/* * The PCI Library -- Looking up Names via UDEV and HWDB * * Copyright (c) 2013--2014 Tom Gundersen * Copyright (c) 2014 Martin Mares * * Can be freely distributed and used under the terms of the GNU GPL. */ #include #include "internal.h" #include "names.h" #ifdef PCI_HAVE_HWDB #include #include #include char * pci_id_hwdb_lookup(struct pci_access *a, int cat, int id1, int id2, int id3, int id4) { char modalias[64]; const char *key = NULL; const char *disabled = pci_get_param(a, "hwdb.disable"); if (disabled && atoi(disabled)) return NULL; switch (cat) { case ID_VENDOR: sprintf(modalias, "pci:v%08X*", id1); key = "ID_VENDOR_FROM_DATABASE"; break; case ID_DEVICE: sprintf(modalias, "pci:v%08Xd%08X*", id1, id2); key = "ID_MODEL_FROM_DATABASE"; break; case ID_SUBSYSTEM: sprintf(modalias, "pci:v%08Xd%08Xsv%08Xsd%08X*", id1, id2, id3, id4); key = "ID_MODEL_FROM_DATABASE"; break; case ID_GEN_SUBSYSTEM: sprintf(modalias, "pci:v*d*sv%08Xsd%08X*", id1, id2); key = "ID_MODEL_FROM_DATABASE"; break; case ID_CLASS: sprintf(modalias, "pci:v*d*sv*sd*bc%02X*", id1); key = "ID_PCI_CLASS_FROM_DATABASE"; break; case ID_SUBCLASS: sprintf(modalias, "pci:v*d*sv*sd*bc%02Xsc%02X*", id1, id2); key = "ID_PCI_SUBCLASS_FROM_DATABASE"; break; case ID_PROGIF: sprintf(modalias, "pci:v*d*sv*sd*bc%02Xsc%02Xi%02X*", id1, id2, id3); key = "ID_PCI_INTERFACE_FROM_DATABASE"; break; } if (key) { if (!a->id_udev_hwdb) { a->debug("Initializing UDEV HWDB\n"); a->id_udev = udev_new(); a->id_udev_hwdb = udev_hwdb_new(a->id_udev); } struct udev_list_entry *entry; udev_list_entry_foreach(entry, udev_hwdb_get_properties_list_entry(a->id_udev_hwdb, modalias, 0)) if (strcmp(udev_list_entry_get_name(entry), key) == 0) return pci_strdup(a, udev_list_entry_get_value(entry)); } return NULL; } void pci_id_hwdb_free(struct pci_access *a) { if (a->id_udev_hwdb) { udev_hwdb_unref(a->id_udev_hwdb); a->id_udev_hwdb = NULL; } if (a->id_udev) { udev_unref(a->id_udev); a->id_udev = NULL; } } #else char * pci_id_hwdb_lookup(struct pci_access *a UNUSED, int cat UNUSED, int id1 UNUSED, int id2 UNUSED, int id3 UNUSED, int id4 UNUSED) { return NULL; } void pci_id_hwdb_free(struct pci_access *a UNUSED) { } #endif