/* Pango * basic-coretext.c * * Copyright (C) 2005 Imendio AB * Copyright (C) 2010 Kristian Rietveld * Copyright (C) 2012 Kristian Rietveld * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "config.h" #include #include #include #include "pango-engine.h" #include "pango-utils.h" #include "pango-fontmap.h" #include "pangocoretext.h" /* No extra fields needed */ typedef PangoEngineShape BasicEngineCoreText; typedef PangoEngineShapeClass BasicEngineCoreTextClass ; #define SCRIPT_ENGINE_NAME "BasicScriptEngineCoreText" #define RENDER_TYPE PANGO_RENDER_TYPE_CORE_TEXT static PangoEngineScriptInfo basic_scripts[] = { { PANGO_SCRIPT_COMMON, "" } }; static PangoEngineInfo script_engines[] = { { SCRIPT_ENGINE_NAME, PANGO_ENGINE_TYPE_SHAPE, RENDER_TYPE, basic_scripts, G_N_ELEMENTS(basic_scripts) } }; static void set_glyph (PangoFont *font, PangoGlyphString *glyphs, int i, int offset, PangoGlyph glyph) { PangoRectangle logical_rect; glyphs->glyphs[i].glyph = glyph; glyphs->glyphs[i].geometry.x_offset = 0; glyphs->glyphs[i].geometry.y_offset = 0; glyphs->log_clusters[i] = offset; pango_font_get_glyph_extents (font, glyphs->glyphs[i].glyph, NULL, &logical_rect); glyphs->glyphs[i].geometry.width = logical_rect.width; } /* The "RunIterator" helps us to iterate over the array of runs that is obtained from * the CoreText type setter. Even though Pango considers the string that is passed to * the shaping engine a single run, CoreText might consider it to consist out of * multiple runs. Because of this, we have an interface around the CoreText array of * runs that works like iterating a single array, which makes our job in the shaping * engine function easier. */ struct RunIterator { CTLineRef line; CFStringRef cstr; CFArrayRef runs; CFIndex glyph_count; CFIndex total_ct_i; CFIndex ct_i; int current_run_number; CTRunRef current_run; CFIndex *current_indices; const CGGlyph *current_cgglyphs; CTRunStatus current_run_status; }; static void run_iterator_free_current_run (struct RunIterator *iter) { iter->current_run_number = -1; iter->current_run = NULL; iter->current_cgglyphs = NULL; if (iter->current_indices) free (iter->current_indices); iter->current_indices = NULL; } static void run_iterator_set_current_run (struct RunIterator *iter, const int run_number) { CFIndex ct_glyph_count; run_iterator_free_current_run (iter); iter->current_run_number = run_number; iter->current_run = CFArrayGetValueAtIndex (iter->runs, run_number); iter->current_run_status = CTRunGetStatus (iter->current_run); iter->current_cgglyphs = CTRunGetGlyphsPtr (iter->current_run); ct_glyph_count = CTRunGetGlyphCount (iter->current_run); iter->current_indices = malloc (sizeof (CFIndex *) * ct_glyph_count); CTRunGetStringIndices (iter->current_run, CFRangeMake (0, ct_glyph_count), iter->current_indices); iter->ct_i = 0; } static CFIndex run_iterator_get_glyph_count (struct RunIterator *iter) { CFIndex accumulator = 0; CFIndex i; for (i = 0; i < CFArrayGetCount (iter->runs); i++) accumulator += CTRunGetGlyphCount (CFArrayGetValueAtIndex (iter->runs, i)); return accumulator; } /* These functions are commented out to silence the compiler, but * kept around because they might be of use when fixing the more * intricate issues noted in the comment in the function * basic_engine_shape() below. */ #if 0 static gboolean run_iterator_is_rtl (struct RunIterator *iter) { /* Assume run status is equal for all runs? */ CTRunStatus run_status = CTRunGetStatus (CFArrayGetValueAtIndex (iter->runs, 0)); return run_status & kCTRunStatusRightToLeft; } static gboolean run_iterator_run_is_non_monotonic (struct RunIterator *iter) { CTRunStatus run_status = CTRunGetStatus (iter->current_run); return run_status & kCTRunStatusNonMonotonic; } #endif static gunichar run_iterator_get_character (struct RunIterator *iter) { return CFStringGetCharacterAtIndex (iter->cstr, iter->current_indices[iter->ct_i]); } static CGGlyph run_iterator_get_cgglyph (struct RunIterator *iter) { return iter->current_cgglyphs[iter->ct_i]; } static CFIndex run_iterator_get_index (struct RunIterator *iter) { return iter->current_indices[iter->ct_i]; } static gboolean run_iterator_create (struct RunIterator *iter, const char *text, const gint length, CTFontRef ctfont) { char *copy; CFDictionaryRef attributes; CFAttributedStringRef attstr; CFTypeRef keys[] = { (CFTypeRef) kCTFontAttributeName }; CFTypeRef values[] = { ctfont }; /* Initialize RunIterator structure */ iter->current_run_number = -1; iter->current_run = NULL; iter->current_indices = NULL; iter->current_cgglyphs = NULL; /* Create CTLine */ attributes = CFDictionaryCreate (kCFAllocatorDefault, (const void **)keys, (const void **)values, 1, &kCFCopyStringDictionaryKeyCallBacks, &kCFTypeDictionaryValueCallBacks); copy = g_strndup (text, length + 1); copy[length] = 0; iter->cstr = CFStringCreateWithCString (kCFAllocatorDefault, copy, kCFStringEncodingUTF8); g_free (copy); if (!iter->cstr) /* Creating a CFString can fail if the input string does not * adhere to the specified encoding (i.e. it contains invalid UTF8). */ return FALSE; attstr = CFAttributedStringCreate (kCFAllocatorDefault, iter->cstr, attributes); iter->line = CTLineCreateWithAttributedString (attstr); iter->runs = CTLineGetGlyphRuns (iter->line); CFRelease (attstr); CFRelease (attributes); iter->total_ct_i = 0; iter->glyph_count = run_iterator_get_glyph_count (iter); /* If CoreText did not render any glyphs for this string (can happen, * e.g. a run solely consisting of a BOM), glyph_count will be zero and * we immediately set the iterator variable to indicate end of glyph list. */ if (iter->glyph_count > 0) run_iterator_set_current_run (iter, 0); else iter->total_ct_i = -1; return TRUE; } static void run_iterator_free (struct RunIterator *iter) { run_iterator_free_current_run (iter); CFRelease (iter->line); CFRelease (iter->cstr); } static gboolean run_iterator_at_end (struct RunIterator *iter) { if (iter->total_ct_i == -1) return TRUE; return FALSE; } static void run_iterator_advance (struct RunIterator *iter) { if (iter->total_ct_i >= iter->glyph_count - 1) { run_iterator_free_current_run (iter); iter->ct_i = iter->total_ct_i = -1; } else { iter->total_ct_i++; iter->ct_i++; if (iter->total_ct_i < iter->glyph_count && iter->ct_i >= CTRunGetGlyphCount (iter->current_run)) { iter->current_run_number++; run_iterator_set_current_run (iter, iter->current_run_number); } } } struct GlyphInfo { CFIndex index; CGGlyph cgglyph; gunichar wc; }; static gint glyph_info_compare_func (gconstpointer a, gconstpointer b) { const struct GlyphInfo *gi_a = a; const struct GlyphInfo *gi_b = b; if (gi_a->index < gi_b->index) return -1; else if (gi_a->index > gi_b->index) return 1; /* else */ return 0; } static void glyph_info_free (gpointer data, gpointer user_data) { g_slice_free (struct GlyphInfo, data); } static GSList * create_core_text_glyph_list (const char *text, gint length, CTFontRef ctfont) { GSList *glyph_list = NULL; struct RunIterator riter; if (!run_iterator_create (&riter, text, length, ctfont)) return NULL; while (!run_iterator_at_end (&riter)) { struct GlyphInfo *gi; gi = g_slice_new (struct GlyphInfo); gi->index = run_iterator_get_index (&riter); gi->cgglyph = run_iterator_get_cgglyph (&riter); gi->wc = run_iterator_get_character (&riter); glyph_list = g_slist_prepend (glyph_list, gi); run_iterator_advance (&riter); } glyph_list = g_slist_sort (glyph_list, glyph_info_compare_func); run_iterator_free (&riter); return glyph_list; } static void basic_engine_shape (PangoEngineShape *engine, PangoFont *font, const char *text, gint length, const PangoAnalysis *analysis, PangoGlyphString *glyphs) { const char *p; gulong n_chars, gs_i, gs_prev_i; PangoCoreTextFont *cfont = PANGO_CORE_TEXT_FONT (font); PangoCoverage *coverage; GSList *glyph_list; GSList *glyph_iter; /* We first fully iterate over the glyph sequence generated by CoreText and * store this into a list, which is sorted after the iteration. We make a pass * over the sorted linked list to build up the PangoGlyphString. * * We have to do this in order to properly handle a bunch of characteristics of the * glyph sequence generated by the CoreText typesetter: * # E.g. zero-width spaces do not end up in the CoreText glyph sequence. We have * to manually account for the gap in the character indices. * # Sometimes, CoreText generates two glyph for the same character index. We * currently handle this "properly" as in we do not crash or corrupt memory, * but that's about it. * # Due to mismatches in size, the CoreText glyph sequence can either be longer or * shorter than the PangoGlyphString. Note that the size of the PangoGlyphString * should match the number of characters in "text". * * If performance becomes a problem, it is certainly possible to use a faster code * that only does a single iteration over the string for "simple cases". Simple cases * could include these that only consist out of one run (simple Latin text), which * don't have gaps in the glyph sequence and which are monotonically * increasing/decreasing. * * FIXME items for future fixing: * # CoreText strings are UTF16, and the indices *often* refer to characters, * but not *always*. Notable exception is when a character is encoded using * two UTF16 code points. This are two characters in a CFString. At this point * advancing a single character in the CFString and advancing a single character * using g_utf8_next_char in the const char string goes out of sync. * # We currently don't bother about LTR, Pango core appears to fix this up for us. * (Even when we cared warnings were generated that strings were in the wrong * order, this should be investigated). * # When CoreText generates two glyphs for one character, only one is stored. * This breaks the example strings for e.g. Georgian and Gothic. */ glyph_list = create_core_text_glyph_list (text, length, pango_core_text_font_get_ctfont (cfont)); if (!glyph_list) return; /* Translate the glyph list to a PangoGlyphString */ n_chars = g_utf8_strlen (text, length); pango_glyph_string_set_size (glyphs, n_chars); glyph_iter = glyph_list; coverage = pango_font_get_coverage (PANGO_FONT (cfont), analysis->language); for (gs_prev_i = -1, gs_i = 0, p = text; gs_i < n_chars; gs_prev_i = gs_i, gs_i++, p = g_utf8_next_char (p)) { struct GlyphInfo *gi = glyph_iter != NULL ? glyph_iter->data : NULL; if (gi == NULL || gi->index > gs_i) { /* gs_i is behind, insert empty glyph */ set_glyph (font, glyphs, gs_i, p - text, PANGO_GLYPH_EMPTY); continue; } else if (gi->index < gs_i) { while (gi && gi->index < gs_i) { glyph_iter = g_slist_next (glyph_iter); if (glyph_iter) gi = glyph_iter->data; else gi = NULL; } } if (gi != NULL && gi->index == gs_i) { gunichar mirrored_ch; PangoCoverageLevel result; if (analysis->level % 2) if (g_unichar_get_mirror_char (gi->wc, &mirrored_ch)) gi->wc = mirrored_ch; if (gi->wc == 0xa0) /* non-break-space */ gi->wc = 0x20; result = pango_coverage_get (coverage, gi->wc); if (result != PANGO_COVERAGE_NONE) { set_glyph (font, glyphs, gs_i, p - text, gi->cgglyph); if (g_unichar_type (gi->wc) == G_UNICODE_NON_SPACING_MARK) { if (gi->index > 0) { PangoRectangle logical_rect, ink_rect; glyphs->glyphs[gs_i].geometry.width = MAX (glyphs->glyphs[gs_prev_i].geometry.width, glyphs->glyphs[gs_i].geometry.width); glyphs->glyphs[gs_prev_i].geometry.width = 0; glyphs->log_clusters[gs_i] = glyphs->log_clusters[gs_prev_i]; /* Some heuristics to try to guess how overstrike glyphs are * done and compensate */ pango_font_get_glyph_extents (font, glyphs->glyphs[gs_i].glyph, &ink_rect, &logical_rect); if (logical_rect.width == 0 && ink_rect.x == 0) glyphs->glyphs[gs_i].geometry.x_offset = (glyphs->glyphs[gs_i].geometry.width - ink_rect.width) / 2; } } } else set_glyph (font, glyphs, gs_i, p - text, PANGO_GET_UNKNOWN_GLYPH (gi->wc)); glyph_iter = g_slist_next (glyph_iter); } } pango_coverage_unref (coverage); g_slist_foreach (glyph_list, glyph_info_free, NULL); g_slist_free (glyph_list); } static void basic_engine_core_text_class_init (PangoEngineShapeClass *class) { class->script_shape = basic_engine_shape; } PANGO_ENGINE_SHAPE_DEFINE_TYPE (BasicEngineCoreText, basic_engine_core_text, basic_engine_core_text_class_init, NULL); void PANGO_MODULE_ENTRY(init) (GTypeModule *module) { basic_engine_core_text_register_type (module); } void PANGO_MODULE_ENTRY(exit) (void) { } void PANGO_MODULE_ENTRY(list) (PangoEngineInfo **engines, int *n_engines) { *engines = script_engines; *n_engines = G_N_ELEMENTS (script_engines); } PangoEngine * PANGO_MODULE_ENTRY(create) (const char *id) { if (!strcmp (id, SCRIPT_ENGINE_NAME)) return g_object_new (basic_engine_core_text_type, NULL); else return NULL; }