/* Pango * pangocairo-atsuifont.c * * Copyright (C) 2000-2005 Red Hat Software * Copyright (C) 2005 Imendio AB * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include #include "pangoatsui-private.h" #include "pangocairo.h" #include "pangocairo-private.h" #include "pangocairo-atsui.h" #include "pangocairo-atsuifont.h" struct _PangoCairoATSUIFont { PangoATSUIFont font; ATSUFontID font_id; cairo_font_face_t *font_face; cairo_scaled_font_t *scaled_font; cairo_matrix_t font_matrix; cairo_matrix_t ctm; cairo_font_options_t *options; double size; }; struct _PangoCairoATSUIFontClass { PangoATSUIFontClass parent_class; }; static cairo_font_face_t *pango_cairo_atsui_font_get_font_face (PangoCairoFont *font); /** * pango_cairo_atsui_font_get_atsu_font_id: * @cafont: A #PangoCairoATSUIFont * * Returns the ATSUFontID of a font. * * Return value: the ATSUFontID associated to @cafont. * * Since: 1.12 */ ATSUFontID pango_cairo_atsui_font_get_atsu_font_id (PangoCairoATSUIFont *cafont) { return cafont->font_id; } static gboolean pango_cairo_atsui_font_install (PangoCairoFont *font, cairo_t *cr) { PangoCairoATSUIFont *cafont = PANGO_CAIRO_ATSUI_FONT (font); cairo_set_font_face (cr, pango_cairo_atsui_font_get_font_face (font)); cairo_set_font_matrix (cr, &cafont->font_matrix); cairo_set_font_options (cr, cafont->options); return TRUE; } static cairo_font_face_t * pango_cairo_atsui_font_get_font_face (PangoCairoFont *font) { PangoCairoATSUIFont *cafont = PANGO_CAIRO_ATSUI_FONT (font); if (!cafont->font_face) { cafont->font_face = cairo_atsui_font_face_create_for_atsu_font_id (cafont->font_id); /* Failure of the above should only occur for out of memory, * we can't proceed at that point */ if (!cafont->font_face) g_error ("Unable to create ATSUI cairo font face.\nThis means out of memory or a cairo/fontconfig/FreeType bug"); } return cafont->font_face; } static cairo_scaled_font_t * pango_cairo_atsui_font_get_scaled_font (PangoCairoFont *font) { PangoCairoATSUIFont *cafont = PANGO_CAIRO_ATSUI_FONT (font); if (!cafont->scaled_font) { cairo_font_face_t *font_face; font_face = pango_cairo_atsui_font_get_font_face (font); cafont->scaled_font = cairo_scaled_font_create (font_face, &cafont->font_matrix, &cafont->ctm, cafont->options); /* Failure of the above should only occur for out of memory, * we can't proceed at that point */ if (!cafont->scaled_font) g_error ("Unable to create ATSUI cairo scaled font.\nThis means out of memory or a cairo/fontconfig/FreeType bug"); } return cafont->scaled_font; } static void cairo_font_iface_init (PangoCairoFontIface *iface) { iface->install = pango_cairo_atsui_font_install; iface->get_font_face = pango_cairo_atsui_font_get_font_face; iface->get_scaled_font = pango_cairo_atsui_font_get_scaled_font; } G_DEFINE_TYPE_WITH_CODE (PangoCairoATSUIFont, pango_cairo_atsui_font, PANGO_TYPE_ATSUI_FONT, { G_IMPLEMENT_INTERFACE (PANGO_TYPE_CAIRO_FONT, cairo_font_iface_init) }); static void pango_cairo_atsui_font_get_glyph_extents (PangoFont *font, PangoGlyph glyph, PangoRectangle *ink_rect, PangoRectangle *logical_rect) { PangoCairoFont *cfont = (PangoCairoFont *)font; cairo_scaled_font_t *scaled_font; cairo_font_extents_t font_extents; cairo_text_extents_t extents; cairo_glyph_t cairo_glyph; scaled_font = pango_cairo_atsui_font_get_scaled_font (PANGO_CAIRO_FONT (font)); if (logical_rect) cairo_scaled_font_extents (scaled_font, &font_extents); cairo_glyph.index = glyph; cairo_glyph.x = 0; cairo_glyph.y = 0; if (glyph == PANGO_GLYPH_EMPTY) { if (ink_rect) { ink_rect->x = ink_rect->y = ink_rect->width = ink_rect->height = 0; } if (logical_rect) { logical_rect->x = 0; logical_rect->y = - font_extents.ascent * PANGO_SCALE; logical_rect->width = 0; logical_rect->height = (font_extents.ascent + font_extents.descent) * PANGO_SCALE; } } else if (glyph & PANGO_GLYPH_UNKNOWN_FLAG) { /* space for the hex box */ _pango_cairo_get_glyph_extents_missing(cfont, glyph, ink_rect, logical_rect); } else { cairo_scaled_font_glyph_extents (scaled_font, &cairo_glyph, 1, &extents); if (ink_rect) { ink_rect->x = extents.x_bearing * PANGO_SCALE; ink_rect->y = extents.y_bearing * PANGO_SCALE; ink_rect->width = extents.width * PANGO_SCALE; ink_rect->height = extents.height * PANGO_SCALE; } if (logical_rect) { logical_rect->x = 0; logical_rect->y = - font_extents.ascent * PANGO_SCALE; logical_rect->width = extents.x_advance * PANGO_SCALE; logical_rect->height = (font_extents.ascent + font_extents.descent) * PANGO_SCALE; } } } static PangoFontMetrics * pango_cairo_atsui_font_get_metrics (PangoFont *font, PangoLanguage *language) { PangoCairoATSUIFont *cafont = PANGO_CAIRO_ATSUI_FONT (font); ATSFontRef ats_font; ATSFontMetrics ats_metrics; PangoFontMetrics *metrics; ats_font = FMGetATSFontRefFromFont(cafont->font_id); ATSFontGetHorizontalMetrics (ats_font, kATSOptionFlagsDefault, &ats_metrics); metrics = pango_font_metrics_new (); metrics->ascent = ats_metrics.ascent * cafont->size * PANGO_SCALE; metrics->descent = -ats_metrics.descent * cafont->size * PANGO_SCALE; metrics->approximate_char_width = ats_metrics.avgAdvanceWidth * cafont->size * PANGO_SCALE; metrics->approximate_digit_width = ats_metrics.avgAdvanceWidth * cafont->size * PANGO_SCALE; metrics->underline_position = ats_metrics.underlinePosition * cafont->size * PANGO_SCALE; metrics->underline_thickness = ats_metrics.underlineThickness * cafont->size * PANGO_SCALE; metrics->strikethrough_position = metrics->ascent / 3; metrics->strikethrough_thickness = ats_metrics.underlineThickness * cafont->size * PANGO_SCALE; return metrics; } static void pango_cairo_atsui_font_finalize (GObject *object) { PangoCairoATSUIFont *cafont = PANGO_CAIRO_ATSUI_FONT (object); cairo_font_face_destroy (cafont->font_face); cairo_scaled_font_destroy (cafont->scaled_font); cairo_font_options_destroy (cafont->options); G_OBJECT_CLASS (pango_cairo_atsui_font_parent_class)->finalize (object); } static void pango_cairo_atsui_font_class_init (PangoCairoATSUIFontClass *class) { GObjectClass *object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (class); PangoFontClass *font_class = PANGO_FONT_CLASS (class); object_class->finalize = pango_cairo_atsui_font_finalize; font_class->get_metrics = pango_cairo_atsui_font_get_metrics; font_class->get_glyph_extents = pango_cairo_atsui_font_get_glyph_extents; } static void pango_cairo_atsui_font_init (PangoCairoATSUIFont *cafont) { } PangoATSUIFont * _pango_cairo_atsui_font_new (PangoCairoATSUIFontMap *cafontmap, PangoContext *context, const char *postscript_name, const PangoFontDescription *desc) { PangoCairoATSUIFont *cafont; PangoATSUIFont *afont; CFStringRef cfstr; ATSFontRef font_ref; const PangoMatrix *pango_ctm; ATSUFontID font_id; cfstr = CFStringCreateWithCString (NULL, postscript_name, kCFStringEncodingUTF8); font_ref = ATSFontFindFromPostScriptName (cfstr, kATSOptionFlagsDefault); font_id = FMGetFontFromATSFontRef (font_ref); CFRelease (cfstr); if (!font_id) return NULL; cafont = g_object_new (PANGO_TYPE_CAIRO_ATSUI_FONT, NULL); afont = PANGO_ATSUI_FONT (cafont); afont->desc = pango_font_description_copy (desc); afont->postscript_name = g_strdup (postscript_name); cafont->size = (double) pango_font_description_get_size (desc) / PANGO_SCALE; cafont->font_id = font_id; if (!pango_font_description_get_size_is_absolute (desc)) { /* FIXME: Need to handle dpi here. See other font implementations for more info. */ } cairo_matrix_init_scale (&cafont->font_matrix, cafont->size, cafont->size); pango_ctm = pango_context_get_matrix (context); if (pango_ctm) cairo_matrix_init (&cafont->ctm, pango_ctm->xx, pango_ctm->yx, pango_ctm->xy, pango_ctm->yy, 0., 0.); else cairo_matrix_init_identity (&cafont->ctm); cafont->options = cairo_font_options_copy (_pango_cairo_context_get_merged_font_options (context)); return afont; }