FreeType Fonts and Rendering Functions for shape engines to manipulate FreeType fonts The macros and functions in this section are used to access fonts and render text to bitmaps using the FreeType 2 library. The #PangoFT2FontMap is the #PangoFontMap implementation for FreeType fonts. A string constant that was used to identify shape engines that work with the FreeType backend. See %PANGO_RENDER_TYPE_FC for the replacement. @void: @Returns: @fontmap: @dpi_x: @dpi_y: @fontmap: @Returns: Function type for doing final config tweaking on prepared FcPatterns. @pattern: the FcPattern to tweak. @data: user data. @fontmap: @func: @data: @notify: @fontmap: @dpi_x: @dpi_y: @Returns: @bitmap: @font: @glyphs: @x: @y: @bitmap: @matrix: @font: @glyphs: @x: @y: @bitmap: @line: @x: @y: @bitmap: @line: @x: @y: @bitmap: @layout: @x: @y: @bitmap: @layout: @x: @y: @font: @Returns: @font: @left: @right: @Returns: @font: @Returns: @font: @language: @Returns: @void: @Returns: @void: