/* Pango * pango-item.c: Single run handling * * Copyright (C) 2000 Red Hat Software * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "config.h" #include "pango-attributes.h" #include "pango-item-private.h" #include "pango-impl-utils.h" /** * pango_item_new: * * Creates a new `PangoItem` structure initialized to default values. * * Return value: the newly allocated `PangoItem`, which should * be freed with [method@Pango.Item.free]. */ PangoItem * pango_item_new (void) { PangoItemPrivate *result = g_slice_new0 (PangoItemPrivate); result->analysis.flags |= PANGO_ANALYSIS_FLAG_HAS_CHAR_OFFSET; return (PangoItem *)result; } /** * pango_item_copy: * @item: (nullable): a `PangoItem` * * Copy an existing `PangoItem` structure. * * Return value: (nullable): the newly allocated `PangoItem` */ PangoItem * pango_item_copy (PangoItem *item) { GSList *extra_attrs, *tmp_list; PangoItem *result; if (item == NULL) return NULL; result = pango_item_new (); result->offset = item->offset; result->length = item->length; result->num_chars = item->num_chars; if (item->analysis.flags & PANGO_ANALYSIS_FLAG_HAS_CHAR_OFFSET) ((PangoItemPrivate *)result)->char_offset = ((PangoItemPrivate *)item)->char_offset; result->analysis = item->analysis; if (result->analysis.lang_engine) g_object_ref (result->analysis.lang_engine); if (result->analysis.font) g_object_ref (result->analysis.font); extra_attrs = NULL; tmp_list = item->analysis.extra_attrs; while (tmp_list) { extra_attrs = g_slist_prepend (extra_attrs, pango_attribute_copy (tmp_list->data)); tmp_list = tmp_list->next; } result->analysis.extra_attrs = g_slist_reverse (extra_attrs); return result; } /** * pango_item_free: * @item: (nullable): a `PangoItem`, may be %NULL * * Free a `PangoItem` and all associated memory. **/ void pango_item_free (PangoItem *item) { if (item == NULL) return; if (item->analysis.extra_attrs) { g_slist_foreach (item->analysis.extra_attrs, (GFunc)pango_attribute_destroy, NULL); g_slist_free (item->analysis.extra_attrs); } if (item->analysis.lang_engine) g_object_unref (item->analysis.lang_engine); if (item->analysis.font) g_object_unref (item->analysis.font); if (item->analysis.flags & PANGO_ANALYSIS_FLAG_HAS_CHAR_OFFSET) g_slice_free (PangoItemPrivate, (PangoItemPrivate *)item); else g_slice_free (PangoItem, item); } G_DEFINE_BOXED_TYPE (PangoItem, pango_item, pango_item_copy, pango_item_free); /** * pango_item_split: * @orig: a `PangoItem` * @split_index: byte index of position to split item, relative to the * start of the item * @split_offset: number of chars between start of @orig and @split_index * * Modifies @orig to cover only the text after @split_index, and * returns a new item that covers the text before @split_index that * used to be in @orig. * * You can think of @split_index as the length of the returned item. * @split_index may not be 0, and it may not be greater than or equal * to the length of @orig (that is, there must be at least one byte * assigned to each item, you can't create a zero-length item). * @split_offset is the length of the first item in chars, and must be * provided because the text used to generate the item isn't available, * so `pango_item_split()` can't count the char length of the split items * itself. * * Return value: new item representing text before @split_index, which * should be freed with [method@Pango.Item.free]. */ PangoItem * pango_item_split (PangoItem *orig, int split_index, int split_offset) { PangoItem *new_item; g_return_val_if_fail (orig != NULL, NULL); g_return_val_if_fail (split_index > 0, NULL); g_return_val_if_fail (split_index < orig->length, NULL); g_return_val_if_fail (split_offset > 0, NULL); g_return_val_if_fail (split_offset < orig->num_chars, NULL); new_item = pango_item_copy (orig); new_item->length = split_index; new_item->num_chars = split_offset; orig->offset += split_index; orig->length -= split_index; orig->num_chars -= split_offset; if (orig->analysis.flags & PANGO_ANALYSIS_FLAG_HAS_CHAR_OFFSET) ((PangoItemPrivate *)orig)->char_offset += split_offset; return new_item; } /*< private > * pango_item_unsplit: * @orig: the item to unsplit * @split_index: value passed to pango_item_split() * @split_offset: value passed to pango_item_split() * * Undoes the effect of a pango_item_split() call with * the same arguments. * * You are expected to free the new item that was returned * by pango_item_split() yourself. */ void pango_item_unsplit (PangoItem *orig, int split_index, int split_offset) { orig->offset -= split_index; orig->length += split_index; orig->num_chars += split_offset; if (orig->analysis.flags & PANGO_ANALYSIS_FLAG_HAS_CHAR_OFFSET) ((PangoItemPrivate *)orig)->char_offset -= split_offset; } static int compare_attr (gconstpointer p1, gconstpointer p2) { const PangoAttribute *a1 = p1; const PangoAttribute *a2 = p2; if (pango_attribute_equal (a1, a2) && a1->start_index == a2->start_index && a1->end_index == a2->end_index) return 0; return 1; } /** * pango_item_apply_attrs: * @item: a `PangoItem` * @iter: a `PangoAttrIterator` * * Add attributes to a `PangoItem`. * * The idea is that you have attributes that don't affect itemization, * such as font features, so you filter them out using * [method@Pango.AttrList.filter], itemize your text, then reapply the * attributes to the resulting items using this function. * * The @iter should be positioned before the range of the item, * and will be advanced past it. This function is meant to be called * in a loop over the items resulting from itemization, while passing * the iter to each call. * * Since: 1.44 */ void pango_item_apply_attrs (PangoItem *item, PangoAttrIterator *iter) { int start, end; GSList *attrs = NULL; do { pango_attr_iterator_range (iter, &start, &end); if (start >= item->offset + item->length) break; if (end >= item->offset) { GSList *list, *l; list = pango_attr_iterator_get_attrs (iter); for (l = list; l; l = l->next) { if (!g_slist_find_custom (attrs, l->data, compare_attr)) attrs = g_slist_prepend (attrs, pango_attribute_copy (l->data)); } g_slist_free_full (list, (GDestroyNotify)pango_attribute_destroy); } if (end >= item->offset + item->length) break; } while (pango_attr_iterator_next (iter)); item->analysis.extra_attrs = g_slist_concat (item->analysis.extra_attrs, attrs); } void pango_analysis_collect_features (const PangoAnalysis *analysis, hb_feature_t *features, guint length, guint *num_features) { GSList *l; pango_font_get_features (analysis->font, features, length, num_features); for (l = analysis->extra_attrs; l && *num_features < length; l = l->next) { PangoAttribute *attr = l->data; if (attr->klass->type == PANGO_ATTR_FONT_FEATURES) { PangoAttrFontFeatures *fattr = (PangoAttrFontFeatures *) attr; const gchar *feat; const gchar *end; int len; feat = fattr->features; while (feat != NULL && *num_features < length) { end = strchr (feat, ','); if (end) len = end - feat; else len = -1; if (hb_feature_from_string (feat, len, &features[*num_features])) { features[*num_features].start = attr->start_index; features[*num_features].end = attr->end_index; (*num_features)++; } if (end == NULL) break; feat = end + 1; } } } /* Turn off ligatures when letterspacing */ for (l = analysis->extra_attrs; l && *num_features < length; l = l->next) { PangoAttribute *attr = l->data; if (attr->klass->type == PANGO_ATTR_LETTER_SPACING) { hb_tag_t tags[] = { HB_TAG('l','i','g','a'), HB_TAG('c','l','i','g'), HB_TAG('d','l','i','g'), HB_TAG('h','l','i','g'), }; int i; for (i = 0; i < G_N_ELEMENTS (tags); i++) { features[*num_features].tag = tags[i]; features[*num_features].value = 0; features[*num_features].start = attr->start_index; features[*num_features].end = attr->end_index; (*num_features)++; } } } } /*< private > * pango_analysis_set_size_font: * @analysis: a `PangoAnalysis` * @font: a `PangoFont` * * Sets the font to use for determining the line height. * * This is used when scaling fonts for emulated Small Caps, * to preserve the original line height. */ void pango_analysis_set_size_font (PangoAnalysis *analysis, PangoFont *font) { PangoAnalysisPrivate *priv = (PangoAnalysisPrivate *)analysis; if (priv->size_font) g_object_unref (priv->size_font); priv->size_font = font; if (priv->size_font) g_object_ref (priv->size_font); } /*< private > * pango_analysis_get_size_font: * @analysis: a `PangoAnalysis` * * Gets the font to use for determining line height. * * If this returns `NULL`, use analysis->font. * * Returns: (nullable) (transfer none): the font */ PangoFont * pango_analysis_get_size_font (const PangoAnalysis *analysis) { PangoAnalysisPrivate *priv = (PangoAnalysisPrivate *)analysis; return priv->size_font; } /*< private > * pango_item_get_properties: * @item: a `PangoItem` * @properties: `ItemProperties` struct to populate * * Extract useful information from the @item's attributes. * * Note that letter-spacing and shape are required to be constant * across items. But underline and strikethrough can vary across * an item, so we collect all the values that we find. */ void pango_item_get_properties (PangoItem *item, ItemProperties *properties) { GSList *tmp_list = item->analysis.extra_attrs; properties->uline_single = FALSE; properties->uline_double = FALSE; properties->uline_low = FALSE; properties->uline_error = FALSE; properties->oline_single = FALSE; properties->strikethrough = FALSE; properties->showing_space = FALSE; properties->no_paragraph_break = FALSE; properties->shape_set = FALSE; properties->letter_spacing = 0; properties->shape_ink_rect = NULL; properties->shape_logical_rect = NULL; properties->line_height = 0.0; properties->absolute_line_height = 0; while (tmp_list) { PangoAttribute *attr = tmp_list->data; switch ((int) attr->klass->type) { case PANGO_ATTR_UNDERLINE: switch (((PangoAttrInt *)attr)->value) { case PANGO_UNDERLINE_NONE: break; case PANGO_UNDERLINE_SINGLE: case PANGO_UNDERLINE_SINGLE_LINE: properties->uline_single = TRUE; break; case PANGO_UNDERLINE_DOUBLE: case PANGO_UNDERLINE_DOUBLE_LINE: properties->uline_double = TRUE; break; case PANGO_UNDERLINE_LOW: properties->uline_low = TRUE; break; case PANGO_UNDERLINE_ERROR: case PANGO_UNDERLINE_ERROR_LINE: properties->uline_error = TRUE; break; default: g_assert_not_reached (); break; } break; case PANGO_ATTR_OVERLINE: switch (((PangoAttrInt *)attr)->value) { case PANGO_OVERLINE_SINGLE: properties->oline_single = TRUE; break; default: g_assert_not_reached (); break; } break; case PANGO_ATTR_STRIKETHROUGH: properties->strikethrough = ((PangoAttrInt *)attr)->value; break; case PANGO_ATTR_LETTER_SPACING: properties->letter_spacing = ((PangoAttrInt *)attr)->value; break; case PANGO_ATTR_SHAPE: properties->shape_set = TRUE; properties->shape_logical_rect = &((PangoAttrShape *)attr)->logical_rect; properties->shape_ink_rect = &((PangoAttrShape *)attr)->ink_rect; break; case PANGO_ATTR_LINE_HEIGHT: properties->line_height = ((PangoAttrFloat *)attr)->value; break; case PANGO_ATTR_ABSOLUTE_LINE_HEIGHT: properties->absolute_line_height = ((PangoAttrInt *)attr)->value; break; case PANGO_ATTR_SHOW: properties->showing_space = (((PangoAttrInt *)attr)->value & PANGO_SHOW_SPACES) != 0; break; case PANGO_ATTR_PARAGRAPH: properties->no_paragraph_break = TRUE; break; default: break; } tmp_list = tmp_list->next; } }