Changes between 0.12 and 0.13 * Win32 Support [Tor] * Per-display caching of font coverage on the root window [Owen] * Handling of embedded non-characters in PangoLayout [Elliot] * Mapping table fixes and improvements [KUSANO Takayuki, Robert, Owen] * Adjustable tab handling in PangoLayout [Havoc] * Add relative font-scaling attribute [Havoc] * Add function to convert XML/GMarkup description to a PangoAttrList [Havoc] * New version of Arabic shaper [Karl] * Enhanced Indic support with ligature tables from the font and many more languages [Robert] * Include FriBidi core that provides the features that Pango needs and can be used instead of separately installed fribidi. [Owen] * Add PangoLayoutIterator that abstracts the geometry operations for iterating over the lines/items/clusters/chars in a layout [Havoc] * Bug fixes, and more bug fixes What is new in GScript 0.1: * Initial release