# Default pango.aliases file used on Windows courier = "courier new" # Segoe UI is the default system font on Vista "segoe ui" = "segoe ui,arial unicode ms,browallia new,mingliu,simhei,gulimche,ms gothic,sylfaen,kartika,latha,mangal,raavi" # Tahoma on XP tahoma = "tahoma,arial unicode ms,browallia new,mingliu,simhei,gulimche,ms gothic,sylfaen,kartika,latha,mangal,raavi" # The standard pseudo fonts # It sucks to use the same GulimChe, MS Gothic, Sylfaen, Kartika, # Latha, Mangal and Raavi fonts for all three of sans, serif and # mono, but it isn't like there would be much choice. For most # non-Latin scripts that Windows includes any font at all for, it # has ony one. One solution is to install the free DejaVu fonts # that are popular on Linux. They are listed here first. sans = "dejavu sans,tahoma,arial unicode ms,browallia new,mingliu,simhei,gulimche,ms gothic,sylfaen,kartika,latha,mangal,raavi" sans-serif = "dejavu sans,tahoma,arial unicode ms,browallia new,mingliu,simhei,gulimche,ms gothic,sylfaen,kartika,latha,mangal,raavi" serif = "dejavu serif,georgia,angsana new,mingliu,simsun,gulimche,ms gothic,sylfaen,kartika,latha,mangal,raavi" mono = "dejavu sans mono,courier new,courier monothai,mingliu,simsun,gulimche,ms gothic,sylfaen,kartika,latha,mangal,raavi" monospace = "dejavu sans mono,courier new,courier monothai,mingliu,simsun,gulimche,ms gothic,sylfaen,kartika,latha,mangal,raavi"