/* Pango * pangowin32-shape.c: * * Copyright (C) 1999 Red Hat Software * Copyright (C) 2001 Alexander Larsson * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "config.h" /*#define BASIC_WIN32_DEBUGGING */ #include #include #include #include "pangowin32-private.h" #include "pango-utils.h" #include "pango-impl-utils.h" static gboolean pango_win32_debug = FALSE; #include static PangoGlyph find_char (PangoFont *font, gunichar wc) { return pango_win32_font_get_glyph_index (font, wc); } static void set_glyph (PangoFont *font, PangoGlyphString *glyphs, int i, int offset, PangoGlyph glyph) { PangoRectangle logical_rect; glyphs->glyphs[i].glyph = glyph; glyphs->glyphs[i].geometry.x_offset = 0; glyphs->glyphs[i].geometry.y_offset = 0; glyphs->log_clusters[i] = offset; pango_font_get_glyph_extents (font, glyphs->glyphs[i].glyph, NULL, &logical_rect); glyphs->glyphs[i].geometry.width = logical_rect.width; } static void swap_range (PangoGlyphString *glyphs, int start, int end) { int i, j; for (i = start, j = end - 1; i < j; i++, j--) { PangoGlyphInfo glyph_info; gint log_cluster; glyph_info = glyphs->glyphs[i]; glyphs->glyphs[i] = glyphs->glyphs[j]; glyphs->glyphs[j] = glyph_info; log_cluster = glyphs->log_clusters[i]; glyphs->log_clusters[i] = glyphs->log_clusters[j]; glyphs->log_clusters[j] = log_cluster; } } #ifdef BASIC_WIN32_DEBUGGING static char * lang_name (int lang) { LCID lcid = MAKELCID (lang, SORT_DEFAULT); static char retval[10]; if (!GetLocaleInfo (lcid, LOCALE_SISO639LANGNAME, retval, G_N_ELEMENTS (retval))) sprintf (retval, "%#02x", lang); return retval; } #endif /* BASIC_WIN32_DEBUGGING */ static WORD make_langid (PangoLanguage *lang) { #define CASE(t,p,s) if (pango_language_matches (lang, t)) return MAKELANGID (LANG_##p, SUBLANG_##p##_##s) #define CASEN(t,p) if (pango_language_matches (lang, t)) return MAKELANGID (LANG_##p, SUBLANG_NEUTRAL) /* Languages that most probably don't affect Uniscribe have been * left out. Uniscribe is documented to use * SCRIPT_CONTROL::uDefaultLanguage only to select digit shapes, so * just leave languages with own digits. */ CASEN ("ar", ARABIC); CASEN ("hy", ARMENIAN); CASEN ("as", ASSAMESE); CASEN ("az", AZERI); CASEN ("bn", BENGALI); CASE ("zh-tw", CHINESE, TRADITIONAL); CASE ("zh-cn", CHINESE, SIMPLIFIED); CASE ("zh-hk", CHINESE, HONGKONG); CASE ("zh-sg", CHINESE, SINGAPORE); CASE ("zh-mo", CHINESE, MACAU); CASEN ("dib", DIVEHI); CASEN ("fa", FARSI); CASEN ("ka", GEORGIAN); CASEN ("gu", GUJARATI); CASEN ("he", HEBREW); CASEN ("hi", HINDI); CASEN ("ja", JAPANESE); CASEN ("kn", KANNADA); CASE ("ks-in", KASHMIRI, INDIA); CASEN ("ks", KASHMIRI); CASEN ("kk", KAZAK); CASEN ("kok", KONKANI); CASEN ("ko", KOREAN); CASEN ("ky", KYRGYZ); CASEN ("ml", MALAYALAM); CASEN ("mni", MANIPURI); CASEN ("mr", MARATHI); CASEN ("mn", MONGOLIAN); CASE ("ne-in", NEPALI, INDIA); CASEN ("ne", NEPALI); CASEN ("or", ORIYA); CASEN ("pa", PUNJABI); CASEN ("sa", SANSKRIT); CASEN ("sd", SINDHI); CASEN ("syr", SYRIAC); CASEN ("ta", TAMIL); CASEN ("tt", TATAR); CASEN ("te", TELUGU); CASEN ("th", THAI); CASE ("ur-pk", URDU, PAKISTAN); CASE ("ur-in", URDU, INDIA); CASEN ("ur", URDU); CASEN ("uz", UZBEK); #undef CASE #undef CASEN return MAKELANGID (LANG_NEUTRAL, SUBLANG_NEUTRAL); } #ifdef BASIC_WIN32_DEBUGGING static void dump_glyphs_and_log_clusters (gboolean rtl, int itemlen, int charix0, WORD *log_clusters, WORD *iglyphs, int nglyphs) { if (pango_win32_debug) { int j, k, nclusters, clusterix, charix, ng; g_print (" ScriptShape: nglyphs=%d: ", nglyphs); for (j = 0; j < nglyphs; j++) g_print ("%d%s", iglyphs[j], (j < nglyphs-1) ? "," : ""); g_print ("\n"); g_print (" log_clusters: "); for (j = 0; j < itemlen; j++) g_print ("%d ", log_clusters[j]); g_print ("\n"); nclusters = 0; for (j = 0; j < itemlen; j++) { if (j == 0 || log_clusters[j-1] != log_clusters[j]) nclusters++; } g_print (" %d clusters:\n", nclusters); /* If RTL, first char is the last in the run, otherwise the * first. */ clusterix = 0; if (rtl) { int firstglyphix = 0; for (j = itemlen - 1, charix = charix0 + j; j >= 0; j--, charix--) { if (j == itemlen - 1 || log_clusters[j] != log_clusters[j+1]) g_print (" Cluster %d: chars %d--", clusterix, charix); if (j == 0 || log_clusters[j-1] != log_clusters[j]) { ng = log_clusters[j] - firstglyphix + 1; g_print ("%d: %d glyphs: ", charix, ng); for (k = firstglyphix; k <= log_clusters[j]; k++) { g_print ("%d", iglyphs[k]); if (k < log_clusters[j]) g_print (","); } firstglyphix = log_clusters[j] + 1; clusterix++; g_print ("\n"); } } } else { for (j = 0, charix = charix0; j < itemlen; j++, charix++) { if (j == 0 || log_clusters[j-1] != log_clusters[j]) g_print (" Cluster %d: wchar_t %d--", clusterix, charix); if (j == itemlen - 1 || log_clusters[j] != log_clusters[j+1]) { int klim = ((j == itemlen-1) ? nglyphs : log_clusters[j+1]); ng = klim - log_clusters[j]; g_print ("%d: %d glyphs: ", charix, ng); for (k = log_clusters[j]; k < klim; k++) { g_print ("%d", iglyphs[k]); if (k != klim - 1) g_print (","); } clusterix++; g_print ("\n"); } } } } } #endif /* BASIC_WIN32_DEBUGGING */ static void set_up_pango_log_clusters (wchar_t *wtext, gboolean rtl, int itemlen, WORD *usp_log_clusters, int nglyphs, gint *pango_log_clusters, int char_offset) { int j, k; int first_char_in_cluster; if (rtl) { /* RTL. Walk Uniscribe log_clusters array backwards, build Pango * log_clusters array forwards. */ int glyph0 = 0; first_char_in_cluster = itemlen - 1; for (j = itemlen - 1; j >= 0; j--) { if (j < itemlen - 1 && usp_log_clusters[j+1] != usp_log_clusters[j]) { /* Cluster starts */ first_char_in_cluster = j; } if (j == 0) { /* First char, cluster ends */ for (k = glyph0; k < nglyphs; k++) pango_log_clusters[k] = first_char_in_cluster + char_offset; } else if (usp_log_clusters[j-1] == usp_log_clusters[j]) { /* Cluster continues */ first_char_in_cluster = j-1; } else { /* Cluster ends */ for (k = glyph0; k <= usp_log_clusters[j]; k++) pango_log_clusters[k] = first_char_in_cluster + char_offset; glyph0 = usp_log_clusters[j] + 1; } } } else { /* LTR. Walk Uniscribe log_clusters array forwards, build Pango * log_clusters array also forwards. */ first_char_in_cluster = 0; for (j = 0; j < itemlen; j++) { if (j > 0 && usp_log_clusters[j-1] != usp_log_clusters[j]) { /* Cluster starts */ first_char_in_cluster = j; } if (j == itemlen - 1) { /* Last char, cluster ends */ for (k = usp_log_clusters[j]; k < nglyphs; k++) pango_log_clusters[k] = first_char_in_cluster + char_offset; } else if (usp_log_clusters[j] == usp_log_clusters[j+1]) { /* Cluster continues */ } else { /* Cluster ends */ for (k = usp_log_clusters[j]; k < usp_log_clusters[j+1]; k++) pango_log_clusters[k] = first_char_in_cluster + char_offset; } } } } static void convert_log_clusters_to_byte_offsets (const char *text, gint length, PangoGlyphString *glyphs, gint utf16_len) { const char *p; int charix, glyphix; int *byte_offset = g_new (int, utf16_len); p = text; charix = 0; while (p < text + length) { byte_offset[charix] = p - text; charix++; if (g_utf8_get_char (p) > 0xFFFF) { byte_offset[charix] = p - text; charix++; } p = g_utf8_next_char (p); } g_assert (charix <= utf16_len); /* Convert utf16 indexes in the log_clusters array to byte offsets. */ for (glyphix = 0; glyphix < glyphs->num_glyphs; glyphix++) { g_assert (glyphs->log_clusters[glyphix] < utf16_len); glyphs->log_clusters[glyphix] = byte_offset[glyphs->log_clusters[glyphix]]; } g_free (byte_offset); } static gboolean itemize_shape_and_place (PangoFont *font, HDC hdc, wchar_t *wtext, int wlen, const PangoAnalysis *analysis, PangoGlyphString *glyphs) { int i; int item, nitems, item_step; int itemlen, glyphix, nglyphs; SCRIPT_CONTROL control; SCRIPT_STATE state; SCRIPT_ITEM items[100]; double scale = pango_win32_font_get_metrics_factor (font); HFONT hfont = _pango_win32_font_get_hfont (font); static GHashTable *script_cache_hash = NULL; if (!script_cache_hash) script_cache_hash = g_hash_table_new (g_int64_hash, g_int64_equal); memset (&control, 0, sizeof (control)); memset (&state, 0, sizeof (state)); control.uDefaultLanguage = make_langid (analysis->language); state.uBidiLevel = analysis->level; #ifdef BASIC_WIN32_DEBUGGING if (pango_win32_debug) g_print (G_STRLOC ": ScriptItemize: uDefaultLanguage:%04x uBidiLevel:%d\n", control.uDefaultLanguage, state.uBidiLevel); #endif if (ScriptItemize (wtext, wlen, G_N_ELEMENTS (items), &control, NULL, items, &nitems)) { #ifdef BASIC_WIN32_DEBUGGING if (pango_win32_debug) g_print ("ScriptItemize failed\n"); #endif return FALSE; } #ifdef BASIC_WIN32_DEBUGGING if (pango_win32_debug) g_print ("%d items:\n", nitems); #endif if (analysis->level % 2) { item = nitems - 1; item_step = -1; } else { item = 0; item_step = 1; } for (i = 0; i < nitems; i++, item += item_step) { WORD iglyphs[1000]; WORD log_clusters[1000]; SCRIPT_VISATTR visattrs[1000]; int advances[1000]; GOFFSET offsets[1000]; ABC abc; gint32 script = items[item].a.eScript; int ng; int char_offset; SCRIPT_CACHE *script_cache; gint64 font_and_script_key; memset (advances, 0, sizeof (advances)); memset (offsets, 0, sizeof (offsets)); memset (&abc, 0, sizeof (abc)); /* Note that itemlen is number of wchar_t's i.e. surrogate pairs * count as two! */ itemlen = items[item+1].iCharPos - items[item].iCharPos; char_offset = items[item].iCharPos; #ifdef BASIC_WIN32_DEBUGGING if (pango_win32_debug) { static const SCRIPT_PROPERTIES **scripts; static int nscripts; if (!nscripts) ScriptGetProperties (&scripts, &nscripts); g_print (" Item %d: iCharPos=%d eScript=%d (%s) %s%s%s%s%s%s%s wchar_t %d--%d (%d)\n", item, items[item].iCharPos, script, lang_name (scripts[script]->langid), scripts[script]->fComplex ? "complex" : "simple", items[item].a.fRTL ? " fRTL" : "", items[item].a.fLayoutRTL ? " fLayoutRTL" : "", items[item].a.fLinkBefore ? " fLinkBefore" : "", items[item].a.fLinkAfter ? " fLinkAfter" : "", items[item].a.fLogicalOrder ? " fLogicalOrder" : "", items[item].a.fNoGlyphIndex ? " fNoGlyphIndex" : "", items[item].iCharPos, items[item+1].iCharPos-1, itemlen); #endif /* Create a hash key based on hfont and script engine */ font_and_script_key = (((gint64) ((gint32) hfont)) << 32) | script; /* Get the script cache for this hfont and script */ script_cache = g_hash_table_lookup (script_cache_hash, &font_and_script_key); if (!script_cache) { gint64 *key_n; SCRIPT_CACHE *new_script_cache; key_n = g_new (gint64, 1); *key_n = font_and_script_key; new_script_cache = g_new0 (SCRIPT_CACHE, 1); script_cache = new_script_cache; /* Insert the new value */ g_hash_table_insert (script_cache_hash, key_n, new_script_cache); #ifdef BASIC_WIN32_DEBUGGING if (pango_win32_debug) g_print (" New SCRIPT_CACHE for font %p and script %d\n", hfont, script); #endif } items[item].a.fRTL = analysis->level % 2; if (ScriptShape (hdc, script_cache, wtext + items[item].iCharPos, itemlen, G_N_ELEMENTS (iglyphs), &items[item].a, iglyphs, log_clusters, visattrs, &nglyphs)) { #ifdef BASIC_WIN32_DEBUGGING if (pango_win32_debug) g_print ("pangowin32-shape: ScriptShape failed\n"); #endif return FALSE; } #ifdef BASIC_WIN32_DEBUGGING dump_glyphs_and_log_clusters (items[item].a.fRTL, itemlen, items[item].iCharPos, log_clusters, iglyphs, nglyphs); #endif ng = glyphs->num_glyphs; pango_glyph_string_set_size (glyphs, ng + nglyphs); set_up_pango_log_clusters (wtext + items[item].iCharPos, items[item].a.fRTL, itemlen, log_clusters, nglyphs, glyphs->log_clusters + ng, char_offset); if (ScriptPlace (hdc, script_cache, iglyphs, nglyphs, visattrs, &items[item].a, advances, offsets, &abc)) { #ifdef BASIC_WIN32_DEBUGGING if (pango_win32_debug) g_print ("pangowin32-shape: ScriptPlace failed\n"); #endif return FALSE; } for (glyphix = 0; glyphix < nglyphs; glyphix++) { if (iglyphs[glyphix] != 0) { glyphs->glyphs[ng+glyphix].glyph = iglyphs[glyphix]; glyphs->glyphs[ng+glyphix].geometry.width = floor (0.5 + scale * advances[glyphix]); glyphs->glyphs[ng+glyphix].geometry.x_offset = floor (0.5 + scale * offsets[glyphix].du); glyphs->glyphs[ng+glyphix].geometry.y_offset = -floor (0.5 + scale * offsets[glyphix].dv); } else { PangoRectangle logical_rect; /* Should pass actual char that was not found to * PANGO_GET_UNKNOWN_GLYPH(), but a bit hard to * find out that at this point, so cheat and use 0. */ PangoGlyph unk = PANGO_GET_UNKNOWN_GLYPH (0); glyphs->glyphs[ng+glyphix].glyph = unk; pango_font_get_glyph_extents (font, unk, NULL, &logical_rect); glyphs->glyphs[ng+glyphix].geometry.width = logical_rect.width; glyphs->glyphs[ng+glyphix].geometry.x_offset = 0; glyphs->glyphs[ng+glyphix].geometry.y_offset = 0; } } } #ifdef BASIC_WIN32_DEBUGGING if (pango_win32_debug) { g_print (" Pango log_clusters (level:%d), char index:", analysis->level); for (glyphix = 0; glyphix < glyphs->num_glyphs; glyphix++) g_print ("%d ", glyphs->log_clusters[glyphix]); g_print ("\n"); } #endif return TRUE; } static gboolean uniscribe_shape (PangoFont *font, const char *text, gint length, const PangoAnalysis *analysis, PangoGlyphString *glyphs) { wchar_t *wtext; long wlen; HDC hdc = _pango_win32_hdc; gboolean retval = TRUE; if (!pango_win32_font_select_font (font, hdc)) return FALSE; wtext = g_utf8_to_utf16 (text, length, NULL, &wlen, NULL); if (wtext == NULL) retval = FALSE; if (retval) { retval = itemize_shape_and_place (font, hdc, wtext, wlen, analysis, glyphs); } if (retval) { convert_log_clusters_to_byte_offsets (text, length, glyphs, wlen); #ifdef BASIC_WIN32_DEBUGGING if (pango_win32_debug) { int glyphix; g_print (" Pango log_clusters, byte offsets:"); for (glyphix = 0; glyphix < glyphs->num_glyphs; glyphix++) g_print ("%d ", glyphs->log_clusters[glyphix]); g_print ("\n"); } #endif } pango_win32_font_done_font (font); g_free (wtext); return retval && glyphs->num_glyphs > 0; } static gboolean text_is_simple (const char *text, gint length) { gboolean retval; wchar_t *wtext; long wlen; wtext = (wchar_t *) g_utf8_to_utf16 (text, length, NULL, &wlen, NULL); if (wtext == NULL) return TRUE; retval = (ScriptIsComplex (wtext, wlen, SIC_COMPLEX) == S_FALSE); g_free (wtext); #ifdef BASIC_WIN32_DEBUGGING if (pango_win32_debug) g_print ("text_is_simple: %.*s (%ld wchar_t): %s\n", MIN (length, 10), text, wlen, retval ? "YES" : "NO"); #endif return retval; } void _pango_win32_shape (PangoFont *font, const char *text, unsigned int length, const PangoAnalysis *analysis, PangoGlyphString *glyphs, const char *paragraph_text G_GNUC_UNUSED, unsigned int paragraph_length G_GNUC_UNUSED) { int n_chars; int i; const char *p; g_return_if_fail (font != NULL); g_return_if_fail (text != NULL); g_return_if_fail (length >= 0); g_return_if_fail (analysis != NULL); if (!text_is_simple (text, length) && uniscribe_shape (font, text, length, analysis, glyphs)) return; n_chars = pango_utf8_strlen (text, length); pango_glyph_string_set_size (glyphs, n_chars); p = text; for (i = 0; i < n_chars; i++) { gunichar wc; gunichar mirrored_ch; PangoGlyph index; wc = g_utf8_get_char (p); if (analysis->level % 2) if (g_unichar_get_mirror_char (wc, &mirrored_ch)) wc = mirrored_ch; if (wc == 0xa0) /* non-break-space */ wc = 0x20; if (pango_is_zero_width (wc)) { set_glyph (font, glyphs, i, p - text, PANGO_GLYPH_EMPTY); } else { index = find_char (font, wc); if (index) { set_glyph (font, glyphs, i, p - text, index); if (g_unichar_type (wc) == G_UNICODE_NON_SPACING_MARK) { if (i > 0) { PangoRectangle logical_rect, ink_rect; glyphs->glyphs[i].geometry.width = MAX (glyphs->glyphs[i-1].geometry.width, glyphs->glyphs[i].geometry.width); glyphs->glyphs[i-1].geometry.width = 0; glyphs->log_clusters[i] = glyphs->log_clusters[i-1]; /* Some heuristics to try to guess how overstrike glyphs are * done and compensate */ /* FIXME: (alex) Is this double call to get_glyph_extents really necessary? */ pango_font_get_glyph_extents (font, glyphs->glyphs[i].glyph, &ink_rect, &logical_rect); if (logical_rect.width == 0 && ink_rect.x == 0) glyphs->glyphs[i].geometry.x_offset = (glyphs->glyphs[i].geometry.width - ink_rect.width) / 2; } } } else set_glyph (font, glyphs, i, p - text, PANGO_GET_UNKNOWN_GLYPH (wc)); } p = g_utf8_next_char (p); } /* Simple bidi support... may have separate modules later */ if (analysis->level % 2) { int start, end; /* Swap all glyphs */ swap_range (glyphs, 0, n_chars); /* Now reorder glyphs within each cluster back to LTR */ for (start = 0; start < n_chars;) { end = start; while (end < n_chars && glyphs->log_clusters[end] == glyphs->log_clusters[start]) end++; swap_range (glyphs, start, end); start = end; } } }