Text Attributes Font and other attributes for annotating text. Attributed text is used in a number of places in Pango. It is used as the input to the itemization process and also when creating a #PangoLayout. The data types and functions in this section are used to represent and manipulate sets of attributes applied to a portion of text. distinguishes between different types of attributes. Along with the predefined values, it is possible to allocate additional values for custom attributes using pango_attr_register_type(). The predefined values are given below. The type of structure used to store the attribute is listed in parentheses after the description. @PANGO_ATTR_INVALID: @PANGO_ATTR_LANGUAGE: language (#PangoAttrLanguage) @PANGO_ATTR_FAMILY: font family name list (#PangoAttrString) @PANGO_ATTR_STYLE: font slant style (#PangoAttrInt) @PANGO_ATTR_WEIGHT: font weight (#PangoAttrInt) @PANGO_ATTR_VARIANT: font variant (normal or small caps) (#PangoAttrInt) @PANGO_ATTR_STRETCH: font stretch (#PangoAttrInt) @PANGO_ATTR_SIZE: font size in 1000th's of a point (#PangoAttrInt) @PANGO_ATTR_FONT_DESC: font description (#PangoAttrFontDesc) @PANGO_ATTR_FOREGROUND: foreground color (#PangoAttrColor) @PANGO_ATTR_BACKGROUND: background color (#PangoAttrColor) @PANGO_ATTR_UNDERLINE: whether the text has an underline (#PangoAttrInt) @PANGO_ATTR_STRIKETHROUGH: whether the text is struck-through (#PangoAttrInt) @PANGO_ATTR_RISE: baseline displacement (#PangoAttrInt) @PANGO_ATTR_SHAPE: shape (#PangoAttrShape) @PANGO_ATTR_SCALE: font size scale factor (#PangoAttrScale) The GObject type for #PangoAttrType. The #PangoAttrClass structure stores the type and operations for a particular type of attribute. The functions in this structure should not be called directly. Instead, one should use the wrapper functions provided for #PangoAttribute. @type: the type ID for this attribute @copy: function to duplicate an attribute of this type (see pango_attribute_copy()) @destroy: function to free an attribute of this type (see pango_attribute_destroy()) @equal: The #PangoAttribute structure represents the common portions of all attributes. Particular types of attributes include this structure as their initial portion. The common portion of the attribute holds the range to which the value in the type-specific part of the attribute applies. @klass: the class structure holding information about the type of the attribute @start_index: the start index of the range. @end_index: end index of the range. The character at this index is not included in the range. The #PangoAttrString structure is used to represent attributes with a string value. @attr: the common portion of the attribute @value: the string which is the value of the attribute The #PangoAttrColor structure is used to represent attributes that are languages. @attr: the common portion of the attribute @value: the #PangoLanguage which is the value of the attribute The #PangoAttrColor structure is used to represent attributes that are colors. @attr: the common portion of the attribute @color: the #PangoColor which is the value of the attribute The #PangoAttrInt structure is used to represent attributes with a integer or enumeration value. @attr: the common portion of the attribute @value: the value of the attribute The #PangoAttrFloat structure is used to represent attributes with a float or double value. @attr: the common portion of the attribute @value: the value of the attribute The #PangoAttrFontDesc structure is used to store an attribute that sets all aspects of the font description at once. @attr: the common portion of the attribute @desc: the font description which is the value of this attribute The #PangoAttrShape structure is used to represent attributes which impose shape restrictions. @attr: the common portion of the attribute @ink_rect: the ink rectangle to restrict to @logical_rect: the logical rectangle to restrict to @markup_text: @length: @accel_marker: @attr_list: @text: @accel_char: @error: @Returns: @name: @Returns: @attr: @Returns: @attr1: @attr2: @Returns: @attr: @language: @Returns: @family: @Returns: @style: @Returns: @variant: @Returns: @stretch: @Returns: @weight: @Returns: @size: @Returns: @desc: @Returns: @red: @green: @blue: @Returns: @red: @green: @blue: @Returns: @strikethrough: @Returns: @underline: @Returns: the #PangoUnderline enumeration is used to specify whether text should be underlined, and if so, the type of underlining. @PANGO_UNDERLINE_NONE: no underline should be drawn. @PANGO_UNDERLINE_SINGLE: a single underline should be drawn. @PANGO_UNDERLINE_DOUBLE: a double underline should be drawn. @PANGO_UNDERLINE_LOW: a single underline should be drawn at a position beneath the ink extents of the text being underlined. This should be used only for underlining single characters, such as for keyboard accelerators. %PANGO_UNDERLINE_SINGLE should be used for extended portions of text. The GObject type for #PangoUnderline. @ink_rect: @logical_rect: @Returns: @scale_factor: @Returns: The scale factor for three shrinking steps (1 / (1.2 * 1.2 * 1.2)). The scale factor for two shrinking steps (1 / (1.2 * 1.2)). The scale factor for one shrinking step (1 / 1.2). The scale factor for normal size (1.0). The scale factor for one magnification step (1.2). The scale factor for two magnification steps (1.2 * 1.2). The scale factor for three magnification steps (1.2 * 1.2 * 1.2). @rise: @Returns: The PangoColor structure is used to represent a color in an uncalibrated RGB colorspace. @red: The red component of the color. This is a value between 0 and 65535, with 65535 indicating full intensity. @green: The green component of the color. This is a value between 0 and 65535, with 65535 indicating full intensity. @blue: The blue component of the color. This is a value between 0 and 65535, with 65535 indicating full intensity. The GObject type for #PangoColor. @color: @color: @spec: @Returns: @src: @Returns: The PangoLanguage structure is used to represent a language. PangoLanguage pointers can be efficiently copied and compared with each other. The GObject type for #PangoLanguage. @language: @Returns: Returns a RFC-3066 format string representing the given language tag. @language: a language tag. @Returns: a string representing the language tag. @language: @range_list: @Returns: The #PangoAttrList structure represents a list of attributes that apply to a section of text. The attributes are, in general, allowed to overlap in an arbitrary fashion, however, if the attributes are manipulated only through pango_attr_list_change(), the overlap between properties will meet stricter criteria. Since the #PangoAttrList structure is stored as a linear list, it is not suitable for storing attributes for large amounts of text. In general, you should not use a single #PangoAttrList for more than one paragraph of text. The GObject type for #PangoAttrList. @Returns: @list: @list: @list: @Returns: @list: @attr: @list: @attr: @list: @attr: @list: @other: @pos: @len: @list: @func: @data: @Returns: A predicate function used by pango_attr_list_filter() to filter out a subset of attributes for a list. @attribute: a #PangoAttribute @data: callback data passed to pango_attr_list_filter() @Returns: %TRUE if the attribute should be filtered out @list: @Returns: The #PangoAttrIterator structure is used to represent an iterator through a #PangoList. A new iterator is created with pango_attr_list_get_iterator(). Once the iterator is created, it can be advanced through the style changes in the text using pango_attr_iterator_next(). At each style change, the range of the current style segment and the attributes currently in effect can be queried. @iterator: @Returns: @iterator: @Returns: @iterator: @start: @end: @iterator: @type: @Returns: @iterator: @desc: @language: @extra_attrs: @iterator: @Returns: @iterator: