A test with multiple paragraphs and with no-break attributes, which might trigger a crash. If it doesn't the fix has worked. --- parameters wrapped: 1 ellipsized: 0 lines: 7 width: 194560 --- attributes range 0 21 range 21 31 21 31 font-features "tnum=1" range 31 2147483647 --- directions 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --- cursor positions 0(0) 1(0) 2(0) 3(0) 4(0) 5(0) 6(0) 7(0) 8(0) 9(0) 10(0) 11(0) 12(0) 13(0) 14(0) 15(0) 16(0) 17(0) 18(0) 19(0) 20(0) 20(1) 22(0) 23(0) 24(0) 25(0) 26(0) 27(0) 28(0) 29(0) 30(0) 31(0) 32(0) 33(0) 34(0) 35(0) 36(0) 37(0) 38(0) 39(0) 40(0) 41(0) 42(0) 43(0) 43(1) 45(0) 46(0) 47(0) 48(0) 49(0) 50(0) 51(0) 52(0) 53(0) 54(0) 55(0) 56(0) 57(0) 58(0) 59(0) 60(0) 61(0) 62(0) 63(0) 64(0) 65(0) 66(0) 67(0) 68(0) 69(0) 70(0) 71(0) 72(0) 73(0) 73(1) 75(0) 76(0) 77(0) 78(0) 79(0) 80(0) 81(0) 82(0) 83(0) 84(0) 85(0) 86(0) 87(0) 88(0) 89(0) 89(1) 91(0) 92(0) 93(0) 94(0) 95(0) 96(0) 97(0) 98(0) 99(0) 100(0) 101(0) 102(0) 103(0) 104(0) 105(0) 106(0) 107(0) 108(0) 109(0) 110(0) 111(0) 112(0) 113(0) 114(0) 115(0) 116(0) 116(1) 118(0) 119(0) 120(0) 121(0) 122(0) 123(0) 123(1) 125(0) --- lines i=1, index=0, paragraph-start=1, dir=ltr 'A test with multiple ' i=2, index=21, paragraph-start=0, dir=ltr 'paragraphs and with no-' i=3, index=44, paragraph-start=0, dir=ltr 'break attributes, which might ' i=4, index=74, paragraph-start=0, dir=ltr 'trigger a crash. ' i=5, index=91, paragraph-start=1, dir=ltr 'If it doesn't the fix has ' i=6, index=117, paragraph-start=0, dir=ltr 'worked. ' i=7, index=125, paragraph-start=1, dir=ltr '' --- runs i=1, index=0, chars=21, level=0, gravity=south, flags=0, font=OMITTED, script=latin, language=en-us, 'A test with multiple ' 21 31 font-features "tnum=1" i=2, index=21, no run, line end i=3, index=21, chars=23, level=0, gravity=south, flags=0, font=OMITTED, script=latin, language=en-us, 'paragraphs and with no-' 21 31 font-features "tnum=1" i=4, index=44, no run, line end i=5, index=44, chars=30, level=0, gravity=south, flags=0, font=OMITTED, script=latin, language=en-us, 'break attributes, which might ' 21 31 font-features "tnum=1" i=6, index=74, no run, line end i=7, index=74, chars=16, level=0, gravity=south, flags=0, font=OMITTED, script=latin, language=en-us, 'trigger a crash.' 21 31 font-features "tnum=1" i=8, index=90, no run, line end i=9, index=91, chars=26, level=0, gravity=south, flags=0, font=OMITTED, script=latin, language=en-us, 'If it doesn't the fix has ' i=10, index=117, no run, line end i=11, index=117, chars=7, level=0, gravity=south, flags=0, font=OMITTED, script=latin, language=en-us, 'worked.' i=12, index=124, no run, line end i=13, index=125, no run, line end