Rendering Functions to run the rendering pipeline. The Pango rendering pipeline takes a string of Unicode characters and converts it into glyphs. The functions described in this section accomplish various steps of this process. The #PangoContext structure stores global information used to control the itemization process. It contains the following fields: gchar *lang; the global default language in the standard form "fr" or "fr_FR". (This may be overriden with the @lang_info parameter to pango_itemize().) gchar *render_type; a string identifier for the rendering system to use, for instance %PANGO_RENDER_TYPE_X The #PangoItem structure stores information about a segment of text. It contains the following fields: gint offset; the offset of the segment from the beginning of the string in bytes. gint length; the length of the segment in bytes. gint num_chars; the length of the segment in characters. gint analysis; the properties of the segment. @offset: @length: @num_chars: @analysis: The #PangoAnalysis structure stores information about the properties of a segment of text. It has the following fields: #PangoEngineShape *shape_engine; the engine for doing rendering-system-dependent processing #PangoEngineLang *lang_engine; the engine for doing rendering-system-independent processing guint8 level; the bidrectional level for this segment. @shape_engine: @lang_engine: @font: @level: @language: @extra_attrs: The #PangoDirection type represents the direction of writing for text. @PANGO_DIRECTION_LTR: The text is written left-to-right @PANGO_DIRECTION_RTL: The text is written right-to-left @PANGO_DIRECTION_TTB_LTR: The text is written vertically top-to-bottom, with the rows ordered from left to right. @PANGO_DIRECTION_TTB_RTL: The text is written vertically top-to-bottom, with the rows ordered from right to left. The GObject type for #PangoDirection. @context: @text: @start_index: @length: @attrs: @cached_iter: @Returns: @item: @item: @Returns: @Returns: @orig: @split_index: @split_offset: @Returns: @logical_items: @Returns: @Returns: @context: @font_map: @context: @Returns: @context: @desc: @context: @Returns: @context: @language: @context: @Returns: @context: @direction: @context: @desc: @Returns: @context: @desc: @language: @Returns: @context: @desc: @language: @Returns: @context: @families: @n_families: @text: @length: @analysis: @attrs: @attrs_len: @text: @length: @level: @language: @log_attrs: @attrs_len: @text: @length: @paragraph_delimiter_index: @next_paragraph_start: @text: @length: @analysis: @attrs: @attrs_len: The #PangoLogAttr structure stores information about the attributes of a single character. @is_line_break: @is_mandatory_break: @is_char_break: @is_white: @is_cursor_position: @is_word_start: @is_word_end: @is_sentence_boundary: @is_sentence_start: @is_sentence_end: @text: @length: @analysis: @glyphs: