Xft Fonts and Rendering Font handling and rendering with the Xft backend The Xft library is a library for displaying fonts on the X window system; internally it uses the fontconfig library to locate font files, and the FreeType library to load and render fonts. The Xft backend is the recommended Pango font backend for screen display with X. (The Cairo back end is another possibility.) Using the Xft backend is generally straightforward; pango_xft_get_context() creates a context for a specified display and screen. You can then create a #PangoLayout with that context and render it with pango_xft_render_layout(). At a more advanced level, the lowlevel fontconfig options used for rendering fonts can be affected using pango_xft_set_default_substitute(), and pango_xft_substitute_changed(). A range of functions for drawing pieces of a layout, such as individual layout lines and glyphs strings are provided. You can also directly create a #PangoXftRenderer. Finally, in some advanced cases, it is useful to derive from #PangoXftRenderer. Deriving from #PangoXftRenderer is useful for two reasons. One reason is be to support custom attributes by overriding #PangoRendererClass virtual functions like 'prepare_run' or 'draw_shape'. The reason is to customize exactly how the final bits are drawn to the destination by overring the #PangoXftRendererClass virtual functions 'composite_glyphs' and 'composite_trapezoids'. #PangoXftFont is an implementation of #PangoFcFont using the Xft library for rendering. It is used in conjunction with #PangoXftFontMap. #PangoXftFontMap is an implementation of #PangoFcFontMap suitable for the Xft library as the renderer. It is used in to create fonts of type #PangoXftFont. A string constant that was used to identify shape engines that work with the Xft backend. See %PANGO_RENDER_TYPE_FC for the replacement. @display: @screen: @Returns: @display: @screen: @Returns: @display: @screen: @func: @data: @notify: Function type for doing final config tweaking on prepared FcPatterns. @pattern: the FcPattern to tweak. @data: user data. @display: @screen: @display: @screen: @font: @Returns: @font: @Returns: @font: @wc: @Returns: @font: @Returns: @font: @font: @wc: @Returns: @font: @wc: @Returns: @composite_trapezoids: @composite_glyphs: @display: @screen: @Returns: @xftrenderer: @draw: @xftrenderer: @default_color: @draw: @color: @font: @glyphs: @x: @y: @display: @src_picture: @dest_picture: @font: @glyphs: @x: @y: @draw: @color: @matrix: @font: @glyphs: @x: @y: @draw: @color: @line: @x: @y: @draw: @color: @layout: @x: @y: