/* Pango * ellipsize.c: Routine to ellipsize layout lines * * Copyright (C) 2004 Red Hat Software * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include #include "pango-glyph-item-private.h" #include "pango-layout-private.h" #include "pango-engine-private.h" typedef struct _EllipsizeState EllipsizeState; typedef struct _RunInfo RunInfo; typedef struct _LineIter LineIter; /* Overall, the way we ellipsize is we grow a "gap" out from an original * gap center position until: * * line_width - gap_width + ellipsize_width <= goal_width * * Line: [-------------------------------------------] * Runs: [------)[---------------)[------------------] * Gap center: * * Gap: [----------------------] * * The gap center may be at the start or end in which case the gap grows * in only one direction. * * Note the line and last run are logically closed at the end; this allows * us to use a gap position at x=line_width and still have it be part of * of a run. * * We grow the grap out one "span" at a time, where a span is simply a * consecutive run of clusters that we can't interrupt with an ellipsis. * * When choosing whether to grow the gap at the start or the end, we * calculate the next span to remove in both directions and see which * causes the smaller increase in: * * MAX (gap_end - gap_center, gap_start - gap_center) * * All computations are done using logical order; the ellipsization * process occurs before the runs are ordered into visual order. */ /* Keeps information about a single run */ struct _RunInfo { PangoGlyphItem *run; int start_offset; /* Character offset of run start */ int width; /* Width of run in Pango units */ }; /* Iterator to a position within the ellipsized line */ struct _LineIter { PangoGlyphItemIter run_iter; int run_index; }; /* State of ellipsization process */ struct _EllipsizeState { PangoLayout *layout; /* Layout being ellipsized */ PangoAttrList *attrs; /* Attributes used for itemization/shaping */ RunInfo *run_info; /* Array of information about each run */ int n_runs; int total_width; /* Original width of line in Pango units */ int gap_center; /* Goal for center of gap */ PangoGlyphItem *ellipsis_run; /* Run created to hold ellipsis */ int ellipsis_width; /* Width of ellipsis, in Pango units */ int ellipsis_is_cjk; /* Whether the first character in the ellipsized * is wide; this triggers us to try to use a * mid-line ellipsis instead of a baseline */ PangoAttrIterator *line_start_attr; /* Cached PangoAttrIterator for the start of the run */ LineIter gap_start_iter; /* Iteratator pointig to the first cluster in gap */ int gap_start_x; /* x position of start of gap, in Pango units */ PangoAttrIterator *gap_start_attr; /* Attribute iterator pointing to a range containing * the first character in gap */ LineIter gap_end_iter; /* Iterator pointing to last cluster in gap */ int gap_end_x; /* x position of end of gap, in Pango units */ }; /* Compute global information needed for the itemization process */ static void init_state (EllipsizeState *state, PangoLayoutLine *line, PangoAttrList *attrs) { GSList *l; int i, j; int start_offset; state->layout = line->layout; state->attrs = attrs; state->n_runs = g_slist_length (line->runs); state->run_info = g_new (RunInfo, state->n_runs); start_offset = g_utf8_strlen (line->layout->text, line->start_index); start_offset = 0; state->total_width = 0; for (l = line->runs, i = 0; l; l = l->next, i++) { PangoGlyphItem *run = l->data; int width = 0; for (j = 0; j < run->glyphs->num_glyphs; j++) width += run->glyphs->glyphs[j].geometry.width; state->run_info[i].run = run; state->run_info[i].width = width; state->run_info[i].start_offset = start_offset; state->total_width += width; start_offset += run->item->num_chars; } state->ellipsis_run = NULL; state->ellipsis_is_cjk = FALSE; state->line_start_attr = NULL; state->gap_start_attr = NULL; } /* Cleanup memory allocation */ static void free_state (EllipsizeState *state) { if (state->line_start_attr) pango_attr_iterator_destroy (state->line_start_attr); if (state->gap_start_attr) pango_attr_iterator_destroy (state->gap_start_attr); g_free (state->run_info); } /* Computes the width of a single cluster */ static int get_cluster_width (LineIter *iter) { PangoGlyphItemIter *run_iter = &iter->run_iter; PangoGlyphString *glyphs = run_iter->glyph_item->glyphs; int width = 0; int i; if (run_iter->start_glyph < run_iter->end_glyph) /* LTR */ { for (i = run_iter->start_glyph; i < run_iter->end_glyph; i++) width += glyphs->glyphs[run_iter->start_glyph].geometry.width; } else /* RTL */ { for (i = run_iter->start_glyph; i > run_iter->end_glyph; i--) width += glyphs->glyphs[run_iter->start_glyph].geometry.width; } return width; } /* Move forward one cluster. Returns %FALSE if we were already at the end */ static gboolean line_iter_next_cluster (EllipsizeState *state, LineIter *iter) { if (!_pango_glyph_item_iter_next_cluster (&iter->run_iter)) { if (iter->run_index == state->n_runs - 1) return FALSE; else { iter->run_index++; _pango_glyph_item_iter_init_start (&iter->run_iter, state->run_info[iter->run_index].run, state->layout->text); } } return TRUE; } /* Move backward one cluster. Returns %FALSE if we were already at the end */ static gboolean line_iter_prev_cluster (EllipsizeState *state, LineIter *iter) { if (!_pango_glyph_item_iter_prev_cluster (&iter->run_iter)) { if (iter->run_index == 0) return FALSE; else { iter->run_index--; _pango_glyph_item_iter_init_end (&iter->run_iter, state->run_info[iter->run_index].run, state->layout->text); } } return TRUE; } /* * An ellipsization boundary is defined by two things * * - Starts a cluster - forced by structure of code * - Starts a grapheme - checked here * * In the future we'd also like to add a check for cursive connectivity here. * This should be an addition to PangoGlyphVisAttr * */ /* Checks if there is a ellipsization boundary before the cluster @iter points to */ static gboolean starts_at_ellipsization_boundary (EllipsizeState *state, LineIter *iter) { RunInfo *run_info = &state->run_info[iter->run_index]; if (iter->run_iter.start_char == 0 && iter->run_index == 0) return TRUE; return state->layout->log_attrs[run_info->start_offset + iter->run_iter.start_char].is_cursor_position; } /* Checks if there is a ellipsization boundary after the cluster @iter points to */ static gboolean ends_at_ellipsization_boundary (EllipsizeState *state, LineIter *iter) { RunInfo *run_info = &state->run_info[iter->run_index]; if (iter->run_iter.end_char == run_info->run->item->num_chars && iter->run_index == state->n_runs - 1) return TRUE; return state->layout->log_attrs[run_info->start_offset + iter->run_iter.end_char + 1].is_cursor_position; } /* Helper function to re-itemize a string of text */ static PangoItem * itemize_text (EllipsizeState *state, const char *text, PangoAttrList *attrs) { GList *items; PangoItem *item; items = pango_itemize (state->layout->context, text, 0, strlen (text), attrs, NULL); g_assert (g_list_length (items) == 1); item = items->data; g_list_free (items); return item; } /* Shapes the ellipsis using the font and is_cjk information computed by * update_ellipsis_shape() from the first character in the gap. */ static void shape_ellipsis (EllipsizeState *state) { PangoAttrList *attrs = pango_attr_list_new (); GSList *run_attrs; PangoItem *item; PangoGlyphString *glyphs; GSList *l; PangoAttribute *fallback; const char *ellipsis_text; int i; /* Create/reset state->ellipsis_run */ if (!state->ellipsis_run) { state->ellipsis_run = g_new (PangoGlyphItem, 1); state->ellipsis_run->glyphs = pango_glyph_string_new (); state->ellipsis_run->item = NULL; } if (state->ellipsis_run->item) { pango_item_free (state->ellipsis_run->item); state->ellipsis_run->item = NULL; } /* Create an attribute list */ run_attrs = pango_attr_iterator_get_attrs (state->gap_start_attr); for (l = run_attrs; l; l = l->next) { PangoAttribute *attr = l->data; attr->start_index = 0; attr->end_index = G_MAXINT; pango_attr_list_insert (attrs, attr); } g_slist_free (run_attrs); fallback = pango_attr_fallback_new (FALSE); fallback->start_index = 0; fallback->end_index = G_MAXINT; pango_attr_list_insert (attrs, fallback); /* First try using a specific ellipsis character in the best matching font */ if (state->ellipsis_is_cjk) ellipsis_text = "\342\213\257"; /* U+22EF: MIDLINE HORIZONTAL ELLIPSIS, used for CJK */ else ellipsis_text = "\342\200\246"; /* U+2026: HORIZONTAL ELLIPSIS */ item = itemize_text (state, ellipsis_text, attrs); /* If that fails we use "..." in the first matching font */ if (!item->analysis.font || !_pango_engine_shape_covers (item->analysis.shape_engine, item->analysis.font, item->analysis.language, g_utf8_get_char (ellipsis_text))) { pango_item_free (item); /* Modify the fallback iter while it is inside the PangoAttrList; Don't try this at home */ ((PangoAttrInt *)fallback)->value = TRUE; ellipsis_text = "..."; item = itemize_text (state, ellipsis_text, attrs); } pango_attr_list_unref (attrs); state->ellipsis_run->item = item; /* Now shape */ glyphs = state->ellipsis_run->glyphs; pango_shape (ellipsis_text, strlen (ellipsis_text), &item->analysis, glyphs); state->ellipsis_width = 0; for (i = 0; i < glyphs->num_glyphs; i++) state->ellipsis_width += glyphs->glyphs[i].geometry.width; } /* Helper function to advance a PangoAttrIterator to a particular * byte index. */ static void advance_iterator_to (PangoAttrIterator *iter, int new_index) { int start, end; do { pango_attr_iterator_range (iter, &start, &end); if (end > new_index) break; } while (pango_attr_iterator_next (iter)); } /* Updates the shaping of the ellipsis if necessary when we move the * position of the start of the gap. * * The shaping of the ellipsis is determined by two things: * * - The font attributes applied to the first character in the gap * - Whether the first character in the gap is wide or not. If the * first character is wide, then we assume that we are ellipsizing * East-Asian text, so prefer a mid-line ellipsizes to a baseline * ellipsis, since that's typical practice for Chinese/Japanese/Korean. */ static void update_ellipsis_shape (EllipsizeState *state) { gboolean recompute = FALSE; gunichar start_wc; gboolean is_cjk; /* Unfortunately, we can only advance PangoAttrIterator forward; so each * time we back up we need to go forward to find the new position. To make * this not utterly slow, we cache an iterator at the start of the line */ if (!state->line_start_attr) { state->line_start_attr = pango_attr_list_get_iterator (state->attrs); advance_iterator_to (state->line_start_attr, state->run_info[0].run->item->offset); } if (state->gap_start_attr) { /* See if the current attribute range contains the new start position */ int start, end; pango_attr_iterator_range (state->gap_start_attr, &start, &end); if (state->gap_start_iter.run_iter.start_index < start) { pango_attr_iterator_destroy (state->gap_start_attr); state->gap_start_attr = NULL; } } /* Check whether we need to recompute the ellipsis because of new font attributes */ if (!state->gap_start_attr) { state->gap_start_attr = pango_attr_iterator_copy (state->line_start_attr); advance_iterator_to (state->gap_start_attr, state->run_info[state->gap_start_iter.run_index].run->item->offset); recompute = TRUE; } /* Check whether we need to recompute the ellipsis because we switch from CJK to not * or vice-versa */ start_wc = g_utf8_get_char (state->layout->text + state->gap_start_iter.run_iter.start_index); is_cjk = g_unichar_iswide (start_wc); if (is_cjk != state->ellipsis_is_cjk) { state->ellipsis_is_cjk = is_cjk; recompute = TRUE; } if (recompute) shape_ellipsis (state); } /* Computes the position of the gap center and finds the smallest span containing it */ static void find_initial_span (EllipsizeState *state) { PangoGlyphItem *glyph_item; PangoGlyphItemIter *run_iter; gboolean have_cluster; int i; int x; int cluster_width; switch (state->layout->ellipsize) { case PANGO_ELLIPSIZE_NONE: default: g_assert_not_reached (); case PANGO_ELLIPSIZE_START: state->gap_center = 0; break; case PANGO_ELLIPSIZE_MIDDLE: state->gap_center = state->total_width / 2; break; case PANGO_ELLIPSIZE_END: state->gap_center = state->total_width; break; } /* Find the run containing the gap center */ x = 0; for (i = 0; i < state->n_runs; i++) { if (x + state->run_info[i].width > state->gap_center) break; x += state->run_info[i].width; } if (i == state->n_runs) /* Last run is a closed interval, so back off one run */ { i--; x -= state->run_info[i].width; } /* Find the cluster containing the gap center */ state->gap_start_iter.run_index = i; run_iter = &state->gap_start_iter.run_iter; glyph_item = state->run_info[i].run; cluster_width = 0; /* Quiet GCC, the line must have at least one cluster */ for (have_cluster = _pango_glyph_item_iter_init_start (run_iter, glyph_item, state->layout->text); have_cluster; have_cluster = _pango_glyph_item_iter_next_cluster (run_iter)) { cluster_width = get_cluster_width (&state->gap_start_iter); if (x + cluster_width > state->gap_center) break; x += cluster_width; } if (!have_cluster) /* Last cluster is a closed interval, so back off one cluster */ x -= cluster_width; state->gap_end_iter = state->gap_start_iter; state->gap_start_x = x; state->gap_end_x = x + cluster_width; /* Expand the gap to a full span */ while (!starts_at_ellipsization_boundary (state, &state->gap_start_iter)) { line_iter_prev_cluster (state, &state->gap_start_iter); state->gap_start_x -= get_cluster_width (&state->gap_start_iter); } while (!ends_at_ellipsization_boundary (state, &state->gap_end_iter)) { line_iter_next_cluster (state, &state->gap_end_iter); state->gap_end_x += get_cluster_width (&state->gap_end_iter); } update_ellipsis_shape (state); } /* Removes one run from the start or end of the gap. Returns FALSE * if there's nothing left to remove in either direction. */ static gboolean remove_one_span (EllipsizeState *state) { LineIter new_gap_start_iter; LineIter new_gap_end_iter; int new_gap_start_x; int new_gap_end_x; /* Find one span backwards and forward from the gap */ new_gap_start_iter = state->gap_start_iter; new_gap_start_x = state->gap_start_x; do { if (!line_iter_prev_cluster (state, &new_gap_start_iter)) break; new_gap_start_x -= get_cluster_width (&new_gap_start_iter); } while (!starts_at_ellipsization_boundary (state, &new_gap_start_iter)); new_gap_end_iter = state->gap_end_iter; new_gap_end_x = state->gap_end_x; do { if (!line_iter_next_cluster (state, &new_gap_end_iter)) break; new_gap_end_x += get_cluster_width (&new_gap_end_iter); } while (!ends_at_ellipsization_boundary (state, &new_gap_end_iter)); if (state->gap_end_x == new_gap_end_x && state->gap_start_x == new_gap_start_x) return FALSE; /* In the case where we could remove a span from either end of the * gap, we look at which causes the smaller increase in the * MAX (gap_end - gap_center, gap_start - gap_center) */ if (state->gap_end_x == new_gap_end_x || (state->gap_start_x != new_gap_start_x && state->gap_center - new_gap_start_x < new_gap_end_x - state->gap_center)) { state->gap_start_iter = new_gap_start_iter; state->gap_start_x = new_gap_start_x; update_ellipsis_shape (state); } else { state->gap_end_iter = new_gap_end_iter; state->gap_end_x = new_gap_end_x; } return TRUE; } /* Fixes up the properties of the ellipsis run once we've determined the final extents * of the gap */ static void fixup_ellipsis_run (EllipsizeState *state) { PangoGlyphString *glyphs = state->ellipsis_run->glyphs; PangoItem *item = state->ellipsis_run->item; int level; int i; /* Make the entire glyphstring into a single logical cluster */ for (i = 0; i < glyphs->num_glyphs; i++) { glyphs->log_clusters[i] = 0; glyphs->glyphs[i].attr.is_cluster_start = FALSE; } glyphs->glyphs[0].attr.is_cluster_start = TRUE; /* Fix up the item to point to the entire elided text */ item->offset = state->gap_start_iter.run_iter.start_index; item->length = state->gap_end_iter.run_iter.end_index - item->offset; item->num_chars = g_utf8_strlen (state->layout->text + item->offset, item->length); /* The level for the item is the minimum level of the elided text */ level = G_MAXINT; for (i = state->gap_start_iter.run_index; i <= state->gap_end_iter.run_index; i++) level = MIN (level, state->run_info[i].run->item->analysis.level); item->analysis.level = level; } /* Computes the new list of runs for the line */ static GSList * get_run_list (EllipsizeState *state) { PangoGlyphItem *partial_start_run = NULL; PangoGlyphItem *partial_end_run = NULL; GSList *result = NULL; RunInfo *run_info; PangoGlyphItemIter *run_iter; int i; /* We first cut out the pieces of the starting and ending runs we want to * preserve; we do the end first in case the end and the start are * the same. Doing the start first would disturb the indices for the end. */ run_info = &state->run_info[state->gap_end_iter.run_index]; run_iter = &state->gap_end_iter.run_iter; if (run_iter->end_char != run_info->run->item->num_chars) { partial_end_run = run_info->run; run_info->run = pango_glyph_item_split (run_info->run, state->layout->text, run_iter->end_index - run_info->run->item->offset); } run_info = &state->run_info[state->gap_start_iter.run_index]; run_iter = &state->gap_start_iter.run_iter; if (run_iter->start_char != 0) { partial_start_run = pango_glyph_item_split (run_info->run, state->layout->text, run_iter->start_index - run_info->run->item->offset); } /* Now assemble the new list of runs */ for (i = 0; i < state->gap_start_iter.run_index; i++) result = g_slist_prepend (result, state->run_info[i].run); if (partial_start_run) result = g_slist_prepend (result, partial_start_run); result = g_slist_prepend (result, state->ellipsis_run); if (partial_end_run) result = g_slist_prepend (result, partial_end_run); for (i = state->gap_end_iter.run_index + 1; i < state->n_runs; i++) result = g_slist_prepend (result, state->run_info[i].run); /* And free the ones we didn't use */ for (i = state->gap_start_iter.run_index; i <= state->gap_end_iter.run_index; i++) pango_glyph_item_free (state->run_info[i].run); return g_slist_reverse (result); } /* Computes the width of the line as currently ellipsized */ static int current_width (EllipsizeState *state) { return state->total_width - (state->gap_end_x - state->gap_start_x) + state->ellipsis_width; } /** * _pango_layout_line_ellipsize: * @line: a #PangoLayoutLine * @attrs: Attributes being used for itemization/shaping * * Given a PangoLayoutLine with the runs still in logical order, ellipsize * it according the layout's policy to fit within the set width of the layout. **/ void _pango_layout_line_ellipsize (PangoLayoutLine *line, PangoAttrList *attrs) { EllipsizeState state; if (line->layout->ellipsize == PANGO_ELLIPSIZE_NONE || line->layout->width < 0) return; init_state (&state, line, attrs); if (state.total_width <= state.layout->width) goto out; find_initial_span (&state); while (current_width (&state) > state.layout->width) { if (!remove_one_span (&state)) break; } fixup_ellipsis_run (&state); g_slist_free (line->runs); line->runs = get_run_list (&state); out: free_state (&state); }