/* Pango * pango-context.c: Contexts for itemization and shaping * * Copyright (C) 2000 Red Hat Software * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include #include #include "pango/pango-context.h" #include "pango/pango-utils.h" #include "pango-modules.h" struct _PangoContext { GObject parent_instance; char *lang; PangoDirection base_dir; PangoFontDescription *font_desc; GSList *font_maps; }; struct _PangoContextClass { GObjectClass parent_class; }; static void add_engines (PangoContext *context, const gchar *text, gint start_index, gint length, PangoAttrList *attrs, PangoAttrIterator *cached_iter, gint n_chars, PangoEngineShape **shape_engines, PangoEngineLang **lang_engines, PangoFont **fonts, GSList **extra_attr_lists); static void pango_context_init (PangoContext *context); static void pango_context_class_init (PangoContextClass *klass); static void pango_context_finalize (GObject *object); static gpointer parent_class; GType pango_context_get_type (void) { static GType object_type = 0; if (!object_type) { static const GTypeInfo object_info = { sizeof (PangoContextClass), (GBaseInitFunc) NULL, (GBaseFinalizeFunc) NULL, (GClassInitFunc) pango_context_class_init, NULL, /* class_finalize */ NULL, /* class_data */ sizeof (PangoContext), 0, /* n_preallocs */ (GInstanceInitFunc) pango_context_init, }; object_type = g_type_register_static (G_TYPE_OBJECT, "PangoContext", &object_info, 0); } return object_type; } static void pango_context_init (PangoContext *context) { PangoFontDescription desc; context->base_dir = PANGO_DIRECTION_LTR; context->lang = NULL; context->font_maps = NULL; desc.family_name = "serif"; desc.style = PANGO_STYLE_NORMAL; desc.variant = PANGO_VARIANT_NORMAL; desc.weight = PANGO_WEIGHT_NORMAL; desc.stretch = PANGO_STRETCH_NORMAL; desc.size = 12 * PANGO_SCALE; context->font_desc = pango_font_description_copy (&desc); } static void pango_context_class_init (PangoContextClass *klass) { GObjectClass *object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass); parent_class = g_type_class_peek_parent (klass); object_class->finalize = pango_context_finalize; } static void pango_context_finalize (GObject *object) { PangoContext *context; context = PANGO_CONTEXT (object); if (context->lang) g_free (context->lang); g_slist_foreach (context->font_maps, (GFunc)g_object_unref, NULL); g_slist_free (context->font_maps); pango_font_description_free (context->font_desc); G_OBJECT_CLASS (parent_class)->finalize (object); } /** * pango_context_new: * * Creates a new #PangoContext initialized to default value. * * Return value: the new #PangoContext **/ PangoContext * pango_context_new (void) { PangoContext *context; g_type_init (); context = PANGO_CONTEXT (g_type_create_instance (pango_context_get_type ())); return context; } /** * pango_context_add_font_map: * @context: a #PangoContext * @font_map: the #PangoFontMap to add. * * Add a font map to the list of font maps that are searched for fonts * when fonts are looked-up in this context. **/ void pango_context_add_font_map (PangoContext *context, PangoFontMap *font_map) { g_return_if_fail (context != NULL); g_return_if_fail (font_map != NULL); g_object_ref (G_OBJECT (font_map)); context->font_maps = g_slist_append (context->font_maps, font_map); } /** * pango_context_list_fonts: * @context: a #PangoContext * @family: the family for which to list the fonts, or %NULL * to list fonts in all families. * @descs: location to store a pointer to an array of pointers to * #PangoFontDescription. This array should be freed * with pango_font_descriptions_free() * @n_descs: location to store the number of elements in @descs * * Lists all fonts in all fontmaps for this context, or all * fonts in a particular family. **/ void pango_context_list_fonts (PangoContext *context, const char *family, PangoFontDescription ***descs, int *n_descs) { int n_maps; g_return_if_fail (context != NULL); g_return_if_fail (descs == NULL || n_descs != NULL); if (n_descs == 0) return; n_maps = g_slist_length (context->font_maps); if (n_maps == 0) { *n_descs = 0; if (descs) *descs = NULL; return; } else if (n_maps == 1) pango_font_map_list_fonts (context->font_maps->data, family, descs, n_descs); else { /* FIXME: This does not properly suppress duplicate fonts! */ PangoFontDescription ***tmp_descs; int *tmp_n_descs; int total_n_descs = 0; GSList *tmp_list; int i; tmp_descs = g_new (PangoFontDescription **, n_maps); tmp_n_descs = g_new (int, n_maps); *n_descs = 0; tmp_list = context->font_maps; for (i = 0; idata, family, &tmp_descs[i], &tmp_n_descs[i]); *n_descs += tmp_n_descs[i]; tmp_list = tmp_list->next; } if (descs) { *descs = g_new (PangoFontDescription *, *n_descs); total_n_descs = 0; for (i = 0; ifamilies) info->families[info->n_found++] = value; g_free (value); } /** * pango_context_list_families: * @context: a #PangoContext * @families: location to store a pointer to an array of strings. * This array should be freed with pango_font_map_free_families(). * @n_families: location to store the number of elements in @descs * * List all families for a context. **/ void pango_context_list_families (PangoContext *context, gchar ***families, int *n_families) { int n_maps; g_return_if_fail (context != NULL); g_return_if_fail (families == NULL || n_families != NULL); if (n_families == NULL) return; n_maps = g_slist_length (context->font_maps); if (n_maps == 0) { *n_families = 0; if (families) *families = NULL; return; } else if (n_maps == 1) pango_font_map_list_families (context->font_maps->data, families, n_families); else { GHashTable *family_hash; GSList *tmp_list; ListFamiliesInfo info; *n_families = 0; family_hash = g_hash_table_new (g_str_hash, g_str_equal); tmp_list = context->font_maps; while (tmp_list) { char **tmp_families; int tmp_n_families; int i; pango_font_map_list_families (tmp_list->data, &tmp_families, &tmp_n_families); for (i=0; i<*n_families; i++) { if (!g_hash_table_lookup (family_hash, tmp_families[i])) { char *family = g_strdup (tmp_families[i]); g_hash_table_insert (family_hash, family, family); (*n_families)++; } } pango_font_map_free_families (tmp_families, tmp_n_families); tmp_list = tmp_list->next; } info.n_found = 0; if (families) { *families = g_new (char *, *n_families); info.families = *families; } else info.families = NULL; g_hash_table_foreach (family_hash, list_families_foreach, &info); g_hash_table_destroy (family_hash); } } /** * pango_context_load_font: * @context: a #PangoContext * @desc: a #PangoFontDescription describing the font to load * * Loads the font in one of the fontmaps in the context * that is the closest match for @desc. * * Returns the font loaded, or %NULL if no font matched. **/ PangoFont * pango_context_load_font (PangoContext *context, const PangoFontDescription *desc) { GSList *tmp_list; g_return_val_if_fail (context != NULL, NULL); tmp_list = context->font_maps; while (tmp_list) { PangoFont *font; font = pango_font_map_load_font (tmp_list->data, desc); if (font) return font; tmp_list = tmp_list->next; } return NULL; } /** * pango_context_set_font_description: * @context: a #PangoContext * @desc: the new pango font description * * Set the default font description for the context **/ void pango_context_set_font_description (PangoContext *context, const PangoFontDescription *desc) { g_return_if_fail (context != NULL); g_return_if_fail (desc != NULL); pango_font_description_free (context->font_desc); context->font_desc = pango_font_description_copy (desc); } /** * pango_context_get_font_description: * @context: a #PangoContext * * Retrieve the default font description for the context. * * Return value: a pointer to the context's default font description. * This value must not be modified or freed. **/ PangoFontDescription * pango_context_get_font_description (PangoContext *context) { g_return_val_if_fail (context != NULL, NULL); return context->font_desc; } /** * pango_context_set_lang: * @context: a #PangoContext * @lang: the new language tag. * * Sets the global language tag for the context. **/ void pango_context_set_lang (PangoContext *context, const char *lang) { g_return_if_fail (context != NULL); if (context->lang) g_free (context->lang); context->lang = g_strdup (lang); } /** * pango_context_get_lang: * @context: a #PangoContext * * Retrieves the global language tag for the context. * * Return value: the global language tag. This value must be freed with g_free(). **/ char * pango_context_get_lang (PangoContext *context) { g_return_val_if_fail (context != NULL, NULL); return g_strdup (context->lang); } /** * pango_context_set_base_dir: * @context: a #PangoContext * @direction: the new base direction * * Sets the base direction for the context. **/ void pango_context_set_base_dir (PangoContext *context, PangoDirection direction) { g_return_if_fail (context != NULL); context->base_dir = direction; } /** * pango_context_get_base_dir: * @context: * * Retrieves the base direction for the context. * * Return value: the base direction for the context. **/ PangoDirection pango_context_get_base_dir (PangoContext *context) { g_return_val_if_fail (context != NULL, PANGO_DIRECTION_LTR); return context->base_dir; } /** * pango_itemize: * @context: a structure holding information that affects the itemization process. * @text: the text to itemize. * @start_index: first byte in @text to process * @length: the number of bytes (not characters) to process * after @start_index. * This must be >= 0. * @attrs: the set of attributes that apply to @text. * @cached_iter: Cached attribute iterator, or NULL * * Breaks a piece of text into segments with consistent * directional level and shaping engine. Each byte of @text will * be contained in exactly one of the items in the returned list; * the generated list of items will be in logical order (the start * offsets of the items are ascending). * * @cached_iter should be an iterator over @attrs currently positioned at a * range before or containing @start_index; @cached_iter will be advanced to * the range covering the position just after @start_index + @length. * (i.e. if itemizing in a loop, just keep passing in the same @cached_iter). * * Return value: a GList of PangoItem structures. */ GList * pango_itemize (PangoContext *context, const char *text, int start_index, int length, PangoAttrList *attrs, PangoAttrIterator *cached_iter) { gunichar *text_ucs4; int n_chars, i; guint8 *embedding_levels; PangoDirection base_dir; PangoItem *item; const char *p; const char *next; GList *result = NULL; PangoEngineShape **shape_engines; PangoEngineLang **lang_engines; GSList **extra_attr_lists; PangoFont **fonts; g_return_val_if_fail (context != NULL, NULL); g_return_val_if_fail (start_index >= 0, NULL); g_return_val_if_fail (length >= 0, NULL); g_return_val_if_fail (length == 0 || text != NULL, NULL); if (length == 0) return NULL; base_dir = context->base_dir; if (length == 0) return NULL; /* First, apply the bidirectional algorithm to break * the text into directional runs. */ text_ucs4 = g_utf8_to_ucs4 (text + start_index, length); if (!text_ucs4) return NULL; n_chars = g_utf8_strlen (text + start_index, length); embedding_levels = g_new (guint8, n_chars); pango_log2vis_get_embedding_levels (text_ucs4, n_chars, &base_dir, embedding_levels); /* Storing these as ranges would be a lot more efficient, * but also more complicated... we take the simple * approach for now. */ shape_engines = g_new0 (PangoEngineShape *, n_chars); lang_engines = g_new0 (PangoEngineLang *, n_chars); fonts = g_new0 (PangoFont *, n_chars); extra_attr_lists = g_new0 (GSList *, n_chars); /* Now, fill in the appropriate shapers, language engines and fonts for * each character. */ add_engines (context, text, start_index, length, attrs, cached_iter, n_chars, shape_engines, lang_engines, fonts, extra_attr_lists); /* Make a GList of PangoItems out of the above results */ item = NULL; p = text + start_index; for (i=0; ilength > 0); g_assert (item == NULL || item->num_chars > 0); item = pango_item_new (); item->offset = p - text; item->num_chars = 0; item->analysis.level = embedding_levels[i]; item->analysis.shape_engine = shape_engines[i]; item->analysis.lang_engine = lang_engines[i]; item->analysis.font = fonts[i]; /* Copy the extra attribute list if necessary */ if (extra_attr_lists[i] && i != 0 && extra_attr_lists[i] == extra_attr_lists[i-1]) { GSList *tmp_list = extra_attr_lists[i]; GSList *new_list = NULL; while (tmp_list) { new_list = g_slist_prepend (new_list, pango_attribute_copy (tmp_list->data)); tmp_list = tmp_list->next; } item->extra_attrs = g_slist_reverse (new_list); } else item->extra_attrs = extra_attr_lists[i]; result = g_list_prepend (result, item); } else g_object_unref (G_OBJECT (fonts[i])); item->length = (next - text) - item->offset; item->num_chars++; p = next; } g_free (embedding_levels); g_free (shape_engines); g_free (lang_engines); g_free (fonts); g_free (extra_attr_lists); g_free (text_ucs4); return g_list_reverse (result); } static PangoFont * get_font (PangoFont **fonts, PangoCoverage **coverages, int n_families, gunichar wc) { PangoFont *result = NULL; PangoCoverageLevel best_level = PANGO_COVERAGE_NONE; int i; for (i=0; i best_level) { result = fonts[i]; best_level = level; } } } if (result) g_object_ref (G_OBJECT (result)); return result; } /* FIXME: Remove this artificial limit */ #define MAX_FAMILIES 16 static void load_font (PangoContext *context, char *lang, PangoFontDescription *desc, PangoFont **current_fonts, PangoCoverage **current_coverages, int *n_families) { char **families; char *orig_family; int j; for (j=0; j < *n_families; j++) { if (current_fonts[j]) { g_object_unref (G_OBJECT (current_fonts[j])); pango_coverage_unref (current_coverages[j]); } } orig_family = desc->family_name; families = g_strsplit (orig_family, ",", -1); *n_families = 0; for (j=0; families[j] && *n_families < MAX_FAMILIES; j++) { desc->family_name = families[j]; current_fonts[*n_families] = pango_context_load_font (context, desc); if (current_fonts[*n_families]) { current_coverages[*n_families] = pango_font_get_coverage (current_fonts[*n_families], lang); (*n_families)++; } } g_strfreev (families); /* The font description was completely unloadable, try with * family == "Sans" */ if (*n_families == 0) { char *ctmp1, *ctmp2; desc->family_name = orig_family; ctmp1 = pango_font_description_to_string (desc); desc->family_name = "Sans"; ctmp2 = pango_font_description_to_string (desc); g_warning ("Couldn't load font \"%s\" falling back to \"%s\"", ctmp1, ctmp2); g_free (ctmp1); g_free (ctmp2); desc->family_name = "Sans"; current_fonts[0] = pango_context_load_font (context, desc); if (current_fonts[0]) { current_coverages[0] = pango_font_get_coverage (current_fonts[0], lang); *n_families = 1; } } /* We couldn't try with Sans and the specified style. Try Sans Normal */ if (*n_families == 0) { char *ctmp1, *ctmp2; ctmp1 = pango_font_description_to_string (desc); desc->style = PANGO_STYLE_NORMAL; desc->weight = PANGO_WEIGHT_NORMAL; desc->variant = PANGO_VARIANT_NORMAL; desc->stretch = PANGO_STRETCH_NORMAL; ctmp2 = pango_font_description_to_string (desc); g_warning ("Couldn't load font \"%s\" falling back to \"%s\"", ctmp1, ctmp2); g_free (ctmp1); g_free (ctmp2); current_fonts[0] = pango_context_load_font (context, desc); if (current_fonts[0]) { current_coverages[0] = pango_font_get_coverage (current_fonts[0], lang); *n_families = 1; } } /* Everything failed, we are screwed, there is no way to continue */ if (n_families == 0) { g_warning ("All font failbacks failed!!!!"); exit (1); } } static gboolean advance_iterator_to (PangoAttrIterator *iterator, int start_index) { int start_range, end_range; pango_attr_iterator_range (iterator, &start_range, &end_range); while (start_index >= end_range) { if (!pango_attr_iterator_next (iterator)) return FALSE; pango_attr_iterator_range (iterator, &start_range, &end_range); } if (start_range > start_index) g_warning ("In pango_itemize(), the cached iterator passed in " "had already moved beyond the start_index"); return TRUE; } static void add_engines (PangoContext *context, const gchar *text, gint start_index, gint length, PangoAttrList *attrs, PangoAttrIterator *cached_iter, gint n_chars, PangoEngineShape **shape_engines, PangoEngineLang **lang_engines, PangoFont **fonts, GSList **extra_attr_lists) { const char *pos; char *lang = NULL; int next_index; GSList *extra_attrs = NULL; PangoMap *lang_map = NULL; PangoFontDescription current_desc = { 0 }; int n_families = 0; PangoFont *current_fonts[MAX_FAMILIES]; PangoCoverage *current_coverages[MAX_FAMILIES]; PangoAttrIterator *iterator; PangoAttribute *attr; gboolean first_iteration = TRUE; gunichar wc; int i = 0, j; if (cached_iter) iterator = cached_iter; else iterator = pango_attr_list_get_iterator (attrs); advance_iterator_to (iterator, start_index); pango_attr_iterator_range (iterator, NULL, &next_index); pos = text + start_index; for (i=0; ivalue; else next_lang = context->lang; if (i == 0 || (lang != next_lang && (lang == NULL || next_lang == NULL || strcmp (lang, next_lang) != 0))) { static guint engine_type_id = 0; static guint render_type_id = 0; lang = next_lang; if (engine_type_id == 0) { engine_type_id = g_quark_from_static_string (PANGO_ENGINE_TYPE_LANG); render_type_id = g_quark_from_static_string (PANGO_RENDER_TYPE_NONE); } lang_map = pango_find_map (next_lang, engine_type_id, render_type_id); } pango_attr_iterator_get_font (iterator, context->font_desc, &next_desc, &extra_attrs); if (i == 0 || !pango_font_description_equal (¤t_desc, &next_desc)) { current_desc = next_desc; load_font (context, lang, ¤t_desc, current_fonts, current_coverages, &n_families); } } wc = g_utf8_get_char (pos); pos = g_utf8_next_char (pos); lang_engines[i] = (PangoEngineLang *)pango_map_get_engine (lang_map, wc); fonts[i] = get_font (current_fonts, current_coverages, n_families, wc); /* FIXME: handle reference counting properly on the shapers */ if (fonts[i]) shape_engines[i] = pango_font_find_shaper (fonts[i], lang, wc); else shape_engines[i] = NULL; extra_attr_lists[i] = extra_attrs; } g_assert (pos - text == start_index + length); for (j=0; j