# File defining aliases of PangoFontDescription to Windows font set # # family style variant weight stretch "facename,..." # Availability of these fonts: # (see http://www.hclrss.demon.co.uk/unicode/fonts.html) # # Arial http://www.microsoft.com/truetype/fontpack/win.htm # Tahoma ftp://ftp.microsoft.com/softlib/mslfiles/tahoma32.exe # GulimChe Windows Update, Korean Language Support for # Internet Explorer 5 # MS Gothic Windows Update, Japanese Language Support for # Internet Explorer 5 # MS Hei Windows Update, Chinese (Simplified) Language Support for # Internet Explorer 5 # MingLiU Windows Update, Chinese (Traditional) Language Support for # Internet Explorer 5 # Bitstream CyberBit # ftp://ftp.netscape.com/pub/communicator/extras/fonts/windows/ # Times New Roman # http://www.microsoft.com/truetype/fontpack/win.htm # Angsana New Windows Update, Thai Language Support for # Internet Explorer 5 # Courier New http://www.microsoft.com/truetype/fontpack/win.htm # Courier MonoThai # http://software.thai.net/tis-620/courierthai.html # # # We really should include a locale attribute, too, to be able to choose # the correct font for the same CJK Unified Ideograph depending on whether # we are rendering zh_TW (Traditional Chinese), zh_CN (Simplified # Chinese) or ja (Japanese). # The latin charcaters in the CyberBit font really don't fit visually # in the sans family. Remove if that bothers you # sans normal normal normal normal "arial,tahoma,gulimche,ms gothic,ms hei,mingliu,bitstream cyberbit" # # serif normal normal normal normal "times new roman,angsana new,gulimche,ms gothic,ms song,mingliu,bitstream cyberbit" # # The latin charcaters in the CyberBit font don't fit visually # in the monospace family either. Remove if that bothers you # monospace normal normal normal normal "courier new,courier monothai,gulimche,ms gothic,ms song,mingliu,bitstream cyberbit"