ostree_checksum_input_stream_new (part_in, checksum); source_in = checksum_in; } else { source_in = part_in; } guint8 comptype; { guint8 buf[1]; gsize bytes_read; /* First byte is compression type */ if (!g_input_stream_read_all (source_in, buf, sizeof (buf), &bytes_read, cancellable, error)) return glnx_prefix_error (error, "Reading initial compression flag byte"); comptype = buf[0]; } g_autoptr (GVariant) ret_part = NULL; switch (comptype) { case 0: if (!inline_part_bytes) { int part_fd = g_file_descriptor_based_get_fd ((GFileDescriptorBased *)part_in); /* No compression, no checksums - a fast path */ if (!ot_variant_read_fd (part_fd, 1, G_VARIANT_TYPE (OSTREE_STATIC_DELTA_PART_PAYLOAD_FORMAT_V0), trusted, &ret_part, error)) return FALSE; } else { g_autoptr (GBytes) content_bytes = g_bytes_new_from_bytes ( inline_part_bytes, 1, g_bytes_get_size (inline_part_bytes) - 1); ret_part = g_variant_new_from_bytes ( G_VARIANT_TYPE (OSTREE_STATIC_DELTA_PART_PAYLOAD_FORMAT_V0), content_bytes, trusted); g_variant_ref_sink (ret_part); } if (!skip_checksum) g_checksum_update (checksum, g_variant_get_data (ret_part), g_variant_get_size (ret_part)); break; case 'x': { g_autoptr (GConverter) decomp = (GConverter *)_ostree_lzma_decompressor_new (); g_autoptr (GInputStream) convin = g_converter_input_stream_new (source_in, decomp); g_autoptr (GBytes) buf = ot_map_anonymous_tmpfile_from_content (convin, cancellable, error); if (!buf) return FALSE; ret_part = g_variant_new_from_bytes ( G_VARIANT_TYPE (OSTREE_STATIC_DELTA_PART_PAYLOAD_FORMAT_V0), buf, FALSE); } break; default: return glnx_throw (error, "Invalid compression type '%u'", comptype); } if (checksum) { const char *actual_checksum = g_checksum_get_string (checksum); g_assert (expected_checksum != NULL); if (strcmp (actual_checksum, expected_checksum) != 0) return glnx_throw (error, "Checksum mismatch in static delta part; expected=%s actual=%s", expected_checksum, actual_checksum); } *out_part = g_steal_pointer (&ret_part); return TRUE; } /* * Displaying static delta parts */ static gboolean show_one_part (OstreeRepo *self, gboolean swap_endian, const char *from, const char *to, GVariant *meta_entries, guint i, guint64 *total_size_ref, guint64 *total_usize_ref, GCancellable *cancellable, GError **error) { g_autofree char *part_path = _ostree_get_relative_static_delta_part_path (from, to, i); guint32 version; guint64 size, usize; g_autoptr (GVariant) objects = NULL; g_variant_get_child (meta_entries, i, "(u@aytt@ay)", &version, NULL, &size, &usize, &objects); size = maybe_swap_endian_u64 (swap_endian, size); usize = maybe_swap_endian_u64 (swap_endian, usize); *total_size_ref += size; *total_usize_ref += usize; g_print ("PartMeta%u: nobjects=%u size=%" G_GUINT64_FORMAT " usize=%" G_GUINT64_FORMAT "\n", i, (guint)(g_variant_get_size (objects) / OSTREE_STATIC_DELTA_OBJTYPE_CSUM_LEN), size, usize); glnx_autofd int part_fd = openat (self->repo_dir_fd, part_path, O_RDONLY | O_CLOEXEC); if (part_fd < 0) return glnx_throw_errno_prefix (error, "openat(%s)", part_path); g_autoptr (GInputStream) part_in = g_unix_input_stream_new (part_fd, FALSE); g_autoptr (GVariant) part = NULL; if (!_ostree_static_delta_part_open (part_in, NULL, OSTREE_STATIC_DELTA_OPEN_FLAGS_SKIP_CHECKSUM, NULL, &part, cancellable, error)) return FALSE; { g_autoptr (GVariant) modes = NULL; g_autoptr (GVariant) xattrs = NULL; g_autoptr (GVariant) blob = NULL; g_autoptr (GVariant) ops = NULL; OstreeDeltaExecuteStats stats = { { 0, }, }; g_variant_get (part, "(@a(uuu)@aa(ayay)@ay@ay)", &modes, &xattrs, &blob, &ops); g_print ("PartPayload%u: nmodes=%" G_GUINT64_FORMAT " nxattrs=%" G_GUINT64_FORMAT " blobsize=%" G_GUINT64_FORMAT " opsize=%" G_GUINT64_FORMAT "\n", i, (guint64)g_variant_n_children (modes), (guint64)g_variant_n_children (xattrs), (guint64)g_variant_n_children (blob), (guint64)g_variant_n_children (ops)); if (!_ostree_static_delta_part_execute (self, objects, part, TRUE, &stats, cancellable, error)) return FALSE; { const guint *n_ops = stats.n_ops_executed; g_print ("PartPayloadOps%u: openspliceclose=%u open=%u write=%u setread=%u " "unsetread=%u close=%u bspatch=%u\n", i, n_ops[0], n_ops[1], n_ops[2], n_ops[3], n_ops[4], n_ops[5], n_ops[6]); } } return TRUE; } OstreeDeltaEndianness _ostree_delta_get_endianness (GVariant *superblock, gboolean *out_was_heuristic) { g_autoptr (GVariant) delta_meta = g_variant_get_child_value (superblock, 0); g_autoptr (GVariantDict) delta_metadict = g_variant_dict_new (delta_meta); if (out_was_heuristic) *out_was_heuristic = FALSE; guint8 endianness_char; if (g_variant_dict_lookup (delta_metadict, "ostree.endianness", "y", &endianness_char)) { switch (endianness_char) { case 'l': return OSTREE_DELTA_ENDIAN_LITTLE; case 'B': return OSTREE_DELTA_ENDIAN_BIG; default: return OSTREE_DELTA_ENDIAN_INVALID; } } if (out_was_heuristic) *out_was_heuristic = TRUE; guint64 total_size = 0; guint64 total_usize = 0; guint total_objects = 0; { g_autoptr (GVariant) meta_entries = NULL; gboolean is_byteswapped = FALSE; g_variant_get_child (superblock, 6, "@a" OSTREE_STATIC_DELTA_META_ENTRY_FORMAT, &meta_entries); const guint n_parts = g_variant_n_children (meta_entries); for (guint i = 0; i < n_parts; i++) { g_autoptr (GVariant) objects = NULL; guint64 size, usize; guint n_objects; g_variant_get_child (meta_entries, i, "(u@aytt@ay)", NULL, NULL, &size, &usize, &objects); n_objects = (guint)(g_variant_get_size (objects) / OSTREE_STATIC_DELTA_OBJTYPE_CSUM_LEN); total_objects += n_objects; total_size += size; total_usize += usize; if (size > usize) { double ratio = ((double)size) / ((double)usize); /* This should really never happen where compressing things makes it more than 50% * bigger. */ if (ratio > 1.2) { is_byteswapped = TRUE; break; } } } if (!is_byteswapped) { /* If the average object size is greater than 4GiB, let's assume * we're dealing with opposite endianness. I'm fairly confident * no one is going to be shipping peta- or exa- byte size ostree * deltas, period. Past the gigabyte scale you really want * bittorrent or something. */ if (total_objects > 0 && (total_size / total_objects) > G_MAXUINT32) { is_byteswapped = TRUE; } } if (is_byteswapped) { switch (G_BYTE_ORDER) { case G_BIG_ENDIAN: return OSTREE_DELTA_ENDIAN_LITTLE; case G_LITTLE_ENDIAN: return OSTREE_DELTA_ENDIAN_BIG; default: g_assert_not_reached (); } } return OSTREE_DELTA_ENDIAN_INVALID; } } gboolean _ostree_delta_needs_byteswap (GVariant *superblock) { switch (_ostree_delta_get_endianness (superblock, NULL)) { case OSTREE_DELTA_ENDIAN_BIG: return G_BYTE_ORDER == G_LITTLE_ENDIAN; case OSTREE_DELTA_ENDIAN_LITTLE: return G_BYTE_ORDER == G_BIG_ENDIAN; default: return FALSE; } } gboolean _ostree_repo_static_delta_delete (OstreeRepo *self, const char *delta_id, GCancellable *cancellable, GError **error) { g_autofree char *from = NULL; g_autofree char *to = NULL; if (!_ostree_parse_delta_name (delta_id, &from, &to, error)) return FALSE; g_autofree char *deltadir = _ostree_get_relative_static_delta_path (from, to, NULL); struct stat buf; if (fstatat (self->repo_dir_fd, deltadir, &buf, 0) != 0) { if (errno == ENOENT) { g_set_error (error, G_IO_ERROR, G_IO_ERROR_NOT_FOUND, "Can't find delta %s", delta_id); return FALSE; } else return glnx_throw_errno_prefix (error, "fstatat(%s)", deltadir); } if (!glnx_shutil_rm_rf_at (self->repo_dir_fd, deltadir, cancellable, error)) return FALSE; return TRUE; } gboolean _ostree_repo_static_delta_query_exists (OstreeRepo *self, const char *delta_id, gboolean *out_exists, GCancellable *cancellable, GError **error) { g_autofree char *from = NULL; g_autofree char *to = NULL; if (!_ostree_parse_delta_name (delta_id, &from, &to, error)) return FALSE; g_autofree char *superblock_path = _ostree_get_relative_static_delta_superblock_path (from, to); if (!glnx_fstatat_allow_noent (self->repo_dir_fd, superblock_path, NULL, 0, error)) return FALSE; *out_exists = (errno == 0); return TRUE; } gboolean _ostree_repo_static_delta_dump (OstreeRepo *self, const char *delta_id, GCancellable *cancellable, GError **error) { glnx_autofd int superblock_fd = -1; g_autoptr (GVariant) delta = NULL; g_autoptr (GVariant) delta_superblock = NULL; if (strchr (delta_id, '/')) { if (!glnx_openat_rdonly (AT_FDCWD, delta_id, TRUE, &superblock_fd, error)) return FALSE; } else { g_autofree char *from = NULL; g_autofree char *to = NULL; if (!_ostree_parse_delta_name (delta_id, &from, &to, error)) return FALSE; g_autofree char *superblock_path = _ostree_get_relative_static_delta_superblock_path (from, to); if (!glnx_openat_rdonly (self->repo_dir_fd, superblock_path, TRUE, &superblock_fd, error)) return FALSE; } gboolean is_signed = _ostree_repo_static_delta_is_signed (self, superblock_fd, NULL, NULL); if (is_signed) { if (!ot_variant_read_fd (superblock_fd, 0, (GVariantType *)OSTREE_STATIC_DELTA_SIGNED_FORMAT, TRUE, &delta, error)) return FALSE; g_autoptr (GVariant) child = g_variant_get_child_value (delta, 1); g_autoptr (GBytes) bytes = g_variant_get_data_as_bytes (child); delta_superblock = g_variant_new_from_bytes ( (GVariantType *)OSTREE_STATIC_DELTA_SUPERBLOCK_FORMAT, bytes, FALSE); } else { if (!ot_variant_read_fd (superblock_fd, 0, (GVariantType *)OSTREE_STATIC_DELTA_SUPERBLOCK_FORMAT, TRUE, &delta_superblock, error)) return FALSE; } g_print ("Delta: %s\n", delta_id); g_print ("Signed: %s\n", is_signed ? "yes" : "no"); g_autoptr (GVariant) from_commit_v = NULL; g_variant_get_child (delta_superblock, 2, "@ay", &from_commit_v); g_autofree char *from_commit = NULL; if (g_variant_n_children (from_commit_v) > 0) { if (!ostree_checksum_bytes_peek_validate (from_commit_v, error)) return FALSE; from_commit = ostree_checksum_from_bytes_v (from_commit_v); g_print ("From: %s\n", from_commit); } else { g_print ("From \n"); } g_autoptr (GVariant) to_commit_v = NULL; g_variant_get_child (delta_superblock, 3, "@ay", &to_commit_v); if (!ostree_checksum_bytes_peek_validate (to_commit_v, error)) return FALSE; g_autofree char *to_commit = ostree_checksum_from_bytes_v (to_commit_v); g_print ("To: %s\n", to_commit); gboolean swap_endian = FALSE; OstreeDeltaEndianness endianness; { const char *endianness_description; gboolean was_heuristic; endianness = _ostree_delta_get_endianness (delta_superblock, &was_heuristic); switch (endianness) { case OSTREE_DELTA_ENDIAN_BIG: if (was_heuristic) endianness_description = "big (heuristic)"; else endianness_description = "big"; if (G_BYTE_ORDER == G_LITTLE_ENDIAN) swap_endian = TRUE; break; case OSTREE_DELTA_ENDIAN_LITTLE: if (was_heuristic) endianness_description = "little (heuristic)"; else endianness_description = "little"; if (G_BYTE_ORDER == G_BIG_ENDIAN) swap_endian = TRUE; break; case OSTREE_DELTA_ENDIAN_INVALID: endianness_description = "invalid"; break; default: g_assert_not_reached (); } g_print ("Endianness: %s\n", endianness_description); } guint64 ts; g_variant_get_child (delta_superblock, 1, "t", &ts); g_print ("Timestamp: %" G_GUINT64_FORMAT "\n", GUINT64_FROM_BE (ts)); g_autoptr (GVariant) recurse = NULL; g_variant_get_child (delta_superblock, 5, "@ay", &recurse); g_print ("Number of parents: %u\n", (guint)(g_variant_get_size (recurse) / (OSTREE_SHA256_DIGEST_LEN * 2))); g_autoptr (GVariant) fallback = NULL; g_variant_get_child (delta_superblock, 7, "@a" OSTREE_STATIC_DELTA_FALLBACK_FORMAT, &fallback); const guint n_fallback = g_variant_n_children (fallback); g_print ("Number of fallback entries: %u\n", n_fallback); guint64 total_size = 0, total_usize = 0; guint64 total_fallback_size = 0, total_fallback_usize = 0; for (guint i = 0; i < n_fallback; i++) { guint64 size, usize; g_autoptr (GVariant) checksum_v = NULL; char checksum[OSTREE_SHA256_STRING_LEN + 1]; g_variant_get_child (fallback, i, "(y@aytt)", NULL, &checksum_v, &size, &usize); ostree_checksum_inplace_from_bytes (ostree_checksum_bytes_peek (checksum_v), checksum); size = maybe_swap_endian_u64 (swap_endian, size); usize = maybe_swap_endian_u64 (swap_endian, usize); g_print (" %s\n", checksum); total_fallback_size += size; total_fallback_usize += usize; } { g_autofree char *sizestr = g_format_size (total_fallback_size); g_autofree char *usizestr = g_format_size (total_fallback_usize); g_print ("Total Fallback Size: %" G_GUINT64_FORMAT " (%s)\n", total_fallback_size, sizestr); g_print ("Total Fallback Uncompressed Size: %" G_GUINT64_FORMAT " (%s)\n", total_fallback_usize, usizestr); } g_autoptr (GVariant) meta_entries = NULL; guint n_parts; g_variant_get_child (delta_superblock, 6, "@a" OSTREE_STATIC_DELTA_META_ENTRY_FORMAT, &meta_entries); n_parts = g_variant_n_children (meta_entries); g_print ("Number of parts: %u\n", n_parts); for (guint i = 0; i < n_parts; i++) { if (!show_one_part (self, swap_endian, from_commit, to_commit, meta_entries, i, &total_size, &total_usize, cancellable, error)) return FALSE; } { g_autofree char *sizestr = g_format_size (total_size); g_autofree char *usizestr = g_format_size (total_usize); g_print ("Total Part Size: %" G_GUINT64_FORMAT " (%s)\n", total_size, sizestr); g_print ("Total Part Uncompressed Size: %" G_GUINT64_FORMAT " (%s)\n", total_usize, usizestr); } { guint64 overall_size = total_size + total_fallback_size; guint64 overall_usize = total_usize + total_fallback_usize; g_autofree char *sizestr = g_format_size (overall_size); g_autofree char *usizestr = g_format_size (overall_usize); g_print ("Total Size: %" G_GUINT64_FORMAT " (%s)\n", overall_size, sizestr); g_print ("Total Uncompressed Size: %" G_GUINT64_FORMAT " (%s)\n", overall_usize, usizestr); } return TRUE; } /** * ostree_repo_static_delta_verify_signature: * @self: Repo * @delta_id: delta path * @sign: Signature engine used to check superblock * @out_success_message: (out) (nullable) (optional): success message * @error: Error * * Verify static delta file signature. * * Returns: TRUE if the signature of static delta file is valid using the * signature engine provided, FALSE otherwise. * * Since: 2020.7 */ gboolean ostree_repo_static_delta_verify_signature (OstreeRepo *self, const char *delta_id, OstreeSign *sign, char **out_success_message, GError **error) { g_autoptr (GVariant) delta_meta = NULL; glnx_autofd int delta_fd = -1; if (strchr (delta_id, '/')) { if (!glnx_openat_rdonly (AT_FDCWD, delta_id, TRUE, &delta_fd, error)) return FALSE; } else { g_autofree char *from = NULL; g_autofree char *to = NULL; if (!_ostree_parse_delta_name (delta_id, &from, &to, error)) return FALSE; g_autofree char *delta_path = _ostree_get_relative_static_delta_superblock_path (from, to); if (!glnx_openat_rdonly (self->repo_dir_fd, delta_path, TRUE, &delta_fd, error)) return FALSE; } if (!_ostree_repo_static_delta_is_signed (self, delta_fd, NULL, error)) return FALSE; return _ostree_repo_static_delta_verify_signature (self, delta_fd, sign, out_success_message, error); } static void null_or_ptr_array_unref (GPtrArray *array) { if (array != NULL) g_ptr_array_unref (array); } static gboolean file_has_content (OstreeRepo *repo, const char *subpath, GBytes *data, GCancellable *cancellable) { struct stat stbuf; glnx_autofd int existing_fd = -1; if (!glnx_fstatat (repo->repo_dir_fd, subpath, &stbuf, 0, NULL)) return FALSE; if (stbuf.st_size != g_bytes_get_size (data)) return FALSE; if (!glnx_openat_rdonly (repo->repo_dir_fd, subpath, TRUE, &existing_fd, NULL)) return FALSE; g_autoptr (GBytes) existing_data = glnx_fd_readall_bytes (existing_fd, cancellable, NULL); if (existing_data == NULL) return FALSE; return g_bytes_equal (existing_data, data); } /** * ostree_repo_static_delta_reindex: * @repo: Repo * @flags: Flags affecting the indexing operation * @opt_to_commit: ASCII SHA256 checksum of target commit, or %NULL to index all targets * @cancellable: Cancellable * @error: Error * * The delta index for a particular commit lists all the existing deltas that can be used * when downloading that commit. This operation regenerates these indexes, either for * a particular commit (if @opt_to_commit is non-%NULL), or for all commits that * are reachable by an existing delta (if @opt_to_commit is %NULL). * * This is normally called automatically when the summary is updated in * ostree_repo_regenerate_summary(). * * Locking: shared * * Since: 2020.8 */ gboolean ostree_repo_static_delta_reindex (OstreeRepo *repo, OstreeStaticDeltaIndexFlags flags, const char *opt_to_commit, GCancellable *cancellable, GError **error) { g_autoptr (GPtrArray) all_deltas = NULL; g_autoptr (GHashTable) deltas_to_commit_ht = NULL; /* map: to checksum -> ptrarray of from checksums (or NULL) */ gboolean opt_indexed_deltas; /* Protect against parallel prune operation */ g_autoptr (OstreeRepoAutoLock) lock = ostree_repo_auto_lock_push (repo, OSTREE_REPO_LOCK_SHARED, cancellable, error); if (!lock) return FALSE; /* Enusre that the "indexed-deltas" option is set on the config, so we know this when pulling */ if (!ot_keyfile_get_boolean_with_default (repo->config, "core", "indexed-deltas", FALSE, &opt_indexed_deltas, error)) return FALSE; if (!opt_indexed_deltas) { g_autoptr (GKeyFile) config = ostree_repo_copy_config (repo); g_key_file_set_boolean (config, "core", "indexed-deltas", TRUE); if (!ostree_repo_write_config (repo, config, error)) return FALSE; } deltas_to_commit_ht = g_hash_table_new_full (g_str_hash, g_str_equal, g_free, (GDestroyNotify)null_or_ptr_array_unref); if (opt_to_commit == NULL) { g_autoptr (GPtrArray) old_indexes = NULL; /* To ensure all old index files either is regenerated, or * removed, we initialize all existing indexes to NULL in the * hashtable. */ if (!ostree_repo_list_static_delta_indexes (repo, &old_indexes, cancellable, error)) return FALSE; for (int i = 0; i < old_indexes->len; i++) { const char *old_index = g_ptr_array_index (old_indexes, i); g_hash_table_insert (deltas_to_commit_ht, g_strdup (old_index), NULL); } } else { if (!ostree_validate_checksum_string (opt_to_commit, error)) return FALSE; /* We ensure the specific old index either is regenerated, or removed */ g_hash_table_insert (deltas_to_commit_ht, g_strdup (opt_to_commit), NULL); } if (!ostree_repo_list_static_delta_names (repo, &all_deltas, cancellable, error)) return FALSE; for (int i = 0; i < all_deltas->len; i++) { const char *delta_name = g_ptr_array_index (all_deltas, i); g_autofree char *from = NULL; g_autofree char *to = NULL; GPtrArray *deltas_to_commit = NULL; if (!_ostree_parse_delta_name (delta_name, &from, &to, error)) return FALSE; if (opt_to_commit != NULL && strcmp (to, opt_to_commit) != 0) continue; deltas_to_commit = g_hash_table_lookup (deltas_to_commit_ht, to); if (deltas_to_commit == NULL) { deltas_to_commit = g_ptr_array_new_with_free_func (g_free); g_hash_table_insert (deltas_to_commit_ht, g_steal_pointer (&to), deltas_to_commit); } g_ptr_array_add (deltas_to_commit, g_steal_pointer (&from)); } GLNX_HASH_TABLE_FOREACH_KV (deltas_to_commit_ht, const char *, to, GPtrArray *, froms) { g_autofree char *index_path = _ostree_get_relative_static_delta_index_path (to); if (froms == NULL) { /* No index to this checksum seen, delete if it exists */ g_debug ("Removing delta index for %s", to); if (!ot_ensure_unlinked_at (repo->repo_dir_fd, index_path, error)) return FALSE; } else { g_auto (GVariantDict) index_builder = OT_VARIANT_BUILDER_INITIALIZER; g_auto (GVariantDict) deltas_builder = OT_VARIANT_BUILDER_INITIALIZER; g_autoptr (GVariant) index_variant = NULL; g_autoptr (GBytes) index = NULL; /* We sort on from here so that the index file is reproducible */ g_ptr_array_sort (froms, (GCompareFunc)g_strcmp0); g_variant_dict_init (&deltas_builder, NULL); for (int i = 0; i < froms->len; i++) { const char *from = g_ptr_array_index (froms, i); g_autofree char *delta_name = NULL; GVariant *digest; digest = _ostree_repo_static_delta_superblock_digest (repo, from, to, cancellable, error); if (digest == NULL) return FALSE; if (from != NULL) delta_name = g_strconcat (from, "-", to, NULL); else delta_name = g_strdup (to); g_variant_dict_insert_value (&deltas_builder, delta_name, digest); } /* The toplevel of the index is an a{sv} for extensibility, and we use same key name (and * format) as when storing deltas in the summary. */ g_variant_dict_init (&index_builder, NULL); g_variant_dict_insert_value (&index_builder, OSTREE_SUMMARY_STATIC_DELTAS, g_variant_dict_end (&deltas_builder)); index_variant = g_variant_ref_sink (g_variant_dict_end (&index_builder)); index = g_variant_get_data_as_bytes (index_variant); g_autofree char *index_dirname = g_path_get_dirname (index_path); if (!glnx_shutil_mkdir_p_at (repo->repo_dir_fd, index_dirname, DEFAULT_DIRECTORY_MODE, cancellable, error)) return FALSE; /* delta indexes are generally small and static, so reading it back and comparing is cheap, and it will lower the write load (and particular sync-load) on the disk during reindexing (i.e. summary updates), */ if (file_has_content (repo, index_path, index, cancellable)) continue; g_debug ("Updating delta index for %s", to); if (!glnx_file_replace_contents_at (repo->repo_dir_fd, index_path, g_bytes_get_data (index, NULL), g_bytes_get_size (index), 0, cancellable, error)) return FALSE; } } return TRUE; }