PANGO_LIGATURE_HACK is defined as follows It comprises a space-seperated list of elements. An element can either be of the form :xx:zzzz, in which case the first part is a language code and the second is a name of another property to look in if the language is matched. or as follows $AAAA=0000+007F-0915,0944 This defines a set, this will be visible to the entire font. or of the form xxxx[+xxxx[+xxxx...]]=yyyy[+yyyy] xxxx can either be a hex glyph code which is matches directly, or %AAAA, where it will match anything in the set. yyyy is either a hex glyph code, or %n, in which case it refers to the nth thing to have matched - e.g. %FOO+2=2+%1, would swap instances of $FOO and 2. (The language-specific stuff isn't implemented yet, but is parsed OK and duly ignored here. This will be implemented soon) Robert Brady , 2000-11-08