/* Pango * disasm.c: Dump OpenType layout tables * * Copyright (C) 2000 Red Hat Software * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include /* For G_HAVE_ISO_VARARGS */ #include #include "disasm.h" #ifdef G_HAVE_ISO_VARARGS #define DUMP(...) dump (stream, indent, __VA_ARGS__) #elif defined (G_HAVE_GNUC_VARARGS) #define DUMP(args...) dump (stream, indent, args) #endif #define DUMP_FINT(strct,fld) dump (stream, indent, "<" #fld ">%d\n", (strct)->fld) #define DUMP_FUINT(strct,fld) dump (stream, indent, "<" #fld ">%u\n", (strct)->fld) #define DUMP_FGLYPH(strct,fld) dump (stream, indent, "<" #fld ">%#4x\n", (strct)->fld) #define DEF_DUMP(type) static void Dump_ ## type (TTO_ ## type *type, FILE *stream, int indent, FT_Bool is_gsub) #define RECURSE(name, type, val) do { DUMP ("<" #name ">\n"); Dump_ ## type (val, stream, indent + 1, is_gsub); DUMP ("\n"); } while (0) static void do_indent (FILE *stream, int indent) { int i; for (i = 0; i < indent * 3; i++) fputc (' ', stream); } static void dump (FILE *stream, int indent, const char *format, ...) { va_list list; do_indent (stream, indent); va_start (list, format); vfprintf (stream, format, list); va_end (list); } static void Print_Tag (FT_ULong tag, FILE *stream) { fprintf (stream, "%c%c%c%c", (unsigned char)(tag >> 24), (unsigned char)((tag & 0xff0000) >> 16), (unsigned char)((tag & 0xff00) >> 8), (unsigned char)(tag & 0xff)); } DEF_DUMP (LangSys) { int i; DUMP_FUINT (LangSys, LookupOrderOffset); DUMP_FUINT (LangSys, ReqFeatureIndex); DUMP_FUINT (LangSys, FeatureCount); for (i=0; i < LangSys->FeatureCount; i++) DUMP("%d\n", LangSys->FeatureIndex[i]); } DEF_DUMP (Script) { int i; RECURSE (DefaultLangSys, LangSys, &Script->DefaultLangSys); DUMP_FUINT (Script, LangSysCount); for (i=0; i < Script->LangSysCount; i++) { do_indent (stream, indent); fprintf (stream, ""); Print_Tag (Script->LangSysRecord[i].LangSysTag, stream); fprintf (stream, "\n"); RECURSE (LangSys, LangSys, &Script->LangSysRecord[i].LangSys); } } DEF_DUMP (ScriptList) { int i; DUMP_FUINT (ScriptList, ScriptCount); for (i=0; i < ScriptList->ScriptCount; i++) { do_indent (stream, indent); fprintf (stream, ""); Print_Tag (ScriptList->ScriptRecord[i].ScriptTag, stream); fprintf (stream, "\n"); RECURSE (Script, Script, &ScriptList->ScriptRecord[i].Script); } } DEF_DUMP (Feature) { int i; DUMP_FUINT (Feature, FeatureParams); DUMP_FUINT (Feature, LookupListCount); for (i=0; i < Feature->LookupListCount; i++) DUMP("%d\n", Feature->LookupListIndex[i]); } DEF_DUMP (FeatureList) { int i; DUMP_FUINT (FeatureList, FeatureCount); for (i=0; i < FeatureList->FeatureCount; i++) { do_indent (stream, indent); fprintf (stream, ""); Print_Tag (FeatureList->FeatureRecord[i].FeatureTag, stream); fprintf (stream, "\n"); RECURSE (Feature, Feature, &FeatureList->FeatureRecord[i].Feature); } } DEF_DUMP (Coverage) { DUMP_FUINT (Coverage, CoverageFormat); if (Coverage->CoverageFormat == 1) { int i; DUMP_FUINT (&Coverage->cf.cf1, GlyphCount); for (i = 0; i < Coverage->cf.cf1.GlyphCount; i++) DUMP("%#4x \n", Coverage->cf.cf1.GlyphArray[i], i); } else { } } static void Dump_GSUB_Lookup_Single (TTO_SubTable *subtable, FILE *stream, int indent, FT_Bool is_gsub) { TTO_SingleSubst *SingleSubst = &subtable->st.gsub.single; DUMP_FUINT (SingleSubst, SubstFormat); RECURSE (Coverage, Coverage, &SingleSubst->Coverage); if (SingleSubst->SubstFormat == 1) { DUMP_FINT (&SingleSubst->ssf.ssf1, DeltaGlyphID); } else { int i; DUMP_FINT (&SingleSubst->ssf.ssf2, GlyphCount); for (i=0; i < SingleSubst->ssf.ssf2.GlyphCount; i++) DUMP("%#4x \n", SingleSubst->ssf.ssf2.Substitute[i], i); } } DEF_DUMP (Ligature) { int i; DUMP_FGLYPH (Ligature, LigGlyph); DUMP_FUINT (Ligature, ComponentCount); for (i=0; i < Ligature->ComponentCount - 1; i++) DUMP("%#4x\n", Ligature->Component[i]); } DEF_DUMP (LigatureSet) { int i; DUMP_FUINT (LigatureSet, LigatureCount); for (i=0; i < LigatureSet->LigatureCount; i++) RECURSE (Ligature, Ligature, &LigatureSet->Ligature[i]); } static void Dump_GSUB_Lookup_Ligature (TTO_SubTable *subtable, FILE *stream, int indent, FT_Bool is_gsub) { int i; TTO_LigatureSubst *LigatureSubst = &subtable->st.gsub.ligature; DUMP_FUINT (LigatureSubst, SubstFormat); RECURSE (Coverage, Coverage, &LigatureSubst->Coverage); DUMP_FUINT (LigatureSubst, LigatureSetCount); for (i=0; i < LigatureSubst->LigatureSetCount; i++) RECURSE (LigatureSet, LigatureSet, &LigatureSubst->LigatureSet[i]); } DEF_DUMP (Lookup) { int i; const char *lookup_name = NULL; void (*lookup_func) (TTO_SubTable *subtable, FILE *stream, int indent, FT_Bool is_gsub) = NULL; if (is_gsub) { switch (Lookup->LookupType) { case GSUB_LOOKUP_SINGLE: lookup_name = "SINGLE"; lookup_func = Dump_GSUB_Lookup_Single; break; case GSUB_LOOKUP_MULTIPLE: lookup_name = "MULTIPLE"; break; case GSUB_LOOKUP_ALTERNATE: lookup_name = "ALTERNATE"; break; case GSUB_LOOKUP_LIGATURE: lookup_name = "LIGATURE"; lookup_func = Dump_GSUB_Lookup_Ligature; break; case GSUB_LOOKUP_CONTEXT: lookup_name = "CONTEXT"; break; case GSUB_LOOKUP_CHAIN: lookup_name = "CHAIN"; break; } } else { switch (Lookup->LookupType) { case GPOS_LOOKUP_SINGLE: lookup_name = "SINGLE"; break; case GPOS_LOOKUP_PAIR: lookup_name = "PAIR"; break; case GPOS_LOOKUP_CURSIVE: lookup_name = "CURSIVE"; break; case GPOS_LOOKUP_MARKBASE: lookup_name = "MARKBASE"; break; case GPOS_LOOKUP_MARKLIG: lookup_name = "MARKLIG"; break; case GPOS_LOOKUP_MARKMARK: lookup_name = "MARKMARK"; break; case GPOS_LOOKUP_CONTEXT: lookup_name = "CONTEXT"; break; case GPOS_LOOKUP_CHAIN: lookup_name = "CHAIN"; break; } } DUMP("%s\n", lookup_name); for (i=0; i < Lookup->SubTableCount; i++) { DUMP ("\n"); if (lookup_func) (*lookup_func) (&Lookup->SubTable[i], stream, indent + 1, is_gsub); DUMP ("\n"); } } DEF_DUMP (LookupList) { int i; DUMP_FUINT (LookupList, LookupCount); for (i=0; i < LookupList->LookupCount; i++) RECURSE (Lookup, Lookup, &LookupList->Lookup[i]); } void TT_Dump_GSUB_Table (TTO_GSUB gsub, FILE *stream) { int indent = 0; FT_Bool is_gsub = 1; RECURSE (ScriptList, ScriptList, &gsub->ScriptList); RECURSE (FeatureList, FeatureList, &gsub->FeatureList); RECURSE (LookupList, LookupList, &gsub->LookupList); } void TT_Dump_GPOS_Table (TTO_GPOS gpos, FILE *stream) { int indent = 0; FT_Bool is_gsub = 0; RECURSE (ScriptList, ScriptList, &gpos->ScriptList); RECURSE (FeatureList, FeatureList, &gpos->FeatureList); RECURSE (LookupList, LookupList, &gpos->LookupList); }