/* * Copyright (C) 2011 Colin Walters * * SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.0+ * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library. If not, see . * * Author: Colin Walters */ #include "config.h" #include #include #include "ot-main.h" #include "ot-builtins.h" #include "ostree.h" #include "otutil.h" static gboolean opt_user_mode; static gboolean opt_allow_noent; static gboolean opt_disable_cache; static char *opt_subpath; static gboolean opt_union; static gboolean opt_union_add; static gboolean opt_union_identical; static gboolean opt_whiteouts; static gboolean opt_process_passthrough_whiteouts; static gboolean opt_from_stdin; static char *opt_from_file; static gboolean opt_disable_fsync; static gboolean opt_require_hardlinks; static gboolean opt_force_copy; static gboolean opt_force_copy_zerosized; static gboolean opt_bareuseronly_dirs; static char *opt_skiplist_file; static char *opt_selinux_policy; static char *opt_selinux_prefix; static gboolean parse_fsync_cb (const char *option_name, const char *value, gpointer data, GError **error) { gboolean val; if (!ot_parse_boolean (value, &val, error)) return FALSE; opt_disable_fsync = !val; return TRUE; } /* ATTENTION: * Please remember to update the bash-completion script (bash/ostree) and * man page (man/ostree-checkout.xml) when changing the option list. */ static GOptionEntry options[] = { { "user-mode", 'U', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_NONE, &opt_user_mode, "Do not change file ownership or initialize extended attributes", NULL }, { "disable-cache", 0, 0, G_OPTION_ARG_NONE, &opt_disable_cache, "Do not update or use the internal repository uncompressed object cache", NULL }, { "subpath", 0, 0, G_OPTION_ARG_FILENAME, &opt_subpath, "Checkout sub-directory PATH", "PATH" }, { "union", 0, 0, G_OPTION_ARG_NONE, &opt_union, "Keep existing directories, overwrite existing files", NULL }, { "union-add", 0, 0, G_OPTION_ARG_NONE, &opt_union_add, "Keep existing files/directories, only add new", NULL }, { "union-identical", 0, 0, G_OPTION_ARG_NONE, &opt_union_identical, "When layering checkouts, error out if a file would be replaced with a different version, but add new files and directories", NULL }, { "whiteouts", 0, 0, G_OPTION_ARG_NONE, &opt_whiteouts, "Process 'whiteout' (Docker style) entries", NULL }, { "process-passthrough-whiteouts", 0, 0, G_OPTION_ARG_NONE, &opt_process_passthrough_whiteouts, "Enable overlayfs whiteout extraction into char 0:0 devices", NULL }, { "allow-noent", 0, 0, G_OPTION_ARG_NONE, &opt_allow_noent, "Do nothing if specified path does not exist", NULL }, { "from-stdin", 0, 0, G_OPTION_ARG_NONE, &opt_from_stdin, "Process many checkouts from standard input", NULL }, { "from-file", 0, 0, G_OPTION_ARG_STRING, &opt_from_file, "Process many checkouts from input file", "FILE" }, { "fsync", 0, 0, G_OPTION_ARG_CALLBACK, parse_fsync_cb, "Specify how to invoke fsync()", "POLICY" }, { "require-hardlinks", 'H', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_NONE, &opt_require_hardlinks, "Do not fall back to full copies if hardlinking fails", NULL }, { "force-copy-zerosized", 'z', G_OPTION_FLAG_HIDDEN, G_OPTION_ARG_NONE, &opt_force_copy_zerosized, "Do not hardlink zero-sized files", NULL }, { "force-copy", 'C', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_NONE, &opt_force_copy, "Never hardlink (but may reflink if available)", NULL }, { "bareuseronly-dirs", 'M', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_NONE, &opt_bareuseronly_dirs, "Suppress mode bits outside of 0775 for directories (suid, world writable, etc.)", NULL }, { "skip-list", 0, 0, G_OPTION_ARG_FILENAME, &opt_skiplist_file, "File containing list of files to skip", "FILE" }, { "selinux-policy", 0, 0, G_OPTION_ARG_FILENAME, &opt_selinux_policy, "Set SELinux labels based on policy in root filesystem PATH (may be /); implies --force-copy", "PATH" }, { "selinux-prefix", 0, 0, G_OPTION_ARG_STRING, &opt_selinux_prefix, "When setting SELinux labels, prefix all paths by PREFIX", "PREFIX" }, { NULL } }; static gboolean handle_skiplist_line (const char *line, void *data, GError **error) { GHashTable *files = data; g_hash_table_add (files, g_strdup (line)); return TRUE; } static OstreeRepoCheckoutFilterResult checkout_filter (OstreeRepo *self, const char *path, struct stat *st_buf, gpointer user_data) { GHashTable *skiplist = user_data; if (g_hash_table_contains (skiplist, path)) return OSTREE_REPO_CHECKOUT_FILTER_SKIP; return OSTREE_REPO_CHECKOUT_FILTER_ALLOW; } static gboolean process_one_checkout (OstreeRepo *repo, const char *resolved_commit, const char *subpath, const char *destination, GCancellable *cancellable, GError **error) { /* This strange code structure is to preserve testing * coverage of both `ostree_repo_checkout_tree` and * `ostree_repo_checkout_at` until such time as we have a more * convenient infrastructure for testing C APIs with data. */ if (opt_disable_cache || opt_whiteouts || opt_require_hardlinks || opt_union_add || opt_force_copy || opt_force_copy_zerosized || opt_bareuseronly_dirs || opt_union_identical || opt_skiplist_file || opt_selinux_policy || opt_selinux_prefix || opt_process_passthrough_whiteouts) { OstreeRepoCheckoutAtOptions checkout_options = { 0, }; /* do this early so option checking also catches force copy conflicts */ if (opt_selinux_policy) opt_force_copy = TRUE; if (opt_user_mode) checkout_options.mode = OSTREE_REPO_CHECKOUT_MODE_USER; /* Can't union these */ if (opt_union && opt_union_add) return glnx_throw (error, "Cannot specify both --union and --union-add"); if (opt_union && opt_union_identical) return glnx_throw (error, "Cannot specify both --union and --union-identical"); if (opt_union_add && opt_union_identical) return glnx_throw (error, "Cannot specify both --union-add and --union-identical"); if (opt_require_hardlinks && opt_force_copy) return glnx_throw (error, "Cannot specify both --require-hardlinks and --force-copy"); if (opt_selinux_prefix && !opt_selinux_policy) return glnx_throw (error, "Cannot specify --selinux-prefix without --selinux-policy"); else if (opt_union) checkout_options.overwrite_mode = OSTREE_REPO_CHECKOUT_OVERWRITE_UNION_FILES; else if (opt_union_add) checkout_options.overwrite_mode = OSTREE_REPO_CHECKOUT_OVERWRITE_ADD_FILES; else if (opt_union_identical) { if (!opt_require_hardlinks) return glnx_throw (error, "--union-identical requires --require-hardlinks"); checkout_options.overwrite_mode = OSTREE_REPO_CHECKOUT_OVERWRITE_UNION_IDENTICAL; } if (opt_whiteouts) checkout_options.process_whiteouts = TRUE; if (opt_process_passthrough_whiteouts) checkout_options.process_passthrough_whiteouts = TRUE; if (subpath) checkout_options.subpath = subpath; g_autoptr(OstreeSePolicy) policy = NULL; if (opt_selinux_policy) { glnx_autofd int rootfs_dfd = -1; if (!glnx_opendirat (AT_FDCWD, opt_selinux_policy, TRUE, &rootfs_dfd, error)) return glnx_prefix_error (error, "selinux-policy: "); policy = ostree_sepolicy_new_at (rootfs_dfd, cancellable, error); if (!policy) return FALSE; checkout_options.sepolicy = policy; checkout_options.sepolicy_prefix = opt_selinux_prefix; } g_autoptr(GHashTable) skip_list = g_hash_table_new_full (g_str_hash, g_str_equal, g_free, NULL); if (opt_skiplist_file) { if (!ot_parse_file_by_line (opt_skiplist_file, handle_skiplist_line, skip_list, cancellable, error)) return FALSE; checkout_options.filter = checkout_filter; checkout_options.filter_user_data = skip_list; } checkout_options.no_copy_fallback = opt_require_hardlinks; checkout_options.force_copy = opt_force_copy; checkout_options.force_copy_zerosized = opt_force_copy_zerosized; checkout_options.bareuseronly_dirs = opt_bareuseronly_dirs; if (!ostree_repo_checkout_at (repo, &checkout_options, AT_FDCWD, destination, resolved_commit, cancellable, error)) return FALSE; } else { GError *tmp_error = NULL; g_autoptr(GFile) root = NULL; g_autoptr(GFile) destination_file = g_file_new_for_path (destination); if (!ostree_repo_read_commit (repo, resolved_commit, &root, NULL, cancellable, error)) return FALSE; g_autoptr(GFile) subtree = NULL; if (subpath) subtree = g_file_resolve_relative_path (root, subpath); else subtree = g_object_ref (root); g_autoptr(GFileInfo) file_info = g_file_query_info (subtree, OSTREE_GIO_FAST_QUERYINFO, G_FILE_QUERY_INFO_NOFOLLOW_SYMLINKS, cancellable, &tmp_error); if (!file_info) { if (opt_allow_noent && g_error_matches (tmp_error, G_IO_ERROR, G_IO_ERROR_NOT_FOUND)) { g_clear_error (&tmp_error); /* Note early return */ return TRUE; } else { g_propagate_error (error, tmp_error); return FALSE; } } if (!ostree_repo_checkout_tree (repo, opt_user_mode ? OSTREE_REPO_CHECKOUT_MODE_USER : 0, opt_union ? OSTREE_REPO_CHECKOUT_OVERWRITE_UNION_FILES : 0, destination_file, OSTREE_REPO_FILE (subtree), file_info, cancellable, error)) return FALSE; } return TRUE; } static gboolean process_many_checkouts (OstreeRepo *repo, const char *target, GCancellable *cancellable, GError **error) { gboolean ret = FALSE; gsize len; GError *temp_error = NULL; g_autoptr(GInputStream) instream = NULL; g_autoptr(GDataInputStream) datastream = NULL; g_autofree char *revision = NULL; g_autofree char *subpath = NULL; g_autofree char *resolved_commit = NULL; if (opt_from_stdin) { instream = (GInputStream*)g_unix_input_stream_new (0, FALSE); } else { g_autoptr(GFile) f = g_file_new_for_path (opt_from_file); instream = (GInputStream*)g_file_read (f, cancellable, error); if (!instream) goto out; } datastream = g_data_input_stream_new (instream); while ((revision = g_data_input_stream_read_upto (datastream, "", 1, &len, cancellable, &temp_error)) != NULL) { if (revision[0] == '\0') break; /* Read the null byte */ (void) g_data_input_stream_read_byte (datastream, cancellable, NULL); g_free (subpath); subpath = g_data_input_stream_read_upto (datastream, "", 1, &len, cancellable, &temp_error); if (temp_error) { g_propagate_error (error, temp_error); goto out; } /* Read the null byte */ (void) g_data_input_stream_read_byte (datastream, cancellable, NULL); if (!ostree_repo_resolve_rev (repo, revision, FALSE, &resolved_commit, error)) goto out; if (!process_one_checkout (repo, resolved_commit, subpath, target, cancellable, error)) { g_prefix_error (error, "Processing tree %s: ", resolved_commit); goto out; } g_free (revision); } if (temp_error) { g_propagate_error (error, temp_error); goto out; } ret = TRUE; out: return ret; } gboolean ostree_builtin_checkout (int argc, char **argv, OstreeCommandInvocation *invocation, GCancellable *cancellable, GError **error) { g_autoptr(GOptionContext) context = g_option_context_new ("COMMIT [DESTINATION]"); g_autoptr(OstreeRepo) repo = NULL; if (!ostree_option_context_parse (context, options, &argc, &argv, invocation, &repo, cancellable, error)) return FALSE; if (opt_disable_fsync) ostree_repo_set_disable_fsync (repo, TRUE); if (argc < 2) { g_autofree char *help = g_option_context_get_help (context, TRUE, NULL); g_printerr ("%s\n", help); return glnx_throw (error, "COMMIT must be specified"); } if (opt_from_stdin || opt_from_file) { const char *destination = argv[1]; if (!process_many_checkouts (repo, destination, cancellable, error)) return FALSE; } else { const char *commit = argv[1]; const char *destination; if (argc < 3) destination = commit; else destination = argv[2]; g_autofree char *resolved_commit = NULL; if (!ostree_repo_resolve_rev (repo, commit, FALSE, &resolved_commit, error)) return FALSE; if (!process_one_checkout (repo, resolved_commit, opt_subpath, destination, cancellable, error)) return FALSE; } return TRUE; }