# vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 # Copyright 2011 OpenStack LLC. # Copyright 2012-2013 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. # All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. """ Utilities with minimum-depends for use in setup.py """ from __future__ import unicode_literals import email import os import re import sys from distutils.command import install as du_install from distutils import log import pkg_resources from setuptools.command import easy_install from setuptools.command import egg_info from setuptools.command import install from setuptools.command import install_scripts from setuptools.command import sdist from pbr import extra_files from pbr import git from pbr import options import pbr.pbr_json REQUIREMENTS_FILES = ('requirements.txt', 'tools/pip-requires') TEST_REQUIREMENTS_FILES = ('test-requirements.txt', 'tools/test-requires') def get_requirements_files(): files = os.environ.get("PBR_REQUIREMENTS_FILES") if files: return tuple(f.strip() for f in files.split(',')) # Returns a list composed of: # - REQUIREMENTS_FILES with -py2 or -py3 in the name # (e.g. requirements-py3.txt) # - REQUIREMENTS_FILES return (list(map(('-py' + str(sys.version_info[0])).join, map(os.path.splitext, REQUIREMENTS_FILES))) + list(REQUIREMENTS_FILES)) def append_text_list(config, key, text_list): """Append a \n separated list to possibly existing value.""" new_value = [] current_value = config.get(key, "") if current_value: new_value.append(current_value) new_value.extend(text_list) config[key] = '\n'.join(new_value) def _pip_install(links, requires, root=None, option_dict=dict()): if options.get_boolean_option( option_dict, 'skip_pip_install', 'SKIP_PIP_INSTALL'): return cmd = [sys.executable, '-m', 'pip.__init__', 'install'] if root: cmd.append("--root=%s" % root) for link in links: cmd.append("-f") cmd.append(link) # NOTE(ociuhandu): popen on Windows does not accept unicode strings git._run_shell_command( cmd + requires, throw_on_error=True, buffer=False, env=dict(PIP_USE_WHEEL=b"true")) def _any_existing(file_list): return [f for f in file_list if os.path.exists(f)] # Get requirements from the first file that exists def get_reqs_from_files(requirements_files): for requirements_file in _any_existing(requirements_files): with open(requirements_file, 'r') as fil: return fil.read().split('\n') return [] def parse_requirements(requirements_files=None): if requirements_files is None: requirements_files = get_requirements_files() def egg_fragment(match): # take a versioned egg fragment and return a # versioned package requirement e.g. # nova-1.2.3 becomes nova>=1.2.3 return re.sub(r'([\w.]+)-([\w.-]+)', r'\1>=\2', match.group(1)) requirements = [] for line in get_reqs_from_files(requirements_files): # Ignore comments if (not line.strip()) or line.startswith('#'): continue # Handle nested requirements files such as: # -r other-requirements.txt if line.startswith('-r'): req_file = line.partition(' ')[2] requirements += parse_requirements([req_file]) continue try: project_name = pkg_resources.Requirement.parse(line).project_name except ValueError: project_name = None # For the requirements list, we need to inject only the portion # after egg= so that distutils knows the package it's looking for # such as: # -e git://github.com/openstack/nova/master#egg=nova # -e git://github.com/openstack/nova/master#egg=nova-1.2.3 if re.match(r'\s*-e\s+', line): line = re.sub(r'\s*-e\s+.*#egg=(.*)$', egg_fragment, line) # such as: # http://github.com/openstack/nova/zipball/master#egg=nova # http://github.com/openstack/nova/zipball/master#egg=nova-1.2.3 elif re.match(r'\s*https?:', line): line = re.sub(r'\s*https?:.*#egg=(.*)$', egg_fragment, line) # -f lines are for index locations, and don't get used here elif re.match(r'\s*-f\s+', line): line = None reason = 'Index Location' if line is not None: requirements.append(line) else: log.info( '[pbr] Excluding %s: %s' % (project_name, reason)) return requirements def parse_dependency_links(requirements_files=None): if requirements_files is None: requirements_files = get_requirements_files() dependency_links = [] # dependency_links inject alternate locations to find packages listed # in requirements for line in get_reqs_from_files(requirements_files): # skip comments and blank lines if re.match(r'(\s*#)|(\s*$)', line): continue # lines with -e or -f need the whole line, minus the flag if re.match(r'\s*-[ef]\s+', line): dependency_links.append(re.sub(r'\s*-[ef]\s+', '', line)) # lines that are only urls can go in unmolested elif re.match(r'\s*https?:', line): dependency_links.append(line) return dependency_links class LocalInstall(install.install): """Runs python setup.py install in a sensible manner. Force a non-egg installed in the manner of single-version-externally-managed, which allows us to install manpages and config files. Because non-egg installs bypass the depend processing machinery, we need to do our own. Because easy_install is evil, just use pip to process our requirements files directly, which means we don't have to do crazy extra processing. Bypass installation if --single-version-externally-managed is given, so that behavior for packagers remains the same. """ command_name = 'install' def run(self): option_dict = self.distribution.get_option_dict('pbr') if (not self.single_version_externally_managed and self.distribution.install_requires): _pip_install( self.distribution.dependency_links, self.distribution.install_requires, self.root, option_dict=option_dict) return du_install.install.run(self) def _newer_requires_files(egg_info_dir): """Check to see if any of the requires files are newer than egg-info.""" for target, sources in (('requires.txt', get_requirements_files()), ('test-requires.txt', TEST_REQUIREMENTS_FILES)): target_path = os.path.join(egg_info_dir, target) for src in _any_existing(sources): if (not os.path.exists(target_path) or os.path.getmtime(target_path) < os.path.getmtime(src)): return True return False def _copy_test_requires_to(egg_info_dir): """Copy the requirements file to egg-info/test-requires.txt.""" with open(os.path.join(egg_info_dir, 'test-requires.txt'), 'w') as dest: for source in _any_existing(TEST_REQUIREMENTS_FILES): dest.write(open(source, 'r').read().rstrip('\n') + '\n') class _PipInstallTestRequires(object): """Mixin class to install test-requirements.txt before running tests.""" def install_test_requirements(self): links = parse_dependency_links(TEST_REQUIREMENTS_FILES) if self.distribution.tests_require: option_dict = self.distribution.get_option_dict('pbr') _pip_install( links, self.distribution.tests_require, option_dict=option_dict) def pre_run(self): self.egg_name = pkg_resources.safe_name(self.distribution.get_name()) self.egg_info = "%s.egg-info" % pkg_resources.to_filename( self.egg_name) if (not os.path.exists(self.egg_info) or _newer_requires_files(self.egg_info)): ei_cmd = self.get_finalized_command('egg_info') ei_cmd.run() self.install_test_requirements() _copy_test_requires_to(self.egg_info) try: from pbr import testr_command class TestrTest(testr_command.Testr, _PipInstallTestRequires): """Make setup.py test do the right thing.""" command_name = 'test' def run(self): self.pre_run() # Can't use super - base class old-style class testr_command.Testr.run(self) _have_testr = True except ImportError: _have_testr = False def have_testr(): return _have_testr try: from nose import commands class NoseTest(commands.nosetests, _PipInstallTestRequires): """Fallback test runner if testr is a no-go.""" command_name = 'test' def run(self): self.pre_run() # Can't use super - base class old-style class commands.nosetests.run(self) _have_nose = True except ImportError: _have_nose = False def have_nose(): return _have_nose _script_text = """# PBR Generated from %(group)r import sys from %(module_name)s import %(import_target)s if __name__ == "__main__": sys.exit(%(invoke_target)s()) """ def override_get_script_args( dist, executable=os.path.normpath(sys.executable), is_wininst=False): """Override entrypoints console_script.""" header = easy_install.get_script_header("", executable, is_wininst) for group in 'console_scripts', 'gui_scripts': for name, ep in dist.get_entry_map(group).items(): if not ep.attrs or len(ep.attrs) > 2: raise ValueError("Script targets must be of the form " "'func' or 'Class.class_method'.") script_text = _script_text % dict( group=group, module_name=ep.module_name, import_target=ep.attrs[0], invoke_target='.'.join(ep.attrs), ) yield (name, header + script_text) class LocalInstallScripts(install_scripts.install_scripts): """Intercepts console scripts entry_points.""" command_name = 'install_scripts' def run(self): if os.name != 'nt': get_script_args = override_get_script_args else: get_script_args = easy_install.get_script_args import distutils.command.install_scripts self.run_command("egg_info") if self.distribution.scripts: # run first to set up self.outfiles distutils.command.install_scripts.install_scripts.run(self) else: self.outfiles = [] if self.no_ep: # don't install entry point scripts into .egg file! return ei_cmd = self.get_finalized_command("egg_info") dist = pkg_resources.Distribution( ei_cmd.egg_base, pkg_resources.PathMetadata(ei_cmd.egg_base, ei_cmd.egg_info), ei_cmd.egg_name, ei_cmd.egg_version, ) bs_cmd = self.get_finalized_command('build_scripts') executable = getattr( bs_cmd, 'executable', easy_install.sys_executable) is_wininst = getattr( self.get_finalized_command("bdist_wininst"), '_is_running', False ) for args in get_script_args(dist, executable, is_wininst): self.write_script(*args) class LocalManifestMaker(egg_info.manifest_maker): """Add any files that are in git and some standard sensible files.""" def _add_pbr_defaults(self): for template_line in [ 'include AUTHORS', 'include ChangeLog', 'exclude .gitignore', 'exclude .gitreview', 'global-exclude *.pyc' ]: self.filelist.process_template_line(template_line) def add_defaults(self): option_dict = self.distribution.get_option_dict('pbr') sdist.sdist.add_defaults(self) self.filelist.append(self.template) self.filelist.append(self.manifest) self.filelist.extend(extra_files.get_extra_files()) should_skip = options.get_boolean_option(option_dict, 'skip_git_sdist', 'SKIP_GIT_SDIST') if not should_skip: rcfiles = git._find_git_files() if rcfiles: self.filelist.extend(rcfiles) elif os.path.exists(self.manifest): self.read_manifest() ei_cmd = self.get_finalized_command('egg_info') self._add_pbr_defaults() self.filelist.include_pattern("*", prefix=ei_cmd.egg_info) class LocalEggInfo(egg_info.egg_info): """Override the egg_info command to regenerate SOURCES.txt sensibly.""" command_name = 'egg_info' def find_sources(self): """Generate SOURCES.txt only if there isn't one already. If we are in an sdist command, then we always want to update SOURCES.txt. If we are not in an sdist command, then it doesn't matter one flip, and is actually destructive. """ manifest_filename = os.path.join(self.egg_info, "SOURCES.txt") if not os.path.exists(manifest_filename) or 'sdist' in sys.argv: log.info("[pbr] Processing SOURCES.txt") mm = LocalManifestMaker(self.distribution) mm.manifest = manifest_filename mm.run() self.filelist = mm.filelist else: log.info("[pbr] Reusing existing SOURCES.txt") self.filelist = egg_info.FileList() for entry in open(manifest_filename, 'r').read().split('\n'): self.filelist.append(entry) class LocalSDist(sdist.sdist): """Builds the ChangeLog and Authors files from VC first.""" command_name = 'sdist' def run(self): option_dict = self.distribution.get_option_dict('pbr') git.write_git_changelog(option_dict=option_dict) git.generate_authors(option_dict=option_dict) # sdist.sdist is an old style class, can't use super() sdist.sdist.run(self) try: from pbr import builddoc _have_sphinx = True # Import the symbols from their new home so the package API stays # compatible. LocalBuildDoc = builddoc.LocalBuildDoc LocalBuildLatex = builddoc.LocalBuildLatex except ImportError: _have_sphinx = False LocalBuildDoc = None LocalBuildLatex = None def have_sphinx(): return _have_sphinx def _get_revno_and_last_tag(git_dir): """Return the commit data about the most recent tag. We use git-describe to find this out, but if there are no tags then we fall back to counting commits since the beginning of time. """ raw_tag_info = git._get_raw_tag_info(git_dir) if raw_tag_info: return raw_tag_info # no tags found revlist = git._run_git_command( ['rev-list', '--abbrev-commit', 'HEAD'], git_dir) return len(revlist.splitlines()) def _get_version_from_git(pre_version): """Return a version which is equal to the tag that's on the current revision if there is one, or tag plus number of additional revisions if the current revision has no tag. """ git_dir = git._run_git_functions() if git_dir: if pre_version: try: return git._run_git_command( ['describe', '--exact-match'], git_dir, throw_on_error=True).replace('-', '.') except Exception: return "%s.dev%s" % (pre_version, _get_revno_and_last_tag(git_dir)[0]) else: # git describe always is going to return one of three things # - a short-sha if there are no tags # - a tag, if there's one on the current revision # - a string of the form $last_tag-$revs_since_last_tag-g$short_sha raw_version = git._run_git_command(['describe', '--always'], git_dir) # First, if there are no -'s or .'s, then it's just a short sha. # Create a synthetic version for it. if '-' not in raw_version and '.' not in raw_version: return "0.0.0.post%s" % _get_revno_and_last_tag(git_dir) # Now, we want to strip the short-sha prefix stripped_version = raw_version.split('-g')[0] # Finally, if we convert - to .post, which will turn the remaining # - which separates the version from the revcount into a PEP440 # post string return stripped_version.replace('-', '.post') # If we don't know the version, return an empty string so at least # the downstream users of the value always have the same type of # object to work with. try: return unicode() except NameError: return '' def _get_version_from_pkg_info(package_name): """Get the version from PKG-INFO file if we can.""" try: pkg_info_file = open('PKG-INFO', 'r') except (IOError, OSError): return None try: pkg_info = email.message_from_file(pkg_info_file) except email.MessageError: return None # Check to make sure we're in our own dir if pkg_info.get('Name', None) != package_name: return None return pkg_info.get('Version', None) def get_version(package_name, pre_version=None): """Get the version of the project. First, try getting it from PKG-INFO, if it exists. If it does, that means we're in a distribution tarball or that install has happened. Otherwise, if there is no PKG-INFO file, pull the version from git. We do not support setup.py version sanity in git archive tarballs, nor do we support packagers directly sucking our git repo into theirs. We expect that a source tarball be made from our git repo - or that if someone wants to make a source tarball from a fork of our repo with additional tags in it that they understand and desire the results of doing that. """ version = os.environ.get( "PBR_VERSION", os.environ.get("OSLO_PACKAGE_VERSION", None)) if version: return version version = _get_version_from_pkg_info(package_name) if version: return version version = _get_version_from_git(pre_version) # Handle http://bugs.python.org/issue11638 # version will either be an empty unicode string or a valid # unicode version string, but either way it's unicode and needs to # be encoded. if sys.version_info[0] == 2: version = version.encode('utf-8') if version: return version raise Exception("Versioning for this project requires either an sdist" " tarball, or access to an upstream git repository." " Are you sure that git is installed?") # This is added because pbr uses pbr to install itself. That means that # any changes to the egg info writer entrypoints must be forward and # backward compatible. This maintains the pbr.packaging.write_pbr_json # path. write_pbr_json = pbr.pbr_json.write_pbr_json