/* * Copyright (C) 2000 Red Hat Software * * SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1-or-later * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, see . */ #pragma once #include #include #include G_BEGIN_DECLS /** * Pango2FontDescription: * * A `Pango2FontDescription` describes a font in an implementation-independent * manner. * * `Pango2FontDescription` structures are used both to list what fonts are * available on the system and also for specifying the characteristics of * a font to load. */ /** * Pango2Style: * @PANGO2_STYLE_NORMAL: the font is upright. * @PANGO2_STYLE_OBLIQUE: the font is slanted, but in a roman style. * @PANGO2_STYLE_ITALIC: the font is slanted in an italic style. * * An enumeration specifying the various slant styles possible for a font. **/ typedef enum { PANGO2_STYLE_NORMAL, PANGO2_STYLE_OBLIQUE, PANGO2_STYLE_ITALIC } Pango2Style; /** * Pango2Variant: * @PANGO2_VARIANT_NORMAL: A normal font. * @PANGO2_VARIANT_SMALL_CAPS: A font with the lower case characters * replaced by smaller variants of the capital characters. * @PANGO2_VARIANT_ALL_SMALL_CAPS: A font with all characters * replaced by smaller variants of the capital characters. * @PANGO2_VARIANT_PETITE_CAPS: A font with the lower case characters * replaced by smaller variants of the capital characters. * Petite Caps can be even smaller than Small Caps. * @PANGO2_VARIANT_ALL_PETITE_CAPS: A font with all characters * replaced by smaller variants of the capital characters. * Petite Caps can be even smaller than Small Caps. * @PANGO2_VARIANT_UNICASE: A font with the upper case characters * replaced by smaller variants of the capital letters. * @PANGO2_VARIANT_TITLE_CAPS: A font with capital letters that * are more suitable for all-uppercase titles. * * An enumeration specifying capitalization variant of the font. */ typedef enum { PANGO2_VARIANT_NORMAL, PANGO2_VARIANT_SMALL_CAPS, PANGO2_VARIANT_ALL_SMALL_CAPS, PANGO2_VARIANT_PETITE_CAPS, PANGO2_VARIANT_ALL_PETITE_CAPS, PANGO2_VARIANT_UNICASE, PANGO2_VARIANT_TITLE_CAPS } Pango2Variant; /** * Pango2Weight: * @PANGO2_WEIGHT_THIN: the thin weight (= 100) * @PANGO2_WEIGHT_ULTRALIGHT: the ultralight weight (= 200) * @PANGO2_WEIGHT_LIGHT: the light weight (= 300) * @PANGO2_WEIGHT_SEMILIGHT: the semilight weight (= 350) * @PANGO2_WEIGHT_BOOK: the book weight (= 380) * @PANGO2_WEIGHT_NORMAL: the default weight (= 400) * @PANGO2_WEIGHT_MEDIUM: the normal weight (= 500) * @PANGO2_WEIGHT_SEMIBOLD: the semibold weight (= 600) * @PANGO2_WEIGHT_BOLD: the bold weight (= 700) * @PANGO2_WEIGHT_ULTRABOLD: the ultrabold weight (= 800) * @PANGO2_WEIGHT_HEAVY: the heavy weight (= 900) * @PANGO2_WEIGHT_ULTRAHEAVY: the ultraheavy weight (= 1000) * * A `Pango2Weight` specifes the weight (boldness) of a font. * * Weight is specified as a numeric value ranging from 100 to 1000. * This enumeration simply provides some common, predefined values. */ typedef enum { PANGO2_WEIGHT_THIN = 100, PANGO2_WEIGHT_ULTRALIGHT = 200, PANGO2_WEIGHT_LIGHT = 300, PANGO2_WEIGHT_SEMILIGHT = 350, PANGO2_WEIGHT_BOOK = 380, PANGO2_WEIGHT_NORMAL = 400, PANGO2_WEIGHT_MEDIUM = 500, PANGO2_WEIGHT_SEMIBOLD = 600, PANGO2_WEIGHT_BOLD = 700, PANGO2_WEIGHT_ULTRABOLD = 800, PANGO2_WEIGHT_HEAVY = 900, PANGO2_WEIGHT_ULTRAHEAVY = 1000 } Pango2Weight; /** * Pango2Stretch: * @PANGO2_STRETCH_ULTRA_CONDENSED: ultra-condensed width (= 500) * @PANGO2_STRETCH_EXTRA_CONDENSED: extra-condensed width (= 625) * @PANGO2_STRETCH_CONDENSED: condensed width (= 750) * @PANGO2_STRETCH_SEMI_CONDENSED: semi-condensed width (= 875) * @PANGO2_STRETCH_NORMAL: the normal width (= 1000) * @PANGO2_STRETCH_SEMI_EXPANDED: semi-expanded width (= 1125) * @PANGO2_STRETCH_EXPANDED: expanded width (= 1250) * @PANGO2_STRETCH_EXTRA_EXPANDED: extra-expanded width (= 1500) * @PANGO2_STRETCH_ULTRA_EXPANDED: ultra-expanded width (= 2000) * * A `Pango2Stretch` specifes the width of the font relative * to other designs within a family. * * Stretch is specified as a numeric value ranging from 500 to 2000. * This enumeration simply provides some common, predefined values. */ typedef enum { PANGO2_STRETCH_ULTRA_CONDENSED = 500, PANGO2_STRETCH_EXTRA_CONDENSED = 625, PANGO2_STRETCH_CONDENSED = 750, PANGO2_STRETCH_SEMI_CONDENSED = 875, PANGO2_STRETCH_NORMAL = 1000, PANGO2_STRETCH_SEMI_EXPANDED = 1125, PANGO2_STRETCH_EXPANDED = 1250, PANGO2_STRETCH_EXTRA_EXPANDED = 1500, PANGO2_STRETCH_ULTRA_EXPANDED = 2000 } Pango2Stretch; /** * Pango2FontMask: * @PANGO2_FONT_MASK_FAMILY: the font family is specified. * @PANGO2_FONT_MASK_STYLE: the font style is specified. * @PANGO2_FONT_MASK_VARIANT: the font variant is specified. * @PANGO2_FONT_MASK_WEIGHT: the font weight is specified. * @PANGO2_FONT_MASK_STRETCH: the font stretch is specified. * @PANGO2_FONT_MASK_SIZE: the font size is specified. * @PANGO2_FONT_MASK_GRAVITY: the font gravity is specified * @PANGO2_FONT_MASK_VARIATIONS: OpenType font variations are specified * @PANGO2_FONT_MASK_FACEID: the face ID is specified * * The bits in a `Pango2FontMask` correspond to the set fields in a * `Pango2FontDescription`. */ typedef enum { PANGO2_FONT_MASK_FAMILY = 1 << 0, PANGO2_FONT_MASK_STYLE = 1 << 1, PANGO2_FONT_MASK_VARIANT = 1 << 2, PANGO2_FONT_MASK_WEIGHT = 1 << 3, PANGO2_FONT_MASK_STRETCH = 1 << 4, PANGO2_FONT_MASK_SIZE = 1 << 5, PANGO2_FONT_MASK_GRAVITY = 1 << 6, PANGO2_FONT_MASK_VARIATIONS = 1 << 7, PANGO2_FONT_MASK_FACEID = 1 << 8, } Pango2FontMask; /* CSS scale factors (1.2 factor between each size) */ /** * PANGO2_SCALE_XX_SMALL: * * The scale factor for three shrinking steps (1 / (1.2 * 1.2 * 1.2)). */ /** * PANGO2_SCALE_X_SMALL: * * The scale factor for two shrinking steps (1 / (1.2 * 1.2)). */ /** * PANGO2_SCALE_SMALL: * * The scale factor for one shrinking step (1 / 1.2). */ /** * PANGO2_SCALE_MEDIUM: * * The scale factor for normal size (1.0). */ /** * PANGO2_SCALE_LARGE: * * The scale factor for one magnification step (1.2). */ /** * PANGO2_SCALE_X_LARGE: * * The scale factor for two magnification steps (1.2 * 1.2). */ /** * PANGO2_SCALE_XX_LARGE: * * The scale factor for three magnification steps (1.2 * 1.2 * 1.2). */ #define PANGO2_SCALE_XX_SMALL ((double)0.5787037037037) #define PANGO2_SCALE_X_SMALL ((double)0.6944444444444) #define PANGO2_SCALE_SMALL ((double)0.8333333333333) #define PANGO2_SCALE_MEDIUM ((double)1.0) #define PANGO2_SCALE_LARGE ((double)1.2) #define PANGO2_SCALE_X_LARGE ((double)1.44) #define PANGO2_SCALE_XX_LARGE ((double)1.728) #define PANGO2_TYPE_FONT_DESCRIPTION (pango2_font_description_get_type ()) PANGO2_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL GType pango2_font_description_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST; PANGO2_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL Pango2FontDescription * pango2_font_description_new (void); PANGO2_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL Pango2FontDescription * pango2_font_description_copy (const Pango2FontDescription *desc); PANGO2_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL Pango2FontDescription * pango2_font_description_copy_static (const Pango2FontDescription *desc); PANGO2_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL guint pango2_font_description_hash (const Pango2FontDescription *desc) G_GNUC_PURE; PANGO2_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL gboolean pango2_font_description_equal (const Pango2FontDescription *desc1, const Pango2FontDescription *desc2) G_GNUC_PURE; PANGO2_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL void pango2_font_description_free (Pango2FontDescription *desc); PANGO2_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL void pango2_font_description_set_family (Pango2FontDescription *desc, const char *family); PANGO2_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL void pango2_font_description_set_family_static (Pango2FontDescription *desc, const char *family); PANGO2_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL const char * pango2_font_description_get_family (const Pango2FontDescription *desc) G_GNUC_PURE; PANGO2_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL void pango2_font_description_set_style (Pango2FontDescription *desc, Pango2Style style); PANGO2_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL Pango2Style pango2_font_description_get_style (const Pango2FontDescription *desc) G_GNUC_PURE; PANGO2_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL void pango2_font_description_set_variant (Pango2FontDescription *desc, Pango2Variant variant); PANGO2_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL Pango2Variant pango2_font_description_get_variant (const Pango2FontDescription *desc) G_GNUC_PURE; PANGO2_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL void pango2_font_description_set_weight (Pango2FontDescription *desc, Pango2Weight weight); PANGO2_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL Pango2Weight pango2_font_description_get_weight (const Pango2FontDescription *desc) G_GNUC_PURE; PANGO2_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL void pango2_font_description_set_stretch (Pango2FontDescription *desc, Pango2Stretch stretch); PANGO2_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL Pango2Stretch pango2_font_description_get_stretch (const Pango2FontDescription *desc) G_GNUC_PURE; PANGO2_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL void pango2_font_description_set_size (Pango2FontDescription *desc, int size); PANGO2_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL int pango2_font_description_get_size (const Pango2FontDescription *desc) G_GNUC_PURE; PANGO2_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL void pango2_font_description_set_absolute_size (Pango2FontDescription *desc, double size); PANGO2_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL gboolean pango2_font_description_get_size_is_absolute (const Pango2FontDescription *desc) G_GNUC_PURE; PANGO2_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL void pango2_font_description_set_gravity (Pango2FontDescription *desc, Pango2Gravity gravity); PANGO2_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL Pango2Gravity pango2_font_description_get_gravity (const Pango2FontDescription *desc) G_GNUC_PURE; PANGO2_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL void pango2_font_description_set_variations_static (Pango2FontDescription *desc, const char *variations); PANGO2_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL void pango2_font_description_set_variations (Pango2FontDescription *desc, const char *variations); PANGO2_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL const char * pango2_font_description_get_variations (const Pango2FontDescription *desc) G_GNUC_PURE; PANGO2_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL void pango2_font_description_set_faceid (Pango2FontDescription *desc, const char *faceid); PANGO2_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL void pango2_font_description_set_faceid_static (Pango2FontDescription *desc, const char *faceid); PANGO2_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL const char * pango2_font_description_get_faceid (const Pango2FontDescription *desc) G_GNUC_PURE; PANGO2_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL Pango2FontMask pango2_font_description_get_set_fields (const Pango2FontDescription *desc) G_GNUC_PURE; PANGO2_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL void pango2_font_description_unset_fields (Pango2FontDescription *desc, Pango2FontMask to_unset); PANGO2_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL void pango2_font_description_merge (Pango2FontDescription *desc, const Pango2FontDescription *desc_to_merge, gboolean replace_existing); PANGO2_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL void pango2_font_description_merge_static (Pango2FontDescription *desc, const Pango2FontDescription *desc_to_merge, gboolean replace_existing); PANGO2_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL Pango2FontDescription * pango2_font_description_from_string (const char *str); PANGO2_AVAILABLE_IN_ALL char * pango2_font_description_to_string (const Pango2FontDescription *desc); G_DEFINE_AUTOPTR_CLEANUP_FUNC(Pango2FontDescription, pango2_font_description_free) G_END_DECLS