Win32 Fonts and Rendering Functions for shape engines to manipulate Win32 fonts The macros and functions in this section are used to access fonts natively on Win32 systems and to render text in conjunction with Win32 APIs. A string constant identifying the Win32 renderer. The associated quark (see g_quark_from_string()) is used to identify the renderer in pango_find_map(). @Returns: @hdc: @font: @glyphs: @x: @y: @hdc: @matrix: @font: @glyphs: @x: @y: @hdc: @line: @x: @y: @hdc: @layout: @x: @y: @font: @wc: @Returns: @font: @wc: @Returns: @font: @hdc: @Returns: @font: @font: @Returns: @Returns: @Returns: A #PangoWin32FontCache caches HFONTs by their LOGFONT descriptions. @Returns: @cache: @cache: @logfont: @Returns: @cache: @logfont: @Returns: @cache: @hfont: @Returns: @font_map: @Returns: @font: @Returns: @font: @Returns: @lfp: @Returns: @lfp: @Returns: