/* Pango * pangoxft-render.c: Rendering routines for the Xft library * * Copyright (C) 2004 Red Hat Software * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include #include "pangoxft-render.h" #include "pangoxft-private.h" enum { PROP_0, PROP_DISPLAY, PROP_SCREEN }; struct _PangoXftRendererPrivate { PangoColor default_color; guint16 alpha; Picture src_picture; Picture dest_picture; XRenderPictFormat *mask_format; GArray *trapezoids; PangoRenderPart trapezoid_part; GArray *glyphs; PangoFont *glyph_font; }; static void pango_xft_renderer_finalize (GObject *object); static void pango_xft_renderer_set_property (GObject *object, guint prop_id, const GValue *value, GParamSpec *pspec); static void pango_xft_renderer_real_composite_trapezoids (PangoXftRenderer *xftrenderer, PangoRenderPart part, XTrapezoid *trapezoids, int n_trapezoids); static void pango_xft_renderer_real_composite_glyphs (PangoXftRenderer *xftrenderer, XftFont *xft_font, XftGlyphSpec *glyphs, int n_glyphs); static void pango_xft_renderer_draw_glyphs (PangoRenderer *renderer, PangoFont *font, PangoGlyphString *glyphs, int x, int y); static void pango_xft_renderer_draw_glyph (PangoRenderer *renderer, PangoFont *font, PangoGlyph glyph, double x, double y); static void pango_xft_renderer_draw_trapezoid (PangoRenderer *renderer, PangoRenderPart part, double y1, double x11, double x21, double y2, double x12, double x22); static void pango_xft_renderer_part_changed (PangoRenderer *renderer, PangoRenderPart part); static void pango_xft_renderer_end (PangoRenderer *renderer); static void flush_trapezoids (PangoXftRenderer *xftrenderer); static void flush_glyphs (PangoXftRenderer *xftrenderer); G_DEFINE_TYPE (PangoXftRenderer, pango_xft_renderer, PANGO_TYPE_RENDERER) static void pango_xft_renderer_init (PangoXftRenderer *xftrenderer) { xftrenderer->priv = G_TYPE_INSTANCE_GET_PRIVATE (xftrenderer, PANGO_TYPE_XFT_RENDERER, PangoXftRendererPrivate); xftrenderer->priv->alpha = 0xffff; } static void pango_xft_renderer_class_init (PangoXftRendererClass *klass) { GObjectClass *object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass); PangoRendererClass *renderer_class = PANGO_RENDERER_CLASS (klass); klass->composite_glyphs = pango_xft_renderer_real_composite_glyphs; klass->composite_trapezoids = pango_xft_renderer_real_composite_trapezoids; renderer_class->draw_glyphs = pango_xft_renderer_draw_glyphs; renderer_class->draw_glyph = pango_xft_renderer_draw_glyph; renderer_class->draw_trapezoid = pango_xft_renderer_draw_trapezoid; renderer_class->part_changed = pango_xft_renderer_part_changed; renderer_class->end = pango_xft_renderer_end; object_class->finalize = pango_xft_renderer_finalize; object_class->set_property = pango_xft_renderer_set_property; g_object_class_install_property (object_class, PROP_DISPLAY, g_param_spec_pointer ("display", "Display", "The display being rendered to", G_PARAM_WRITABLE | G_PARAM_CONSTRUCT_ONLY)); g_object_class_install_property (object_class, PROP_SCREEN, g_param_spec_int ("screen", "Screen", "The screen being rendered to", 0, G_MAXINT, 0, G_PARAM_WRITABLE | G_PARAM_CONSTRUCT_ONLY)); g_type_class_add_private (object_class, sizeof (PangoXftRendererPrivate)); } static void pango_xft_renderer_finalize (GObject *object) { PangoXftRenderer *renderer = PANGO_XFT_RENDERER (object); if (renderer->priv->glyphs) g_array_free (renderer->priv->glyphs, TRUE); if (renderer->priv->trapezoids) g_array_free (renderer->priv->trapezoids, TRUE); G_OBJECT_CLASS (pango_xft_renderer_parent_class)->finalize (object); } static void pango_xft_renderer_set_property (GObject *object, guint prop_id, const GValue *value, GParamSpec *pspec) { PangoXftRenderer *xftrenderer = PANGO_XFT_RENDERER (object); switch (prop_id) { case PROP_DISPLAY: xftrenderer->display = g_value_get_pointer (value); /* We possibly should use ARGB format when subpixel-AA is turned * on for the fontmap; we could discover that using the technique * for FC_DPI in pango_fc_face_list_sizes. */ xftrenderer->priv->mask_format = XRenderFindStandardFormat (xftrenderer->display, PictStandardA8); break; case PROP_SCREEN: xftrenderer->screen = g_value_get_int (value); break; default: G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, prop_id, pspec); break; } } static void pango_xft_renderer_set_pictures (PangoXftRenderer *renderer, Picture src_picture, Picture dest_picture) { renderer->priv->src_picture = src_picture; renderer->priv->dest_picture = dest_picture; } static void flush_glyphs (PangoXftRenderer *xftrenderer) { XftFont *xft_font; if (!xftrenderer->priv->glyphs || xftrenderer->priv->glyphs->len == 0) return; xft_font = pango_xft_font_get_font (xftrenderer->priv->glyph_font); PANGO_XFT_RENDERER_GET_CLASS (xftrenderer)->composite_glyphs (xftrenderer, xft_font, (XftGlyphSpec *)xftrenderer->priv->glyphs->data, xftrenderer->priv->glyphs->len); g_array_set_size (xftrenderer->priv->glyphs, 0); g_object_unref (xftrenderer->priv->glyph_font); xftrenderer->priv->glyph_font = NULL; } #define MAX_GLYPHS 1024 static void draw_glyph (PangoRenderer *renderer, PangoFont *font, FT_UInt glyph, int x, int y) { PangoXftRenderer *xftrenderer = PANGO_XFT_RENDERER (renderer); XftGlyphSpec gs; int pixel_x, pixel_y; if (renderer->matrix) { pixel_x = floor (0.5 + (x * renderer->matrix->xx + y * renderer->matrix->xy) / PANGO_SCALE + renderer->matrix->x0); pixel_y = floor (0.5 + (x * renderer->matrix->yx + y * renderer->matrix->yy) / PANGO_SCALE + renderer->matrix->y0); } else { pixel_x = PANGO_PIXELS (x); pixel_y = PANGO_PIXELS (y); } /* Clip glyphs into the X coordinate range; we really * want to clip glyphs with an ink rect outside the * [0,32767] x [0,32767] rectangle but looking up * the ink rect here would be a noticeable speed hit. * This is close enough. */ if (pixel_x < -32768 || pixel_x > 32767 || pixel_y < -32768 || pixel_y > 32767) return; flush_trapezoids (xftrenderer); if (!xftrenderer->priv->glyphs) xftrenderer->priv->glyphs = g_array_new (FALSE, FALSE, sizeof (XftGlyphSpec)); if (xftrenderer->priv->glyph_font != font || xftrenderer->priv->glyphs->len == MAX_GLYPHS) { flush_glyphs (xftrenderer); xftrenderer->priv->glyph_font = g_object_ref (font); } gs.x = pixel_x; gs.y = pixel_y; gs.glyph = glyph; g_array_append_val (xftrenderer->priv->glyphs, gs); } static gboolean point_in_bounds (PangoRenderer *renderer, gint x, gint y) { gdouble pixel_x = (x * renderer->matrix->xx + y * renderer->matrix->xy) / PANGO_SCALE + renderer->matrix->x0; gdouble pixel_y = (x * renderer->matrix->yx + y * renderer->matrix->yy) / PANGO_SCALE + renderer->matrix->y0; return (pixel_x >= -32768. && pixel_x < 32768. && pixel_y >= -32768. && pixel_y < 32768.); } static gboolean box_in_bounds (PangoRenderer *renderer, gint x, gint y, gint width, gint height) { if (!renderer->matrix) { #define COORD_MIN (PANGO_SCALE * -16384 - PANGO_SCALE / 2) #define COORD_MAX (PANGO_SCALE * 32767 + PANGO_SCALE / 2 - 1) return (x >= COORD_MIN && x + width <= COORD_MAX && y >= COORD_MIN && y + width <= COORD_MAX); #undef COORD_MIN #undef COORD_MAX } else { return (point_in_bounds (renderer, x, y) && point_in_bounds (renderer, x + width, y) && point_in_bounds (renderer, x + width, y + height) && point_in_bounds (renderer, x, y + height)); } } static void draw_box (PangoRenderer *renderer, PangoXftFont *xfont, gint x, gint y, gint width, gint height) { pango_renderer_draw_rectangle (renderer, PANGO_RENDER_PART_FOREGROUND, x, y, width, xfont->mini_pad); pango_renderer_draw_rectangle (renderer, PANGO_RENDER_PART_FOREGROUND, x, y + xfont->mini_pad, xfont->mini_pad, height - xfont->mini_pad * 2); pango_renderer_draw_rectangle (renderer, PANGO_RENDER_PART_FOREGROUND, x + width - xfont->mini_pad, y + xfont->mini_pad, xfont->mini_pad, height - xfont->mini_pad * 2); pango_renderer_draw_rectangle (renderer, PANGO_RENDER_PART_FOREGROUND, x, y + height - xfont->mini_pad, width, xfont->mini_pad); } static void pango_xft_renderer_draw_glyphs (PangoRenderer *renderer, PangoFont *font, PangoGlyphString *glyphs, int x, int y) { PangoXftFont *xfont = PANGO_XFT_FONT (font); PangoFcFont *fcfont = PANGO_FC_FONT (font); XftFont *xft_font = pango_xft_font_get_font (font); int i; int x_off = 0; if (!fcfont->fontmap) /* Display closed */ return; for (i=0; inum_glyphs; i++) { PangoGlyph glyph = glyphs->glyphs[i].glyph; int glyph_x = x + x_off + glyphs->glyphs[i].geometry.x_offset; int glyph_y = y + glyphs->glyphs[i].geometry.y_offset; if (glyph) { if (glyph & PANGO_XFT_UNKNOWN_FLAG) { char buf[7]; int ys[3]; int xs[4]; int row, col; int cols; PangoFont *mini_font = _pango_xft_font_get_mini_font (xfont); XftFont *mini_xft_font = pango_xft_font_get_font (mini_font); glyph &= ~PANGO_XFT_UNKNOWN_FLAG; ys[0] = glyph_y - PANGO_SCALE * xft_font->ascent + PANGO_SCALE * (((xft_font->ascent + xft_font->descent) - (xfont->mini_height * 2 + xfont->mini_pad * 5 + PANGO_SCALE / 2) / PANGO_SCALE) / 2); ys[1] = ys[0] + 2 * xfont->mini_pad + xfont->mini_height; ys[2] = ys[1] + xfont->mini_height + xfont->mini_pad; xs[0] = glyph_x; xs[1] = xs[0] + 2 * xfont->mini_pad; xs[2] = xs[1] + xfont->mini_width + xfont->mini_pad; xs[3] = xs[2] + xfont->mini_width + xfont->mini_pad; if (glyph > 0xffff) { cols = 3; g_snprintf (buf, sizeof(buf), "%06X", glyph); } else { cols = 2; g_snprintf (buf, sizeof(buf), "%04X", glyph); } if (box_in_bounds (renderer, xs[0], ys[0], xfont->mini_width * cols + xfont->mini_pad * (2 * cols + 1), xfont->mini_height * 2 + xfont->mini_pad * 5)) { draw_box (renderer, xfont, xs[0], ys[0], xfont->mini_width * cols + xfont->mini_pad * (2 * cols + 1), xfont->mini_height * 2 + xfont->mini_pad * 5); for (row = 0; row < 2; row++) for (col = 0; col < cols; col++) { draw_glyph (renderer, mini_font, XftCharIndex (NULL, mini_xft_font, buf[row * cols + col] & 0xff), xs[col+1], ys[row+1]); } } } else if (glyph) { draw_glyph (renderer, font, glyph, glyph_x, glyph_y); } } x_off += glyphs->glyphs[i].geometry.width; } } static void pango_xft_renderer_draw_glyph (PangoRenderer *renderer, PangoFont *font, PangoGlyph glyph, double x, double y) { g_error ("pango_xft_renderer_draw_glyph(): should not be called\n"); } static void flush_trapezoids (PangoXftRenderer *xftrenderer) { if (!xftrenderer->priv->trapezoids || xftrenderer->priv->trapezoids->len == 0) return; PANGO_XFT_RENDERER_GET_CLASS (xftrenderer)->composite_trapezoids (xftrenderer, xftrenderer->priv->trapezoid_part, (XTrapezoid *)xftrenderer->priv->trapezoids->data, xftrenderer->priv->trapezoids->len); g_array_set_size (xftrenderer->priv->trapezoids, 0); } static void pango_xft_renderer_draw_trapezoid (PangoRenderer *renderer, PangoRenderPart part, double y1, double x11, double x21, double y2, double x12, double x22) { PangoXftRenderer *xftrenderer = PANGO_XFT_RENDERER (renderer); XTrapezoid trap; flush_glyphs (xftrenderer); if (!xftrenderer->priv->trapezoids) xftrenderer->priv->trapezoids = g_array_new (FALSE, FALSE, sizeof (XTrapezoid)); if (xftrenderer->draw) { if (xftrenderer->priv->trapezoids->len > 0 && xftrenderer->priv->trapezoid_part != part) flush_trapezoids (xftrenderer); xftrenderer->priv->trapezoid_part = part; } trap.top = XDoubleToFixed (y1); trap.bottom = XDoubleToFixed (y2); trap.left.p1.x = XDoubleToFixed (x11); trap.left.p1.y = XDoubleToFixed (y1); trap.left.p2.x = XDoubleToFixed (x12); trap.left.p2.y = XDoubleToFixed (y2); trap.right.p1.x = XDoubleToFixed (x21); trap.right.p1.y = XDoubleToFixed (y1); trap.right.p2.x = XDoubleToFixed (x22); trap.right.p2.y = XDoubleToFixed (y2); g_array_append_val (xftrenderer->priv->trapezoids, trap); } static void pango_xft_renderer_part_changed (PangoRenderer *renderer, PangoRenderPart part) { PangoXftRenderer *xftrenderer = PANGO_XFT_RENDERER (renderer); if (part == PANGO_RENDER_PART_FOREGROUND) flush_glyphs (xftrenderer); if (part == xftrenderer->priv->trapezoid_part) flush_trapezoids (xftrenderer); } static void pango_xft_renderer_end (PangoRenderer *renderer) { PangoXftRenderer *xftrenderer = PANGO_XFT_RENDERER (renderer); flush_glyphs (xftrenderer); flush_trapezoids (xftrenderer); } static void pango_xft_renderer_real_composite_trapezoids (PangoXftRenderer *xftrenderer, PangoRenderPart part, XTrapezoid *trapezoids, int n_trapezoids) { Picture src_picture; Picture dest_picture; if (!XftDefaultHasRender (xftrenderer->display)) return; if (xftrenderer->priv->src_picture != None) { src_picture = xftrenderer->priv->src_picture; dest_picture = xftrenderer->priv->dest_picture; } else { XftColor xft_color; PangoColor *color = pango_renderer_get_color (PANGO_RENDERER (xftrenderer), part); if (!color) color = &xftrenderer->priv->default_color; xft_color.color.red = color->red; xft_color.color.green = color->green; xft_color.color.blue = color->blue; xft_color.color.alpha = xftrenderer->priv->alpha; src_picture = XftDrawSrcPicture (xftrenderer->draw, &xft_color); dest_picture = XftDrawPicture (xftrenderer->draw); } XRenderCompositeTrapezoids (xftrenderer->display, PictOpOver, src_picture, dest_picture, xftrenderer->priv->mask_format, 0, 0, trapezoids, n_trapezoids); } static void pango_xft_renderer_real_composite_glyphs (PangoXftRenderer *xftrenderer, XftFont *xft_font, XftGlyphSpec *glyphs, int n_glyphs) { if (xftrenderer->priv->src_picture != None) { XftGlyphSpecRender (xftrenderer->display, PictOpOver, xftrenderer->priv->src_picture, xft_font, xftrenderer->priv->dest_picture, 0, 0, glyphs, n_glyphs); } else { XftColor xft_color; PangoColor *color = pango_renderer_get_color (PANGO_RENDERER (xftrenderer), PANGO_RENDER_PART_FOREGROUND); if (!color) color = &xftrenderer->priv->default_color; xft_color.color.red = color->red; xft_color.color.green = color->green; xft_color.color.blue = color->blue; xft_color.color.alpha = xftrenderer->priv->alpha; XftDrawGlyphSpec (xftrenderer->draw, &xft_color, xft_font, glyphs, n_glyphs); } } static PangoRenderer * get_renderer (PangoFontMap *fontmap, XftDraw *draw, XftColor *color) { PangoRenderer *renderer; PangoXftRenderer *xftrenderer; PangoColor pango_color; renderer = _pango_xft_font_map_get_renderer (PANGO_XFT_FONT_MAP (fontmap)); xftrenderer = PANGO_XFT_RENDERER (renderer); pango_xft_renderer_set_draw (xftrenderer, draw); pango_color.red = color->color.red; pango_color.green = color->color.green; pango_color.blue = color->color.blue; pango_xft_renderer_set_default_color (xftrenderer, &pango_color); xftrenderer->priv->alpha = color->color.alpha; return renderer; } static void release_renderer (PangoRenderer *renderer) { PangoXftRenderer *xftrenderer = PANGO_XFT_RENDERER (renderer); xftrenderer->priv->alpha = 0xffff; } /** * pango_xft_render_layout: * @draw: an #XftDraw * @color: the foreground color in which to draw the layout * (may be overriden by color attributes) * @layout: a #PangoLayout * @x: the X position of the left of the layout (in Pango units) * @y: the Y position of the top of the layout (in Pango units) * * Render a #PangoLayout onto a #XftDraw * * Since: 1.8 */ void pango_xft_render_layout (XftDraw *draw, XftColor *color, PangoLayout *layout, int x, int y) { PangoContext *context; PangoFontMap *fontmap; PangoRenderer *renderer; g_return_if_fail (draw != NULL); g_return_if_fail (color != NULL); g_return_if_fail (PANGO_IS_LAYOUT (layout)); context = pango_layout_get_context (layout); fontmap = pango_context_get_font_map (context); renderer = get_renderer (fontmap, draw, color); pango_renderer_draw_layout (renderer, layout, x, y); release_renderer (renderer); } /** * pango_xft_render_layout_line: * @draw: an #XftDraw * @color: the foreground color in which to draw the layout line * (may be overriden by color attributes) * @line: a #PangoLayoutLine * @x: the x position of start of string (in Pango units) * @y: the y position of baseline (in Pango units) * * Render a #PangoLayoutLine onto a #XftDraw * * Since: 1.8 */ void pango_xft_render_layout_line (XftDraw *draw, XftColor *color, PangoLayoutLine *line, int x, int y) { PangoContext *context; PangoFontMap *fontmap; PangoRenderer *renderer; g_return_if_fail (draw != NULL); g_return_if_fail (color != NULL); g_return_if_fail (line != NULL); context = pango_layout_get_context (line->layout); fontmap = pango_context_get_font_map (context); renderer = get_renderer (fontmap, draw, color); pango_renderer_draw_layout_line (renderer, line, x, y); release_renderer (renderer); } /** * pango_xft_render_transformed: * @draw: an #XftDraw * @color: the color in which to draw the glyphs * @font: the font in which to draw the string * @matrix: a #PangoMatrix, or %NULL to use an identity transformation * @glyphs: the glyph string to draw * @x: the x position of the start of the string (in Pango * units in user space coordinates) * @y: the y position of the baseline (in Pango units * in user space coordinates) * * Renders a #PangoGlyphString onto a #XftDraw, possibly * transforming the layed-out coordinates through a transformation * matrix. Note that the transformation matrix for @font is not * changed, so to produce correct rendering results, the @font * must have been loaded using a #PangoContext with an identical * transformation matrix to that passed in to this function. * * Since: 1.8 **/ void pango_xft_render_transformed (XftDraw *draw, XftColor *color, PangoMatrix *matrix, PangoFont *font, PangoGlyphString *glyphs, int x, int y) { PangoFontMap *fontmap; PangoRenderer *renderer; g_return_if_fail (draw != NULL); g_return_if_fail (color != NULL); g_return_if_fail (PANGO_XFT_IS_FONT (font)); g_return_if_fail (glyphs != NULL); fontmap = PANGO_FC_FONT (font)->fontmap; renderer = get_renderer (fontmap, draw, color); pango_renderer_set_matrix (renderer, matrix); pango_renderer_draw_glyphs (renderer, font, glyphs, x, y); release_renderer (renderer); } /** * pango_xft_render: * @draw: the XftDraw object. * @color: the color in which to draw the string * @font: the font in which to draw the string * @glyphs: the glyph string to draw * @x: the x position of start of string (in pixels) * @y: the y position of baseline (in pixels) * * Renders a #PangoGlyphString onto an XftDraw object wrapping an X drawable. */ void pango_xft_render (XftDraw *draw, XftColor *color, PangoFont *font, PangoGlyphString *glyphs, gint x, gint y) { g_return_if_fail (draw != NULL); g_return_if_fail (color != NULL); g_return_if_fail (PANGO_XFT_IS_FONT (font)); g_return_if_fail (glyphs != NULL); pango_xft_render_transformed (draw, color, NULL, font, glyphs, x * PANGO_SCALE, y * PANGO_SCALE); } /** * pango_xft_picture_render: * @display: an X display * @src_picture: the source picture to draw the string with * @dest_picture: the destination picture to draw the strign onto * @font: the font in which to draw the string * @glyphs: the glyph string to draw * @x: the x position of start of string (in pixels) * @y: the y position of baseline (in pixels) * * Renders a #PangoGlyphString onto an Xrender Picture object. */ void pango_xft_picture_render (Display *display, Picture src_picture, Picture dest_picture, PangoFont *font, PangoGlyphString *glyphs, gint x, gint y) { PangoFontMap *fontmap; PangoRenderer *renderer; g_return_if_fail (display != NULL); g_return_if_fail (src_picture != None); g_return_if_fail (dest_picture != None); g_return_if_fail (PANGO_XFT_IS_FONT (font)); g_return_if_fail (glyphs != NULL); fontmap = PANGO_FC_FONT (font)->fontmap; renderer = _pango_xft_font_map_get_renderer (PANGO_XFT_FONT_MAP (fontmap)); pango_xft_renderer_set_pictures (PANGO_XFT_RENDERER (renderer), src_picture, dest_picture); pango_renderer_set_matrix (renderer, NULL); pango_renderer_draw_glyphs (renderer, font, glyphs, x * PANGO_SCALE, y * PANGO_SCALE); pango_xft_renderer_set_pictures (PANGO_XFT_RENDERER (renderer), None, None); } /** * pango_xft_renderer_new: * @display: an X display * @screen: the index of the screen for @display to which rendering will be done * * Create a new #PangoXftRenderer to allow rendering Pango objects * with the Xft library. You must call pango_xft_renderer_set_draw() before * using the renderer. * * Return value: the newly created #PangoXftRenderer, which should * be freed with g_object_unref(). * * Since: 1.8 **/ PangoRenderer * pango_xft_renderer_new (Display *display, int screen) { PangoXftRenderer *xftrenderer; xftrenderer = g_object_new (PANGO_TYPE_XFT_RENDERER, "display", display, "screen", screen, NULL); return PANGO_RENDERER (xftrenderer); } /** * pango_xft_renderer_set_draw: * @xftrenderer: a #PangoXftRenderer * @draw: a #XftDraw * * Sets the #XftDraw object that the renderer is drawing to. * The renderer must not be currently active. * * Since: 1.8 **/ void pango_xft_renderer_set_draw (PangoXftRenderer *xftrenderer, XftDraw *draw) { g_return_if_fail (PANGO_IS_XFT_RENDERER (xftrenderer)); xftrenderer->draw = draw; } /** * pango_xft_renderer_set_default_color: * @xftrenderer: a #XftRenderer * @default_color: the default foreground color * * Sets the default foreground color for a #XftRenderer. * * Since: 1.8 **/ void pango_xft_renderer_set_default_color (PangoXftRenderer *xftrenderer, PangoColor *default_color) { g_return_if_fail (PANGO_IS_XFT_RENDERER (xftrenderer)); xftrenderer->priv->default_color = *default_color; }